I can work indefinitely

Chapter 143 Amazing Qualifications

Chapter 143 Amazing Qualifications
"Mr. Xu, hello, my daughter sometimes speaks inappropriately, please don't take it personally." Lan Lingjun came to Xu Kaicheng with an apologetic face.

"Mr. Lan, it's okay! I don't care!" Xu Kaicheng's words were true, and he felt very regretful when he saw Lan Lingjun stop Lan Qingxin.

To be honest, he wished that Lan Qingxin would continue to speak harsh words, so as to increase Chen Tianzhen's dislike for the Lan family, so why would he care.

"Mr. Xu, you just said that Chen Tian is really the son-in-law of your Xu family? When did you hold the wedding? Why didn't you notify me?" Lan Lingjun had a smile on his face, as if chatting.

Master Gu Tianyi gave him advice that the future of the Lan family is closely related to Chen Tianzhen. If the family wants to develop and grow, and pass the torch down from generation to generation, Chen Tianzhen needs to join the Lan family.

Gu Tianyi instructed him three times, and the first two times have all been fulfilled, allowing him to grow from being penniless to what he is today.

Therefore, Lan Lingjun absolutely believed in Gu Tianyi's words, without any doubt at all!
He is now regretting in his heart, because he was concerned about his face, he never went to look for Chen Tianzhen. Now that he is fine, Xu Kaicheng said that Chen Tianzhen is the son-in-law of his Xu family.

Not only did he regret it, but Lan Lingjun even felt a strong sense of uneasiness in his heart!If Chen Tianzhen has become Xu Kaicheng's son-in-law, what should he do?
However, it has only been two weeks since he met Chen Tianzhen. According to the information he has, it is impossible for Chen Tianzhen to marry Xu Min.

"Mr. Lan, although Chen Tianzhen and Min'er haven't held their wedding yet, Chen Tianzhen has already intervened in the management of our group, and now even I listen to him. I plan to retire at the end of the year and hand over the group to him completely!" Xu Kaicheng heard When I heard this, my heart tightened. Lan Lingjun was obviously trying to trick him, and it would definitely not work to lie directly. With Lan Lingjun's energy, he could verify it immediately.

"Oh, that's it!" Lan Lingjun's eyes lit up, as long as there was no wedding, he heard a message from Xu Kaicheng's words.

The first one is that Chen Tianzhen is not married yet, and the second one is that Chen Tianzhen has already intervened in the management of Modu Permanent Alloy Group, and even Xu Kaicheng has to listen to Chen Tianzhen.

Suddenly, Lan Lingjun thought of a possibility that Xu Kaicheng could hand over the management of the group to Chen Tianzhen. There is one and only reason for this, and that is the key to the revival of the magic capital Yonggu Alloy, and it must be Chen Tianzhen!
If Chen Tianzhen hadn't rescued the Eternal Solid Alloy, would Xu Kaicheng have given the Eternal Alloy to Chen Tianzhen's management?Impossible!
Thinking of this, Lan Lingjun's eyes showed disbelief, and he turned his head secretly.

Lan Lingjun chatted with Xu Kaicheng again, trying to figure out more things, but Xu Kaicheng is not a fuel-efficient lamp, it doesn't matter if you chat and fart, and Xu Kaicheng didn't leak any key information.

"Xiaoyou Chen, Qingxin's words are a bit aggressive, so don't take it personally." After chatting a few words, Lan Lingjun walked up to Chen Tianzhen with a smile all over his face.

"Also, my Qingsi came back from Changkong City. She didn't think about tea and food. She held the mobile phone you lent her in her hand all day long, and went to Changkong City to find you every day.

"Seeing you just now, she was so happy that she was crazy. Pity me for raising her, but now she doesn't even bother to look at me."

"It seems that she doesn't need my old father." Lan Lingjun greeted him humorously, and pulled Lan Qingsi in without any trace.

"Father, you are talking nonsense! I don't want you anymore!" Lan Qingsi blushed, and a shyness flashed in her eyes, but she hugged Chen Tianzhen's hand without relaxing at all.

Chen Tianzhen originally wanted to say something, but when he heard Lan Qingsi's words, he opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

Standing by the side, Xu Kaicheng was very nervous when he heard Lan Qingsi's words, like a big stone weighing on his heart.

