I can work indefinitely

Chapter 146 Seeing but not knowing the real dragon's appearance Please subscribe

Chapter 146 Seeing but not knowing the real dragon's appearance Please subscribe

"Boom, boom, boom!" The regular knocking sound came from outside the door of Room 888.

Tian Liankai, who had been standing by the door for a long time, pulled the door open with a bright smile on his face, "Master Chen, please come in!"

The others stood at the table, and they wanted to greet them, but Tian Liankai was extremely strict and refused to let them go, saying that the guests didn't like to play tricks like this.

Tian Lian drove to the door to pick up people, and the others stood up silently, where they dared not sit down, and looked straight at the door.

At this moment, everyone's eyes widened, wanting to see clearly what Master Chen in Tian Shilang's mouth looked like and who he was.

Under Tian Shilang's guidance, Chen Tianzhen and Lan Qingsi walked in together talking and laughing.

The moment I saw Chen Tianzhen's appearance!
Everyone's eyes widened, "This is so young!"

"Could he be the heir of a certain boss? Otherwise, Tian Shilang wouldn't be so humble!"

"If I can seize the opportunity and hook up with him, I will definitely soar into the sky!"

"Beside him is Lan Lingjun's daughter, Lan Qingsi, Lan Lingjun is such an old thing, he really has a penchant for everything, and he has been wooing him early!" Li Tianci's father looked at Lan Lingjun, full of jealousy and envy.

Seeing Chen Tianzhen approaching under Tian Liankai's respectful guidance, Sun Juncai's eyes almost fell out of their sockets, and his heart was instantly filled with fear.

"How is it possible!!" Sun Juncai couldn't believe it ten thousand times, this was obviously Chen Tianzhen who had a grudge against him!When did you become the honored guest that Tian Lian was talking about?
Suddenly, he remembered everything he had done after returning to the capital, his face turned pale instantly, and his heart was extremely horrified!
Back in Changkong City, he immediately banned Xiao Yao's account, and rewarded Chen Tianzhen and Xiao Yao with a total of more than 5000 million yuan, directly adjusted the technology, and there was no point left. He made it clear that he wanted to Overwhelm people with power!Don't give Chen Tianzhen a single point!
After returning to Shanghai, he knew that Chen Tianzhen had a relationship with Xu Min, so he immediately started to recruit people from the Xujiade metallurgical factory, just to prevent anyone who has a relationship with Chen Tianzhen from living a good life.

Just now, he wanted Lan Lingjun's suggestion to ask Tian Liankai to take away the Xu family's order for swords, in order to let the Xu family go bankrupt.

Every time he did something, he felt a burst of relief in his heart!
"I, he, really offended the gods this time!" Endless regrets welled up in Sun Juncai's heart, but he was always a figure with dignity, and he was not an idiot to make the business empire so big, and he was turning crazily at the moment Brain, thinking about countermeasures, wanting to survive this catastrophe.

Another person who is more afraid than Sun Juncai is Li Tianci!

Seeing Chen Tianzhen sitting on the main seat under Tian Liankai's respectful guidance, Li Tianci was stunned!Extreme fear welled up in my heart.

He and Chen Tian really have a grudge!Still an unresolvable blood feud!
For this reason, he also hired an assassin organization to assassinate Chen Tianzhen!

A few days ago, he had received feedback from the killer organization that the mission had failed!
Then, he increased the reward, and asked the killer organization to kidnap Chen Tianzhen no matter what. He wanted Chen Tianzhen to change from a man to an eunuch!Only by cutting off Chen Tianzhen's thing with his own hands can he wash away the hatred in his heart.

"Isn't Chen Tian really an orphan, a poor student?" Li Tianci felt his body go weak, he couldn't even stand upright, and his eyes were dark.

Can Chen Tianzhen be a poor student to be respected by the servant of the household department to such an extent?

These words lie to ghosts, even ghosts will not believe it.

