I can work indefinitely

Chapter 154 Big Lie, Planning for the Future

Chapter 154 Big Lie, Planning for the Future
"Congratulations, you have passed the test of courage in the Kingdom of Dreamland and become an official rebel!" Chen Tianzhen appeared not far from the three of them, with a smile on his lips, gentle eyes, and a voice like spring breeze.

After hearing the sound, the three of them were very vigilant and turned around quickly.

"Chen Tianzhen?" Seeing that it was Chen Tianzhen, Xiao Yao's eyes flashed with surprise, but this place is too weird. She just went to bed and lay down, and she was taken to this ghost place in an instant, fighting desperately with hungry wolves, if it wasn't for the past She has fought against evil spirits, if she hadn't already mastered the bone refinement realm of the ten forms of fierce soldiers, she would never be able to escape from the mouth of wolves.

In this ghost place, if you don't pay attention, you will be torn apart and swallowed like other people in the Colosseum, so Xiao Yao kept an eye out and stopped rushing towards Chen Tianzhen, because Chen Tianzhen on the opposite side Whether it is true or not is unknown.

"Xiao Yao, it's me! Master Back, live broadcast, ancient battlefield, ten styles of fierce soldiers!" Chen Tianzhen's eyes showed a hint of admiration, Xiao Yao's cautious treatment made Chen Tianzhen extremely satisfied, whether it was a monk, a strange person, or even a lot of people. Fierce beasts all have the ability to change their appearance. When confronted with strange, ferocious beasts, and monks, if you don't pay attention, you will die on the spot. Courage is the most important quality, and caution is also very important.

"Chen Tianzhen, it really is you!" Xiao Yao's face suddenly burst into a bright smile, and she quickly walked to Chen Tianzhen's side, her highly tense nerves instantly relaxed, and her eyes showed a relaxed look.

As long as Chen Tianzhen is there, it is an absolutely safe place!
"Xiao Yao, you must maintain this cautious attitude. This quality will make you live longer and better." Chen Tianzhen continued.

"This is the Colosseum. All newcomers who enter the Dream Kingdom must go through the test of courage. As long as they muster up the courage and respond carefully, hungry wolves are not terrible! Ordinary people can also pass the test." Chen Tianzhen said slowly. He opened his mouth slowly and pointed to the Colosseum to explain to the three of them.

"They died during the trial, but they didn't really die. As a punishment for failing the trial, they will gain ten times the senses, soberly feel the pain of being torn apart by hungry wolves and swallowed by hungry wolves!"

"After 24 hours in the real world, they will be pulled into the Colosseum by the power of the dream kingdom of God, and they will undergo another trial of courage! Then the infinite loop will continue until they muster up the courage to kill the hungry wolf. End."

"After they pass the test of courage, they will be able to become rebels in the Kingdom of Dreamland just like you!"

Following Chen Tianzhen's explanation, Han Qingyue, with a cold face, a slender figure, shoulder-length short hair, and an ordinary-looking Han Qingyue, had a frightened look in her eyes.

The other passed the trial, not tall, with a strong body, a firm face, a scar on a finger on his forehead, and Yu Tianhong, who was in his thirties, with a face full of shock.

"Brother, you said that if you fail the test of courage, you will be forcibly pulled in once every 24 hours, and then you will be torn apart and eaten by hungry wolves? This is too cruel!" Yu Tianhong exaggerated, pointing Pointing to the bloody scene in the Colosseum, his face turned pale.

Not to mention ten times the senses, even if it is double the senses, the sober feeling is torn apart by hungry wolves, the process of chewing, the kind of pain, can a human bear it?
"You're wrong about one thing, it's not cruel at all here!" Chen Tian really didn't agree with Yu Tianhong's opinion, he shook his head, and continued to speak with a serious face, "The Lord of Dreams is a benevolent deity, he created The Kingdom of Dreamland that came out is also a place of perfection, the trial of courage, it looks really cruel, but you have not seen the nobility, greatness and kindness of the Lord of Dreamland under the cruelty!"

"Just giving ordinary people the opportunity to test their courage is a great grace! If you fail the test of courage, there is no loss at all. At most, it will be more painful, and it can also hone the spiritual will of the tester."

"If you can pass the trial, you will be able to enter this land of gods created by the gods, enjoy the time flow rate five times that of the real world, and gain an increase in the length of life out of thin air. In this regard, do you think the dream master is great? "Some people said he was cruel, and Chen Tianzhen resolutely corrected this wrong concept.

"When you say that, it's really great. Wait, something seems wrong..." Yu Tianhong felt that what Chen Tianzhen said was indeed well-founded, but there was always something wrong.

What about human freedom?What about will?Don't you need to think about it a little bit?

"After passing the test of courage, you can become a fate-defying person. Ordinary people can change their destiny, practice exercises, and gain powerful force to move mountains and seas. In this regard, do you think the Lord of Dreams is great?" No After Yu Tianhong finished speaking, Chen Tianzhen directly interrupted his words, and continued to talk about the benefits of the Dream Kingdom.

