Chapter 156
"It's a pity that you don't cherish the opportunity given to you. In this case, I can only reason with you, I can only convince you with reasoning!" Chen Tianzhen had a helpless face, with reluctance in his voice.

"My lord, lord of dreams, your greatness will surely illuminate the endless world, your greatness must be known to the world, and your greatness will guide my way forward! Anyone who doubts your existence, your agent on the ground will give The punishment he deserves!" Chen Tianzhen's expression suddenly became extremely frenzied.

Since the golden cicada has to escape its shell and pretend to be the priest of the Lord of Dreams, he must do everything. A priest must be a fanatical believer. When someone says that the god he believes in does not exist, he will definitely be furious!
If he didn't respond when someone questioned his belief in the existence of gods, his status as a priest would be completely abolished!
In fact, Yu Tianhong was the first batch of people who passed the test of courage, and Chen Tianzhen was going to train him to be a positive model to give guidance to other rebels.

However, Yu Tianhong didn't die!
The might of the gods is like the sea, and the might of the gods is like a prison. Anyone who dares to question the dream master in front of him will be punished extremely harshly.

"Shenwei, it was originally reserved for those outsiders, but unfortunately, you insisted on bumping into it, so you can't blame me!" The reason why the gods are great is because they give both kindness and might.

Grace can turn ordinary people into the sons of Tianjiao, anger can knock anyone down from the clouds, and this is worthy of the title of god.

In fact, in reality, many people have come to the Ministry of Criminal Justice to reflect on the situation encountered in the Kingdom of Dreamland, and there are still some people who have been eliminated, because the fear has gone crazy, they are connecting together at the moment, parading in the streets, lifting weights to demand the Ministry of Criminal Justice to deal with it immediately .

Shenwei, Chen Tianzhen was originally prepared for these people, but Yu Tianhong, who was not willing to die, questioned the existence of the Dream Lord, did not obey the oracle of the Dream Lord, and took the initiative to bump into him.

Therefore, he must be punished!
This is definitely not Chen Tianzhen's personal revenge, but to maintain his personality as a priest, he has to do this!

"Boy, what do you want to express? You really want to die, don't you?" Yu Tianhong's face was ugly. He had just warned Chen Tianzhen not to talk nonsense before he finished speaking. Now Chen Tianzhen started talking again, talking about the dream again. Lord, don't take what he said at all.

"Divine Art-Space Transformation!" Chen Tianzhen spoke suddenly with a stern face on his face, the authority of the Dream Lord was activated, and the space was transformed in an instant.

Everyone just felt that their eyes dimmed, and their locations had changed. Originally they were in the Sutra Pavilion, surrounded by bookshelves, but now their location instantly turned into a wilderness, surrounded by lush greenery and shrubs. There are countless beasts hidden in the bushes.

At this moment, seeing the sudden change in the surrounding environment clearly, Yu Tianhong's face changed suddenly, the corners of his mouth twitched, his eyes were full of fear, and his heart was extremely horrified.

Han Qingyue's face was stiff, and her eyes were full of horror. Chen Tianzhen said "Divine Art-Space Transformation!", and made them disappear from the Sutra Pavilion and reappear in another place.

This method is no different from them lying on the bed and being transferred to the Colosseum in an instant. Is it the priest of the Lord of Dreams?"

"Hey, I seem to be in big trouble!" Yu Tianhong was so horrified that cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

The method Chen Tianzhen is showing now is simply appalling, beyond his cognition, and it is almost exactly the same as the method he was brought to this strange place.

"Brother, I misunderstood, I was joking just now, the exercise you recommended is definitely the best exercise, I will learn it! I will learn it right away! If anyone stops me from learning the ten moves of the fierce soldier, I will fight him desperately! Also, the dream The Lord of Dreams is indeed the God of Perfection, his kindness and greatness made me believe in him, and I decided to believe in the Lord of Dreams wholeheartedly for the rest of my life!" Yu Tianhong spoke as fast as a machine gun, her face was full of sincerity, fanaticism and piousness, and she couldn't wait .

"Divine Art - Curse!" Chen Tianzhen raised his hand and pointed out, a dark and ominous radiance descended from the zenith and landed on the pale-faced Yu Tianhong.

"You are cursed, get the state, ten times the perception! Quick recovery! Hatred attracts! Luck returns to zero! The four states only take effect in the dream kingdom of God, and the duration is 30 days in the real world! During the curse period, you cannot enter In the safe zone of the Dream Kingdom, the time to enter the Sutra Pavilion is shortened to 3 minutes a day, and the rest of the time, you can only stay in the wilderness!" Before Yu Tianhong's eyes, a line of text prompts floated by.

