I can work indefinitely

Chapter 152 The Kingdom of Dreamland, Changing Fate

Chapter 152 The Kingdom of Dreamland, Changing Fate
Dreamland Divine Kingdom, if it wants to be perfect, just a Colosseum is definitely not enough.

In addition to the Colosseum, there are two very important facilities that must be built.

Safe place!
The function of the Sutra Pavilion is very important.

One is to obtain the entrant's knowledge memory and store it for future use.

The second is that Chen Tianzhen's students need a huge knowledge reserve to obtain the best results in understanding the third-level skills of the profession. Moreover, the amount of knowledge is a prerequisite for upgrading the skills of the insight, so it must be arranged well now.

The third is to disseminate knowledge. As long as there is knowledge in the Sutra Pavilion, anyone can learn it very easily after paying a certain price.

Following Chen Tianzhen's spiritual thoughts, not far from the Colosseum, an antique giant Buddhist scripture pavilion appeared.

"Try it first!" Chen Tianzhen took a step and landed in the scripture storage pavilion.

"Fate-defying Chen Tianzhen, you have entered the Sutra Pavilion of the Divine Kingdom in the dreamland. The function of the Sutra Pavilion is... You can sell the knowledge you have to the dream space. According to the importance and completeness of the knowledge, the dream space will give you Reasonable point rewards." The title of Fate-Rebel is what Chen Tianzhen prepared to give to everyone, as long as he integrates into Mengyin, he is Fate-Rebel.

The experience of the previous life told Chen Tianzhen.

Those who obey the destiny must die!
Only by reversing the destiny, can human beings have the hope of surviving!

Therefore, he named all those who entered the kingdom of God in the dreamland as rebels!
"You have a system of knowledge as follows: 1. Longguo elementary school, junior high school, and high school full set of knowledge, 0.001 points. 2. Ten-style fierce soldiers practice skills, practice experience, 1 point. 3. Hunyuan Tiantu first-level practice skills Fa, 100 billion points..." Under Chen Tianzhen's active exposure, Meng Yin began to dig out the knowledge memory in his mind.

"Not bad!" A smile appeared on Chen Tianzhen's face. All the knowledge and information on the part he deliberately exposed were obtained by the Buddhist scriptures pavilion, and they were listed in categories.

Chen Tian really thought about it, and the relevant knowledge he thought could be sold was instantly copied out by the Sutra Pavilion, turning into countless antique scrolls, which fell on the bookshelves and were stored in different categories.

"Chen Tianzhen, the rebel, you have obtained 123.98 points from the Dreamland Divine Kingdom. The points can be used to learn the exercises, experience, and knowledge in the Sutra Pavilion, and can also be exchanged for cultivation and supernatural powers! Please check the Fate Rebel panel for details." At this time, the voice of promotion rang in my mind again.

The Destiny Panel is the product of Chen Tianzhen's supplementary improvement on the basis of the original panel.

In addition to the original function of displaying name, cultivation base, level, practice skills, entering and exiting the kingdom of God, and friends, Chen Tianzhen also added related functions such as points, exchange, and number of kills.

After Chen Tianzhen perfected the Kingdom of Dreamland, if rebels want to survive well, they must have points. Only with points can they learn martial arts, with points can they obtain a realm of cultivation, and with points can they enter the safe zone for recuperation.

The acquisition of points is very simple. You can get points by selling knowledge to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. In the Dream Kingdom, you can also get points by killing strange and fierce beasts. If you kill strange and fierce beasts in reality, the points you get will be Richer.

Points can not only be used in Dreamland God Kingdom, but also can be traded between people.

The use of point transactions is carried out under the witness of the dream lord, which is equivalent to having the dream lord as a guarantee, so the transaction must be an exchange of equivalent value in order to be successful, and to prevent all fraudulent transactions.

