I can work indefinitely

Chapter 150 Inheritance of Apprentices, Immortal Emperor

Chapter 150 Inheritance of Apprentices, Immortal Emperor

Chen Tianzhen had already made arrangements for Yuan Shouming and Dragon Hunting careers.

Yuan Shoucheng inherits the hexagram master profession!
What Yuan Shouming is practicing now is the visualization map of the universe and stars that Chen Tianzhen passed on to him. The visualization map of the universe and stars is obtained from the fragments of the Divine Algorithm Sutra.

After practicing for this period of time, Yuan Shouming has lit up a star, and can absorb star power from the void, slowly making up for the life span he used to use the retrograde talent before!

The source of the hexagram teacher's profession is also a fragment of the divine calculation scriptures!
It is most suitable for Yuan Shouming to inherit the profession of hexagram master. Check luck, give blessings, cast curses, plus his retrospective talent, there is no disadvantage!

Hunting Dragon has a resolute personality, a heart, and great perseverance. With his identity, he will inevitably rush to the front line. Although the martial artist profession does not have any offensive capabilities, it can enhance the potential of Hunting Dragon and allow Hunting Dragon to be a warrior. On this road, go further!
Therefore, the profession that Chen Tianzhen intends to pass on to the dragon hunter is warrior!
"Yuan Shouming, I will inherit your career as a divination master. You can check your luck, give blessings, and cast curses. With your talent, you can manipulate the fate of the sky and plan for thousands of miles!"

"I'll teach you the practice method, the Xingchenyanjue. This exercise can bring out your talent and the strongest power of your profession." On paper, it is deduced by combining the Hunyuan Tiantu. It is very powerful. It controls the battlefield, just like observing the tattoos on the palm.

After the completion of Xing Chen Yan Tian Jue, five runes were condensed. During this period, Chen Tianzhen frantically deduced it, which is considered one of the best cultivation methods!

"If you receive the inheritance, you will become my disciple. I will control life and death. Yuan Shouming, are you willing?" After Chen Tianzhen finished speaking, his voice was extremely stern, and he looked directly at Yuan Shouming.

"Master, please accept my worship!" Yuan Shouming knelt down in front of Chen Tianzhen without any hesitation, respectfully kowtowed to his master, if Chen Tianzhen hadn't passed on his visualization map of the stars in the universe, he would have lost his life because of his overdrawn life. It's been a few years since he used his talent. Chen Tianzhen has saved his life for him, and now he is even teaching him supernatural powers. He is grateful in his heart, and there is no reason to refuse.

"Accept disciples!" Chen Tianzhen unreservedly passed on the job of hexagram teacher to Yuan Shouming along with three skills.

"Teaching!" Immediately afterwards, all the cultivation techniques of Xingchenyantianjue were sent into Yuan Shouming's mind, and along with that, Chen Tianzhen transferred all the contents recorded in the fragments of the Sutra of Divine Algorithm into Yuan Shouming's memory.

"Thank you, Master, for teaching the Dharma!" Yuan Shouming, who had received the inheritance, sensed the information of the inheritance, and his eyes widened immediately. Whether it was the three supernatural powers, or the exercises and the remnants of the divine calculation scriptures passed down by Chen Tianzhen, they were all inconceivably strong , especially the hexagram master profession, is like a fairy method.

"Cultivate well, use supernatural powers carefully, and never use them unless it is absolutely necessary! You can use Wangqi supernatural powers up to six times a day, and you are not qualified to use the other two supernatural powers now! The content of the volume, this exercise can nourish luck, it is the foundation of your practice!" The skills of the hexagram master profession do not consume spiritual power, but luck value, once the luck value is exhausted, the gods will fall, this I'm not joking, only in the Sutra of God's Algorithm, how to improve one's luck is recorded.

Through the student's third-level skill insight level 1, Chen Tianzhen can check the four-dimensional attributes, luck value, and spiritual root value of ordinary people, and can also estimate a rough estimate.

"Hunting Dragon, I am going to inherit your martial artist profession, which can increase your potential and allow you to go further on the road of martial arts!" After explaining the precautions for practicing to Yuan Shouming, Chen Tianzhen turned his head and looked at Hunting Dragon !

"In addition, based on the Ten Forms of Fierce Soldiers, I have deduced a second-order practice method, Zhan Bing Jue." Zhan Bing Jue is a second-order practice method derived by Chen Tianzhen for soldiers. On top of that, add two runes to push the skill level to the level of five runes.