"Wait, is this a curse?" Yu Tianhong couldn't believe it. The two items of ten times perception and extremely fast recovery don't look like a curse, but like a buff.

Suddenly, he remembered what Chen Tianzhen said before, people who have not passed the test of courage will also gain ten times the perception. Under the ten times the perception, they will be torn apart and eaten by hungry wolves, and feel endless pain!

"Extreme recovery ensures that I will not die. Ten times the perception allows me to be in pain as long as I am slightly injured. The hatred attracts and makes all the creatures in the dream kingdom see me and attack me unceasingly. In addition to 30 days, I can't enter the safe zone to escape!" Yu Tianhong's face suddenly became extremely pale, and his eyes when looking at Chen Tianzhen became extremely fearful, and after he understood Chen Tianzhen's methods, his whole body was icy cold.

He now knows that entering the Kingdom of Dreamland is mandatory. Calculated according to the time in the real world, the time to enter the Kingdom of Dreamland every day should not be less than 5 hours. Calculated according to the time of the Kingdom of Dreamland, it is at least 40 hours a day. Hour!
Thinking of this, Yu Tianhong was extremely shocked!

"Ah...!" A gust of wind blew across his skin, this kind of touch that he didn't feel or even felt comfortable at ordinary times was like countless extremely sharp knives cutting his flesh, extremely intense The stinging pain made him unable to restrain himself from screaming.

Because of the scream, the mouth opened wide, causing the muscles of the face to be pulled. Under ten times the perception, it was as if the cheek muscles were hooked by a meat hook and pulled out forcefully.

Then, he felt the horrible pain of his muscles being pulled again. This was simply an endless vicious circle!
At this moment, Han Qingyue's face was pale, and her ascetic face, which had not changed since she met Chen Tianzhen, completely changed, with infinite fear and extreme awe on her face!

At this moment, seeing Yu Tianhong's miserable state, she was trembling all over, and regretted to the extreme in her heart. The only thing that made her happy was that although she sprayed Chen Tianzhen a few words, she didn't have any bad intentions, "I just seemed to be mocking him. It's a kid!!"

"Finally, I would like to remind you that it is not easy to survive in the wilderness. You still have to practice in the wilderness for 30 days. I advise you to return to the Sutra Pavilion immediately, learn the ten forms of fierce soldiers first, and exchange them for cultivation bases immediately. You will be miserable." At this time, Chen Tianzhen, with a bright smile on his face, opened his mouth leisurely, and kindly reminded him.

"By the way, I forgot to remind you that the Lord of the Dreamland is the most benevolent god with great compassion. He cannot bear to see any rebellious person die in the Kingdom of Dreamland."

"Even the divine spell of punishment He bestows is extremely benevolent. In order to prevent you from dying, the cursed state is quickly restored. The effect is very powerful. Suicide cannot kill you. To die, as long as you are in the dream kingdom of God, any pain will not let you die."

"Extreme recovery will allow you to have unlimited energy and immortality in the kingdom of dreams! My God, you are so kind!" Chen Tianzhen's face was full of reverence, and his eyes were filled with fanatical worship of the dream master.

Han Qingyue and Xiao Yao, after hearing Chen Tianzhen's explanation, shivered involuntarily, their faces turned pale, and their hearts were filled with extreme fear!

Judging from Yu Tianhong's current appearance, he knew that his life would be better than death!

Even if the ancient tortures were tortured by frying pans, it might not be that painful, it would be more comfortable to die!
In this state, Yu Tianhong will endure another 30 days.

According to what Chen Tianzhen said just now, even if Yu Tianhong committed suicide, it would be impossible.

Han Qingyue and Xiao Yao are very suspicious at this moment, the Lord of Dreamland is not a kind god at all, but an evil god at all.

Would a kind god possess such extreme cruel magic?

From their point of view, this spell was born specifically for torturing people, and they were afraid that the torment would not be painful enough, and they would not let people die.

What kind of compassion and kindness is this? This is obviously extremely cruel and evil!
After Yu Tianhong heard Chen Tianzhen's words, it was like thunder in his ears, and he was frightened out of his wits. In the past few minutes, he suffered pain that he had never experienced in his life. Compared this time, it was like scratching an itch.

"Master Priest, I was wrong, please, spare me, spare me! Even if you let me die, it's okay, please, forgive me!" Yu Tianhong took out the greatest endurance in her life, Holding back the pain, with extreme fear and regret in his eyes, he begged Chen Tianzhen for mercy with tears all over his face.

