Chapter 157

Xu Xiaojin's face was pale, and there was extreme panic in his eyes. Because of profuse sweating, he looked like a balloon had been deflated. It was visible to the naked eye that his body had lost a lot of weight.

"Xiao Jin, what's wrong with you? Why do I feel that you have lost a lot of weight?" Chen Tianzhen asked with a concerned face after welcoming Xu Xiaojin into the room.

The moment he saw Chen Tianzhen, the courage in his heart suddenly disappeared, especially when he saw Chen Tianzhen's concerned eyes, his heart beat wildly, and he felt a chill coming out of his spine, and his whole body was instantly cold. question.

"Brother-in-law, I was lying on the bed just now, and I entered a very strange place when my eyes went dark..." Xu Xiaojin talked about his experience in the Colosseum with horror in his voice, with a lingering look in his eyes. The color of fear.

"...I remember not long ago, brother-in-law, you told me that you would understand when I was lying on the bed?" Xu Xiaojin's eyes were like a poor kitten, staring closely at Chen Tianzhen , as if to see something from his face, I dare not question him.

"Yeah!" Chen Tianzhen nodded, with a smile on his lips, "Xiao Jin, let me tell you the truth, what you just experienced was the test of courage of the Dream Lord, as long as you pass it, you can change your destiny and become the dream kingdom of God." Those who rebel against fate will be qualified to practice."

"Little Jin, do you know why I have great power and supernatural powers? It's because I am the first rebel among human beings and the only priest of the great Dream Lord. My power and supernatural powers, It was all given to me by the Lord of the Dreamland." Chen Tianzhen came right after opening his mouth, with an extremely serious expression and fanaticism in his eyes.

"I told you that I want to give you a gift. In fact, this gift is the qualification for the courage trial of the Lord of Dreams! As long as you can pass the trial and practice the exercises, you can't use supernatural powers many times, and you will be able to use supernatural powers. Problems with sequelae can be resolved immediately.”

"Unfortunately, you failed the first trial! But it doesn't matter, the Lord of Dreams is a benevolent god. If he failed the first time, He still didn't deprive anyone of the chance to become a life-defying person. Xiao Jin, muster up your courage, in fact Hungry wolves are not scary, he is your first step on the road to becoming a strong man." Chen Tianzhen could feel the fear in Xu Xiaojin's heart, but at this level, Chen Tianzhen would never help, if he saw a hungry wolf, I don't even have the courage to fight for my life. How to deal with more difficult situations in the future?
After hearing what Chen Tianzhen said, Xu Xiaojin trembled all over!Fear to the extreme!
This kind of pain, one time, is so painful that people will never forget it for a lifetime, will it come again?

"Brother-in-law, I don't want to undergo a test of courage, and I don't want to change my fate against the sky. I am living a good life now, and I just want to live in peace and stability. You are the priest of the Lord of Dreams, can you...?" Really, what Xu Xiaojin has no interest at all in changing his fate against the sky. He feels that he is living a good life now. If it is not so painful to change his fate against the sky, he can still try it. But the test of courage is like hell, which makes people want to die. Once is enough.

Xu Xiaojin's thoughts represent the thoughts of most ordinary people. Now that they are living comfortably, why should they be tortured like hell?

Chen Tianzhen took coercive measures because he knew what the majority of people thought. Whether he wanted to or not, he would practice it to death. He didn't believe it. The ferocious courage of ordinary people cannot be inspired.

"No!" Chen Tianzhen had a dazzling light in his eyes and a bright smile on his face, and he refused flatly. If he escapes now, how will he escape in three years?How to escape after the heavens descend?Chen Tianzhen absolutely forbids human beings to repeat their previous life again!
Seeing the bright smile on Chen Tianzhen's face, Xu Xiaojin immediately collapsed on the ground. Ever since he met Chen Tianzhen, every time Chen Tianzhen showed such a smile, he would be very unlucky!
"Xu Xiaojin, the only way you can do now is to muster up the courage and kill the hungry wolf! This is your only way, there is no other way for you to go!" Chen Tianzhen saw Xu Xiaojin was frightened, his face turned pale. As soon as the smile on the face disappeared, the tone was extremely severe, "Escaping will only make you feel the pain of death countless times."