When more than 10 people perform it together, they can achieve the terrifying state of true Qi connecting and merging into one.

100 people cast it at the same time, and the person with the highest cultivation can manipulate the true energy of soldiers, form evil spirits into soldiers, attack and kill from a long distance, and the power is very powerful.

The second-level cultivation reaches the Mahayana realm, and through the transcendence runes in the eyes, the door of hell can be condensed, and the third-level skill of the Buddhist disciples can be directly connected, Lingshan!

After the appearance of Lingshan, the third-level skill of Buddhist disciples, Chen Tianzhen finally understood the meaning of the small space of Buddha's light. The small space of Buddha's light is only a small part of Lingshan.

Lingshan is the mountain of spirituality, the mountain of soul, and the mountain of soul!
It can contain souls and suppress ghosts!Even if the divine sense is indestructible, Lingshan can be obliterated!

And the root of Lingshan skills is to open up a spiritual mountain between reality and reality in Chen Tianzhen's mind!
"It's still the same sentence, if you receive my inheritance, you will become my disciple, and I will control life and death. Hunting dragons, are you willing?" Chen Tianzhen's voice was extremely stern.

"Hunting dragon can't ask for it! Master, please accept my worship!" Without hesitation, hunting dragon directly kowtowed, with extreme enthusiasm in his eyes. He had seen Chen Tianzhen's magic tricks, and he was willing to do it a thousand times. , Chen Tian would really regret it.



"Thank you, Master!" After accepting the inheritance, Hunter Dragon's eyes became more and more enthusiastic. After obtaining the job, he finally understood that Chen Tian could really eat so many canned food in the ancient battlefield!It is a supernatural glutton, which can open up space in the stomach and store supplies!The Zhan Bing Jue inherited from him made his breathing even more rapid. According to the introduction, the more people practice this exercise, the better the effect. In addition, the practice is simple and rough, and it is simply tailor-made for soldiers in the army. These circumstances once again refreshed Hunter Dragon's perception of Chen Tianzhen.

"The future is difficult. Human beings are reduced to pigs, dogs, and animals. We only have three years to prepare. I hope you can cultivate well! Go!" Chen Tianzhen waved his hands, and the two retreated respectfully.

"Xiao Tianzhen, let me say it first, I will never take you as my teacher." Before Chen Tianzhen could speak, Lan Qingsi spoke with a charming face.

Chen Tianzhen smiled and shook his head. Asking Lielong and Yuan Shouming to worship him as a teacher is actually just an attitude, a way to convey the attitude to the official, and it is not a necessary procedure.

The teacher's third-level skill apprenticeship can not only pass on the skills, but also take back the skills. It can also control the life and death of the inheritor. After being inherited by him, life and death are controlled by him. This is not just a joke.

"Don't worry, I don't need you to beg me!" Chen Tianzhen was smiling all over his face. He asked Lan Qingsi to come back with him. Naturally, he had a purpose, that is to pass on the cultivation method to Lan Qingsi.

The level of insight skills is only up to level lv1 now. It can clearly see the four-dimensional attributes of ordinary people, and can estimate the general luck and spiritual root value of ordinary people.

Lan Qingsi's spiritual root attribute is the highest among all the people he has ever seen, estimated to have more than 40 points!As for the exact amount, because the skill level is too low, Chen Tianzhen has no way of knowing.

With this kind of qualification, even in the Heavenly Sacred Sect in the previous life, he can become a direct disciple, and the great monks in the Heavenly Sacred Sect will personally protect and practice.

It is only a first-level skill of a Taoist profession, and Lan Qingsi practiced a little bit, and the total amount of souls increased by three times!This is because Lan Qingsi only inherited one-tenth of the effect of the concentration skill.

Chen Tianzhen has [-]% effect of using the concentration skill, which is not as good as one-tenth of Lan Qingsi's effect!

This kind of genius, don't dig out her potential well, unless Chen Tian is really a fool, the catastrophe in the world three years later, Chen Tianzhen alone will definitely not be able to get through it. the result of.

He needs a companion, a helper!Need more fighters who can fight monks!
"After passing on the Five Elements Sacred Heart Art to Lan Qingsi, immediately solve the problem of indifferent avatar!" The Five Elements Sacred Heart Art is the practice method closest to the Hunyuan Tiantu, and it is also the only one that can condense six runes The practice method of practice, the Sacred Heart is the Heavenly Heart, the Sacred Heart replaces the Heavenly Heart, controls the five elements, and its power remains unchanged.

