I can work indefinitely

Chapter 149 A blatant shot, the soul flies away

Chapter 149 A blatant shot, the soul flies away
Seeing that Li Tianci and his son were about to cross the threshold and walk out of the box, everyone's hearts were in their throats.

A cold light flashed in Chen Tianzhen's eyes, and through the dream that merged into the souls of the two of them as a bond, the extremely powerful soul energy instantly burst out with incomparably terrifying power.

Li Heng and Li Tianci, the aura in their eyes suddenly disappeared, and their souls flew away!

Their bodies leaned back, and with a muffled sound, they fell to the ground, just within the threshold of the box. When they fell, they had already passed away.

The expressions of Li Tianci and his son were frozen at the moment before they died.

Li Heng still had a smug smile on his face, and Li Tianci still maintained an extremely resentful look on his face.

"What's the matter?" Sun Juncai's voice trembled, he quickly stood up from his seat, and strode to the door of the private room. He felt a strong sense of uneasiness, which made him want to escape from the private room immediately.

Normally, he didn't have much contact with Li Tianci and his son at all, but because of the strong sense of uneasiness in his heart, seeing the Li family and his son collapsed, he stood up from his seat immediately and rushed over.

First, I wanted to see what happened to Li Tianci and his son, and why they suddenly fell down.

Secondly, I want to take this opportunity to get close to the door, so that if something happens, I can escape immediately.

"Mr. Li, what's wrong with you? Why did you collapse so suddenly?" Sun Juncai called out, seeing that the two of them didn't respond at all, the uneasiness in his heart became more intense. He knelt down and pushed Li Heng, Li Heng still didn't make any movement, and the expression on his face seemed to be frozen, without any change.

Cold sweat broke out from Sun Juncai's forehead in a flash, "You won't die, will you?"

With a look of disbelief in his eyes, he reached out tremblingly and put it in front of Li Heng's nostrils. Ten seconds later, he retracted like an electric shock, his face extremely terrified.

Because he found that Li Heng had no breath and was dead!
Looking at Li Tianci again, he found that Li Tianci's expression hadn't changed in the slightest. Immediately, an endless chill appeared in his heart.

"Dead...dead...dead...it's gone!" Sun Juncai stammered with trembling lips, bouncing up from the ground like a rabbit, looking at the threshold close at hand, originally wanted to escape, but At this moment, he didn't dare at all.

Sun Juncai's face was pale, and he was extremely frightened. From the looks of it at this moment, this door was like a monster devouring people. Because of his extreme fright, his body trembled slightly, and he moved with difficulty, walking towards the dining table.

Originally, he wanted to take the opportunity to check and walk out of the private room directly.

But after discovering that Li Tianci and his son died inside the threshold of the private room, even if he borrowed a hundred courage, he wouldn't dare to leave without authorization. The words Chen Tianzhen said before, "If I don't let go, no one can get out of this private room!" It kept echoing in his mind.

When Li Tianci and his son walked over, they were fine, there was nothing wrong, and they were about to step out when they died in an instant!
Even if Sun Juncai was a fool, he now understood that the death of Li Tianci and his son was definitely caused by Chen Tianzhen!
Seeing that Chen Tianzhen didn't say a word before, he thought Chen Tianzhen would be slapped in the face by Li Tianci and his son, but now he finally understood that this is not a slap in the face, it is clearly courting death!
Hearing Sun Juncai's words, everyone looked extremely shocked, their breathing stopped suddenly, their faces were filled with astonishment, and they were extremely terrified!
The sentence that Chen Tianzhen said before, "If I don't let go, no one will even try to get out of this box!" resounded in everyone's minds like Hong Zhong Dalu.

When Chen Tianzhen came out, he glanced at Li Tianci and his son, and from the beginning to the end, he didn't glance at the door. At this moment, with a piece of vegetable moss in his chopsticks, his face was calm and smiling, looking extremely gentle!