As the saying goes, when a woman chases a man, it's like a yarn!
In addition to Lan Qingsi's appearance and family background, if he let it go, he was worried that Chen Tianzhen would be snatched away by the Lan family!
Well worth it!

Xu Kaicheng glanced at Lan Qingxin, who had a livid face, wishing he could push her up and say a few harsh words, but after Lan Qingxin was stopped, his eyes stared at Chen Tianzhen as if he wanted to eat people, but his words were Not a word came out.

The god teammate at the beginning has now become a pig teammate!

"Xiaoyou Chen, did you also come to the Kunyuan Hotel for a meeting after being notified by the household department?" Lan Lingjun clearly saw Chen Tianzhen's embarrassment, smiled like a spring breeze, and took the initiative to bring up other topics to relieve Chen Tianzhen.

"No! It's a personal matter, so come here!" Chen Tianzhen's face softened, and he stretched out his hand not to hit the smiling face. Lan Lingjun lowered his posture, and he could naturally see it.

"Chen Xiaoyou, how about this, Qingsi is very familiar with this area, I will let her show you around!"

"Where is Qingxin and I? I still have something to do. I'll contact you when we're done!" Lan Lingjun raised his hand and glanced at the time. Without saying a word, he greeted Lan Qingxin, who had an ugly face, and walked towards Kunyuan Hotel together. .

Although the meeting with the household department was at six o'clock, Sun Juncai and Li Tianci had already arrived for a long time, and there were some things that they needed to discuss in advance to make preparations.

This time the Ministry of Household Affairs did not meet with them in the official name, but Tian Liankai made an appointment in private, but some things must be carefully arranged, so as not to go wrong when the time comes, and good things turn into bad things.

"Father, Chen Tianzhen has already mixed up with the Xu family. Even Xu Kaicheng admits that Chen Tian is really his son-in-law. Why don't you call Qingsi back and let Qingsi hang out with a half-hearted scumbag like Chen Tianzhen!" Very ugly, with anger in his voice, Lan Qing hated this half-hearted scumbag so much!

"Aren't you married yet? How can you say half-hearted!" Lan Lingjun shook his head, not agreeing with Lan Qingxin's statement.

"Master Gu said that if the Lan family wants to prosper, the torch should be passed on to Chen Tianzhen!" Lan Lingjun thought for a while before explaining to his daughter.

"Father, our Lan family is what it is today because of your wisdom, character, and hard work. It has nothing to do with anyone else!"

"Are you sacrificing your sister's life's happiness and pushing her into the pit of fire just because of a word that the quack warlock didn't know the truth from?"

"It's not like you don't know who Chen Tianzhen is! A person who chases after his teacher for money, an orphan, this kind of person has no moral bottom line at all!"

"If you let him enter our Lan family, anything can happen! Are you sure you will be happy if your sister marries him?" Lan Qing's voice was filled with extreme anger.

"What do you know! Master Gu's supernatural powers, you can talk about it!" Lan Lingjun's face suddenly darkened, and his voice was low and extremely severe.

Without Gu Tianyi, he would never have achieved what he is today. Since Gu Tianyi said that Chen Tianzhen is the key, then Chen Tianzhen is definitely the key!
Coupled with the revival of the Eternal Alloy Group and Xu Kaicheng's attitude, Lan Lingjun already had some guesses.

Lan Qingsi's eyes turned red all of a sudden, because Chen Tianzhen is a bastard, Lan Lingjun has scolded her twice today, and in her heart, she has completely hated Chen Tianzhen!

"Qingsi, let me tell you..." Lan Lingjun couldn't bear to see his daughter like this, and was about to speak out his guess, when he saw Li Tianci walking over with a charming face.

At this moment, Li Tianci's skin is smooth and fair, his waist is swaying left and right when he walks, his eyes are charming, his face is shy like a girl, his chin is smooth and delicate, the original stubble has been completely gone, and his protruding throat The bone has shrunk by half.

Looking at him like that, he looks like a great eunuch!

"Mr. Lan, you're here, please come in!" Li Tianci's voice was gentle and sweet, with a smug face, if you don't look at his people, just listen to his voice, you look like a beautiful girl.