But the practice of the Five Elements Sacred Heart Jue is extremely demanding, and the aptitude requirements are extremely high. The practice does not start from the most basic blood energy, but directly skips the blood energy. Just starting to practice, you need to absorb the five elements aura!

Therefore, if one wants to cultivate the Five Elements Sacred Heart Art, the most important thing is a powerful soul. Only when the soul reaches the out-of-body state and jumps out of the shackles of the physical body can it absorb the spiritual energy of the Five Elements!
Therefore, the key to the practice of the Five Elements Sacred Heart Art is the third-level skill of the Taoist profession, out of the body!

Now, the indifferent avatar has changed, like a god, it is not the original indifferent avatar at all, and with the addition of Chen Tianzhen's ability to observe the gods, the one selected is the dream master of the indifferent avatar.

Lan Qingsi inherits the Taoist profession, if she wants to use the skill of contemplating gods, she can only contemplate the Lord of Dreams!
The master of the dream has a big problem, how could Chen Tianzhen let other people to visualize it.

Without the skill of contemplating the gods and cultivating a powerful soul body, only relying on the skill of concentration, Lan Qingsi thought of reaching the state of the soul leaving the body, and Chen Tianzhen couldn't wait for that long at all.

Therefore, the problem of doppelgänger must be resolved immediately!

After passing on the Five Elements Sacred Heart Jue to Lan Qingsi, the two chatted for a while, and when Lan Qingsi left with a face full of reluctance, Chen Tianzhen sat cross-legged on the ground with an extremely solemn expression on his face.

Straight into the consciousness space!He wants to solve the problem of indifferent avatar in one fell swoop!

In the consciousness space, the indifferent avatar stepped on the star visualization map, looking sacred and extraordinary, with an endless overbearing meaning on his body, like a great god who really overlooks all living beings, and there is no aura of being close to nature in his body.

The indifferent avatar, produced by Chen Tianzhen's Taoist profession and meditation skills, is Chen Tianzhen's soul, the real core of the indifferent avatar, it is close to nature, and it is the unity of nature and man.

However, what the indifferent avatar now shows is domineering, sacred, and extraordinary, which has long deviated from the essence of the indifferent avatar, and looks almost exactly the same as the statue of the emperor.

Originally, Chen Tianzhen just suspected that there was something wrong with the indifferent avatar. After he took back the universe star visualization map and cut off the soul passage between him and the indifferent avatar, Chen Tianzhen activated the skill derivation, and in the derivation space, he saw the naturally close After the indifferent clone, he was sure at that time that the indifferent clone in the consciousness space was no longer the indifferent clone.

Because in the derivation space, the essence shown by the indifferent avatar is close to nature and the unity of man and nature, and it doesn't show the slightest domineering or sacred aura at all!
Chen Tianzhen appeared in front of Indifferent's avatar, with fatal murderous intent in his eyes, he said brazenly, "Emperor! I really didn't expect that one way of Dao Tribulation would not annihilate you!"

"Ant! Although this seat is just a thought of the main body, but you want to annihilate this seat, you are still a little tender! Even if this seat is a thought, it is still immortal. How can you, an ant, understand this state!" Arrogant Domineering, endless madness, and endless contempt in the words, came out of the mouth of the indifferent avatar.

"It really is you!" Murderous intent flashed in Chen Tianzhen's eyes, his heart was extremely solemn, and Emperor Zun spoke, which undoubtedly proved his judgment!The current indifferent avatar, the master of the dream, is Emperor Zun!

"Secretly hiding in my sub-soul, although you are a strong person, you do things secretly, like a mouse in the ground, without any demeanor of a strong person, it is a shame to your body." Chen Tianzhen knows the power of Dao Jie best. Jie, originally intended to be the robbery of the Dao, practiced to the extreme, even the Dao can be erased with one move. At that time, Chen Tianzhen had already practiced the Dao Jie move to the extreme of the first level when he attacked Emperor Zun. The towering ghost king, Killed with one move, but didn't even kill Emperor Zun's spiritual thoughts. The strength of Emperor Zun simply exceeded Chen Tianzhen's imagination.

Therefore, he intentionally spoke to stimulate Emperor Zun, and wanted to obtain other information from Emperor Zun.

"Ants, this deity has never hidden! It's just that you are like a frog at the bottom of a well, how can you see the scorching sun in the sky." Emperor Zun smiled sternly, with endless contempt in his eyes, "If you want to obtain other information in this way, I will Virgo advises you not to waste your thoughts in vain."

