I can work indefinitely

Chapter 148 Do You Think I Don't Dare To Kill You? 4 words

Chapter 148 Do You Think I Don't Dare To Kill You?[-] characters

He Lida, who was mentioned by Sun Juncai, was trembling all over at this moment, with extreme panic in his heart, cold sweat broke out from all over his body, and he was cursing Sun Juncai in his heart.

"Sun Juncai, a bastard, obviously he tricked me into taking out the Xu family's alloy formula, but now I confess it! You don't speak morally at all, this bastard! It's so embarrassing!"

Because of his fear, most of his body shrank under the table, like a death row prisoner waiting to go to the execution ground, his hands and feet were cold, and his heart was filled with fear.

"Sun Juncai, who usually pulls [-] to [-] yuan, I don't even pay attention to it, but now he offended an expert and ended up like this, he deserves it! What a miserable word!" Li Heng saw Sun Juncai's After the game, he gloated a little and secretly laughed in his heart.

"My son, Tianci, is about the same age as Master Chen. He should have common hobbies. I will explain to him later, lower my posture, do what I like, and take the initiative to make friends. If I can become friends with Master Chen, Master Chen For the protection of my family, my Li family will definitely skyrocket." Li Heng secretly calculated in his heart that he wanted to use Li Tianci to make friends with Chen Tianzhen and gain Chen Tianzhen's care.

At this time, he turned his head to look at Li Tianci, and immediately, he realized that Li Tianci's state was very wrong. Li Tianci's head was lowered deeply. Looking from the side, he could see that Li Tianci's face was extremely pale. His face was covered with sweat, and his body was shaking like chaff.

"Tianci, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Li Tianci like this, Li Heng thought Li Tianci was sick, and immediately became anxious, lowering his voice and asking anxiously.

Li Tianci was very nervous because he was afraid of being discovered by Chen Tianzhen. At this moment, Li Heng suddenly made a sound, and he stepped back suddenly in fright. The chair behind him leaned back. Four Ya eight forked, embarrassed.

"Godsend my son, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? Dad will take you to the hospital right away." Li Heng panicked. After so many years of hard work and hard work day and night, countless pieces of land were exchanged, and the final paternity test After coming down, you will get Li Tianci, the only seedling.

Li Tianci was simply his heart and soul. Seeing Li Tianci's current situation, he hurriedly stood up from the chair, grabbed Li Tianci's hand, and wanted to pull him up.

"It's over! We're over, the Li family is over!" Li Tianci's face became extremely pale, and his heart was extremely desperate.

Ever since Chen Tianzhen walked in, he kept his head down, trying to hide it from Chen Tianzhen and prevent Chen Tianzhen from discovering him, but just now Li Heng made a sudden noise and fell down in fright. He has already made the relationship between the two of them clear in his language.

Now, not only was he exposed to Chen Tianzhen's eyes, but also his father-son relationship with Li Heng was exposed.

"Hey, isn't this Li Tianci, Mr. Li? What a coincidence! Today I saw not only Mr. Sun, but also you." Chen Tianzhen narrowed his eyes and looked over with a half-smile, his voice full of perfection. Although Sun Juncai was hateful, he used power to overwhelm others and blackmailed his money, but he didn't think about anything else.

Li Tianci was different, young, vicious in mind, ruthless in attack, and surprisingly murderous!
Use force on Xu Min, want to insult Xu Min!This is one of them!

Hired a killer, wanted to tie Chen Tianzhen away, castrated Chen Tianzhen with his own hands!This is the second!

No matter which one it was, it touched Chen Tianzhen's bottom line. No matter what, Chen Tianzhen would never let him go.

Li Tianci must die today!There is no room for negotiation!
After the others heard this sentence, their gazes instantly shifted to Li Heng and his son, and many people had gloating expressions in their eyes!
"The Li family, it's over!" Sun Juncai, who was listless, immediately cheered up after hearing this, with a malicious smile all over his face. He could see clearly just now that since Chen Tianzhen took care of him, the gloating in Li Heng's eyes, The smile that rose slightly from the corner of his mouth never stopped.

According to the meaning in Chen Tian's truth, this Li Tianci must have offended Chen Tianzhen, more ruthlessly than himself!
The so-called solitary joy is not as good as the total joy. Seeing Chen Tianzhen start to tidy up the Li family, Sun Juncai felt a lot better in his heart!

At least, he is not the only one who suffers!
"Master Chen, I don't know what my son did wrong. I offended you. I want to apologize to you on his behalf!" Hearing Chen Tianzhen say Mr. Li, what a coincidence, not only met Mr. Sun, but also the person who said this to you. At that moment, Li Heng's face suddenly turned pale, and he spoke in a panic.

Just now, when talking to Sun Juncai, Chen Tianzhen only said one thing, what a coincidence!Sun Juncai's end was so miserable!
Now, when I greet Li Tianci, I talk more and more sternly!
Combined with Li Tianci's performance just now, Li Heng immediately realized that he was definitely his good son who had offended Chen Tianzhen.

Just now, seeing Sun Juncai's fate with his own eyes, Li Heng understood that he was in big trouble!
If you are not careful, the entire Li family will be ruined!