As for the exchange function, there are only four types of things that can be exchanged for this function. The first one is the entry-level training of the ten-style fierce soldier, and the exchange price is 1 point. The second one is energy recovery, which can restore the battle consumption.The third is the rest time in the Dreamland Godland Safe Zone.

The friend function has been expanded on the original basis, and the effect is comparable to that of the Internet in reality. Through the friend function, after the communication loses its effect, as long as you are a rebel, you can use the friend function to contact relatives and friends.

Officials can also hold meetings and issue government orders through the friend function.

The relevant functions of the Destiny Panel are not only usable in the Dream Kingdom, but also in reality.

"Fate-defying panel!" Chen Tian thought with a thought, and suddenly a pop-up window similar to the infinite inauguration panel appeared in front of him.

Name: Chen Tianzhen
Realm: Level 2

Actual number of aliens killed: 0
The number of aliens killed in Dream Kingdom: 0
Cultivation methods: Hunyuan Tiantu, Zhanbingjue, Cosmic Stars Visualization Map
Points: 123.98
Friends: 0
Get in, get out!
On the main panel, the friend module only displays the number. If you want to check your friends, you can open the friend sub-panel with a single thought.

The same is true for the exchange function module. On the main panel, only the entrance is displayed.

The number of different types of kills is specially used to record the number of strange and fierce beasts killed by rebels. Final accounts will be conducted every week, month, and year. According to the ranking, specific rewards will be given to motivate all rebels. Or let them regard strange, fierce beasts, and monks as prey.

After carefully checking the Fate-Defying Panel, Chen Tianzhen nodded in satisfaction. The Fate-Defying Panel is already enough for the current Dreamland God Kingdom. In the future, it is only necessary to add functions on this basis.

"Next, it's the safety zone!" Chen Tianzhen pointed to the position next to the Sutra Pavilion, a huge land of [-] mu was enclosed, and simple wooden fences appeared, forming a circle.

In the safe zone, the ground is flat and empty!
The Kingdom of Dreamland is a place where ordinary people are trained to become warriors, not a place for leisure and entertainment. The safe zone can be used for temporary rest or for trading between players.

One mu is 666 square meters, and can only accommodate 666 people. One hundred mu may seem huge, but it can only accommodate 600 people.

In the case of a limited number of places in the safety zone, whoever has the highest realm can stay. If the realm is the same, go to the Colosseum first, and whoever can survive will be eligible to stay in the safety zone.

Those who can't stay can only stay in the wild, fighting with weird and ferocious beasts to gain points and improve their cultivation.

In this way, Chen Tianzhen wants to establish the idea that the strong are respected, so that everyone aspires to be the strong.

It is impossible to escape and exit the Dream Kingdom!

All rebels must spend five hours in reality in the dream kingdom every day, unless they die in the dream kingdom during this period, or there is an emergency outside, otherwise, they are never allowed to quit halfway.

This rule is mandatory, and the rebels can choose to come in on their own initiative. If they don't take the initiative to come in, when the time comes, the dream master will forcibly pull the souls of the rebels into the kingdom of dreams.

"Finally, it's the most important wilderness!" The Colosseum, the Sutra Pavilion, the safe area, and the fate-defying panel have already been arranged. All you need to do is arrange the weird and fierce beasts in the wilderness. , Dreamland Divine Kingdom can officially begin to open.

Now, thirty stars are lit up in the cosmic star visualization map, and each star can bring twice the original computing power.

Based on this calculation, the calculation power of the visualization map of the stars in the universe is 2 to the 29th power. After calculation, it is equivalent to more than [-] million times of Chen Tianzhen's calculation power!

Such a powerful amount of calculation is enough to support hundreds of millions of people to be active in the Kingdom of Dreamland at the same time!

"Jungle! Water source! City ruins!" Following Chen Tianzhen's words, a large number of forests appeared in the wilderness. Water sources were scattered in the forest, and the city ruins were the closest to the safe zone.