"I have to admire you, although you are as weak as an ant, but this treasure on your body is the strongest treasure I have ever seen in my life!" Immediately afterwards, Emperor Zun spoke arrogantly, looking Xiang Chen Tianzhen's eyes were full of envy and jealousy, full of endless greed.

After this period of time lurking in Chen Tianzhen's soul, he knew many secrets, such as how Chen Tianzhen's supernatural powers came about!

It is a treasure, a treasure that is extremely terrifying!
It was this treasure that endowed Chen Tianzhen with extreme supernatural powers!
It is because of the existence of this treasure that Chen Tian was able to comprehend the cultivation method of Hunyuan Tiantu in a very short period of time!

Even if the aptitude is as strong as Emperor Zun, he sat for a hundred years and almost exhausted his lifespan before comprehending the Heaven Piercing Fist from the first picture of the Hunyuan Tiantu, and what Chen Tianzhen comprehended was the original Hunyuan Tiantu. Piercing God Fist, which Emperor Zun comprehended, is not a level of skill at all.

Chen Tianzhen was able to control the fundamental laws of the dream at the first level, and open up the kingdom of dreams, because of this treasure, this ability to control the laws, even if he cultivated to the ninth level, it is impossible for the powerful realm of Huaxian to master the laws Power!

Therefore, for Chen Tianzhen, this treasure, he is determined to get it!

When the Kingdom of Dreamland was shattered, countless space cracks appeared. Emperor Zun wanted to send the news back to the main body. Unfortunately, when the Kingdom of Dreamland was shattered, the space cracks were not connected to the world where his body was, so at that time, he sighed "It's a pity! ".

"Di Zun, I can't keep you!" Suddenly, infinite murderous intent emerged from Chen Tianzhen's eyes. The infinite inauguration panel is his biggest secret and his last reliance, and now it is known by Emperor Zun's thoughts. For the first time, Tianxin felt nervous.

The emperor in front of him is just a thought of the real emperor, and it is difficult to kill. If the real emperor knows about this, with the strength of the emperor himself, the consequences will be unimaginable!

"Ant, just because you want to kill me? Hahaha! The mayfly shakes the big tree, it's too pitiful!" Emperor Zun only had contempt in his eyes, and his voice was full of extreme ridicule.

Emperor Zun didn't care about Chen Tianzhen's words at all. Although he was just thinking about it, his essence was already extraordinary. Let alone Chen Tianzhen, even if he was a peerless powerhouse who was beyond ordinary and ascended to immortality, he would have to put in a lot of effort if he wanted to kill him. , he concluded that Chen Tianzhen couldn't hurt him.

"Dao Tribulation!" Chen Tianzhen's face was full of murderous intent, and he pointed out with his finger, the strongest killing technique, Dao Jie, and used it directly!
With the invisible and formless runes as the core, all the runes emerge, forming an extremely mysterious formation.

"You have already comprehended the second layer of the Hunyuan Tiantu!" Emperor Zun's eyes flashed with disbelief, and he saw that in Dao Jie's move, the five-element runes had turned into spring eyes !This is the sign of the second floor of the entry-level Hunyuan Tiantu!

Back then, in order to comprehend the second picture of the Hunyuan Tiantu, he retreated for thousands of years to realize the Tao, and only obtained the superficiality. The soul channel of Chen Tianzhen and the clone of indifference had only been closed for three days, and he had already comprehended the second picture of the Hunyuan Tiantu , How terrible this is.

"This treasure is mine! It's mine!" The greedy look in Di Zun's eyes became more intense. Di Zun couldn't be more clear about Chen Tianzhen's aptitude, it's very bad!In three days, comprehend and complete the second layer of Hunyuan Tiantu, absolutely relying on the power of the treasure.

"Go to hell!" Chen Tianzhen let out a wild roar, and just now all the five elements' true energy erupted, and the power of Dao Tribulation increased a hundred times compared to before. The terrifying power to erase everything was like the doomsday coming, making everything come to an end The destructive power makes people fear to the extreme, and involuntarily loses the desire to live.

"Ants, you are too young to kill me! You are dreaming if you want to kill me with this trick!" Emperor Zun looked at Chen Tianzhen with contempt and arrogance, as if looking at Chen Tianzhen. An ant rushed up to kill a dragon, it was extremely ridiculous, it was a joke.

He didn't seem to notice the Dao Tribulation that fell from the top of Emperor Zun's head, and didn't care.

Dao Jie's move is indeed very strong!