"You are wrong. The Lord of Dreams is the God of Perfection. Why would He want you to die? Even if an ant dies, He will cry!"

"His deep meaning is to let you stimulate your potential in the most painful state, so that you can grow and improve quickly! He has good intentions, but you misinterpret him! He doesn't care that the world misinterprets his meaning, but I, as His The agent on the ground doesn't have his great heart, anyone who insults the dream master will have to pay the price!" Chen Tianzhen's eyes were shining sharply, and his voice was full of extreme anger.

Not to mention Yu Tianhong was dumbfounded, even Han Qingyue and Xiao Yao were dumbfounded.

Are you sure that the Lord of Dreams is a kind god?

Are you sure this is to stimulate potential and let Yu Tianhong grow up quickly?Are you sure you didn't hold a grudge and tortured on purpose?

"If you dare to question the existence of my god, you will be punished, you sinner who blasphemes the gods, die for me!" At this moment, Chen Tianzhen made a bold move.

With a sudden punch, Yu Tianhong flew out like a shooting star and landed in the bushes.

At this time, the scene of the bushes appeared in front of everyone, and countless slender and vigorous jungle wolves with blue eyes and fierce light appeared.

The claws of these coyotes are sharp and sharp like daggers. Their body size is 1.7 meters, which is about the height of ordinary people. The teeth in their open mouths are more than ten centimeters long.

Timber wolves are mutated ordinary gray wolves after the recovery of spiritual energy. Their strength has reached the first level. They roamed the forest in groups in their previous lives. For ordinary people, they are fierce beasts that cannot be countered.

These coyotes also often attack human gathering places, treating humans as their food, and everywhere they go, corpses are strewn all over the field.

Yu Tianhong fell into the jungle and woke them up from their slumber. When their eyes fell on Yu Tianhong, they cursed the characteristic of attracting hatred, making the oily green eyes of the jungle wolf suddenly turn blood red.

tear him apart!Eat him!eat him!
All Timberwolves' minds are occupied by those three words.

"Aw..." With a roar, the jungle wolf rushed towards Yu Tianhong who was screaming at the speed of the wind.

The next scene was horribly bloody, Yu Tianhong's body was torn apart, blood and flesh flew all over the place, but because of the extremely fast recovery feature, it instantly recovered to form, and then this process began an infinite loop.

Even being blown on the face by the breeze is unbearable, let alone being torn apart by the dagger-like claws and sharp teeth of the coyote. This kind of pain exceeds the limit that humans can bear.

"Ah..." In Yu Tianhong's mouth, it was no longer a scream of pain, but a wail from the depths of hell!
Chen Tianzhen turned his head, looked at Han Qingyue, whose face was pale, with infinite fear on his face, and his voice was indifferent, "I still think the ten styles of fierce soldiers are the most suitable for you to practice, what do you think?"

Han Qingyue trembled all over, the extreme fear almost made her scream, although she held back the scream, she took a step back involuntarily, her voice was intermittent, "I... think you are right, very suitable!"

"Well, that's right, recite silently in your heart, and return to the Buddhist scriptures pavilion! You can go back, and from now on, you will have the opportunity to enter the Buddhist scriptures pavilion for 10 minutes every day!" As long as you are in the dreamland of the divine kingdom, recite silently in your heart, and return to the Buddhist scriptures Pavilion, you can arrive at the Sutra Pavilion in an instant, but the rules of the Sutra Pavilion limit each person to only 10 minutes a day. Once the time is up, they will be sent back to their original positions by the rules of the Kingdom of Dreams.

"Return to the Sutra Pavilion!" Han Qingyue didn't even think about it, she just said in her heart, as long as she could stay away from the demon Chen Tianzhen, she would go anywhere.

In an instant, she disappeared from Chen Tianzhen's eyes!
"Chen Tianzhen, what's the matter? Are you sympathetic to the beauty? Why did you kill the man and let the woman go back?" Xiao Yao's words had a strong smell of jealousy.

Chen Tianzhen glanced at Xiao Yao in surprise, pointed at Yu Tianhong who had come back from the dead, and said with a smile on his lips, "Xiao Yao, you are wrong, I punished him because he questioned the dream master! Not because He insulted me!"

"That woman, although she was rude to me, did not disrespect the Lord of Dreams. My Lord is kind and merciful, so naturally he does not allow me to punish her." Chen Tianzhen said with a serious face.