"Fierce ghosts, white bone skeletons, sword skeletons, skeleton knights, evil ghosts, haunting evil ghosts, soul-hunting evil ghosts, and ghost kings!" After these words fell, countless weirdnesses appeared out of thin air, and their strength and wisdom were exactly the same as the real weirdnesses.

"Demonized beasts, fierce beasts." In his previous life, Chen Tianzhen had seen fierce beasts below the second level, and demonized beasts appeared in groups in the forest and in the ruins of cities. When they get their breath, they will attack wildly.

"Everything is ready, the only thing left is the east wind! Now it's time to ask the rebels to come in and check to see if my arrangement is reasonable!" Chen Tianzhen took a last look at the dream kingdom of God, nodded in satisfaction, and went straight from the Withdrew from the kingdom of God in the dream, and the consciousness returned to the body.

Standing up from the bed in the hotel, Chen Tianzhen walked out with a bright smile on his face. He was going to plant a dream charm on everyone who saw him, making them lucky fate-defying people.

Then, as long as the rebels have physical contact with others, the mechanism set by Chen Tianzhen will be triggered, and those who come into contact with the rebels will also be planted with dream attraction in an instant, becoming new rebels.

This mechanism, like a plague, can quickly develop a large number of rebels.

"Chen Tianzhen, where are you going?" As soon as he left the hotel, he saw Xiao Yao with exquisite makeup and sad eyes.

"Walk around casually, you can go out with me." Chen Tianzhen smiled all over his face, and planted a dream lure for Xiao Yao.

"Okay!" Immediately, Xiao Yao walked over with a smile all over his face, and the two walked out side by side talking and laughing.

After walking to the entrance of the hotel, Xu Xiaojin walked in with a pale face. After seeing Chen Tianzhen, Xu Xiaojin ran over, shaking his fat.

"Brother-in-law, where are you going? The supernatural power you passed on to me is indeed very powerful and miraculous, but after using it, it is too uncomfortable. I used it once as soon as you walked on the front foot, and I fainted from the pain on the spot. Now I haven't slowed down yet." Xu Xiaojin's eyes were both excited and full of fear.

The foundry profession is indeed very powerful. After preparing materials and designs, one can create objects out of thin air and directly cast parts and equipment with astonishing precision.

But Xu Xiaojin was just an ordinary person. With a single supernatural power, his energy was exhausted in an instant. He suddenly had a splitting headache, felt nauseous and vomited, and then passed out directly. The feeling was extremely uncomfortable.

After Xu Kaicheng went back, after hearing Xu Xiaojin's description, he asked Xu Xiaojin to come to find Chen Tianzhen. Firstly, he wanted Chen Tianzhen to help solve the problem of discomfort after using magical powers.

Secondly, Xu Kaicheng wanted Xu Xiaojin to come and see if Lan Qingsi and Chen Tianzhen were together.

"Do you still remember what I told you about giving you a present?" Chen Tianzhen conveniently landed on Xu Xiaojin with a dream, with a brilliant smile on his face.

Let Xu Xiaojin exercise well in the Dreamland Divine Kingdom first, and when he goes to the ancient battlefield, bring him with him and practice well.

"There is such a thing, but is the gift related to what I just said?" He said supernatural powers, but what Chen Tianzhen answered was the gift, which made Xu Xiaojin feel a little confused .

"Yes, when you lie on the bed, you will understand that as long as you work hard, the problems you encounter now will be solved soon." The smile on Chen Tianzhen's face became brighter and brighter.

After Xu Xiaojin enters the Kingdom of Dreamland, he will directly appear in the small square of the Colosseum. There is only 1 minute of preparation time. During this 1 minute, Xu Xiaojin will know the rules of the Colosseum.

Next, you must fight to the death with the hungry wolf.

If you win, you will naturally be able to enter the Dreamland Divine Kingdom and open the Destiny Panel.

If he loses, Xu Xiaojin will witness with his own eyes the whole process of being torn apart and eaten by hungry wolves.

