Chapter 155
"Brother, all my knowledge has been sold, and I got 12 points, what's next?" After Yu Tianhong finished selling the knowledge, she suppressed her surprise and asked Chen Tianzhen.

At this time, Han Qingyue also completed the knowledge sale. Hearing Yu Tianhong's question, she didn't have the slightest expression on her face, but the solemn look in her eyes showed that she also cared about Yu Tianhong's question.

Chen Tianzhen glanced at Yu Tianhong's panel, and there were 57 points in total, not the 12 points Yu Tianhong said at all.

Immediately, the smile on Chen Tianzhen's face brightened instantly, "This kid is not bad, he is still so cautious now, he is a talent that can be created, he must be cultivated well! Cultivate vigorously!"

"I suggest that you spend 1 point to learn the ten styles of fierce soldiers, 1 point to learn basic sword skills, and exchange 10 points for getting started with the ten styles of fierce soldiers." Chen Tianzhen began to point out sincerely.

The Ten Forms of Fierce Soldiers, the practice is simple and rude, and the power is not weak. The most important thing is that it can be exchanged for entry-level runes, directly cultivated to the entry-level state, and instantly forms combat power. As an entry-level exercise, it is the best.

If you want to learn other exercises, you will not only need to spend points to learn the basic knowledge about meridians and acupoints, but also to practice the introductory runes of the condensed exercises. It will take a long time, at least two or three years, to form combat power.

"Now that you have points, as long as you read and study silently in your mind, the Sutra Pavilion will show you the most suitable exercises and martial arts." Chen Tianzhen explained again in detail.

"Master of the Dreamland, you sort out the information I gave to the rebels this time. All the rebels who passed the test of courage will directly pass this memory into their minds! Inheritance must include that I am the Lord of Dreamland. A message from the priest!" Chen Tianzhen focused on two things, while giving instructions to the three of them, he gave instructions to the Dream Lord in his heart.

According to Chen Tianzhen's plan, all human beings in the world will surely become rebels, that is to say, everyone will know that Chen Tianzhen is the priest of the Lord of Dreams!

In addition, Chen Tianzhen prepared to develop several real dream priests from the rebels in the form of rewards!

From now on, except for himself, no one will doubt him anymore, all eyes will be directed to the dream master, and he himself can use this golden cicada to escape his shell.

After hearing Chen Tianzhen's words, Yu Tianhong and Han Qingyue couldn't wait to start experimenting.

"Learning!" Yu Tianhong said silently in her heart, and a page similar to a web page appeared in front of her eyes. The page was divided into several columns, and the first column was the cultivation method.

His thoughts were directly focused on the column of cultivation skills. At this time, a new page opened, and at the top, a line of text was displayed, "After scanning, the most suitable exercise for your practice is the Ten Forms of Fierce Soldiers!"

"I'll go...!" Yu Tianhong was dumbfounded, because the exercises that could be exchanged on the panel were the ten forms of fierce soldiers, and the exercises Chen Tianzhen recommended to him were also the ten forms of fierce soldiers. In terms of kung fu, only the ten forms of fierce soldiers appeared.

The smile on Chen Tianzhen's face remained the same, but he secretly smiled in his heart. Not only Yu Tianhong, but any newcomer who wanted to learn the scriptures in the Sutra Pavilion had only one choice, the ten moves of fierce soldiers.

Because of the kingdom of dreams, now only the entry runes of the Ten Forms of Fierce Soldiers can be gathered!
Only by choosing the ten styles of fierce soldiers can ordinary people get started quickly and form combat effectiveness.

"What is the exercise recommended to you? The exercise recommended to me is the ten moves of fierce soldiers! And it is the only choice." Han Qingyue opened her eyes, looked at Yu Tianhong, her voice was cold.

"What a coincidence, me too!" A strange light flashed in Yu Tianhong's eyes, her eyes signaled to Han Qingyue, and she nodded lightly to where Chen Tianzhen was.

"You two, don't flirt with each other, learn the exercises quickly, and exchange your cultivation, so that I can take you to experience it." Sensing the psychological changes of the two, Chen Tian was in great pain, and asked them to guess. How long will it take, how can he have so much time to accompany them to continue the fight, so he cut straight to the point and urged.

"Brother, I think we need to take a closer look! Don't worry, don't worry, although the recommended method is the ten moves of fierce soldiers, it is also mentioned in the introduction of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. In addition to recommending this method, we You can also go to the Sutra Pavilion to choose other exercises to practice on your own."

"Cultivation is not a child's play. It determines the achievements of a person's life. It is very important." Yu Tianhong's face was full of sternness, and he explained the theory passed down by his family. After all, he just didn't want to follow Chen Tianzhen's request to learn fierce soldiers ten style.

"In the Sutra Pavilion, the ancient books are as vast as the stars. Are you sure you want to find other exercises?" Chen Tianzhen raised his brows, and asked Yu Tianhong with a displeased expression. Selfishness.

"Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as there is a heart! Even if there are so many classics in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, I can always find the one that suits me!" Yu Tianhong had a determined expression on his face, and his eyes were full of determination.

