I can work indefinitely

Chapter 151 Lingshan Town is Immortal, the Kingdom of God Forges the Foundation

Chapter 151 Lingshan Town is Immortal, the Kingdom of God Forges the Foundation (two chapters in one)

Hearing Emperor Zun's extremely arrogant laughter, Chen Tianzhen's face did not change at all, with an extremely fierce look in his eyes, he suddenly shouted, brazenly using the means prepared for Emperor Zun!

"Lingshan!" The skill Lingshan is a third-level skill for Buddhists. It is precisely because of the Lingshan skill that Chen Tianzhen has the confidence to take down Emperor Zun!
Lingshan lv1: Lingshan, the mountain of spirituality, the mountain of the soul, the mountain of the soul, the world of thoughts, mind the virtual and the real, neither exists nor exists, Lingshan can suppress and obliterate any spiritual consciousness, and can also support the survival of spiritual creatures, the existence of Lingshan , It needs mental strength, faith, and spiritual strength to maintain.

Chen Tianzhen has been thinking about it ever since he acquired the Lingshan skill. After this period of exploration, he has already understood the basic usage of the Lingshan skill.

It can suppress any gods and spirits, ghosts, and any invisible but spiritual consciousness!
According to the introduction of the skill, Emperor Zun's Immortal Divine Sense is also within the suppression range of Lingshan.

Using the Spirit Mountain skill, in front of Chen Tianzhen, a mountain of thoughts only one inch in size condensed from the void into substance.

At the top of the Lingshan Mountain, the Eight Treasures Merit Pond is full of spirituality. In the Eight Treasures Merit Pool, the Eight Treasures Buddha Lotus is swaying and shining, with a bright golden light.

On the Lingshan Mountain, the karmic fire shrunk countless times and floated in mid-air, carrying the terrifying aura of burning everything.

On the platform on the mountainside of Lingshan, all the souls who have been sucked into the supernatural power sit cross-legged on the spot, with gentle smiles on their faces. Under the light of the Buddha, wisps of karmic evil spirit float out of them, and then merge into Lingshan , Become the force to maintain the existence of Lingshan.

The Buddha's light from Lingshan is gentle and scattered, constantly repairing the lack of soul and body.

After seeing this scene, the arrogance on Emperor Zun's face suddenly disappeared, and a trace of shock flashed in his eyes!
"The mind turns into reality!" Everyone has the power of the mind, and the various thoughts that flash through the consciousness at ordinary times are a manifestation of the power of the mind.

The power of the mind seems to be useless, but it is actually an extremely powerful force. Ordinary people cannot condense the divergent mind, so it seems to have no power at all.

In fact, through practice, the soul is strengthened, the power of the mind can be absorbed, the divergent mind can be bound into one strand, and finally the power of the mind can be refined.

To be able to condense the power of the mind from emptiness into reality like Chen Tianzhen, into a small mountain of one inch, even an immortal can't do it.

The power of mind is born from the heart, as big as the heart is, it is as strong as it is!

What is the mind?What the heart thinks is reality!

The power is almost unlimited!

But the power of the mind is extremely difficult to practice, no one will specialize in the power of the mind, and cultivate the power of the mind to Chen Tianzhen's state where it can be turned from the virtual to the real, because it is too difficult!
Emperor Zun had never heard of such a situation, let alone seen it.

"In the hands of this ants, there is actually a karmic fire red lotus that burns away all the evils in the world!" After seeing the karmic fire of the red lotus, the emperor's eyes flashed with shock.

The red lotus karma fire burns all karma and sins, and any sin is the fuel of the red lotus karma fire. If the body is here, a small karma fire, he doesn't care about it at all, but he is just a thought, this red lotus Karmic fire can hurt him.

"Ant, I still underestimate you!"

"But do you think you can destroy this seat with this little trick? You're dreaming!" Emperor Zun felt very aggrieved. He was chosen as a god by Chen Tianzhen. It can only be like a puppet, unable to move, under the absolute control of Chen Tianzhen.

If he can make a move, with the Piercing God Fist he has mastered, even if it is just a single thought, it can instantly shatter Chen Tianzhen's consciousness space, making Chen Tianzhen's soul fly away!