He turned his head rapidly, thinking of Sun Juncai's handling method just now, he had an idea in his mind!

Li Heng's face was full of ruthlessness, with heartache in his eyes, he raised his hand, and slapped Li Tianci hard on the face, leaving a red slap mark on Li Tianci's white and delicate face, "Bastard!" Things, why don't you get up and apologize to Master Chen?"

"There's no need to apologize!" Chen Tianzhen's eyes flickered coldly, he could spare Sun Juncai's life, but Li Tianci must die!

"Master Chen, please spare my son, as long as you spare him, our Li family can accept any conditions! The Li family can also promise you that even if the family goes bankrupt, they will cooperate with the Ministry of Household Affairs! Please! Please, spare my son!" Li Heng's eyes were full of heartache, Sun Juncai used this trick just now, and it worked, he followed suit, and wanted to use this condition in exchange for Chen Tianzhen's forgiveness.

When he said this, Li Heng's expression was very good, his face was full of remorse, his eyes were full of pain and fear, and his tone was extremely sincere. Judging from his expression alone, no one would think that he was telling lies.

But in fact, his heart was full of coldness, but there was viciousness and hatred hidden in his eyes.

The money was earned by him fortunately and hard, so why should he contribute it!No one has the right to take out the money he kicked into his pocket!

He will not pay a penny for the purchase of materials from foreign countries by the Ministry of Household Affairs!

Now, anyway, his son has offended Chen Tianzhen. With Chen Tianzhen's power, it is impossible for the Li family to develop in the Dragon Country in the future!
As long as this level is perfunctory now, just don't do anything else, take your family away and fly away to other countries to settle down when you leave the house, so what if Chen Tianzhen's hands and eyes are all over the sky in Longguo, he can still be arrogant and domineering abroad, and he can't cover the sky with one hand ?
Since Sun Juncai said that, Chen Tian can really spare Sun Juncai!

It didn't make sense for him to say that, Chen Tianzhen continued to embarrass him.

In addition, Chen Tianzhen looks only seventeen or eighteen years old, he is young and ignorant, and he should be easy to fool when he is kind-hearted. Li Heng was proud, "Sun Jun must be thinking the same as me, As long as you fool around now, when you get out of this door, you will fly away immediately, when the time comes, the emperor will be far away, so what if you Chen Tianzhen has power! You can go abroad to arrest me!"

Chen Tianzhen's expression became more and more stern. While planting dream lures for Sun Juncai, Chen Tianzhen planted dream lures for everyone present at the same time.

Li Heng thought that his external performance was perfect, and he believed that Chen Tianzhen was young and ignorant and could be deceived, but all the thoughts in Li Heng's mind were known by Chen Tianzhen through dreams, and they were clear!
"Like a father, like a son!"

"Even if you sincerely exchanged your fortune for Li Tianci's life, I would not agree!"

"What's more, you said these words just to deceive me, and never thought of putting them into practice! I know your thoughts clearly. You think that as long as you perfunctory me, get through this level, and get out of this door, You can let the birds fly in the sky, let the fish leap in the sea, and fly away with your family!" Chen Tianzhen had a sneer on his face, and his voice was extremely cold, directly exposing Li Heng's lies.

"Master Chen, you misunderstood me. I absolutely didn't mean that! Everything I said was sincere!" Li Heng's pupils shrank suddenly, his heart was extremely shocked, but his face was full of grievances than Dou E's. Sincerely!

"No mistake, you know best in your heart! Today, Li Tianci must die!" Chen Tianzhen sneered, Li Heng was a man who was duplicity and hypocrisy to the extreme. over him.

Hearing Chen Tianzhen's voice full of infinite evil spirit, everyone felt chills all over their bodies. Even the hunting dragon, which was killed from the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, seemed to be targeted by an invincible beast at this moment. Stand up!

"Master Chen's murderous intent is too terrifying! A word of death puts tremendous pressure on me, making me feel like I am facing an uncontrollable strangeness. If he makes a move on me, I can't even catch a single move!" Lie The bottom of the longan is full of reverence.

"Master Chen, the Li family is willing to compensate you for your loss! I just ask you to show your hand high and let me go!" Seeing that Chen Tianzhen's attitude was very firm, Li Heng knew that it was useless to continue pretending. With a resolute look.

"Master Chen, Longguo is a place where the law is respected. If the emperor breaks the law, he will be punished by the law! Even if you have power and power, there are so many people here. If you really don't care and kill my son, there will always be someone Talk about it."

"Please think twice, don't ruin your bright future just because of the quickness of the moment!" Li Heng's eyes were full of hatred, he seemed to be giving in, trying to persuade Chen Tianzhen, but in fact, he was threatening!

He concluded that even if Chen Tianzhen killed someone, it would be done by someone else. Chen Tianzhen himself would never dare to kill someone!Not to mention killing people in front of so many people.

Chen Tianzhen smiled brightly, this was the first time someone dared to threaten him so blatantly.