When he came in, he took a special look at the bookshelves of the Sutra Pavilion, the bookshelves were basically empty, there were a few books on the bookshelves here and there, and they couldn't match Chen Tianzhen's vast sea of ​​books.

Therefore, he felt that there might be something wrong with the ten styles of fierce soldiers, not only the ten styles of fierce soldiers, but also Chen Tianzhen!

"It has long been known that you are not a good person. If you keep opening your eyes and telling nonsense, I will believe you only if I am a fool!" He said contemptuously in his heart, but there was no abnormal expression on his face.

"Master of the dream, there is still a loophole in the setting of the Sutra Pavilion! After the rebels who have passed the test of courage sell their knowledge in the Sutra Pavilion, the basic skills of all rebels are directly limited to the ten moves of the fierce soldier. It is limited to basic knife skills, and they cannot be given a chance to choose."

The other exercises put into the Sutra Pavilion by Chen Tianzhen are actually very strong, but if you want to rely on your own strength to cultivate to the entry level, it is basically impossible within two or three years.

Now the arrival of the heavens and worlds has become a foregone conclusion, let alone the other worlds, the Heavenly Sacred Gate will only take three years to arrive, Chen Tianzhen has so much time for the rebels to practice slowly.

Only the Ten Forms of Fierce Soldiers, the blood-colored evil star in the Dream Kingdom of God, can directly condense the three entry-level runes!

As long as you exchange your cultivation base, you can get started instantly!
The way of practice is simple and rude, you only need to kill strange things to improve your cultivation!

After finishing the Ten Forms of Fierce Soldiers and raising their cultivation level to the first level, they can directly transfer to Zhanbing Jue. Zhanbing Jue is a powerful skill with five runes, which is no worse than any skill, even if someone doesn't like fighting Bingjue, specializing in other exercises, is also very easy.

Especially when multiple people form a team, the advantages of Zhan Bing Jue are incomparable. The true energy can be shared by multiple people, and the true energy of many people can be gathered on one person. In times of crisis, regardless of life and death, it can even make practitioners leap to the next level. war!

"If you want to practice other exercises in the Sutra Pavilion, the prerequisite is that you have practiced the ten moves of fierce soldiers to the limit!" In his mind, Chen Tianzhen gave instructions to the dream master.

"The rules have been updated! How should Yu Tianhong, Han Qingyue, and Xiao Yao deal with it?" The voice of the Dream Lord sounded in Chen Tianzhen's mind the next moment.

"Xiao Yao, I will tell her that if the other two don't listen, I can only persuade them with reason!" Chen Tianzhen had a cheerful smile in his voice, and persuaded people with reason. like!

"Just now the lord of the dream world issued an oracle. All the newcomers who have passed the test must choose the ten moves of fierce soldiers as the basic exercise! Therefore, you have no choice! You don't need to choose other exercises. You can learn directly now. Let's use the ten styles of fierce soldiers!" In Chen Tianzhen's eyes, there was a look of mother's doubts.

He appeared in front of the three of them, one to guide the three of them into the Dream Kingdom as soon as possible, and the other to promote his identity as the chief priest of the dream.

Now, the second goal has been completed. The first goal was delayed due to Yu Hongtian and Han Qingyue's suspicions. In addition, he found that in reality Xu Xiaojin had sorted out his mentality and was about to open the door to ask him.

He has no patience to continue grinding with Yu Tianhong and Han Qingyue!

Either immediately learn the ten moves of fierce soldiers and exchange for entry runes, or he immediately activates the big stick of persuading people with reasoning, so that Yu Tianhong can experience the education of love.

Chen Tianzhen's commanding tone made Yu Tianhong feel very uncomfortable. As the saying goes, adults have big faces and villains have small faces. He is a 30-year-old man, and he is not weak yet.

Being treated by Chen Tianzhen as the face of Xiao Yao and Han Qingyue, without giving him any face, and asking in a commanding tone, this made him feel very humiliated.

In addition, Chen Tianzhen looked like a high school boy, and he didn't have any threatening appearance at all.

Although Chen Tianzhen kept saying that he was the priest of the Lord of Dreams, but through his careful observation all the way, he did not find that Chen Tianzhen showed anything extraordinary, except for his sharp tongue, he was no different from ordinary people.

Although I don't know where Chen Tianzhen got some information about this strange place, but what's the point of knowing the information, it doesn't matter whether it's words or not, what matters in the end is fists and strength!

Yu Tianhong has practiced martial arts since she was a child, and what she lacks most is courage!
Because of Chen Tianzhen's commanding tone, the playful smile on Yu Tianhong's face disappeared in an instant. He gave Chen Tianzhen a cold look, as if he hadn't heard what Chen Tianzhen said, and walked straight to the practice area marked by the Sutra Pavilion .

Han Qingyue's eyes were cold, her voice was hoarse, and she said without any emotion, "My child, a martial arts practitioner will draw a knife and kill someone if he disagrees with him. He has a very violent temper. I advise you not to mess with him. This weird place, It makes people crazier, and if you piss him off, I think he can do anything."