Whether it's Lan Lingjun or Lan Qingsi, they couldn't help but shudder when they heard this sweet voice

The two looked at Li Tianci in amazement. How long had it been since they saw each other? How did Li Tianci become like this?The change is too big, too fast!

In the square, seeing Lan Lingjun dumping his daughter to Chen Tianzhen and leaving, Xu Kaicheng almost scolded his mother!
Especially when he saw Lan Qingsi hugging Chen Tianzhen tightly, putting his hands on his chest, talking and laughing, Xu Kaicheng became even more anxious, like an ant on a hot pot, stepping from side to side, wishing to rush over and kill him. Lan Qingsi drove away.

However, he dare not!Chen Tianzhen seemed gentle, but in fact, he had seen that kind of madness before. He had never seen his two cousins ​​before!When the chariot was being manufactured, several members of the military department had some doubts about him, so they directly drove the chariot to 350 kilometers per hour. Everyone got off the chariot and lost half of their lives.

If he interferes with Chen Tianzhen now, the consequences will be unpredictable!
"Lan Lingjun, this old bastard, has no face or skin!"

"I've made it very clear that Chen Tian is really my son-in-law, and he let his daughter do whatever he wants!" He cursed crazily in his heart, and the extremely strong sense of crisis made him stare at Chen Tianzhen all the time.

"Uncle, you should go back first!"

"Ah? Alright!" Xu Kaicheng reluctantly moved his feet, turned around every step, but didn't dare to refute, he was afraid!Fearing that Chen Tianzhen would be young and frivolous, he directly punished Lan Qingsi. With Lan Lingjun's shamelessness, he would never let it go.

If Lan Qingsi was really allowed to marry Chen Tianzhen, the loss to the Xu family would be immeasurable.

"No, Min'er must come back immediately! The wedding must be held immediately, so as not to have long nights and dreams! Chen Tianzhen must be my son-in-law!" Xu Kaicheng made up his mind and hurried out.

His mentality has completely changed. At the beginning, he regarded Chen Tianzhen as a scourge, and wished he could kill Chen Tianzhen directly.

At this moment, Chen Tianzhen is his ideal son-in-law candidate, bar none!Even if he gave Chen Tianzhen the entire family property, as long as Chen Tianzhen married Xu Min, he would be willing.

"Xiao Tianzhen, why didn't you call me?" Lan Qingsi frowned and continued the topic just now.


"You are too much! I miss you so much, and you actually forgot about me." Lan Qingsi's voice was soft, and Qiong's nose wrinkled.

"Forget it, I forgive you!"

"Let's go, I'll take you for a walk around!" She had the mentality of a child, instantly forgot the unhappiness just now, and pulled Chen Tianzhen to walk towards the shopping mall not far away with a face full of excitement.

"Student Xiaolan, I have something else to do, so I can't go!" Chen Tianzhen was full of helplessness. When he met Lan Qingsi for the first time, he found that Lan Qingsi was too naive, like a child.

This meeting and contact again thoroughly verified Chen Tianzhen's judgment.

How can a girl rush up and hug someone's arm, like a koala, without letting go? This is something a normal girl can do?
"But, standing here, it's so boring!" Lan Qingsi said with some dissatisfaction, her eyes were pure without any impurities, her hands still tightly hugged Chen Tianzhen's, as if she was afraid that Chen Tianzhen would run away.

A strange light flashed across Chen Tianzhen's eyes. He used the third-level skill of the student profession to gain insight into lv1. He stared at Lan Qingsi, and there was a serious flash of shock!
Lan Qingsi's spiritual root value, according to the feedback of the insight skill, is at least 40 points. The exact number should be too low for the insight skill level to be detected.

"Student Xiaolan, if you're bored, I'll make something fun for you to play with!" Chen Tianzhen stretched out his hand, lightly pressed on the top of Lan Qingsi's head, and directly activated the skill to recruit disciples!

Lan Qingsi not only has a very high spiritual root value, but what's more rare is that she has a pure mind and a heart of innocence, which fits perfectly with Chen Tianzhen's career as a Taoist priest!

The Taoist profession is to cultivate the mind and strengthen the soul. The more pure a person is, the better the effect will be when he practices.