But it also depends on who is using it. Chen Tianzhen uses this trick, just like a child holding a nuclear bomb that he can't operate. It looks scary, but it's just scary.

If you want to kill him, if you don't have the strength above level nine, then it's just a dream.

"Death!" Chen Tianzhen was unmoved, his eyes narrowed, Dao Jie fell down suddenly, Emperor Zun fell from above, and was wiped off directly, leaving a silvery white, domineering silvery white light on the scene!
At this moment, the silver-white brilliance of Domineering Wutao suddenly expanded, directly transforming into Emperor Zun's body.

Emperor Zun wears a nine-dragon crown on his head, three flowers rotate behind his head, and wears an imperial robe with purple ribbons. The five qis turn into five-colored clouds and mist surround him. Wushuang, like the nine gods coming to the world!
At this moment, Emperor Zun was no longer hiding, and he surged out unscrupulously. He carried an eternal, immortal and terrifying aura. The tyrannical aura swept across, and Chen Tianzhen's entire consciousness began to tremble.

"Ant, even if this seat is just a thought, it is not something that you, a little second-order ant, can offend!"

"Give you a chance to live, and give me your treasure!"

"Dare to say a word, wait until the folds caused by the folding of space are opened, and the heavens and the world return to the original world, I will take out your soul and soul, and take out the treasure. , accompany you to fly away!" Emperor Zun's voice was endlessly domineering and murderous!There was an unquestionable look on her face.

Chen Tianzhen's expression was ferocious, but there was a flash of excitement in his heart!
Emperor Zun's words inadvertently leaked several very key words.

Space folds open!

According to this sentence, because the space is now folded, the world where Emperor Zun is located cannot be connected with the real world. The world will converge.

But why is the space folded back?Whether it is caused by manpower or a natural phenomenon, because there is not much information on this issue, Chen Tian really can't think of a reason.

The world of the heavens returns to the original world!

Chen Tianzhen carefully thought about the meaning of this sentence, his eyes froze!
The heavens naturally refer to the endless world, while the original world definitely refers to the real world.

The meaning of the return of the heavens to the original world, simply put, is that countless worlds will be integrated into the real world.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Tianzhen thought of the situation where the monks of Tianshengmen walked out of the crack in space three years later, which confirmed Emperor Zun's words from the side.

"What he said is absolutely true!" There was a trace of horror in Chen Tianzhen's eyes. According to Emperor Zun's intention, Tianshengmen is just one of the heavenly worlds. A Tianshengmen almost wiped out human beings. There are so many worlds, is there still a way for human beings to survive?
Thinking of this, Chen Tianzhen felt chills all over his body, his hands and feet were cold, and endless fear arose in his heart. He felt that his heart was gloomy, and he felt that there was no hope for the future.

Immediately afterwards, the darkest, bloodiest, and most desperate scenes in the previous life emerged uncontrollably. Countless human beings, driven by the monks of Tianshengmen, lined up and were slaughtered one by one. Skin, muscle, bone, The internal organs and blood are stored in different categories, just like broilers on the production line.

"Dare to fight against me, this is the price!" With a sneer in his eyes, Emperor Zun looked at Chen Tianzhen's soul body from pure to turbid, as if watching a play, and then traces of dark death came from Chen Tianzhen's soul. It popped out of the body, and quickly swept through Chen Tianzhen's entire soul body. Except for the forehead, there was a trace of aura to keep the soul alive, and there was no trace of breath in the soul body.

Emperor Zun has not lived in vain for so many years, how could he not know what Chen Tian really said to him, what seemed to be said unintentionally was actually done on purpose by him.

Although he was not afraid of Chen Tianzhen's tricks, but he was chosen as a god by Chen Tianzhen, and if he wanted to attack Chen Tianzhen, he couldn't do it at all.

After merging into the indifferent avatar, Chen Tianzhen has many secrets in his hands. For example, Chen Tianzhen knows the future of human beings.

Chen Tianzhen hid the matter of being reborn from the future, as well as the infinite inauguration panel, deep in his soul, and even his avatar was indifferent, unable to detect it.

But through Chen Tianzhen's daily actions and words, Emperor Zun affirmed that Chen Tianzhen knew that the fate of human beings in the future would be very miserable.

When Chen Tianzhen played tricks on him, he wasn't playing tricks on Chen Tianzhen!

It is true that the countless worlds of the heavens merge into the original world, but there are only nine truly powerful worlds!

