I can work indefinitely

Chapter 142 Reunion Seeking Subscription 1

Chapter 142 Reunion

After Mu Yuantu and the others left, Chen Tianzhen used the skills of recruiting apprentices on Xu Xiaojin, passing on the foundry master's profession and first and second level skills directly to him.

With Xu Kaicheng and others, using the means of a foundry, the most critical steam-powered boilers, metallurgical furnaces, steam hydraulic presses, and steam processing machine tools are used to manufacture the most basic equipment, and the equipment has reached the MAX level of skills to cast and manufacture the equipment.

All machines have obtained the terrifying characteristics of ten times the performance and one tenth the energy consumption.

According to the scale of the original metallurgical factory of the Modu Permanent Alloy Group, it would take at least ten days to produce the raw materials of [-] sabers at full power in three shifts without stopping.

With the capacity of the new factory, as long as enough raw materials are supplied, it only takes half a day to complete the production!

After perfecting the new factory, Chen Tianzhen, led by Xu Kaicheng, came directly to the entrance of Kunyuan Hotel!

"Uncle, go get busy. I'll take care of the next thing." Chen Tianzhen had a smile on his face, but the cold light in his eyes kept flashing, which was very scary. This time, he planned to send Sun Juncai and Li Tianci solved it directly, so as not to cause troubles between them and affect his mood.

"Little naive!" At this moment, Qingliang, like an oriole, shouted with infinite surprise, suddenly came from not far away.

Immediately afterwards, Lan Qingsi rushed over quickly, ran to Chen Tianzhen's side with bright eyes, and hugged Chen Tianzhen's arms, just like a child who finds his favorite toy and is afraid of losing it.

These days, because Lan Lingjun is busy with business, the time to go to Changkong City has been delayed again and again.

Today, she and Lan Qingxin accompanied her father to the Kunyuan Hotel, preparing to attend an important banquet, but unexpectedly, just as she got off the car, she saw Chen Tianzhen standing on the square.

Lan Qingsi's mind is very pure, her personality is innocent, she likes it as much as she likes it, and she doesn't hide it at all. After seeing Chen Tianzhen, she ran over directly, and hugged Chen Tianzhen's hand without hesitation of other people's eyes.

Xu Kaicheng was about to leave, but after seeing this scene, he stopped in his tracks, and when he saw that it was Lan Qingsi, an ugly forced smile appeared on his face.

He knew Lan Qingsi, she was the daughter of the boss Lan Lingjun!

Lan Lingjun is one of the most important people in the Longguo business district, and he is not at the same level as Xu Kaicheng.

Before Xu Min got into trouble with Li Tianci, Xu Kaicheng and the Li family wanted to hitch a ride on Lan Lingjun and invest in a super-large metallurgical factory called Lan's Alloy.

It's a pity that Xu Min and Li Tianci got into a stalemate later, so the cooperation couldn't continue, and they were directly kicked out by the Li family.

Xu Kaicheng has been paying attention to the relevant situation. After Xu's family was kicked out, Sun Juncai also joined Lan's Alloy. Now Lan's Alloy has completed the land purchase and design, and has entered the construction stage.

He Lida, who had resigned from Modu Yonggu Alloy, was invited by Sun Juncai to take up the post of factory director in Lanshi Alloy!
At this moment, seeing Lan Qingsi grabbing Chen Tianzhen's arm and writing it directly on his face, Xu Kaicheng felt a great sense of crisis in his heart.

Lan Qingsi's appearance is absolutely beautiful, no worse than Xu Min's, plus Lan Qingsi is Lan Lingjun's daughter, if you choose between Xu Min and Lan Qingsi, as long as you are a normal person, you will choose Lan Qingsi.

Since Chen Tianzhen came to Shanghai, in just a few days, because of Chen Tianzhen, the fate of the Xu family has been completely changed, from bankruptcy and imprisonment to the current prosperity!
All of this is because Chen Tianzhen and Xu Min are boyfriend and girlfriend!

Without this relationship, would Chen Tianzhen still help the Xu family?
Will the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of War take extra care of Xu's family?

If the Xu family didn't have Chen Tianzhen's help, would it still be as smooth and prosperous as it is now?
Without Chen Tianzhen, can Modu Yonggu Alloy Group compete with Lanshi Alloy?
Xu Kaicheng knew that this was impossible!
Without Chen Tianzhen, the so-called Xu family would be just a castle in the air, a dream come true!

"No, I have to call Min'er back and let her stay with Chen Tianzhen all the time!"

"Student Xiaolan, where is my cell phone?" Chen Tianzhen had a smile on his face. Although he didn't have much contact with Lan Qingsi, Lan Qingsi's pure and innocent character was indeed very pleasing.

"Here it is!" Lan Qingsi took out the old man's mobile phone with all the paint peeling off from her pocket, and waved it in front of Chen Tianzhen. She has been carrying this mobile phone these days, and she thought Chen Tianzhen would put it on this mobile phone Call and wait and wait.