And during this period of time, he will be under ten times the senses, even if the breeze blows on the skin, it will cause unbearable pain.

What's more, if he died in the hands of a hungry wolf, it would not be as simple as a breeze blowing him. He would be torn apart by the not-so-sharp claws of the hungry wolf and eaten bite by bite by the sharp teeth of the hungry wolf. Chen Tianzhen specially set up soul protection, anyone would be directly hurt to death.

Under Chen Tianzhen's protection, although he wouldn't die from pain, the hell-like pain would provoke even the most cowardly person to fight desperately with hungry wolves.

"Ah? You'll know when you lie down? But I'll fall asleep immediately after lying down! Brother-in-law, you're obviously lying." Xu Xiaojin's disbelief was written on his face. He felt that Chen Tianzhen was just fooling him.

"You'll understand when the time comes. Now you drive and take me around the bustling area of ​​Shanghai." Xu Xiaojin is like an idiot in dealing with people and things. Chen Tian really didn't bother to explain to him. Behind the car, he spoke directly.

"All right!"

Under Xu Xiaojin's leadership, the three of them strolled around bars, nightclubs, and brightly lit shopping malls all night.

Except for Xu Xiaojin who was a little dissatisfied, Chen Tianzhen and Xiao Yao felt very satisfied.

In Xiao Yao's hands, she bought a lot of bags, clothes and cosmetics, besides her own, many of them were bought for Chen Tianzhen.

Chen Tianzhen also had a lot of smiles on his face. During his trip this time, the number of Mengyin he sent out was a total of 15.

Through indirect contact, there are 160 million rebels attracted by the planted dream at this time, and this number is still increasing.

It is night now, and the rate of increase in this number is not too fast. By daytime, the number of rebels will definitely increase rapidly.

As long as a fate-defying person squeezes the bus or the subway, all the people in the car will be planted with dream lures.

"Chen Tianzhen, can we have a more in-depth chat at night?" At the door of the room, Xiao Yao stroked her hair charmingly, and cast a winking glance at Chen Tianzhen, exuding a strong hormonal aura.

She was originally an unrestrained woman, Xiao Yao wanted to take Chen Tianzhen down when she was live broadcasting at her home in Changkong City, but unfortunately Chen Tianzhen didn't accept the move at all.

After arriving in Shanghai, Xiao Yao found that besides Xu Min, there was another Lan Qingsi with a peerless face who was unclear about Chen Tianzhen.

The door of Chen Tianzhen's room was suddenly closed vigorously.

"Go to bed early, don't think about it." At this time, Chen Tianzhen's voice came from behind the door.

"This goblin is killing people." Chen Tianzhen walked into the bathroom hunched over. He was worried that if he didn't maintain this posture, the fragile fabric would be punctured.

At the age of seventeen or eighteen, he is full of masculinity, coupled with an extremely strong body, which makes his blood vigorous to the extreme. He usually relies on his tenacious willpower to suppress the evil thoughts that are constantly surging in his heart.

If it wasn't for his pure soul and firm will to suppress it, Xiao Yao's words just now would have made him uncontrollable and turned into a wolf...

"Cut, coward! A young chicken who has never seen the world!"

"One day, you will be taken down by my sister! See if I don't fiddle with it..." Xiao Yao deliberately pretended to be a veteran with shyness in her eyes. She knew that with Chen Tianzhen's ability, Definitely hear what she has to say.

"This goblin!" Chen Tianzhen cursed secretly, and the cold water kept falling, which made him clear up a lot.

"Master of the dream, how many of the rebels developed today have fallen asleep?" After lying down, Chen Tianzhen's consciousness appeared in the kingdom of dreams.

"Ontology, there are 130 million newly developed rebels, and they have fallen asleep." A natural and harmonious voice sounded.

"Then according to the plan, pull the rebels into the Colosseum one by one, and feel the ferocity of the hungry wolves!" Chen Tianzhen gave the order directly with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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