I can work indefinitely

Chapter 144 1 recommendation ticket plus update before the meeting

Chapter 144 One Thousand Recommendation Tickets Plus Changes Before the Meeting
In room 888 of Kunyuan Hotel!
"Li Tianci, you are very good!" Lan Lingjun glanced at the drinks and dishes. The order of seating was arranged by Li Tianci himself. After looking around, Lan Lingjun found everything in order, without any mistakes, and couldn't help admiring.

Then he sighed in his heart again, "It's a pity, Li Tianci is very orderly, but this sudden change of personality makes him a different kind."

"Mr. Lan, this time we are hosting Shiro Tobeda, the God of Wealth of our country, a big man who can shake the entire business district by stomping his feet."

"How dare I make the slightest mistake, isn't this harmful to everyone!" A trace of pride flashed in Li Tianci's eyes, and his voice was sweet and charming, which made Lan Lingjun's skin crawl all over.

"Li Tianci, what's the matter with you? I remember you were quite masculine before!" Lan Qingxin frowned, and looked at Li Tianci in confusion. Even if she underwent sex reassignment surgery, the change would not be so fast.

"I'm fine!" Li Tianci's expression remained unchanged, with a sweet smile on his face, and he replied very naturally, "I feel better than before, release my heart, and show my true self, I am very happy!"

"Miss Lan, to be honest, I am a little envious of you. You were born as a daughter." A trace of envy flashed in Li Tianci's eyes.

After Chen Tianzhen cut off his Yang Meridian, his body would undergo significant changes every day. At the beginning, he was very afraid of the changes, and he sought medical treatment everywhere. He had been to the best hospitals in the world, but the other party There is no way.

As the yang energy in his body became less and less, his femininity became more and more concentrated, and his psychology also quietly and irreversibly changed. He no longer resisted becoming a woman, but accepted it calmly.

Up to now, he even hated his parents for giving him a man's body, but he yearned to become a real woman.

What he hated even more was Chen Tianzhen, who turned his mind into a woman but didn't turn his body into a woman, which made him unable to sleep countless times in the middle of the night. cut off.

"Chen Tianzhen! I won't let you go! I won't let you go!"

"You turned me into a woman mentally, but let me maintain a man's body, you pervert, lunatic, bastard! I will never let you go, I will turn your body into a woman! I will castrate you! "After the psychopath, Li Tianci smiled sweetly on the surface, but his viciousness was even more vicious than before.

"Mr. Lan, I got inside information. Minister Tian summoned us, it's..." Sun Juncai sat next to Lan Lingjun, and he pointed to the sky, "It seems that there are going to be great changes in the country."

"Tian Shilang's arrival should be to let us private capital, together with state-owned capital, purchase a large amount of relevant resources from abroad."

"We are cooperating now, and we are working in a metallurgical factory. If I guessed correctly, Tian Shilang should have asked us to import a large amount of basic materials such as ores." Sun Juncai had a confident smile on his face.

"En!" Lan Lingjun nodded, the news Sun Juncai got was similar to what he knew.

"I heard that the Ministry of War is purchasing a large number of special combat knives recently! The budget exceeds [-] billion!" Sun Juncai continued to speak with his mouth slightly raised.

"He Lida, whom I dug from the Xu family, just happened to master the special steel formula for casting war knives!" He said meaningfully, and waved to He Lida, who was a little stiff, sitting on the side.

"Hello Mr. Lan, I'm He Lida!" He Lida said to Lan Lingjun with a smile all over his face.

"Modu Yonggu Alloy has received an order from the Ministry of War for 100 special knives. The purchase price of each knives is [-] million! The alloy used to cast the knives is very special. It was accidentally developed by Xu Kaicheng's son Xu Xiaojin."

"The density of the alloy is very high, sixty times that of ordinary steel!"

"The hardness is comparable to that of diamonds!"

"And I, as the original person in charge of the Xu Family Alloy Factory, happened to have mastered the formula of this alloy." He Lida had a smug look in his eyes, and a hint of arrogance hidden in his eyes. This formula is the key to the order of the Ministry of War. Without the alloy formula, blue Although his metallurgical factory is strong and has a huge scale, it is impossible to get an order from the Ministry of War.

