I can work indefinitely

Chapter 153 Newcomer Trial, Unlimited Fear Please Subscribe

Chapter 153 Newcomer Trial, Unlimited Fear Please Subscribe

"What does brother-in-law mean? You can solve the problem by lying on the bed? It's impossible!" Xu Xiaojin didn't go home. He opened a room in the hotel next to Chen Tianzhen. He was lying on the bed with a confused expression on his face. , still unable to understand Chen Tianzhen's words.

"Brother-in-law is so bright when he smiles, but it always feels weird." Xu Xiaojin carefully recalled Chen Tianzhen's expression and tone when he spoke. Xu Xiaojin always felt something was wrong with that bright smiling face.

At this moment, his eyes suddenly went dark, and then the scene in front of him changed dramatically.

"Why did I have a hallucination? No, it's not a hallucination!" Just now in the Colosseum, Xu Xiaojin thought he was hallucinating, so he patted his thigh with his hand. The pain made him confirm that it was not a hallucination, nor a dream!

Xu Xiaojin looked around, and found that he was in a small room. There were no doors and windows on the four sides of the room, and the top was not closed, but the height of the white wall was at least six meters, and the wall was as smooth as a mirror. He wanted to run through the top. Getting out is basically impossible.

In order to strive for truth, Chen Tianzhen made all the rebels who entered the dream kingdom of God for the first time think that they were in the real world.

Only in such an environment, stimulated by death, can the rebels' desperate will be stimulated.

"Where is this? Why did I suddenly appear here? There's a big dog, no, what the hell, it's a wolf!" Suddenly, his eyes found not far away, green eyes, staring straight at his hungry eyes. Wolf.

Xu Xiaojin gasped in fright, his whole body was icy cold, and the hairs all over his body immediately stood up. He stepped back in extreme horror, leaning against the wall tightly, his scalp was numb, and his feet were weak.

The distance between the hungry wolf and him was only three meters. At this moment, the hungry wolf was hungry, his eyes were green, and he was looking at him greedily. The corners of his mouth kept dripping, and Xu Xiaojin almost collapsed to the ground in fright.

At this moment, the rules of the Colosseum directly appeared in Xu Xiaojin's mind.

"Let me out! Let me out quickly! I don't want to fight desperately with the hungry wolf! I don't want to be in this ghost place!" Xu Xiaojin's face was terrified, and he slapped the wall behind him desperately, but his eyes were fixed on the hungry wolf!

The rules passed into his mind were clearly written, he only had 1 minute to prepare, during this 1 minute, the hungry wolf could not attack him, nor could he attack the hungry wolf.

After 1 minute, the hungry wolf will rush over. If it cannot defeat the hungry wolf, it will be killed, shredded and eaten by the hungry wolf.

Not to mention a wolf, even a dog, Xu Xiaojin is terribly afraid, let him and the wolf fight to the death, he does not have the courage, absolutely can't do it.

On the wall behind Hungry Wolf, there is a countdown display, starting from Xu Xiaojin entering the Colosseum, the number starts from 60 and keeps decreasing.

"Fucking mud horse!" Every time the numbers flashed, Xu Xiaojin felt terrified. As the numbers on the wall kept approaching 0, his body was highly tense, his fat body was sweating profusely, his whole body was trembling with fear to the extreme.

Just a moment ago, he slapped the wall with his hands, hit the wall with his body, and tried to climb the wall and escape from above. Unfortunately, these methods had no effect except to make him out of breath.

At this moment, the number on the wall suddenly changed to 0!

It was at this moment that the hungry wolf moved, its face became extremely ferocious, its mouth opened suddenly, its sharp teeth were facing Xu Xiaojin's neck, and with a ferocious roar, it rushed towards Xu Xiaojin.

"Ah..." A scream of endless fear came from Xu Xiaobing's mouth. Because of fear, the muscles of his whole body were stiff, and his eyes were extremely frightened. Watching the hungry wolf rushing towards him, his whole body trembled involuntarily.

Unable to escape, and impossible to escape, he was about to die at the wolf's mouth. After the fear reached the extreme, under the threat of death, blood and courage suddenly appeared in Xu Xiaojin's heart.

If you don't resist, you will die!