"Did he come here to seek revenge from me?" A thought appeared in Li Tianci's mind, and the cold sweat broke out, and the calf under the table, because of the extreme fear, was like strings, crazy trembling.

"No, I can't let him see me, otherwise, not only will I be finished, but the Li family will also be finished." After thinking about this, Li Tianci's head, which was raised like a proud peacock, began to move forward bit by bit. Go down.

He kept praying in his heart, but Chen Tianzhen didn't see him!

Lan Qingxin, who was sitting next to Lan Lingjun, looked at Chen Tianzhen, who was calmly sitting on the main seat, chatting and laughing with Lan Qingxin, with extremely inconceivable expressions in his eyes.

"It's impossible!" The hand under the table pinched the base of her thigh fiercely, and the sensitive nerves caused extreme pain in an instant, which made her almost cry out in pain.

"Impossible, impossible, Chen Tianzhen is just a poor boy, a shameless person who wants to cling to the powerful, and a scumbag who is always in trouble! He should never be the noble person in Tian Shilang's mouth!" Lan Qingxin couldn't accept it at all, she I always thought that Chen Tianzhen was like a clown.

In the end, she found that the real clown was herself!
How could this make her unacceptable!
But Lan Qingsi, who was sitting next to Chen Tianzhen, reminded her all the time that he looked down on Chen Tianzhen, and even Tian Liankai, the servant of the household department, would bend down to greet her.

In the end, she is the Joker!
Lan Qingxin's complexion suddenly turned pale, and her eyes were gloomy, as if she had lost all hope.

There is another person who is also trembling, that is He Lida!

In Xu's alloy factory, he resigned from Modu Yonggu Alloy Group because he accused Chen Tianzhen of nonsense, saying that Chen Tianzhen was nonsense and talking nonsense. Correct, but what he said made no sense at all.

He Lida clearly knew that he was wrong, but He Lida didn't mean to apologize at all, he directly agreed to Sun Juncai's invitation, came to Lan's Alloy, and became the factory manager.

Shamelessly, he also wanted to use the alloy formula obtained from the Xu family to ask Lan Lingjun for shares.

Chen Tianzhen is Xu Kaicheng's son-in-law, he knows this, that is to say, Chen Tianzhen has at least half of the alloy formula.

At this time, he found that Chen Tianzhen was the noble person Tian Shilang said, and he appeared arm in arm with Lan Qingsi, his heart trembled, and cold sweat broke out like rain.

Now that Chen Tianzhen and Lan Qingsi appear together, it shows that the relationship between the two is by no means simple. If Lan Lingjun exposes the matter of him using the alloy formula and asking for shares, with Chen Tianzhen's status, he will be in big trouble!
Thinking of this, he felt terribly regretful, "How could I offend such a character! My mind is broken, how could I have the greed to leak the alloy formula!"

Lan Lingjun's astonishment is no less than anyone else's!

After he came back, he specially investigated Chen Tianzhen, and found that Chen Tianzhen was an orphan!Others are ordinary, showing nothing special.

If it wasn't for Gu Tian's pointing out that Chen Tianzhen is the key to the family's prosperity and prosperity, he wouldn't even look at Chen Tianzhen!Because he felt that Chen Tianzhen and him were not on the same level at all.

Even if Chen Tianzhen is accepted, it is for family inheritance!

From the bottom of his heart, he never took Chen Tianzhen seriously!
At this moment, Tian Shilang's posture has already explained everything!
Chen Tianzhen is not an ordinary person at all.

His status is countless times more noble than that of a business boss like him!
"Bai's eyes have been growing for so many years, but he can't see the real dragon with his eyes!" Lan Lingjun sighed in his heart, and at the same time he was extremely thankful that he didn't say any extreme words to Chen Tianzhen, nor did he do any excessive things.

Otherwise, according to Chen Tianzhen's current status, his business empire can be wiped out in just one sentence!
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(End of this chapter)

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