"Why should I kill you!" Chen Tianzhen smiled sternly, the God-watching skill gave him the power to control Emperor Zun, he really couldn't kill Emperor Zun, but with the blessing of God-watching skill, Emperor Zun was like his puppet Generally speaking, Chen Tian's mind is fixed on the spot, unable to move a single bit.

"Suppressing you under the Lingshan Mountain, absorbing the power of your soul, maintaining the consumption of the Lingshan Mountain, and supplying the Lingshan Mountain to grow stronger, wouldn't it be better?" After the third level of skills, there are upgrade conditions, such as Lingshan skills, even if Chen Tianzhen For the Buddhist profession, if you upgrade to level lv30, if you haven't completed the prerequisites for Lingshan skills, you can't add points to upgrade Lingshan skills.

At this moment, the appearance of Chen Tianzhen's Lingshan is only one inch in size. If he wants to upgrade to level lv2, the prerequisite is to repair the size of Lingshan to nine inches!

Does Chen Tianzhen have any method of cultivating spiritual strength?

The only way now is to suppress gods like Emperor Zun or evil spirits under the Lingshan Mountain, absorb their spiritual power, and strengthen the Lingshan Mountain!

"I will use the power of Lingshan to slowly wear away your divine thoughts, and refine all your memories from your spiritual thoughts, making you a pure divine thought without any consciousness, Emperor Zun, you What do you think of me?" Chen Tianzhen's eyes were extremely cold, although Emperor Zun didn't know the existence of the infinite inauguration panel, but he already knew that Chen Tianzhen had a treasure with him, and he even had the idea of ​​snatching it.

This treasure is nothing but an infinite inauguration panel.

Moreover, Emperor Zun also occupies his indifferent avatar, the master of dreams.

It has been living in his consciousness space.

No matter what the purpose is, Emperor Zun must not stay behind and must be killed!

Only in this way, Chen Tianzhen will be safe!

If Emperor Zun is released and relevant news is passed on, Chen Tianzhen will definitely be killed by the strong, and there will be no scum left!
After hearing Chen Tianzhen's words, Emperor Zun's pupils suddenly shrank, and his heart was extremely horrified.

What Chen Tianzhen said was not a big word, Lingshan couldn't kill him in a short time, but he could suppress him, refine his consciousness and spirituality, and make him disappear.

Faced with such a predicament, Emperor Zun naturally couldn't sit still and wait for his death. With a look of determination in his eyes, his divine sense suddenly burst out, wanting to break free from the effect of Chen Tianzhen's God-watching skill.

However, this is obviously useless work!
Chen Tianzhen maintained the skill of contemplating the gods, and the divine sense of Emperor Zun was firmly controlled by Chen Tianzhen, and he couldn't use it at all.

Endless fury flashed in Emperor Zun's eyes, and the extreme murderous intent made the three flowers on his head spin crazily, and the five qi waves surged in his chest.

"The mayfly shakes the big tree, it's so pitiful!" Chen Tianzhen sneered, the God-watching skill is a skill generated in the infinite inauguration panel, not to mention that Emperor Zun is just a divine sense of the main body, even if it is his main body, it is impossible break free.

"Boy, how about we make a deal? I'll tell you the information of the heavens and myriad worlds, so let me go!" Seeing the approaching Lingshan, Emperor Zun sank into the water, hiding all the murderous intent in his eyes, and said suddenly , at this moment he no longer calls himself this seat, but calls himself me.

"When I suppress and refine you, I will know all your memories and experiences! Why do you have to trade with you!" Chen Tianzhen sneered, unmoved at all.

"Boy, even if you can refine my memories and experiences, it's still unknown how much of them are true or false!"

"Moreover, if you kill me, my body will definitely respond."

"Through me, the main body can sense the specific location of the original world."

"With this information in hand, he can help the world to open the folds of space at a faster speed. It would take a hundred years for the great world of Qiankun to connect with the original world. Because you kill me, the time will be shortened a lot."

"You have to think carefully about the consequences." Emperor Zun's face darkened, and he spoke directly, persuading Chen Tianzhen to analyze the relationship.