"Cut! Really, I believe it again!" Xiao Yao rolled her eyes, is Chen Tian really a pregnant man?Although Chen Tianzhen kept saying that he was a pregnant person, but...haha!
Small belly chicken grows!

Looking at Xiao Yao's gaze towards his lower body, Chen Tianzhen felt a chill all over his body.

"I think he is quite miserable, why don't you let him go." At this time, Xiao Yao withdrew his gaze with a half-smile and pointed at Yu Tianhong, listening to the screams that did not resemble a human voice, and the Seeing the bloody scene, I felt a little unbearable in my heart.

"Xiao Yao, you are wrong again! He is now like this, it is only good for him, there is no harm! If he can boost his spirits, follow my instructions, learn the ten styles of fierce soldiers, exchange for entry-level cultivation, muster up courage and Combat the Timberwolves, and after 30 days, his cultivation will definitely surpass yours!"

"The lord of the dreamland seems to be punishing him, but he is actually giving him a powerful opportunity, giving him a ladder to the road to the strongest!" Chen Tianzhen said the truth this time.

Quick recovery gave Yu Tianhong the characteristic of immortality. As long as Yu Tianhong's soul is in the kingdom of dreams, any consumption can be recovered instantly. As long as he summons up courage and fights with the jungle wolf, his soul body will naturally produce a fierce spirit. gas.

These evil spirits will be transformed into evil spirits by the bloody evil star, and part of Yu Tianhong's real body will be returned, so that when he fights the jungle wolf in the dream kingdom of God, it will drive the improvement of his real cultivation.

Ordinary rebels, their souls cannot be replenished after being consumed in the dream kingdom of God. After they are exhausted, they can only return to their bodies and recover their soul consumption by absorbing the power of their bodies. Therefore, fighting against strangeness can only increase their fighting experience. But it can't increase their cultivation power.

"Cut! Chen Tianzhen, you still want to lie to me. Under this kind of painful torture, let alone a human being, even a god, what else can he do besides rolling and howling on the ground? Fighting fierce beasts? Daydreaming." Xiao Yao saw through the trap hidden in Chen Tianzhen's words at a glance, and directly pointed out the loopholes in Chen Tianzhen's words.

However, this time she never mentioned bypassing Yu Tianhong again!
"Xiao Yao, you also go to the Sutra Pavilion and learn the basic sword skills!" Xiao Yao has already been taught the ten styles of fierce soldiers by Chen Tianzhen. The demon has never learned it before, and every time it uses it, it is the trick that comes with the ten styles of fierce soldiers.

"I still have something to do, so let's take a step first! Remember, cherish everything in the Dream Kingdom!" Sensing Xu Xiaojin who had already walked to the door of his room, and the vibrating phone, Chen Tianzhen said to Xiao Yao After saying a word, he directly sent Xiao Yao back to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, and his consciousness returned to his body instantly.

"Are you finally here?" Seeing that the number on the phone belonged to Mu Yuantu, a smile suddenly appeared on his face. The Lord of Dreams had already informed him of the situation. Many testers who could not bear the pain of the Colosseum, After returning to reality, he went to the Yamen of the Criminal Ministry to file a complaint.

More people are chained together by a loser and take to the streets!They were very emotional and demanded immediate action by the authorities to save him from suffering!
Their slogan is: "You need freedom, you need justice! Don't fight, don't risk your life!"

A bright smile suddenly appeared on Chen Tianzhen's face, "It seems that after tonight, the name of Lord of Dreamland, Kingdom of Dreamland, and my Priest of Dreamland will soon spread throughout the world!"

"In this way, my golden cicada's shelling plan is basically perfect!"

Boom boom boom!
There was a hasty knock on the door, and Xu Xiaojin's hoarse and angry voice came, "Brother-in-law, I'm Xu Xiaojin! Open the door!"

After thinking about it, he felt that what happened tonight had a lot to do with his cheap brother-in-law, otherwise, why Chen Tianzhen said before, he would know it in bed.

This sentence clearly told Xu Xiaojin that Chen Tianzhen knew all of this beforehand, and even his hell-like experience just now was arranged by Chen Tianzhen!
Tormented by pain, coupled with the constantly beating numbers in front of him, Xu Xiaojin was on the verge of madness at this moment. He came to Chen Tianzhen to question why he did this to him!


I just wrote it, please catch the bug!
Another [-] words, the author is really dying, and I can only update [-] words tomorrow...

Brazen, asking for monthly tickets, recommendation tickets, subscriptions, rewards...

(End of this chapter)

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