Take a shot and fight, there is still a chance to survive!
At this moment, under the threat of death, Xu Xiaojin's brain was running at high speed. He stood up abruptly, clenched his fleshy hands into fists, and let out a roar, "I'll fuck you!"

"If you want to kill me, I'll kill you first!" Under the threat of death, Xu Xiaojin finally broke out.

Because of nervousness and panic, he threw a punch at the hungry wolf indiscriminately. Originally, he wanted to hit the wolf's head, but he missed it.

Because the power of punching was unreserved, coupled with the power falling into the air, under the pull of the huge force, his body was uncontrollable, screaming and falling to the ground.

At this moment, the hungry wolf turned its head, opened its mouth wide, and bit down on Xu Xiaojin's chubby neck fiercely!

"Ah..." Endless fear rose from his heart, and a bone-deep pain came from his neck. Xu Xiaojin's whole body was icy cold, and after a scream, a fierce look of desperate struggle appeared in his eyes.

"Bastard, you want to eat me, I want you to die!" His hands were clenched into fists, and he swung fiercely at the hungry wolf.

Bang bang bang!
"Go to hell!" The honest man cried out, it was very scary, Xu Xiaojin's eyes were blood red, like a ghost, he punched the hungry wolf's long and narrow eyes viciously.

"Woohoo!" The hungry wolf howled, bit Xu Xiaojin's mouth violently, and tore it out fiercely.

A piece of flesh on Xu Xiaojin's neck was directly torn off, the carotid artery burst instantly, and blood gushed out.

"Beast, die! Let's die together!" Xu Xiaojin's eyes blurred, and the feeling of approaching death completely released the fierceness hidden in his heart. He ignored it, stretched out his hand and strangled the hungry wolf's neck tightly, and crossed his hands Together, the moment we died, we didn't let go.

"Woooo..." The hungry wolf let out a victorious howl, and began to taste the fruits of victory, biting Xu Xiaojin's flesh.

"Didn't I die?" After being killed by a hungry wolf, Xu Xiaojin regained consciousness again. He could perceive everything outside, and his senses were more than ten times sharper than when he was not dead, but he couldn't Move a little.

"Ah..." Hungry Wolf shook his head, Xu Xiaojin's body rubbed against the ground, the feeling was like an iron comb passing across his body, the extreme pain made Xu Xiaojin scream crazily.

Immediately afterwards, the hungry wolf began to bite his body, Xu Xiaojin finally realized what life is worse than death, what is hell on earth!

"Ah... If there is an afterlife, I will kill all the hungry wolves!"

"If you let me know which bastard brought me here, I will crush him to ashes! I must let him suffer a hundred times and a thousand times the pain I am experiencing now! Ah..." The extreme pain was simply It's not something normal people can bear, Xu Xiaojin wished he could faint, but he was very sober, with extremely keen senses, he could clearly feel the teeth of the hungry wolf piercing the skin.

"It seems that the strength this time is not enough. You can still jump around and yell!" Chen Tianzhen, who has been paying attention to Xu Xiaojin, showed a bright smile on his face, and then directly adjusted Xu Xiaojin's senses to fifty times!
"That's about it. With this lesson learned, Xu Xiaojin will definitely win the next time he faces a hungry wolf!" Hearing Xu Xiaojin's continuous mournful wailing, Chen Tianzhen nodded in satisfaction.

"This time, the harvest exceeded my expectations." Over the Colosseum, the five emotions of anger, worry, sadness, panic, and fear have gathered into colorful clouds.

The blood-red evil spirit also gathered a lot at this moment.

In addition to this, there is also gray soul energy constantly floating out of the Colosseum.

If all these energies are purified and converted into experience points, at least one hundred thousand or more, this is only because of the first batch of rebels.

After the trial of this batch of rebels is completed, there are still nearly two hundred batches of rebels waiting to enter the Colosseum of the Kingdom of God in Dreamland for trials.

"One million rebels can add one square kilometer to the Dreamland Kingdom just by testing their courage. Through space folding, it is equivalent to adding one hundred square kilometers to the Dreamland Kingdom." In Chen Tianzhen's eyes, With a glow of excitement.