But the eyes of everyone looking at Chen Tianzhen changed!
Full of terror and awe!
No one knows how Li Tianci and his son died!They only knew that the death of Li Tianci and his son was definitely caused by Chen Tianzhen!

Li Tianci and his son fell to the ground without a sound, just like that, without a breath!

This kind of method is appalling, without any warning, silent and silent, killing people directly!
This is even more horrifying than when Chen Tianzhen charged up and killed Li Tianci and Li Tianci with flesh and blood.

They still understand this method of rushing forward to kill people, and they can also think of how to defend against it.

But this silent method of killing people is like witchcraft, making people's scalp numb and goose bumps appearing all over their bodies.

He Lida was almost scared out of his wits by this scene. He was thinking that after Li Tianci and his son walked out, he would follow. Seeing this situation, he trembled all over his body.

Whether it was Lan Lingjun or Tian Liankai, they were all horrified at the moment, killing people from a distance without making a sound. If Chen Tianzhen used this method on them, their fate would not be much better than that of Li Tianci and his son.

"Master Chen's methods are horrifying and frightening to death. Fortunately, I have always been respectful to Master Chen and have never done anything wrong to him." Tian Lian was very happy.

"Is this why Chen Tianzhen was regarded as the guest of honor by Tian Shilang? It's really terrible!" At this moment, Lan Lingjun was also frightened by Chen Tianzhen's methods and was covered in cold sweat.

With Chen Tianzhen's method of silently killing people across the air, it is understandable to be regarded as the guest of honor by Tian Shilang, because Chen Tianzhen has mastered the power to kill anyone.

"I knew that Master Chen would never let these two survive!" Seeing Li Tianci and his son fell to the ground dead, Lie Long heaved a sigh of relief.

The towering ghost king, Chen Tianzhen can kill with one move, let alone two ordinary people, Li Tianci's father and son's death, hunting dragon thinks it is too normal, but the two died too comfortably, which makes him feel that it is not enough Degas.

At this moment, Lan Qingxin's face was extremely pale, her hands were tightly clasped in front of her chest, the torture weapon kept shaking up and down, and her whole body was trembling uncontrollably.


At this moment, where did she still have the idea of ​​watching Chen Tianzhen's jokes, all she had was endless terror in her heart.

This kind of silent method of killing made her feel cold all over. Before that, she still laughed in her heart that Chen Tianzhen was a pussy who could only speak cruel words, like a harmless little white rabbit.

At this moment, Chen Tianzhen's tricks were revealed, causing Li Tianci and his son to die instantly.

The ruthlessness, decisiveness, and domineering that Chen Tianzhen displayed completely overwhelmed her.

What kind of little white rabbit is this? It's obviously a downhill tiger who has been choosing people to eat!

At this moment, she fully realized that the money in her family was really nothing in front of Chen Tianzhen who possessed such power, it was nothing!

If Chen Tianzhen wanted money, it would be too simple to use the method Chen Tianzhen showed to change the owner of the Lan family. Just like how he dealt with Li Tianci and his son, he would kill the Lan family and threaten the group's senior management with death. He could become Chen Tianzhen in an instant.

Therefore, she always thought that Chen Tian really wanted to cling to her family and get into the upper echelons, but now that she thinks about it, this is simply nonsense!It's a joke!
She is obviously herself, high above everything, supercilious, thinking that money can do everything, she has become a frog in a well, and she has not recognized the essence of this world at all, power is the foundation of everything!

With this kind of power in his body, the so-called upper-class people are nothing in Chen Tianzhen's eyes. If they get angry, they will be killed immediately!
Lan Qingxin was as proud as a peacock's head, she lowered her head deeply at this moment, and looked at Chen Tianzhen with eyes that were very similar to those ordinary people who saw her in the past.

In addition to envy and longing, there is more awe!
"Hunting dragon, call the police immediately and call 120 for first aid!" Chen Tianzhen ordered.