"If you don't kill me, I can not only teach you how to practice, but also help you, so that weak human beings can survive in the future!"

"Suppress it for me!" Chen Tianzhen didn't move at all. In a moment of thought, Emperor Zun was extremely compressed to the size of a pinprick by his God-awareness skill. Then he threw Emperor Zun into the Lingshan without hesitation. Lingshan slightly lifted up, then suddenly fell down.

Emperor Zun knows that he has unlimited employment panels, so he must not stay!

Refining must be suppressed!

For Chen Tianzhen, the so-called memory and experience of Emperor Zun are not necessary. It is best if they can be refined. If they cannot be refined, it doesn't matter.

As long as the spirituality and consciousness of Emperor Zun are obtained and used as raw materials for the growth of Lingshan, that's enough!
Killing Emperor Zun is the ultimate goal of this trip!
"Ant, you will regret it. When my body arrives and knows that you have refined me, he will make you die!" A voice filled with extreme anger and endless hatred came from the Lingshan Mountain.

"Refinement!" Chen Tianzhen had no expression on his face, he mobilized the power of Lingshan, and began to refine Emperor Zun who was suppressed under Lingshan.

The heart fire generated by the mind is burning, and the red karmic fire burns everything. The two phases are mixed together, wrapping the Emperor from all directions, and a trace of spiritual power is extracted and integrated into the Lingshan, making the Lingshan grow slowly and undetectably.

"Ah... ants,... ah... I want you... to be wiped out... ah..." The miserable howling mixed with the sound of swearing, came from the spirit mountain, refined by karmic fire and heart fire, that taste It's not a good feeling, even if it is a divine thought, it will feel the extreme pain, and the pain is too painful.

With a wave of Chen Tianzhen's hand, Lingshan disappeared without a trace, and even the screams disappeared without a trace.

Refining Emperor Zun cannot be completed in a day or two, it needs to last for a long time, even if Chen Tianzhen put away the Lingshan, the refining is still going on.

"Finally this culprit has been resolved!" Chen Tianzhen heaved a sigh of relief, and in a moment of thought, the indifferent avatar suddenly condensed again!

"This is my indifferent avatar." Eyes swept over indifferent avatar, that natural, heavenly aura reappeared in indifferent body, the majestic and domineering aura has disappeared without a trace at this moment, A satisfied smile suddenly appeared on Chen Tianzhen's face.

"The next step is to reopen the dream space!" The dream space is the second world of human beings that Chen Tianzhen plans to build, and it has the functions of learning, communication, practice, and experience.

When the original dream space was opened, there was no specific plan, and it was opened very randomly.

Later, the Lord of the Dreamland was controlled by Emperor Zun, and Chen Tianzhen urgently needed to use the cosmic star visualization map to deduce the second layer of kung fu of the Hunyuan Tiantu.

Therefore, the original dream space was destroyed and had to be reopened!
In order to re-open the perfect dream kingdom, Chen Tianzhen used the derivation space to deduce it many times, and did a lot of preliminary work, trying to open up the future dream space, which is perfect and can complete his plan of shepherding sentient beings!

In the past, due to information restrictions, Chen Tianzhen always thought that only monks from the Tianshengmen would come to this world.

Just now, through Emperor Zun's words, he has already known that not only the monks of the Heavenly Sacred Gate will come to this world, but also the powerhouses of the heavens and the world.

This made Chen Tianzhen feel a stronger sense of urgency!


The infinite inauguration panel unfolded in front of Chen Tianzhen.

Chen Tianzhen looked carefully at the infinite inauguration panel, and then, without hesitation, he directly added 5000 million experience points to the Dreamland Divine Kingdom skills.

"Let's go!" The Kingdom of Dreamland, which had lost its induction, reappeared in Chen Tianzhen's telepathy, and greeted the indifferent avatars, and each avatar disappeared from Chen Tianzhen's sea of ​​consciousness in an instant.

The indifferent avatar that was condensed this time, Chen Tianzhen learned from experience and lessons, and since the appearance of the indifferent avatar, he cut off the constant contact with the indifferent avatar's soul.