"As long as you give me 0.5% of the shares of Lan's Alloy, I am willing to contribute this alloy formula to the Lan's Metallurgical Factory." , Sun Juncai, and the Li family's strong coordination ability, Lan's metallurgical factory will soon become a golden chicken that can lay eggs.

After thinking over and over again, He Lida set out his own conditions!
Sun Juncai waved his hand and signaled to He Lida with his eyes. After He Lida retreated halfway, Sun Juncai said slowly, "Mr. Lan, Tian Shilang has an appointment with us. This is a very good time!"

"The state will never let our private enterprises suffer losses. Let us purchase raw materials in large quantities from abroad at a price higher than the market price. Naturally, we should also raise requirements to ensure that the enterprise can operate normally after losses."

"I think that the [-] battles that the Ministry of War needs to purchase this time is a very good profit point, and I'm not greedy, as long as we allocate [-] to our Lan's Metallurgical Factory! That's enough!"

"The cost price of an alloy saber is 20 a piece. With the scale effect of our factory, the cost can be reduced to about 16. The purchase price of the Ministry of War is 100 million a piece. After this business is completed, the gross profit can reach 670 billion!" They don't have to pay a penny for the research and development cost of the superheavy alloy, they only need to pay 0.5% of the shares, and the cost is much lower than that of the permanent alloy production in Modu!
Even for Sun Juncai, money is just a number, but with a little calculation and a request, he can get such a large number, which also made his breathing quicken.

Making money is only one of his goals, his real goal is Chen Tianzhen!

He wanted anyone related to Chen Tianzhen to end badly!
Xu Kaicheng is Xu Min's father, Chen Tianzhen's father-in-law. Seeing Xu Kaicheng's recent turn from death to life, Sun Juncai felt very unhappy.

That's why he went to dig He Lida over!

At this point in time, he will discuss with Lan Lingjun and use the sword order as a prerequisite for obeying the allocation of the household department.

"Let's talk about this matter!" Lan Lingjun politely refused without thinking about it.

Plagiarizing other people's research results is not a legal act in itself. At his position, he no longer bothers to do such a thing. If he wants an alloy formula, he can go to Xu Kaicheng to buy it, or directly invite Xu Kaicheng to cooperate .

No matter which way, it is much more aboveboard than this weird trick.

Different from Sun Juncai's optimism, Lan Lingjun keenly felt that the actions of the household department were a little unusual and very domineering. They didn't agree with you at all, and you had to do what you were asked to do!
If you don't do it, after the fall, no company can bear the anger of the Ministry of Finance!

Therefore, Sun Juncai did not agree with the method of obtaining an order for the sword on the condition of cooperating with the Ministry of Households!
In addition, to Tian Liankai a character of this level, to threaten him with conditions, I am afraid that I will do so because I think I will die too long.

It's okay for Tian Liankai to speak up on his own initiative. If he uses conditions to threaten Tian Liankai and anger Tian Liankai, Lan Lingjun thinks he is not a weak person, but in Tian Liankai's hands, within two months, he can be left penniless and living on the streets , and even jail time.

"Mr. Lan..." Sun Juncai frowned, a little displeased in his heart, it was obvious that he didn't want the chance to make money for nothing, he cursed secretly, wanting to continue persuading him.

"Tian Shilang is coming soon, everyone get ready!" At this time, the person in charge of contacting Tian Shilang shouted.

Because it was a private appointment, Tian Liankai requested that no welcome ceremony be held, and that he could not be greeted at the door of the hotel. He had no choice but to line up the people present on both sides of the room door according to their financial resources, standing with a smile on their faces, and waiting for Tian. The servant arrives.

"Let's take a look at each other and tidy up your clothes. You must leave a good impression on Tian Shilang." Lan Lingjun stood at the front and reminded him worriedly.

Tian Liankai, this kind of big shot, if it wasn't a special period, if everyone present except Lan Lingjun wanted to see him, it would be a dream, don't even think about it.

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(End of this chapter)

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