In the Ministry of War, Mu Yuantu put down his phone with an extremely ugly face. The situation is very urgent now. He has been calling Chen Tianzhen, but Chen Tianzhen just doesn't answer.

"Your uncle, at the critical moment, the phone can't get through!" Mu Yuantu looked at the picture on the big screen, and he was very upset.

On the big screen, the scene on Shengli Avenue, the largest street in the capital city, was shown at this moment. A dense crowd walked on the road. Everyone's eyes were filled with madness. They crazily destroyed everything on the road. With intense to extreme anger.

"We need freedom and justice! Don't fight, don't risk your life! Don't be forced into a strange place!"

Even through the screen, Mu Yuantu could feel the terrifying anger of these people erupting like a volcano.

"Master Chen is really serious. With such a big move, why didn't you communicate with us in advance!" After reading the report, Mu Yuantu naturally knew what was going on. After carefully reading and researching the experiences of these people, he entered the dreamland with him. There is not much difference in the way of space, the eyes go to new places as soon as they are dark.

This is obviously Chen Tianzhen's method!But when Chen Tianzhen made such a big move, he didn't communicate with them in advance, which made them very passive now, and Mu Yuantu felt quite a lot of anger at the moment!

"Uncle Chen, answer the phone quickly." A few minutes later, countless people ran out of their homes with crazy faces, joined the team on the street, and rushed to the yamen of the Ministry of Justice with great momentum. In the past, as the number of people increased, these people became more unscrupulous.

Originally, this was a matter of the Ministry of Criminal Justice and had nothing to do with him, Mu Yuantu.

But this incident sounds very strange. As soon as his eyes were black, he appeared in a small space, and was forced to fight with hungry wolves. After being killed by hungry wolves, his senses were extremely sensitive. Under ten times the senses, Feeling the body being torn apart by hungry wolves, the corpse being devoured by hungry wolves, returning to reality and thinking that he was relieved, but found that the countdown was constantly beating in front of his eyes, and he would be punished even more painfully if he wanted to commit suicide.

After the Ministry of Punishment got these transcripts, it immediately thought of the strangeness, and directly pushed the matter to the Ministry of War.

Because everything related to weirdness is under the management of the Ministry of War!
Mu Yuantu was called up from the warm quilt. After listening to the report, he felt extremely difficult. He could only let the soldiers maintain order around the crowd, but he did not dare to resort to violence.

But now, these people are getting more and more crazy. If one of them can't handle it well, there will definitely be a big accident.

He immediately thought of Chen Tianzhen's dream space, and immediately called Chen Tianzhen, but Chen Tianzhen didn't answer the phone at all.

For these people who gathered in the street, he felt extremely troublesome now. If he used violent means to disperse them, but the opponents were all ordinary people, soldiers would definitely not do it!But these people didn't listen to the advice at all. The people in the relevant departments had tried to persuade them many times, but it was useless at all. They were very emotional, and they couldn't persuade them at all!

But it’s impossible not to disperse now, because there are more and more people gathered, and their emotions are getting more and more manic and crazy!If you don't pay attention, big trouble will happen!

It's hard to ride a tiger, and there is no way to start!It made Mu Yuantu feel very passive!

"Let's go, let's go to the gate of the Ministry of Criminal Justice to persuade these people! Stabilize their emotions and stabilize the situation!" Mu Yuantu really had no choice but to keep making calls, expecting Chen Tianzhen to see and answer.

At the same time, he didn't dare to stay in the Ministry of War anymore. He had to go to the yamen of the Ministry of Punishment to see the situation, personally witness the scene, and take the command to ensure that there would be no conflicts or anything.

What we are facing now is not one or two people, but tens of thousands of ordinary people. If you don't pay attention, the consequences will be a disaster.

If something goes wrong...

(End of this chapter)

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