On this point, he deliberately did not explain!The purpose is to make Chen Tianzhen completely despair!
Sure enough, as soon as a few words came out, Chen Tianzhen's Dao heart was broken!Let Chen Tianzhen lose all hope, and his soul begins to die.

"After this trash dies, the treasure will be mine! Calculated according to time, the universe where the main body is located will be integrated into the original world within a hundred years."

"After obtaining the supreme treasure, with the help of the power of the supreme treasure, I will occupy the body and soul of this ant, and use his innate Taoist body to realize Taoism and practice. Within a hundred years, I will be able to complete the soul and cultivate to the realm of immortality. At that time, who is the body and who is the emperor? Not necessarily!" With boundless arrogance on Emperor Zun's face, he began to imagine the future, because he saw that the aura on Chen Tianzhen's forehead had dimmed.

The indifferent avatar is always in the state of the unity of heaven and man. In the eyes of Emperor Zun, it is the innate Taoist body, a peerless physique that is rarely seen in millions of years. Chen Tianzhen's soul is wiped out, and this avatar will naturally become his.

On the ancient battlefield, the images of soldiers knowing that they must die, but with bloodshot eyes, wanting to scrape off the giant skeleton bone powder, and never giving up, flashed through Chen Tianzhen's mind. This image made his soul collapse. Sudden stagnation!
"Being willing to cut yourself to pieces, dare to pull the emperor off his horse!"

"The future is already dark and bloody enough, even if it is worse than this, how miserable can it be!"

"If I don't die, human beings still have a future. If I sink down and die willingly, human beings really have no future!"

"I can't die!"

"Even if it is a god and demon who wants to kill me and destroy my human race, I will eat a piece of meat from him!"

The gloomy spiritual light on Chen Tianzhen's soul body suddenly emitted a dazzling brilliance. Under the radiance, the dead energy on his soul body was swept away, and the turbid soul body was instantly pure to the extreme, more pure than before. dazzling.

Chen Tianzhen's eyes opened suddenly, with a look of fear, but this time he was about to lose his soul, and it was not without gain, the only flaw in his mind completely disappeared.

From now on, no existence will be able to break through Chen Tianzhen's pure and extreme Dao heart!

"Di Zun, what a good trick!" Chen Tianzhen opened his eyes, with a look of obvious fear in his eyes. If it wasn't for the scene of soldiers charging at the last moment, he would definitely be out of his wits.

"Ants, why don't you die! What's the point of you living? The folds of space must be flattened. That's the irreversible law of heaven. Human beings who are as weak as ants are bound to be extinct! The same is true for you! Ant-like creatures like you humans, There is no hope! You should die!" Emperor Zun was furious, his voice was full of extreme anger, and his heart was extremely unwilling.

It was only the last sliver, and Chen Tianzhen would self-destruct. He was ready to receive Chen Tianzhen's body, soul, and treasure, but Chen Tianzhen managed to survive like this, which made his calculation completely in vain.

"It's you who should die!" Chen Tianzhen had endless brilliance in his eyes, and endless murderous intent emerged from him.

"Ant, with your weak strength, you will never understand my realm. Even with a single thought, I will be immortal! Why bother to struggle uselessly! You can't kill me!" Emperor Zun looked at Chen Tianzhen contemptuously. At a glance, it is like looking at an ant.

"Even if I don't do anything, just in your consciousness space, you can still abolish your talent, supernatural power, dream kingdom, condense soul, and absorb spiritual energy. Don't even think about it in your life! In your life, Your strength will stop at the second level, your lifespan will not exceed 150 years, and when you die, everything about you will be mine!" After Emperor Zun finished speaking, he laughed unscrupulously.

What an existence Emperor Zun is, he can suppress the fury in an instant, he thought of another way, that is to limit the growth of Chen Tianzhen's strength, and then wait for time.

Emperor Zun has stepped into the realm of immortality and has no limit on lifespan, while Chen Tianzhen, who has just entered the second level, can only live for a maximum of 150 years!

This amount of time is nothing compared to the endless years he has experienced.

He can afford it, but can Chen Tian really afford it?Can't bear it!
"Di Zun, are you so sure that I have no way to deal with you?" Chen Tianzhen had a sharp smile on his face. Since he dared to tear his face directly and rush into the space of consciousness, he naturally had a way to deal with Emperor Zun. Grasp!

"Hahaha, do you think an ant can kill the dragon in the sky?" Emperor Zun had extreme contempt in his eyes, as if he had heard a joke, he laughed wildly!


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