"The current appearance of Li Tianci and his son should be due to a sudden illness and death. They are destined to be at the same table, so they can't just ignore death! Although I think they are hopeless, they should do their best. Whether they can survive is up to them. It's fate." In one sentence, the death of Li Tianci and his son can be determined. No one can find fault with this statement, because Chen Tianzhen and Li Tianci's father and son have never had a physical collision today. The monitoring in the private room can Fully proven.

This is the reason why Chen Tianzhen didn't violently kill people!

In addition, inducing Mengyin and indirectly killing people is better than the deterrent effect of punching and flying flesh and blood. This method seems mysterious and weird to outsiders, and it is impossible to defend against, and it will make people feel a stronger sense of awe.

A sense of awe is a good thing, and it can make him do many things more quickly and conveniently.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now!" Lieutenant stood up and walked out!

After hearing these words, Sun Juncai, who had just sat down on the seat, felt icy cold all over, and was utterly terrified of Chen Tianzhen's methods.

From the moment they entered the box, they turned their hands into clouds and rain, first they knocked him down from the clouds, and then, Li Tianci and his son disobeyed his intentions a little, and without hesitation, they did it from the air without any smell of fireworks. Both died violently.

They said they were not allowed to leave the room, but Li Tianci and his son refused to listen, went out privately, and killed him directly!

How domineering!
After the death of Li Tianci's father and son, he picked himself up completely and had nothing to do with it. Everyone knew what happened, but they couldn't find any evidence.

The means are clever!

The only thing that made Sun Juncai rejoice was that he relented on the spot. If he had said half a word wrong at that time, he would definitely be the first to die!

What made Sun Juncai even more rejoicing was that Li Tianci and his son jumped out and tested Chen Tianzhen's bottom line at the cost of death!

Whoever dares to cross the red line drawn by Chen Tianzhen will die!

If he followed his previous thinking and ran away after finding a reason, if Li Tianci and his son hadn't taken the lead in the front, he might be the one who died now.

"Everyone, eat the vegetables! It's quite delicious, such a big meal, don't waste it!" Chen Tianzhen spoke in a flat voice, picking up a piece of braised beef and putting it in his mouth.

"Well, this braised beef is very well done." Chen Tianzhen had an expression of enjoyment on his face.

Only Lan Qingsi picked up a piece curiously, and chewed with enjoyment on her face, "Well, Xiaotian really recommended it, it's really good."

Of the few remaining people, none of them made a move.

The corpses of Li Tianci and his son were still at the gate, how could they eat them.

Except for Lan Qingsi, who was heartless and simple-minded, everyone was chilled by Chen Tianzhen's methods, even Tian Liankai was the same, his forehead was slightly sweating.

The person I fear the most is He Lida!
The sweat on his body was like rain, and the white shirt seemed to be fished out of the water, clinging to him tightly, his face was pale, and the hands on his legs were shaking constantly.

"He Lida, you are quite courageous!" At this moment, Chen Tianzhen put down his chopsticks and looked over.

With just one sentence, He Lida was scared out of his wits. He pushed the chair back suddenly and knelt down, his voice trembling, his eyes filled with extreme horror, "Mr. Chen, I was wrong! I was wrong! Please, please Do not kill me!"

"Alloy formula, I will never disclose it!"

"Please, please forgive me this time. I was deceived by lard. Now that I am awake, I will never dare!"

"Please, please! I haven't leaked the formula yet, so I'm not guilty of death! Mr. Chen!" While speaking, He Lida, a big man, had snot and tears streaming down his face, his voice With a crying voice, she was directly ashamed to the extreme.

"Little naive, since He Lida didn't disclose the formula, it's true that death is not a crime, so forget it? Give him a break." Lan Qingsi looked at He Lida's words, and quickly put down her chopsticks, her face full of discomfort.

She just has a pure personality and is not stupid!

In fact, in many cases, she sees clearly than everyone else, but she is too pure and doesn't care about many things.