The Taoist priest's first-level skill enters concentration, purifies distracting thoughts in the heart, returns to the original, gets close to the way of heaven, and transforms it into soul energy. On Chen Tianzhen, the effect of this skill is to restore the spirit. On other people, the ability of this skill can strengthen the soul. Heaven and man are one.

The second-level Taoist skill, God Contemplation, can subdue the demons, emotions and desires, transform them into pure soul energy, strengthen the soul, and gain the characteristics of contemplating gods.

Everyone who gets Chen Tianzhen's inheritance can get the characteristics of the gods that Chen Tianzhen has chosen!
Because the god selected by the visualization skill, the lord of the dream, is abnormal now, it is too dangerous for others, so Chen Tianzhen has not passed on this skill to Lan Qingsi for the time being.

The third-level skill of the Taoist profession is called leaving the body!

Out-of-body lv1: The visualized god breaks through the shackles of the physical body and stays in reality. The soul body absorbs spiritual energy, and the stay time does not exceed 10 minutes each time.

The use of skills outside the body requires a prerequisite, that is, the skill of watching gods has reached the full level!
The gods conceived by the skill of contemplating gods are, in the final analysis, formed by the condensation of one's own soul, and are essentially the souls of practitioners.

When the soul body is strong enough to appear in the real world without the physical body, and the soul is not bound by the physical body, absorbing spiritual energy will become instinctive, simple and fast.

The aura absorbed by the soul can not only continue to strengthen the soul, but also strengthen the body, supply cultivation, and enhance the essence of life!

The third level of practice is actually to continuously strengthen the soul, so that the soul has the ability to survive in reality for a long time. At the end of the practice, you can travel to Taicang in your mind, and travel to the sea and the sky!Even if the body is broken, only the soul can absorb the spiritual energy and exist forever without dying.

With a thought of Chen Tian's heart, the extremely mysterious rune fell from his hand and fell into the depths of Lan Qingsi's soul.

"Wow, it's amazing! I became your apprentice!" Lan Qingsi's eyes widened, full of curiosity and exploration.

"Professional Taoist, the first-level skill is fixed! It looks a bit like a mobile game." The magic of the apprenticeship skill is that once it is used, the skill will be like instinct, and the apprentice will directly learn how to use it. Effect.

"Try using the meditation skill!" Chen Tianzhen said gently with a smile on his face.

"Okay! Master Master!" Lan Qingsi smiled all over her face and cupped her fists at Chen Tianzhen in a funny way, with her legs crossed, she sat on a chair in the square with all her heart turned upside down.

When the skill was activated, she immediately entered a state of no-thought and no-mind. Yuan Tuotuo's pure spiritual brilliance appeared in her sea of ​​consciousness like a sun, illuminating her not-so-wide consciousness space.

Lan Qingsi's soul body is extremely pure, almost without any impurities. Under the radiance of the vast spirituality, the imperceptible impurities are driven out bit by bit.

The sexual light is round and round, like the sun that gives life to all things, the gentle light shines on her soul body, slowly but firmly making her soul body solidify.

"Very good! The effect exceeded my expectations!" Chen Tianzhen nodded with a full face. Through his insight into the skill induction, he discovered that after only half an hour of practice, Lan Qingsi's soul essence had directly doubled!When Lan Qingsi's soul was promoted, a small but extremely pure soul energy appeared out of thin air and merged into his consciousness space.

Compared with Chen Tianzhen's vast soul, the soul power gained from Lan Qingsi's practice is very little!
But don't forget, Chen Tian can really recruit unlimited disciples!

If one billion people have obtained the skills of entering meditation and inheriting them, all of them have the practice effect of Lan Qingsi, Chen Tianzhen will do nothing, just lay wool, absorb the feedback soul energy, and his soul essence will be rapidly improved, and it is even possible, instantly Achievement fairy.

"Wow, Xiaotianzhen, the meditation skill you passed on to me is so comfortable to practice!" After Lan Qingsi practiced for more than an hour, she opened her eyes, and her eyes looked more pure, as if there were no impurities on the lakeside. Generally, the face is extremely relaxed, and the smile is natural and peaceful.

With just one practice, Lan Qingsi's body carried an aura of natural harmony and the unity of man and nature.


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(End of this chapter)

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