"Xiao Tianzhen, why didn't you call my sister!" But Chen Tianzhen seemed to have forgotten about it, and never called the phone at all!When Lan Qingsi thought of this, there was a trace of grievance in her eyes.

At this moment, Lan Lingjun walked over with Lan Qingxin.

After seeing that it was Chen Tianzhen, Lan Lingjun's eyes were a little complicated. He kept using work to evade, and didn't go to Changkong City to look for Chen Tianzhen because of face problems.

When meeting Chen Tianzhen for the first time, Lan Lingjun was never polite to Chen Tianzhen, he was domineering!

Asking him to shamelessly go to Changkong City to find Chen Tianzhen, he was really embarrassed and not mentally prepared.

In addition, Lan Qingxin has always been strongly opposed to going to Changkong City to find Chen Tianzhen, so Lan Lingjun has been procrastinating until now.

"Chen Xiaoyou, why did you come to the Devil's City?" Lan Lingjun calmed down, as if he had forgotten the original scene, and greeted him naturally.

"What else? Naturally, I came to find my sister! I want to use this to enter our Lan family!" Before Chen Tianzhen could speak, Lan Qingxin sneered and choked.

The Lan family's methods are not bad, and during the time they came back, Lan Qingxin found out Chen Tianzhen's old background.

Orphans, high school seniors!
Originally, the grades were poor, but during this period of time, the grades suddenly became top-notch!
For money, he hangs out with his teacher Xu Min, causing the Xu family to anger the Li family. Xu Kaicheng almost went to prison for this.

If it wasn't for the Xu family's recent transfer of luck, who knows which gods they have caught up with, and obtained a lot of money, Xu Kaicheng would probably have entered prison by now!

From this point of view, Chen Tianzhen is simply a broom star!
"Hey, Mr. Xu is here too! Don't you know it's because he hooked up with your daughter shamelessly in order to cling to the Xu family, which caused the Li family to cancel their cooperation with you in anger, and your family almost went bankrupt." Lan Qingxin took a glance, and found that Xu Kaicheng was also there, and immediately sprayed out the harsh words.

Xu Kaicheng's originally ugly smile suddenly brightened when he heard Lan Qingxin's words!

Completely stable!

Based on his understanding of Chen Tianzhen's character, Lan Qingxin's words like this will definitely make Chen Tianzhen feel bad!
During this period of getting along, Xu Kaicheng discovered that Chen Tianzhen seemed generous, but in fact, as long as he offended him, everyone was dealt with by him, including Xu Kaicheng himself!
Originally, he was still worried that Chen Tianzhen, the fast-paced son-in-law, would be snatched away by the Lan family, and was thinking about how to deal with it, but he didn't expect that Lan Qingxin, a godly assist, would appear.

"Miss Lan, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. The Xu family can have a son-in-law like Chen Tianzhen, which is the blessing of the ancestors of the Xu family who have accumulated virtue for ten lifetimes!"

"Miss Lan, please be careful with your words. If you dare to speak rudely, don't blame me for being rude to you!" Xu Kaicheng began to scold, full of coldness and strength.

Lan Lingjun frowned, and looked at Xu Kaicheng in disbelief. When Xu Kaicheng saw him before, he was respectful and kind, at least on the surface.

Now, he dared to scold his daughter in his face, even saying that you are welcome!

Who is it that gave Xu Kaicheng such confidence?
Lan Lingjun glanced at Chen Tianzhen, whose expression didn't change at all, and his thoughts changed, "Chen Tianzhen gave Xu Kaicheng confidence? Impossible! Could it be that the noble person who helped Xu's family overcome difficulties gave Xu Kaicheng confidence?"

Lan Qingxin thought she reminded her kindly, but Xu Kaicheng scolded her unceremoniously, especially when she found that Chen Tianzhen looked at her with a half-smile, as if he was laughing at her.

Lan Qingxin's complexion suddenly became extremely ugly, pointing at Xu Kaicheng, "You..."

"Lan Qingxin, shut up!" Lan Lingjun yelled straight away. He knew Lan Qingxin's character very well. If Lan Qingxin scolded him, he would definitely make an enemy for him.

Shopping malls are like battlefields, one more friend, one more road, unless necessary, he will never make enemies easily!
In addition, Xu Kaicheng is not an ordinary person. He can turn a bankrupt company into a profit within a few days, and get an order from the Ministry of War. The people standing behind Xu Kaicheng have terrifying energy!
If you can not offend, it is better not to offend!

Lan Qing was so angry that she was trembling all over, her eyes were so cold that she wanted to eat people, she stared at Chen Tianzhen and Xu Kaicheng firmly!
PS: Book friends who read pirated copies begged to subscribe to one at the starting point, but the grades were not good, and the author was hit hard.

 100 fixed plus change.

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(End of this chapter)

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