Especially after Chen Tianzhen passed on the Taoist profession to her, her soul grew rapidly, and her spiritual sense became more acute.

She has no objection to Chen Tianzhen killing the person who deserves to be killed, but she does not want Chen Tianzhen to become a bloodthirsty person.

"I'm not a bloodthirsty person either!" Chen Tianzhen said calmly, "Since Lan Qingsi pleaded for you, I will let you go this time!"

"Thank you Master Chen, thank you Miss Lan!" He Lida was overjoyed and kowtowed wildly to the two of them.

"But if you don't know how to cherish, and you have thoughts that you shouldn't have again, no matter you are at the end of the world or at the end of the world, I can instantly make you go out of your wits just by thinking about it! Just like them." Chen Tianzhen stretched out his hand and pointed Li Tianci and his son at the door.

When he said this, Chen Tianzhen looked around, as if warning He Lida, but in fact he was speaking for everyone present.

He wants to tell everyone clearly that as long as he, Chen Tianzhen, wants anyone to die, no matter where he hides, he must die!
Sun Juncai's complexion became even paler. He had some doubts about what Chen Tianzhen said, but he didn't dare to bet, because just now he bet that Chen Tianzhen would not dare to touch Li Tianci and his son, and now they have turned into corpses!
In the eyes of others, an irrepressible look of fear flickered!

Just now, Chen Tianzhen's method of killing people from a distance has made them terrified. According to the meaning of Chen Tianzhen's words, Chen Tianzhen's unimaginable method of killing people from a distance has no distance limit!
It's so scary!
"Go away! Take care of yourself!" Chen Tianzhen pointed at the door, and He Lida rushed out as if he had been pardoned.

"Master Chen, everything here has been arranged." Lielong strode towards Chen Tianzhen with fanaticism in his eyes, "It's no longer suitable to eat here, please move to room 999."

"it is good!"


"Mr. Lan, do you still remember what I said when we first met, Miss Lan dropped a 1000 million check for me to pick up?" In the 999 private room, several people sat down, and Chen Tianzhen had a smile on his face. With a gentle smile, he looked at Lan Lingjun and spoke.

As soon as this sentence came out, Lan Qingxin's face turned pale and she was full of shame. Just this sentence made her feel that she had become the biggest joke at the dinner table.

"Master Chen, Lan Qingxin, since she was a child..." Lan Lingjun's heart tightened, his face was full of apology, and he quickly opened his mouth to explain. He was afraid. Chen Tianzhen mentioned Sun Juncai and Li Tianci just now. After a few words, Sun Juncai Bankrupt, Li Tianci and his son died unexpectedly.

"Mr. Lan, don't worry, I'm very magnanimous, and I didn't take what happened at that time to heart. What I mean by this is to ask you, do you remember what I said at that time?" Chen Tianzhen waved his hand , Getting angry with a woman with big breasts and no brains will only lower his level.


Ha ha!

Everyone's faces were calm, but there was surprise and disbelief hidden in their eyes!
"At that time you said that money would soon become waste paper!" Lan Lingjun answered affirmatively after recalling it carefully.

"That's right, that's what I said at the time, Boss Lan, cooperate well with the actions of the household department!" Chen Tianzhen nodded. There is not much else. Die!
"I won't participate in major national affairs, you guys talk slowly! I still have something to do, so I'll leave first!" Chen Tianzhen stood up directly, "Xielong, Yuan Shouming, Xiaolan, the three of you will go with me! "

The three of them all need to inherit their profession and skills!

In addition, there is another big thing that needs to be dealt with by Chen Tianzhen, that is to reopen the dream space!

Before reopening the dream space, the indifferent avatar that is getting more and more wrong must be dealt with first. Chen Tian really doesn't want everything he has worked so hard to become someone else's wedding dress!

4000-word chapter, update one chapter first, if you can write it in the afternoon, update another chapter, please subscribe...

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(End of this chapter)

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