In order to ensure absolute safety, the information possessed by the indifferent avatar is selected from his mind and can be known by the indifferent avatar. Even if it is leaked out, it will not have much impact on him.

Chen Tianzhen sealed the infinite inauguration panel, rebirth, and Emperor Zun's related matters deeply into his soul. Even if someone uses soul searching methods on him, don't want to know these information.

In the sky above the Dream Kingdom, Chen Tianzhen and Dan Ran's avatars floated, looking at the Dream Kingdom that was five times larger than the previous one, Chen Tianzhen smiled.

After Emperor Zun was suppressed, there was no hidden danger in the Dreamland God Kingdom opened up!
"Cosmic star visualization map! Come!" With a loud shout, the universe star visualization map in the sea of ​​consciousness suddenly disappeared, appearing on the zenith of the dream kingdom of God, directly forming a cosmic starry sky, making the dream kingdom of God look like Like night in the real world.

The thirty stars that have been lit up are shining brightly at this moment.

The power of thirty stars directly tore apart the space in the void above the visualization map of the stars in the universe.

Suddenly, the silver-white starlight flows down from the torn space like a bright galaxy, and falls into the visualization map of the stars in the universe.

There are still 51 unlit stars that look very dim, twinkling and twinkling, like breathing, inhaling the starlight, and gradually brightening up in a subtle way.

The cosmic star visualization map, in addition to having powerful computing power, can also open space cracks, connect unknown time and space, and absorb the power of endless stars.

The power of the stars can not only be used to light up the stars, but it can also be used to sprinkle the dream kingdom, allowing the dream kingdom to obtain starlight energy and slowly increase its area.

Moreover, the power of the stars has the effect of purifying the soul and strengthening the soul body, which can restore the consumption of the soul and make the soul body stay in the dream kingdom for a long time to experience and practice!
"The root rune of the seven evil spirits! Congeal into a blood-colored evil star!" At this time, Chen Tian raised his hand, and the root rune of the seven evil spirits obtained from the blood lotus of the seven evil spirits turned into a blood-colored ferocious, with extreme murderous intent The stars, flying to the zenith, are hidden among the stars.

Occasionally flashes of bloody brilliance, like the eye of punishment!

The Lord of the Seven Demons is dead, the Lord kills!

Incorporating the fundamental runes of the seven evil spirits into the kingdom of dreams will be of great use!

Everyone has a certain evil spirit because of their different moods.

Once in the Kingdom of Dreams, the evil spirits in the soul body will dissipate. The seven evil runes were not included before, and these evil spirits will continue to accumulate in the Kingdom of Dreams, turning the Kingdom of Dreams into a place more powerful than ancient battlefields. eerie place.

At that time, Chen Tianzhen's way of dealing with it was to expel the evil spirit to the void outside the Dreamland Divine Kingdom.

But now, some of the blood-colored evil stars with the culture of the seven evil talismans, all the evil spirits emitted by the soul will be absorbed by the blood-colored fierce blood, which is used to strengthen and complement the fundamental runes of the seven evil spirits. The messy evil spirit is transformed into pure military evil spirit, which is used for cultivation and condenses cultivation runes.

The blood-colored evil star can not only absorb the evil spirit emitted by the soul, but also purify the evil spirit of soldiers obtained by human practice, and condense the evil spirit of soldiers into runes of fierce soldiers, runes of transcendence, and runes of armor.

As long as these three kinds of runes are put into the body of ordinary people, even if there is no cultivation environment around them, and there is no evil spirit of soldiers, they can immediately learn the ten ways of fierce soldiers. You can go into battle and kill the enemy.

It is precisely because of the ability of the blood-colored evil star that Chen Tianzhen included the seven evil spirit runes into the system of the Dreamland God Kingdom.

"Dream Kingdom, the meaning of existence is to allow human beings to communicate, learn, practice, and experience! The ultimate goal is to train human beings to become powerful warriors who can fight against monks, thereby changing the fate of human beings."

"The existence of the blood-colored evil star is of great significance to changing the fate of mankind!" Chen Tianzhen seemed to be talking to himself, and seemed to be aware of it indifferently.

