I can work indefinitely

Chapter 158 Dead End 1

Chapter 158

"Get out of the way, you little fighters, I want to see your leaders, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude to you!" In front of the crowd, Zhao Lezhi kept punching the shield in front of him with a look of hatred on his face. Beat and kick, push the soil vigorously.

Not long ago, after Zhao Lezhi discovered that he could not commit suicide to avoid the test of courage, he was on the verge of madness. He first went to the criminal department to report the case, but was told by the criminal department to wait for processing. A test of courage, kill the hungry wolf.

On the way home, he checked Hungry Wolf's weaknesses online, but the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, feeling that he was suffering to death, but the Criminal Department didn't pay attention to it, and replied in a perfunctory manner, feeling suffocated in his heart.

After he discovered that the Internet was full of discussions about hungry wolves and endless pain, he changed his mind and thought of a way, "We have suffered so much pain, and we have to suffer once a day, but they are in the yamen. It's not fair to eat and drink!"

"If they don't help solve this problem within 24 hours, I will never make it easier for them!"

"Why should I bear the suffering alone? No, absolutely not!" Thinking of the pain he suffered before, his face was twisted to the extreme.

"Within 24 hours, they must solve this problem! Otherwise, everyone will die together, and no one will feel better!" The pain was unbearable, and if it happened again, he couldn't bear it at all. Don't enter any weird place again and fight desperately with hungry wolves.

But Zhao Lezhi had already tried to commit suicide. Not only did he fail, but he was punished even more painfully. After careful consideration, he came up with a solution.

Since I can't take the initiative to commit suicide to die, others can kill him, right?

Moreover, gathering people to go to the government to make a fuss, what if the government solves it?That would be the best!
Most importantly, from what he saw on the Internet, there are so many people who have encountered the same situation as him, at least tens of thousands of people, so many go to the government to make trouble together, even if they make any drastic actions, the officials will never dare to do anything, because Punishment does not blame the public!

Next, Zhao Lezhi concocted an article on the Internet, calling on everyone to go to the Yamen of the Ministry of Criminal Justice and ask for an explanation from the Yamen of the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

Normally, no one would read his articles.

But today is different. Countless people failed in the test of courage, and the extreme pain made them crazy. After reading Zhao Lezhi's article, it was as if they had found a vent. Everyone walked out of their homes and came to the street. Under the organization, shouting slogans, venting the fear in my heart.

At this moment, they were already aggressive and came to the Yamen of the Ministry of Punishment.

Zhao Lezhi stood in front of the crowd, looking at the dense crowd behind him, a feeling that never appeared in his heart came out, he was arrogant and domineering, pointing at the soldiers who formed the human wall and yelling, "Little soldier, get out of here !"

"Ask your greatest official to come and see me!"

"If we don't handle today's matter well, we won't be satisfied. Either you die or I die! There is absolutely no other way!"

"We need freedom and justice! Don't fight, don't risk your life! Don't be forced into a strange place! If we can't do this, we will never give up! Anyway, living is suffering, so it's better to drag you to die together!" Zhao Lezhi With a look of madness on his face, he roared loudly.

Behind him, everyone roared after him, the voice was so loud that it could be heard clearly for ten kilometers around.

After a loud roar, Zhao Lezhi took the lead, punching and kicking the little soldiers holding explosion-proof shields and forming a human wall, with an extremely fierce aura.

"Get out of the way, you bastard, I want to see your leader!"

"Get out of the way, you little fighters, get away!" Behind him, countless people were yelling with gloomy faces, with crazy emotions in their voices.

"Quiet, quiet!" Seeing this scene, Mu Yuantu couldn't sit still any longer, rushed out with a loudspeaker in his hand, and climbed directly to stand on the roof of a car at the entrance of the Ministry of Criminal Justice to ensure that everyone When he could see himself, he let out a roar.

"I am Mu Yuantu, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, and I am here to solve your problems!"

After hearing these words, the crowd finally calmed down, and everyone looked at him with Xiyi eyes. An official like Mu Yuantu came out to solve the problem, and most people felt hopeful in their hearts.

In fact, they don't look like they are dead. It would be the best if the problem can be solved.

If the problem cannot be solved, as Zhao Lezhi said, staying in this world and suffering, it is better to drag others to die together!
"Compatriots, making troubles will not solve any problems!"

"We already know the problems you have encountered! It is being pulled into a strange place and asked to fight hungry wolves. Before completing this matter, you have to fight once a day. As long as you fail to fight, you will feel the pain! I Feel the same as everyone else!"

"We have started to look for the source and clues now, but it will take time! Please don't get excited and wait patiently!" Seeing that the angry crowd finally calmed down, Mu Yuantu breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

"It's 3 o'clock in the morning, and it's time to go to bed. There is no need for everyone to stand at the gate of the Ministry of Criminal Justice. You can go home and have a good rest for the night. Come back at ten o'clock tomorrow morning. I will definitely give you an answer when the time comes. " Mu Yuantu persuaded again.