Seeing the smile on Chen Tianzhen's face, Li Heng's eyes narrowed, "Master Chen, [-] million! As long as you promise to let me go, I will immediately transfer [-] million to you!"

"If this [-] million still makes you dissatisfied, I can only take my son, take a step first, and think of a way to satisfy Chen Tianzhen." Li Heng concluded that Chen Tianzhen didn't dare to kill Li Tianci, and said It also became stiff.

It is best to spend some money to ease the relationship. If Chen Tianzhen still refuses to let Li Tianci go, he, Li Heng, will not accompany him. At worst, he will go abroad. The money he has earned in these years is enough for Li Tianci to live happily ever after. Heng still has confidence.

"You think I dare not kill Li Tianci? If I don't let go, you won't be able to get out of this box!" Chen Tianzhen's smile became brighter and brighter.

"Master Chen, it's too much to talk about. Since we can't reach an agreement, I can only take a step forward!" Li Heng grabbed Li Tianci and walked directly to the door of the private room without saying a word.

Chen Tianzhen didn't speak, just smiled, watching the two approach the door step by step.

The others didn't speak either, watching the scene in silence.

Chen Tianzhen had just uttered harsh words, saying that the two would never get out of the box door, but now he was smiling and watching the two go forward.

If the two were really allowed to go out, not only would Chen Tianzhen be slapped in the face, but even Tian Lian, who brought Chen Tianzhen, would lose face.

"Master Chen, look..." Tian Liankai couldn't help reminding that everything had been arranged by the military department, and Chen Tianzhen didn't need any scruples at all.

"No hurry!" Chen Tianzhen didn't show any impatience on his face, and directly interrupted Tian Liankai's words.

"Master Chen, why don't I go and stop them?" Lielong said in a deep voice. In his heart, Chen Tianzhen is a god-like figure, and no one will be allowed to insult him. As long as Chen Tianzhen speaks, even if he is punished by the Ministry of Military Affairs, he will be punished. I don't hesitate.

"Don't worry!" Chen Tianzhen waved his hand and didn't say much.

After He Lida saw this scene, his heart suddenly became active, "Li Heng is right, in front of so many people, Chen Tianzhen would never dare to kill anyone."

"I'm waiting. If Li Tianci and his son can get out of the security box safely, I will learn from them."

Sun Juncai's heartstrings were tense, and he stared at Li Tianci and his son with fixed eyes, watching them walk towards the door of the private room step by step, a strange thought appeared in his heart.

Offending Chen Tianzhen, this is an unchangeable foregone conclusion!

Judging by Tian Shilang's respect for Chen Tianzhen, Chen Tianzhen's status must be extremely high!
Even if he loses his family wealth this time and is forgiven by Chen Tianzhen, there is basically no hope for him to make a comeback in the future, and he will probably live a life of poverty and precarity in the future.

Originally, money was just a string of useless numbers to Sun Juncai, but when the string of useless numbers was about to leave him, he found that he couldn't bear the string of useless numbers at all.

If Li Tianci and his son can walk out of the box safely, he is also ready to learn.

After going out from here, he immediately cleaned up his family and went to live abroad, without giving Chen Tianzhen any chance to make trouble.

Over the years, he has mastered several unofficial and secret exit routes. Even if Chen Tianzhen reacts and uses official power to restrict him from leaving the country, he will not be able to stay in the country.

Before Lan Qingxin was frightened by the power displayed by Chen Tianzhen, she had already developed fear and adoration towards Chen Tianzhen in her heart. At this time, she saw Li Tianci and his son approaching the door of the box, but Chen Tianzhen didn't say a word. Said that the little fear and admiration that had just arisen in my heart disappeared completely.

"A big man, he speaks harshly, but doesn't act at all. This time, he's completely humiliated!" Seeing Chen Tianzhen's embarrassment, she felt very excited and relieved her anger!

When Chen Tianzhen was respectfully welcomed in by Tian Liankai, to be honest, she was really scared!
At this moment, seeing that Chen Tianzhen was about to be slapped in the face by Li Tianci and his son on the spot, she was very excited in her heart, and an abnormal flush appeared on her face, "You pull, I will let you pull, now the slap falls on the face, I'll see if you're in pain, I'll see if you still have the face to keep pulling!"

At this moment, Lan Lingjun, countless thoughts flashed in his mind, with deep thought in his eyes, he looked at Li Tianci and his son who were about to walk to the door, and then looked at Li Tianci and his son who were about to walk to the door. Chen Tianzhen who added food.

Li Heng took Li Tianci and looked at the door that was close at hand. He breathed a sigh of relief and showed a smug smile on his face, "Sure enough, my judgment is correct. Even if Chen Tianzhen is powerful, he would not dare Come on, shoot me! He is a paper tiger, he can do nothing but scare people, and dare not do anything!"

"Chen Tianzhen, I will never let it go! I will definitely kill you!" A sinister light flashed in Li Tianci's eyes. Chen Tianzhen not only turned him into a woman psychologically, but also made him embarrass himself in public this time. It caused him to go far away next time.

He hated Chen Tianzhen to the extreme, wishing to eat his flesh and drink his blood!

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(End of this chapter)

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