After sighing, Chen Tianzhen used the three skills of Buddhists, Buddha Light, Transcendence, and Lingshan.

"The great day of Buddha's light! Illuminate the kingdom of God, purify evil intentions, suppress demons, collect thoughts and consciousness, and attract souls!" With Lingshan as its bone, supernatural power as its muscle, and Buddha's light as its skin, a huge round of Buddha's light is formed. The great sun is rising slowly, hanging in the very center of the Dream Kingdom.

Compared with the previous time, the great day of Buddha's light is no longer the same day.

With Lingshan as the core, where the Buddha's light shines, the thoughts and lost spirituality of all people will be directly absorbed by Lingshan and become the nourishment for Lingshan's continuous growth.

Under the light of the Transcendent Buddha, as long as it is not too powerful and weird, the moment it enters the dream kingdom of God, it will be sent directly to the foot of Lingshan by the superpower, and enjoy the same treatment as the emperor, and become the food for the growth of Lingshan.

At the same time, because of the existence of Mengyin, anyone who has planted Mengyin, the moment after death, the soul will be pulled by Dreamyin, enter the dream kingdom of God, and then be led into Lingshan by the transcendent Buddha light, under the light of Buddha light , Complement the damage of the soul and body, draw out the body karma, evil spirit!

In addition, the third-level skill of the master of dreams is called sacrifice!

This skill gave Chen Tianzhen the ability to choose a priest, who was essentially a weakened version of the Dream Master.

To become a priest of Chen Tianzhen, you can borrow power from the master of dreams through sacrifices.

Priests have the ability to plant dream lures and forcefully sacrifice enemies to the dream space!

With the kingdom of Buddha's light floating dreamland, as long as it is not too powerful and weird, the moment you enter the kingdom of dreamland, you will be directly wiped out by the power of Buddha's light.

"With Buddha's light suppressing the Kingdom of Dreamland, this place will become a restricted area for any other species!"

"There is also the murderous intent condensed from the pure evil spirit in the blood-colored evil star. Even if it is powerful and weird, the Buddha's light cannot be effective, and the ultimate murderous intent falls from the sky, and it can kill it with one blow!"

"Even the murderous intent of the bloody evil star can't kill the opponent, and there is also the karmic fire in the spirit mountain! The karmic fire falls and burns everything strange!"

"After the completion of the construction of the Kingdom of Dreamland, the candidates for the priest must be determined earlier." Chen Tian was thinking silently in his heart. In fact, he had already considered who would be the priest.

"Guarding God! Lord of the Dreamland!" Looking up at the indifferent avatar, Chen Tianzhen suddenly activated the skill Guanshen, and with the help of the power of the Kingdom of Dreams, directly solidified the skill of watching Gods!

The indifferent avatar, with the aura of the unity of heaven and man, jumped up from mid-air, sat cross-legged on the visualization map of the universe and stars, and was bathed in the silver starlight.

The aura on his body became more and more indifferent, as if he had already integrated into this world, as if he had become the ruthless way of heaven controlling the world!
God-watching skills, after upgrading to the max level, can not only suppress the inner demons, but also return the seven emotions and six desires back to their original roots, turning them into pure soul energy.

This energy can not only be integrated into the Dream Kingdom, allowing the Dream Kingdom to expand independently, but also restore Chen Tianzhen's mental exhaustion.

"Now, the basics are basically complete!" Chen Tianzhen glanced across the dream kingdom of God, with a look of satisfaction in his eyes, the most basic and important foundation has been completed.

With this foundation, as long as someone's soul enters the Dream Kingdom, the Dream Kingdom will be able to continuously accumulate strength, slowly and firmly grow bigger and stronger.

"Next, there are more complicated and detailed rules!" The purpose of the ultimate level of Dream Kingdom is to train ordinary people to become powerful fighters who can fight against monks, to improve the strength of human beings as a whole, and to let human beings change in the dark and bloody future. destiny.

"No one will cherish things that are given for free!" Chen Tianzhen thinks that he has a very sufficient understanding of human nature.

"If you want to get something, you must pay! This is the most basic rule! It cannot be changed!" People will cherish anything that is hard-won. If it comes too easily, it will be discarded backhanded.