"In this way, the plan to shepherd all living beings will soon advance to the second phase! In the Dream Kingdom, simulate the real world!" Simulating the real world is to simulate the real world's terrain, cities, weirdness, beasts, There are also space cracks, all of which are simulated.

Chen Tianzhen raised his hand with a move, and the evil spirit, soul power, and the power of the seven emotions and six desires were all sent into the great sun of Buddha's light.

First go through Lingshan to absorb, get the spirituality in these powers, and support Lingshan to grow.

Then after burning with karmic fire, the karma in it will be burned, not only can provide the raw materials for the growth of karmic fire, but also obtain the purest power.

The power of the seven emotions and six desires turns into colorful clouds, blends into the indifferent clone and sits down, and is finally refined into pure soul energy.

The evil spirit of blood fell into the blood-colored evil star hidden in the stars, and condensed into the entry rune of the ten-style fierce soldier. As long as there are rebels who exchange it, they will be integrated into their real bodies through dream attraction.

"Unfortunately, in the real world, the time of peace is too long. In the peaceful and prosperous age, few people have the courage to fight the hungry wolf. , and ultimately failed."

The first batch of trials has been completed, 3 rebels participated in the trials, and only [-] people passed the trials.

One of them is Xiao Yao!

There are only two people who can really muster up the courage to kill the hungry wolf!
"I didn't expect that there was a woman who passed this test for the first time!" Sensing the message from the Dream Lord, Chen Tianzhen raised his brows, with surprise in his eyes.

A man and a woman. The woman's name is Han Qingyue. She is only 20 years old. She has a strong body like a cheetah. She is decisive and ruthless.

The man, whose name is Yu Tianhong, has inherited martial arts from his family. He has been practicing martial arts since he was a child.


In the hotel room, Xu Xiaojin suddenly opened his eyes, with extreme horror in his eyes, he gasped heavily, his clothes, as if they were fished out of the water, were already drenched with sweat.

The moment he woke up, Xu Xiaojin looked around vigilantly. When he found himself still on the hotel bed, his eyes showed disbelief, "I didn't die? What happened just now was a dream?"

But what happened just now, the memory is so clear, the heart-piercing horror pain, just imagining it, made him feel chills all over and his scalp numb.

The pain that tears the soul, as long as you have experienced it once, no one will think of experiencing it a second time, life is worse than death!It would be better to be dead.

Just as Xu Xiaojin heaved a sigh of relief, an extremely intense pain struck instantly.

He felt that his head was chopped by an axe. Although the tearing pain was not as painful as being eaten by a hungry wolf, it was not much worse.

"Ah...!" Xu Xiaojin rolled off the bed and rolled on the ground. The uncontrollable pain made him scream crazily.

A full 10 minutes later, Xu Xiaojin's face was pale, his eyes were bloodshot, his hair was wet, his breathing was short of breath, and he sat trembling slightly on the sofa in the hotel.

"What the hell is going on? Why do I suddenly feel so much pain?" Xu Xiaojin's voice was hoarse and tinged with madness.

"Brother-in-law must know what's going on! At night, I asked him for advice about the headache after using supernatural powers. He told me the gift, and said that I would know what's going on when I lie in bed at night?" Xu Xiaojin His eyes suddenly lit up. Not long after he lay on the bed, he entered a strange place and fought desperately with hungry wolves.

When he came back from that strange place after suffering so much, he would have a splitting headache and it was unbearable!
At this moment, Xu Xiaojin once again recalled Chen Tianzhen's brilliant smile when he spoke.

"Oh my god!" This smile just appeared in his mind, and Xu Xiaojin screamed in horror as if seeing a ghost, like a little daughter-in-law who was about to be bullied, her fat body was tightly huddled on the sofa, her body Shaking slightly.

"No, I have to ask my brother-in-law what's going on!" Finally, Xu Xiaojin plucked up the courage and wanted to ask what happened.

At this moment, he noticed the abnormality in front of him. In his field of vision, a line of bloody text kept flashing.

"It's 23:49:59 until the next trial!"

The time in the text is exactly the same as the countdown displayed on the wall in the strange place just now. After it appeared, it began to decrease every second. Xu Xiaojin had already mustered up his courage. After seeing the scene in front of him, it seemed With all the strength drained from his body, he slumped on the sofa with a pale face.