There are too many people, there is no discipline and order, and accidents are very easy. According to Mu Yuantu's visual inspection, there are at least [-] people appearing at the gate of the Ministry of Criminal Justice at this moment, and there are still a steady stream of people coming from outside to join this huge team.

In addition, everyone is very emotional, like a powder keg, as long as a little spark falls on it, it may explode instantly.

So many people gather, it is very dangerous!
Hearing Mu Yuantu's words of comfort, most people felt that it made sense and were preparing to go home.

"Officer Dog, don't you try to lie to us!" At this moment, Zhao Lezhi roared, "You've said so much, it's all bullshit! You don't have a single word of truth!"

Immediately, the crowd who were walking out stopped, all looking at Mu Yuantu.

"You said you felt the same way as us? Have you ever experienced it? Who wouldn't say a light sentence of empathy?"

"You said to start looking for clues, looking for the source, then tell us, where is the clue? Where is the source? How long will it take to find the source of the clue?"

"You said give us an answer, why don't you say, give us a satisfactory answer?"

"Should we come over at nine o'clock tomorrow, and you can prevaricate us by saying lightly that you are investigating!" Zhao Lezhi's voice was full of extreme anger. Following his words, Mu Yuantu had already The persuading people had doubts in their eyes.

The more they thought about it, the more they felt that what Zhao Lezhi said made sense!Mu Yuantu was obviously fooling them, but he didn't say a word!

"Officer Dog, let me tell you, we won't go there either. If we don't give us a satisfactory answer and don't give us a clear time to resolve it, either you or I will die today! Don't try to prevaricate it!"

"We need freedom and justice! Don't fight, don't risk your life! Don't be forced into a strange place! If we don't solve our problems, we will never give up!" Zhao Lezhi yelled violently.

Suddenly, everyone's emotions were mobilized by Zhao Lezhi, and extreme anger appeared on their faces again, and they yelled together with Zhao Lezhi, "We need freedom and justice! Don't fight, don't risk your life! Don't be forced into a strange place Land! If we don’t talk about solving our problems, we will never give up!”

"Swear not to give up!"

Mu Yuantu's face turned livid in an instant. His efforts just now fell short because Zhao Le knew a few words!He wished he could pull it out and snatch it, and shoot the dog dead with one shot!
But he can't do this, it will only arouse the conflict further, it won't help, and it will even have the opposite effect, Mu Yuantu took a deep breath, and said loudly again, "Quiet, quiet, compatriots, please listen to me Say!"

"Officer dog, you still want to lie to us? You don't want to solve the problem, you just want to deal with it, you dog officer, I will kill you!" Zhao Lezhi stretched out his hand, buckled a pebble from the ground, and pointed at Mu Yuantu Throw it over.

Mu Yuantu was caught off guard for a while, and was hit directly on the face by a fist-sized stone, he groaned in pain, and his nose bleeds!

Before Mu Yuantu could speak, the soldiers who were resisting the explosion-proof shields couldn't take it any longer. With a loud roar, they swung their shields and slapped Zhao Lezhi directly.

"Ah..." Zhao Lezhi fell to the ground and screamed.

"The dog officials beat people! The dog officials beat people! They just want to perfunctory us, they don't want to help us solve the problem at all!"

"We live in the world, and we have to experience hell-like pain every day. The dog officer doesn't help us solve the problem, and beats us, so what are we doing alive, suffering? It's better to die comfortably!"

"Fuck them to death! You won't lose money if you die! I'll let you beat me, I want your life!" Zhao Lezhi's voice was extremely fierce, his eyes were bloodshot and fierce, and he yelled loudly, no matter what, he was right Looking at the nose of the little soldier in front of him, he punched him with a fist.

"Fuck them to death! You won't lose money if you die!" Seeing Zhao Lezhi's attack, the people who were tortured madly by the pain suddenly went crazy, their eyes were blood red, and they were extremely ferocious, rushing desperately at the soldiers holding explosion-proof shields.

Seeing the people in front yelling and rushing towards the soldiers, the people behind also rushed over!
As Zhao Lezhi said, it is better to die than to live and suffer!Won the hearts of the people!
"I'll kill you incapable grandsons!" Zhao Lezhi's voice was extremely arrogant, and he slapped the little soldier who slapped him on the face, with a wild smile on his face.

In an instant, the soldiers' line of defense was pushed back by the huge crowd, and they had to retreat two meters.

"Master Shangshu!" Seeing this scene, the soldiers behind hurriedly shouted to Mu Yuantu, "In this situation, if we don't fire, our brothers are afraid that they will all be killed by these crazy mobs!"

"Please order, fire!" All the soldiers present looked at Mu Yuantu.

There were only 800 fighters present, plus the fighters blocking in front, but the crowd rushing towards them was at least [-]!
If you don't use weapons to intimidate, under such circumstances, the crazy crowd can do anything!
Mu Yuantu's nose was bleeding, he covered his nose with one hand, his eyes swept across the audience again, his face was very ugly, if it was outside, he would definitely give the order without hesitation, beat him to death!

But now it's internal!

Fighting, the other party is a domestic citizen, if there is a death or injury, not only will he lose his position as a minister, he will even be imprisoned!