"Only through competition can the strong emerge!"

"This is the most basic rule in the Kingdom of Dreamland!" Chen Tianzhen decided to reopen the Kingdom of Dreamland this time and directly use the original name, Kingdom of Dreamland!
He used the name of the dream space before because he hadn't contacted high-level people at that time, and he was afraid that using the name of the Kingdom of God would stimulate their sensitive nerves.

At this time, he already knew enough about the high-level people that even if he used the name Dreamland God Kingdom, he would not irritate them knowing that the future would be dark and bloody.

"Fold the space!" Chen Tianzhen raised his hand and pointed. The thousand-meter-high Dreamland God Kingdom is divided into one hundred floors from top to bottom, and each floor is ten meters high.

The idea of ​​space folding comes from Emperor Zun!
In the real world, Chen Tianzhen's strength is so low that he can't even sense space. It's impossible for him to achieve this kind of power that creates the world.

But the Kingdom of Dreams is essentially a dream, a dream solidified with the help of the infinite inauguration panel. It is somewhat similar to Lingshan, but there are many differences.

As the owner of the Kingdom of Dreams, it is not difficult for Chen Tianzhen to fold the space of the Kingdom of Dreams.

After this operation, the area of ​​the entire dreamland kingdom has directly increased by a hundred times. The dreamland kingdom, which was originally only [-] square kilometers, now has an area of ​​[-] square kilometers!

No one else could see anything unusual about this [-] square kilometers of land. Only Chen Tianzhen, the owner of the Dream Kingdom, could know its true face.

"Dream Kingdom is a place to train warriors. The most important quality of warriors is courage! All warriors should have the courage to dare to fight against any existence! Without courage, even if you have great power, facing strange beasts, scaring you Your legs are so weak that you can't do anything!"

"Therefore, the most basic ability of the Kingdom of Dreamland is to train the courage of ordinary people!" Chen Tianzhen pointed his finger, and a building that looked like a Colosseum appeared on the ground.

The Colosseum is divided into 1 small spaces with an area of ​​only [-] square meters. In each small space, there is a hungry wolf. The newlyweds in the country prepared a meeting ceremony.

The strength of the hungry wolf is not strong. The master of the dream will adjust the strength of the hungry wolf according to the strength of the entrant. Ordinary people can definitely kill the hungry wolf as long as they have the courage!
Only by killing the hungry wolf will you be eligible to enter the dream space to communicate, learn, practice, and practice!
If he died at the hands of hungry wolves, Chen Tianzhen would not give up. If he failed once, he would be forced to come twice, and if he failed twice, he would be forced to come a third time. Every 24 hours, whether he wanted to or not, he would be forced to Forcibly pulled into the colosseum of the kingdom of God in the dreamland, until they could muster up the courage to kill the hungry wolf.

Through the Colosseum, Chen Tianzhen wanted to instill a concept in everyone.

Without courage, you can only die!

Take courage and we can live!

If it was a peaceful and prosperous age, Chen Tian would really not do this, but now, it is not a peaceful and prosperous age, and human beings will soon enter the era of captivity and slaughter. At this time, any humanitarianism is nonsense.

As long as there is hope for human beings to survive, Chen Tianzhen will do and dare to do anything!

Three months later, the world has changed drastically, and weird and ferocious beasts are rampant in the world. If you don't even have the courage to fight to the death with hungry wolves, you will be soft-legged shrimps in front of weird and ferocious beasts, only worthy of being food for weird and ferocious beasts !

Three years later, the monks of Tianshengmen descended. They used their formidable power to kill wantonly and raise human beings in captivity, making human beings the raw material for cultivation and animals that were slaughtered at will in the farm.

Practicing ordinary people to death now will not let them lose their lives or lose their dignity. If they don't practice now, their future will be worse than pigs and dogs!

"When I complete the Kingdom of Dreamland, first let the people of Shanghai experience the magic of the Colosseum!" Chen Tianzhen squinted his eyes. He worked hard to get the Kingdom of Dreamland out just for use. In the capital city, it is natural that the people in the capital city should first experience the charm of the kingdom of dreams.

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(End of this chapter)

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