"Great!" Yu Tianhong nodded vigorously. He was born in the world of martial arts and practiced martial arts since he was a child. He likes any method that can improve his physical strength. No matter whether the dream master is great or not, at least Chen Tianzhen Speaking of which, he likes it very much.

"In order for the rebels to make rapid progress, he arranged ghosts and beasts in the kingdom of dreams to provide the rebels with a place to practice, without any rewards. Tell me, is the master of dreams great?" Chen Tianzhen continued to speak, with a solemn and solemn voice.

"Great!" Yu Tianhong said with admiration on her face. According to what Chen Tianzhen said, the Lord of Dreamland is simply the kindest deity in the world.

As for human freedom and will, there is no need to consider it at all.

"Brother, I would like to ask you a few questions. How did you know the information here? Also, what is your relationship with the Dream Lord?" Yu Tianhong didn't believe a word of Chen Tianzhen's words, but on the surface he asked with a reverent face.

Because Chen Tianzhen's words, in his opinion, are nonsense, Yu Tianhong has seen many people who can talk, but this is the first time he has seen a serious nonsense like Chen Tianzhen.

"I am the priest of the Lord of Dreams. The Lord of Dreams walks on the ground of the Kingdom of God! The spokesperson of the Lord of Dreams in reality, the practitioner of the Lord of Dreams' path of perfection! This is the Kingdom of God opened by the Lord of Dreams. All I know everything about it!" Chen Tianzhen's face was extremely serious, and he respected him from the bottom of his heart, as if he really believed in the Lord of Dreams.

Xiao Yao was confused by Chen Tianzhen's appearance, "Chen Tianzhen showed all kinds of supernatural powers before, because he is the spokesperson of the gods in reality?"

At this moment, Xiao Yao recalled all kinds of anomalies since meeting Chen Tianzhen, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt that the credibility was extremely high!
"Oh, that's how it is!" Yu Tianhong had a face full of enlightenment, but only he knew how much he believed in his heart.

"Brother, you said so much just now, you can practice exercises here, and you can experience them, but where are the exercises?" Yu Tianhong usually practiced martial arts, and she was a manic person. He kept pretending, at this moment, she no longer wanted to listen to Chen Tianzhen's nonsense, he just wanted to get more information from Chen Tianzhen.

"It's easy, read it silently in your mind now, the panel! Find the exchange module, and you will be able to see the cultivation method!" Chen Tianzhen looked at Yu Tianhong with a smile on his face, and this person was very vigilant. I don't believe a word of what he said.

"He's a good seedling. We must send him to the group of Giant Sword Skeletons later, so that he can experience and grow up quickly." Chen Tian has already made arrangements for Yu Tianhong in his heart.

Chen Tianzhen assured that he was definitely not revenge on Yu Tianhong for not believing his words, he really just wanted to use strong pressure to promote Yu Tianhong's rapid growth.

"After the cultivation is completed, the strength of a single punch reaches [-] catties? It's terrible!" Under Chen Tianzhen's guidance, Yu Tianhong carefully checked the functions of the panel. The brilliance of great desire.

"Not enough points to redeem?" Without the slightest hesitation, he clicked to redeem, but a prompt box popped up.

Han Qingyue's performance was cold and cheerless, and she didn't say a word. She carefully checked the relevant functions of the Defender's panel.

"Brother, where can I get these points?" Yu Tianhong asked impatiently, with a look of longing in her eyes.

"The Sutra Pavilion! You can sell knowledge and memories in exchange for points!" Chen Tianzhen pointed to the antique building not far away, and took the lead in walking over.

Xiao Yao followed without the slightest hesitation.

Yu Tianhong and Han Qingyue looked at each other, their eyes were full of vigilance and alertness, besides that, there was also fear hidden deep in their eyes!
They listened to what Chen Tianzhen said just now, but they didn't really believe it!

Especially what Chen Tianzhen said, if he dies in the kingdom of dreams, the reality will not be harmed. The two of them couldn't believe it at all!
"Follow me?" Yu Tianhong asked in a low voice. Two fists are no match for four hands. In this weird place, it is better to have a companion than no one. You can fight together to increase the probability of victory. When you run away, There are also people who disperse firepower and increase the probability of successful escape.

"Is there any other way? Go! Follow!" Han Qingyue's eyes flashed a flash of determination, and then she quickly followed Chen Tianzhen, but she always kept a distance of about three meters from Chen Tianzhen.

Through Mengyin, Chen Tianzhen was very clear about the two people's thoughts, but he didn't care.

"Chen Tianzhen, are you really the spokesperson of the Lord of Dreams? I see that in the exchange module, there is an entry-level rune exchange for the ten-style fierce soldier!" Xiao Yao lowered his voice, and there was doubt in his voice.

The Ten Forms of Fierce Soldiers is a cultivation method that Chen Tianzhen deduced for soldiers in the ancient battlefield, she knows this very well.