If you don't fight, the crazy crowd will definitely cause casualties to the soldiers. As the Minister of the Ministry of War, he can't do it when he sees his soldiers being beaten to death with their hands tied!

Cold sweat suddenly broke out on Mu Yuantu's forehead, and he cursed in his heart, "Your uncle Chen Tianzhen, where did you die at this critical moment! Such a big mess, I'm going to be killed by you, you bastard !"

But he was always a formidable figure who could run for three thousand miles and kill the enemy's capital directly. He didn't have the courage to kill, and he couldn't get up to this position. His heart was filled with ferocity, and he directly pulled out his gun and fired at the sky!
Bang bang bang...!
Amid the continuous and intense gunfire, Mu Yuantu roared, "Whoever dares to cause chaos, I will kill him! I want his life! Be quiet!"

Hearing the fierce gunshots, the crowd stopped suddenly and became silent in an instant, with fear in their eyes. They were able to make trouble because they were afraid of pain. They wanted to gather the crowd to let the authorities solve the current problem.

Not everyone wants to die!
"Okay, not only won't help us solve the problem, but now you want to suppress us by force?"

"Why do we have to suffer hellish torture every day, why do you still hurt us when you are so high up!"

"Okay, if you want to kill us, let's die together!" Zhao Lezhi was completely crazy at this moment, he yelled violently, and then rushed forward desperately.

A shot was fired, and Zhao Lezhi fell to the ground with disbelief in his eyes. Although he was crazy, he did all this to escape the test of courage. He really didn't expect that Mu Yuantu would dare to shoot at the people!
Mu Yuantu had the ultimate murderous intent on his face, it was this dog who repeatedly mobilized the public's emotions, intensified conflicts, and forced the officials not to kill him.

"I will do what I say. Whoever dares to stir up emotions and create chaos, I will kill him!" Mu Yuantu's voice was cold, with extreme killing intent. After killing Zhao Lezhi, he breathed a sigh of relief. He felt that as long as he killed Zhao Lezhi who picked things up, the others would be shocked and they would disperse.

But he wanted to miss one point, these people have been tortured to the verge of madness by the pain of the test of courage!

How can I stand this kind of stimulation!Once stimulated, you will go crazy immediately!
Seeing Zhao Lezhi's death, not only were they not frightened, but they were completely insane because of the excitement.

"Kill this group of dog officials!" The violent emotions erupted, like pouring a barrel of gasoline on the fire.

After a loud roar, the crowd rushed towards Mu Yuantu like a wave.

The human wall formed by soldiers was defeated in an instant!The soldiers had no ability to resist, they were pushed to the ground, and their fists greeted them frantically.

"Shangshu, please order to fire!" The soldiers in the rear, with bloodshot eyes, gritted their teeth, switched their guns to aim at the crowd, their eyes full of murderous intent, all the soldiers are waiting for Mu Yuantu's order, as long as Mu Yuantu makes a sound They will fire without hesitation.

"Mu Yuantu, brothers are about to be beaten to death by this group of mobs, are you so hard-hearted, in order to keep your official position, do you open your eyes and watch them die?" A soldier asked loudly with extreme anger in his voice.

"If you don't dare to give an order, I'll come! If you want to kill or cut into pieces afterwards, it's up to you!" This soldier had a ferocious face and bulging veins. He saw the soldiers being pushed to the ground and beaten to death by the furious crowd. His head was bleeding, and his heart was full of murderous intentions.

"Drag him down!" Mu Yuantu roared, pointing at the soldier and yelling!His face was pale, and his forehead was instantly covered with sweat. The current situation was completely different from what he had imagined!
Mu Yuantu cursed wildly in his heart, "Chen Tianzhen, you bastard, I was really killed by you this time!"

Ordering to open fire and kill civilians, he, the Minister of the Ministry of War, has come to an end, and he is sure that he will sit in prison!

If he does not give the order to fire, the soldiers present will be killed or injured. His name, Mu Yuantu, Minister of the Ministry of War, will be engraved on the pillar of shame in history, despised by all soldiers, and will be infamous for thousands of years!
The two roads before him are dead ends!There is no way out, and he feels extremely sad, but he has to make a decision.

"Soldiers, prepare to fire!" His complexion changed several times, he thought over and over again, and finally made up his mind, his voice was extremely heavy with killing intent, and he gave the order to fire.

Ka Ka Ka!
"I'm finished!" In the sound of the gun safety being turned on, Mu Yuantu seemed to be drained of all his energy in an instant. When he decided to issue this order, he knew very clearly that he was finished!
Because of civilian casualties, the government must give an explanation to the people, and someone must come out and take responsibility!

How to explain?

Only by shooting him dead can an explanation be given to all the people!The people will also be satisfied!
"At least, when soldiers talk about me, Mu Yuantu, they won't say that I'm a coward without courage!"

"Chen Tianzhen, that bastard, if I see him again, I'll scold him bloody, it's this bastard who pushed me into the abyss!"


Today is the Lantern Festival, I wish you all a happy holiday!
(End of this chapter)

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