I can work indefinitely

Chapter 145 Don't Keep Them Waiting Too Long

Chapter 145 Don't Let Them Wait Too Long
One minute later, Tian Liankai came out with Hunter Dragon and Yuan Shouming.

With the unique imposing manner of a high-ranking person, he glanced around and saw Sun Juncai and Li Tianci in the crowd, with satisfied smiles on their faces.

Lan Lingjun strode forward with a bright smile, his hands were ready, but he didn't extend them out. There is also a special way to shake hands. The high-ranking person stretches out his hand first, and then others can do so.

"Tian Shilang, please come inside!"

"Mr. Lan, hello, I remember the last time I saw you was three years ago." Tian Liankai had a smile on his face, and held out one hand.

Lan Lingjun hastily stretched out his hands, holding Lian Tian Liankai's hand respectfully, Tian Liankai pulled his hand back slightly, he immediately let go of his hands, and with a swipe of his footsteps, he stood in front of Tian Liankai's right, Stretch out your right hand forward, asking Tian Liankai to take a seat.

At the very beginning, Tian Lian glanced at everyone, but for the rest of the time, he stared straight ahead. Everything else seemed to be non-existent, and he ignored it.

This is not arrogant, but he has the qualifications to do so!
Because, with Tian Liankai's word, the company can take off, and it can also knock the company into the abyss, and even decide the survival of the company!
The others watched the scene with bright smiles on their faces without blinking, without making a sound.


This is the emotion in everyone's heart at the moment.

Lan Lingjun's wealth ranks among the top five in Longguo. It can be seen that after seeing Tian Shilang, he is still respectful, cautious, rigorous in doing things, and strives to make no mistakes.

"If I can have the power of Tian Shilang, my father will never dare to yell at me!"

"If I had the power of Tian Shilang, I would definitely reveal the true face of that old liar Gu Tianyi, let him spend his whole life in prison, and never let him come out to harm anyone."

"If I have the power of Tian Shilang, a scumbag like Chen Tianzhen, I will make him unable to get up for the rest of his life, let him live on the street, and be a beggar for the rest of his life." Lan Qing's eyes were full of envy, and she looked into Tian Liankai's eyes , full of awe, and longing.

"Tian Shilang, please sit down!" Lan Lingjun walked forward, took Tian Liankai all the way to the main seat, opened the chair for him personally, and invited him to take a seat.

"Mr. Lan, keep this seat for now, I'll sit here!" Tian Lian opened his hand, and what he pulled away was not the second main seat, but the third one.

"Tian Shilang, could it be that there is..." Lan Lingjun was very excited when he saw this scene, and gave up the main and second seats. Could it be that the Minister of the Household Department is coming?

Apart from the six books, who is the tallest, who is qualified to let Tian Liankai move away from the main and second places?
Could it be that two of them are coming over today?

Suddenly, Lan Lingjun's heartbeat started to speed up!
"Mr. Lan, don't think too much! Tell everyone to sit down, we are a private party today, don't make it too nervous." Tian Liankai shook his head, and said with a smile on his face, signaling Lan Lingjun not to think too much.

Seeing Tian Liankai's seat, everyone felt their hearts beating, and then began to think about it.

Which one is the tallest, it is impossible to come here!Can be ruled out!

Most likely, there are six Shangshu coming!
What kind of existence are the six ministers, as long as they can come in and sit for a while, and say a few words, they may soar into the sky!
Immediately, the hearts of the people present became even more excited.

When everyone adjusted their positions and sat down again, everyone was waiting for Tian Liankai to give a lecture, but they watched Tian Liankai take out his mobile phone and make a call on his own.

After the call was connected, a smile appeared on Tian Liankai's face immediately, and his voice was a little humble, "Master Chen, hello, I'm Tian Liankai!"

"Tian Shilang, hello!"

"Things are all arranged, look, when will you come over?" Tian Liankai's voice was full of respect, and he spoke carefully, much more humble than Lan Lingjun's attitude just now.

"I'll come over right away, thank you this time! I will remember this favor!" Chen Tianzhen's calm voice came from the phone.

"Master Chen, you are polite, you are polite!" The smile on Tian Liankai's face suddenly became extremely bright, as if the husband at home had given birth to a pair of twins for him.

Chen Tianzhen's favor, that was a big surprise, completely beyond Tian Liankai's expectation!
Let's not talk about other things, just because Chen Tian really can reach Tian Ting directly, just a word can bring him huge benefits.

In addition to Chen Tianzhen's magical powers and invincible strength, with Chen Tianzhen's favor, he will have no worries for the rest of his life, and even be able to benefit future generations.

Seeing Tian Liankai's expression, the others all widened their eyes, as if they had encountered something unbelievable.

Other than those six people, there was no one else who could make Tian Liankai respond with such a low profile.

"Who is coming here today?" Everyone's imagination was racing.

Lan Lingjun and Tian Liankai were sitting closest, with only a hunting dragon between them, so he heard Tian Liankai's address on the phone, Master Chen!

After thinking about it, I found that among the six books, there was no one who believed in Chen, and no one was called Master Chen, so I couldn't help being very puzzled.

"The person who can make Tian Shilang so low-profile is not Liubu Shangshu, but the family of Liubu Shangshu?" Lan Lingjun kept guessing in his mind, but no one could match him up.

"Everyone wait a moment, there is a very distinguished guest who will be here soon!"

"When he arrives, let's talk about business!" Tian Lian opened the phone, his face flushed, Chen Tianzhen's kindness was completely unexpected, and it was a huge surprise. This surprise made him excited.

"Who the hell? Could it be someone's highest relative?" Thinking of this, many people's breaths became short of breath. This kind of existence, even if they just meet each other, say a word, and sit together for a meal, For everyone, it is a lifetime pride and talk.

Anyone can soar into the sky if they can get the favor of the other party!In a very short period of time, reach or even exceed Lan Lingjun's achievements!


In the square, Chen Tianzhen hung up the phone, and lightly patted Lan Qingsi who was in meditation again.

After obtaining the inheritance, Lan Qingsi was almost addicted to the meditation skills, and she only completed one practice, and she fell into the cultivation state again without saying a word to Chen Tianzhen when she woke up.

Her cultivation aptitude is even more appalling. From the time she was taught the skill of concentration until now, if her original soul strength was 1, it has now reached 3!
It tripled in size!
This is also because the concentration skill used by Lan Qingsi only has one-tenth of the original skill's effect. If it can achieve 10% effect, now Lan Qingsi's soul strength must have exceeded [-]!

"Xiao Tianzhen, what's the matter?" Lan Qingsi opened her eyes, her eyes were extremely pure and clean, and also extremely bright, full of sincerity, people couldn't help but be attracted by her eyes.

"Let's go, accompany me to do something!" Chen Tianzhen pointed to Kunyuan Restaurant, with a murderous intent in his voice.

"Okay!" The power of the soul gave Lan Qingsi a keen spiritual sense, and she could vaguely sense the extremely strong killing intent on Chen Tianzhen.

She naturally held Chen Tianzhen's arm with a bright smile.

"After finishing the work later, I will pass on something to you!" Among the exercises Chen Tianzhen deduced, there is one exercise that is especially suitable for Lan Qingsi's cultivation. Lan Qingsi's aptitude is the best he has ever seen in his life , must not be wasted, she must be cultivated into a powerful combat force.

"Let's go, we can't keep them waiting for too long!"


I saw just now that No. 11 of Saifei and Evilman Valley is in charge. The two bigwigs said in the previous chapter, that's it?
After seeing it, I am extremely ashamed. This chapter was just written... Updated...

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(End of this chapter)

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