"That's right, in fact, I am the priest of the lord of the dream. All my supernatural powers and exercises are given to me by the lord of the dream! Even the ten forms of fierce soldiers are also rewards given to me by the lord of the dream." Chen Tianzhen spoke without hesitation, sincerely.

He didn't want to lie to Xiao Yao either, but through Emperor Zun's incident, he found that many of his previous actions lacked consideration and were very dangerous.

Bringing the Lord of Dreams to the foreground made everyone think that Chen Tianzhen's abilities, supernatural powers, and exercises all came from the Lord of Dreams.

His current strength is invincible in the whole world, indeed no one can do anything to him, even if he knows that his supernatural powers and exercises are very abnormal, but who would dare to inquire about them?Who dares to ask?

Even if he asked, Chen Tianzhen could fool him with a nonsense word, but whether the other party believed it in his heart had to be a huge question mark.

However, after the arrival of the heavens, countless strong men will come to the real world. If Chen Tianzhen's abnormality is discovered by these strong men, with the coldness and strength of those strong men, Chen Tianzhen will definitely be refined into ashes in an instant. All the souls have been extracted!

This has to be guarded against!

Therefore, for his own safety, he thought of escaping the golden cicada and prepared to put a layer of skin on himself!

Transform yourself into a priest of the Goddess Dream Lord!

All the supernatural powers and exercises are bestowed by the dream master.

Now that the Kingdom of Dreamland is reopening, humans all over the world will be forcibly drawn into this dangerous world soon.

With the miraculousness of the Kingdom of Dreamland and Chen Tianzhen's continuous promotion, all his supernatural powers and exercises come from the Lord of Dreamland, his credibility can be greatly improved, and his supernatural powers and exercises will have a source.

In addition, Chen Tianzhen plans to pass on part of his own skills through the Dream Kingdom, as long as others have the abilities and supernatural powers that Chen Tianzhen seems to have similar effects.

With Chen Tianzhen's skin, the credibility of the identity of the High Priest of Dreams can be greatly improved, and it will change from false to real.

When the powerhouses from the heavens and worlds arrive, even if they find clues, the first thing they think of is definitely the Lord of Dreams!
But the Lord of the Dreamland is in the Kingdom of Dreamland, and the Kingdom of Dreamland is located in an unknowable area outside the world. Without Chen Tianzhen's consent, it is basically impossible for the powerhouses of the heavens and the world to enter the Kingdom of Dreamland!

Xiao Yao nodded, and together with Chen Tianzhen, stepped into the Scripture-Depository Pavilion. Yu Tianhong and Han Qingyue looked at each other with vigilance in their eyes, took a deep breath secretly, and followed into the Scripture-Depository Pavilion.

Immediately, the mechanism of the Sutra Pavilion was triggered, and the reminder sounded in the minds of the three at the same time. They suppressed the shock in their hearts and chose to agree to the scan.

Then, all the knowledge they have mastered is sorted out.

"Yu's fists and feet! The distribution of fatal acupoints on the human body..." Chen Tianzhen took a glance with his authority, and found that the knowledge Yu Tianhong had sorted out was basically related to martial arts training.

"Sanda training method! Three forms of anti-wolf! Girl's bed No.30 six-form detailed explanation! How to train a man into a puppy! Men's yang energy supplement prescription..." Chen Tianzhen couldn't believe his eyes, the girl What the hell is the detailed explanation of bed No.30 six poses?What the hell is the little milk dog?Why the hell is there a prescription for supplementing yang qi!
After Han Qingyue sorted out the knowledge, Chen Tianzhen glanced at the latter part, but he didn't dare to read it again, it simply exceeded his understanding of women.

Just a quick glance at the name made his blood boil, one can imagine how violent it was!

Looking at Han Qingyue again, there was no expression on her face, her eyes were cold, and her style of painting was completely different from the pornographic and violent knowledge she had mastered.

"The old saying is good, if you want to see a woman's heart clearly, you can't just look at the outside, you must find a passage leading to the depths of her heart." Chen Tianzhen sighed, and then looked at the knowledge that Xiao Yao had sorted out.

"Ten ways of a fierce soldier! The self-cultivation of the anchor! One hundred and eight ways that men can't control! How to get a man you like! Women's private maintenance manual..."

"I'll go! Sure enough, no woman is a simple thing." Chen Tianzhen quickly shifted his gaze, just looking at the title of knowledge made him feel overwhelmed.

"Master of the dream, this sensitive knowledge is forbidden to be shown to all men!" Then Chen Tianzhen passed the order to the master of the dream without hesitation, he was afraid that the man's vitality would be consumed too much after seeing these strange knowledge , affecting the effect of practice.

"It's a pity that other men can avoid these strange knowledge, but I can't avoid it. In order to improve my insight skills, I have to read all the knowledge carefully." Chen Tianzhen secretly sighed, his face full of discomfort, as if he had been hurt. Huge grievance in general.

Immediately afterwards, his tone was firm and eager, and he conveyed the order to the dream master again, "Find a way to empty out all their knowledge! After all, the improvement of skills is the most important thing!"


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(End of this chapter)

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