All the rebels who were eliminated by the Colosseum have experienced everything that Xu Xiaojin has experienced at this moment. Their faces are pale and there is extreme fear in their eyes.


At the height of the 28th floor of the Jinshan Community in Shanghai, a middle-aged businessman was extremely obese due to long-term overnutrition. At this moment, his face was full of despair.

He is also a newcomer to this trial. He suddenly appeared in the Colosseum and faced hungry wolves. Without a thought of courage, he could do nothing but hug his head and cry.

Then, he experienced once, what is life is worse than death, what is hell torture.

After returning to reality, he thought it was a nightmare, but when he realized that the time was counting down, he collapsed and despaired.

Then he came to the window, opened it, and was about to jump down and take his own life.

Compared with the despair and pain in the Colosseum, death is really nothing!
"Even if I die, I will never go to that ghostly place again. My life is up to me, and I will never go to the trial." The middle-aged man had endless fear in his eyes, ready to turn over and jump down.

At this moment, a cold, ruthless, machine-like voice sounded in his mind, "It is detected that Zhao Lezhi wants to escape the trial with death, and he will be punished at the first level!"

The method of punishment is actually very simple, that is to form a blade with evil spirit, just like peeling an apple, and scrape off the outer layer of the punished soul, the damage is not great, but the pain of tearing the soul does not have any Creatures can bear it.

After hearing the cold voice in his mind, the middle-aged man's face was extremely horrified!
Then, a tearing pain more intense than in the Colosseum appeared violently, a pain a thousand times more intense than cramps and peeling, and it hit instantly.

In an instant, the middle-aged man collapsed on the ground. The clean clothes he had just put on were drenched with sweat in an instant. Can't make a sound.

In just an instant, his face was twisted to the extreme, because of the pain, it was as ferocious as a ghost.

After a long time, the middle-aged man wriggled up from the ground, and there was no other emotion in his eyes except fear.

"I must kill the hungry wolf, I must kill it!"

"If it doesn't die, I will never have peace!" The middle-aged man, with a mad killing intent in his eyes, had an extremely fierce expression on his face.

Through this punishment, he finally understood that trials cannot be escaped!

Before the trial is completed, death becomes a luxury!
The only way is to kill the hungry wolf!
There are many people who have the same idea as the middle-aged man, no matter what method they use to commit suicide, they are eventually stopped by punishment.

After realizing that there was no way to escape, everyone focused on one thing, how to kill the hungry wolf!
Only by killing the hungry wolf can they escape from this hellish place!

"If you want to escape by death, how can I make you happy!" Chen Tianzhen had a stern smile on his face in Dreamland Divine Kingdom. He had already considered that some people would not be able to bear the pain and choose to escape by suicide.

But this is impossible!
If you can't kill the hungry wolf, you will feel the pain of being torn apart and eaten by the hungry wolf.

Kill the hungry wolf, enter the kingdom of dreams, and become a rebel!
There are only two paths given by Chen Tianzhen, and no one can walk out of the third path.

"The three of them, why didn't they move at the entrance of the Colosseum?" Chen Tianzhen's eyes shifted to the entrance of the Colosseum. The three people who passed the trial at this moment stood outside the Colosseum with eyes full of vigilance, motionless. There is a look of fear in the eyes.

"Let's go and give them some guidance! If you don't give them some guidance, they will probably stand there until they can exit the Dreamland Divine Kingdom!" After thinking for a moment, Chen Tianzhen understood the thoughts of the three of them, and understood why the three of them like a statue!
Because they were frightened by the scene in the Colosseum!

Standing outside the Colosseum, they could see the whole picture of the Colosseum clearly. At this moment, they saw the extremely bloody scene in the Colosseum. Countless people were torn into pieces by hungry wolves, swallowing them mouthful.


The archives are exhausted, today's update...

 Thanks, the 0 bookworm who is bitter to seek knowledge, really does not know what is good or bad, and is gluttonous 0, Fengzi 12138, the rewards of the four big guys... first kneel down and thank one.

  I don't even have the face to ask for votes...

(End of this chapter)

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