"Don't lose your life because of your youthful spirit, it's not worth it! My friend, let me advise you, you must learn to be humble in front of the strong." After Han Qingyue finished speaking, she went to the practice area like Yu Tianhong walked over.

Xiao Yao's eyes widened, she admired Yu Tianhong and Han Qingyue so much, who is Chen Tianzhen?The towering ghost king, Chen Tian can really kill him with one move!

The ancient battlefield where the military department suffered heavy casualties and there was no way to deal with it. After Chen Tianzhen passed by, it didn't take long. He was so powerful and weird, all of them were wiped out!

This is a man who will be afraid even if he sees something strange!

But he was directly attacked by two ordinary people!

Who was the person who dared to do this to Chen Tian last time?It seems that Sun Juncai has gone bankrupt now!

Even the Minister of the Ministry of War was cautious when speaking in front of Chen Tianzhen, and he did not dare to be disrespectful at all.

Regardless of power or strength, Chen Tianzhen has already surpassed everyone in this world. In the entire world, only a few people are qualified to sit on an equal footing with Chen Tianzhen!
But now, Yu Tianhong didn't give Chen Tianzhen any face at all, and instead of listening to Chen Tianzhen's greeting, she gave Chen Tianzhen a cold look, turned her head and left.

Even Han Qingyue had a cold light in her eyes, and began to preach to Chen Tianzhen.

This scene made Xiao Yao feel unbelievable, and then he was full of admiration. The courage of these two people is really greater than the sky!
"Admiration, these two people are simply my idols, you can say it when you say it, without any hesitation, and act decisively! My kid, this title is really good." This name for little friend Chen Tianzhen made her lean forward and back with laughter, her eyes bent into crescent shapes.

Hearing Xiao Yao's laughter, the two who had already walked out stopped at the same time, turned their heads, and looked at Chen Tianzhen.

"Are you sure that you don't follow the oracle of the dream master to learn the ten moves of the fierce soldier and the basic sword skills, and exchange them for the entry-level cultivation of the ten moves of the fierce soldier?" Chen Tianzhen's face was extremely serious, like a fanatic who heard someone It's like insulting the gods he believes in.

"What? Could it be that you still want to do something?" Yu Tianhong sneered, with violent eyes in his eyes, and then his voice was full of extreme sarcasm, "Didn't you keep telling me that the Lord of Dreams is the God of Perfection? You Didn't it mean that you are the spokesperson of the Lord of Dreams on earth, and you want to practice His path of perfection?"

"If that's the case, why stop us from choosing other exercises?" In fact, from the very beginning, Yu Tianhong never believed Chen Tianzhen's words!

"It's because of God's kindness that he doesn't want you to go further and further down the wrong path, so I let me stop you from taking the wrong path." Chen Tianzhen was unmoved, and opened his mouth.

"Choosing the ten moves of the fierce soldier is the real mistake! Ever since you appeared, you have been recommending the so-called ten moves of the fierce soldier!" Yu Tianhong sneered. Ever since he met Chen Tianzhen, Chen Tianzhen had been recommending the ten moves of the fierce soldier , the more he recommends it, the more he feels that there is a problem with the ten styles of fierce soldiers.

Especially seeing that they hadn't practiced the ten forms of fierce soldiers, Chen Tianzhen directly pulled out the so-called oracle, which made Yu Tianhong feel that the ten forms of fierce soldiers are definitely not a good thing!

Everyone hides the good things, for fear that others will find out, if the ten styles of fierce soldiers are really good things, Chen Tianzhen will never recommend them again and again, or even force them to choose!

"Are you sure you don't want to practice the ten moves of fierce soldiers?" Chen Tian sighed sincerely, convincing people with reasoning, it seems inevitable today, but in the spirit of humanitarianism, he asked for the third time, but this time it was the same The last time, it happened only three times, and if Yu Tianhong and Han Qingyue's views couldn't be changed after three times, no wonder he was to blame.

"This is your true eyesight, right? Don't continue to pretend now? Are you angry?" Yu Tianhong sneered, with a clear look in her eyes.

"Boy, the Lord of Dreams, you made it up, right? And the priest of the so-called Lord of Dreams, you are also talking nonsense!"

"Boy, let me tell you, if you dare to lie to me like this in the outside world, I will definitely teach you a profound lesson. The reason why I didn't do anything to you is because this is a strange place, everything is unknown, and you know a lot Information, can help us!"

"This is the third time you have spoken to me in this tone, and it will also be the last time. If I hear you speak to me in this tone again, and point fingers at me, I will definitely make you look good!" There was a fierce light, and the tone was very severe.

After careful observation, he found that apart from playing tricks on Chen Tianzhen, there was really no magic in him!

This is the third time Chen Tianzhen has spoken to him in this tone, and there are only three things. As long as Chen Tianzhen dares to say it again, he will use his fists to let Chen Tianzhen know why the flowers are so popular!


Thank you, Broken Heart Grass 12, Wu Nanwu, the two big guys gave a reward.

It’s really just an update today... let me rest up for a few days, and come back every day...

(End of this chapter)

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