I can work indefinitely

Chapter 159 Appearance

Chapter 159 Appearance
At the moment when the soldiers tapped their fingers like triggers!

In the dark sky, a beam of extremely bright light suddenly bloomed. The light had a dreamlike brilliance. The light was three meters thick. It descended from the clouds, like a spotlight, forming an incomparably sacred, but not dazzling A golden beam of light, the beam of light fell from the sky and landed directly on the roof of the car next to Mu Yuantu.

At the moment when this brilliant brilliance appeared, an irresistible terrifying force suddenly appeared, pressing on everyone, making them unable to move.

In just an instant, the truth like a gunpowder keg was brought under control!

The hands of the soldiers were locked on the trigger, unable to move a single bit!
Originally, the already crazy crowd, people all clenched their fists, raised their arms high, and their faces were filled with unrelenting viciousness. At this moment, their bodies, as if they had been subjected to a freeze technique, were frozen in place!

Especially those who rushed in front with fierce faces and bloodshot eyes. They rushed too fast. Under this force, their bodies seemed to be frozen, but due to the effect of inertia, they fell down. Amidst the bang bang, their faces rubbed forward on the rough ground!

Immediately afterwards, an incomparably terrifying terrifying aura suddenly hit, just like an unarmed ordinary person encountering a hungry tiger. Everyone's body trembled involuntarily, and a chill went straight to their foreheads. The exposed skin felt cold. Incomparable, as if a blade touched their skin.

At this moment, everyone's hairs stood on end!
"What is this? Who is the person in the beam of light? Why did I suddenly feel so scared after he appeared, so scared!" Countless people couldn't help trembling, their eyes were full of horror, and they looked straight at him. The figure in the beam of light.

"Oops, Mu Shangshu is still beside the beam of light!" At this moment, the soldiers thought of Mu Yuantu, turned their heads with difficulty, and looked towards the roof of the car.

I saw that Mu Yuantu was extremely embarrassed, his face turned red, and he was pressed against the roof of the car. Zhao Lezhi had hit his nose with a stone before, and the nosebleeds stopped just now. When he reached the wound, the nosebleed spewed out again, covering his face everywhere, making him look extremely hideous.

Mu Yuantu turned his head sideways, just in time to see the figure in the beam of light!
It's the grandson of Chen Tianzhen!
Although this bastard is hateful, the moment he appeared on the stage, he controlled the scene. As long as Chen Tianzhen is there, unless Chen Tianzhen kills people, otherwise, there will never be large-scale casualties!
Mu Yuantu's heart was suddenly ecstatic, his tense heart was completely relaxed, and the despair in his heart was transformed into hope in an instant.

"Gui...Master Chen, let me get up!" Mu Yuantu said in a low voice. He originally wanted to scold the grandson of Gui, but thinking of Chen Tianzhen's character of vengeance, he swallowed the words that came to his lips.

The one who knows current affairs is Junjie, just now when he was furious and desperate, he yelled at Chen Tianzhen in his heart, now that Chen Tianzhen is here, but he can't scold him anymore, what if he quits and walks away, what should he do?
Mu Yuantu found a reason in his heart, and after some self-comfort, he felt much better.

Chen Tian really didn't seem to hear Mu Yuantu's voice, his face had a sacred and noble aura like a god, his face was illuminated by the golden light, and his majesty was extremely majestic, his voice was like Hong Zhong Da Lu, directly touching everyone's soul. "You cowards!"

"In order to avoid the courage test of the most benevolent god, the Lord of Dreams, he dared to gather a crowd to attack the official office, and dared to kill the soldiers who defended the country!"

"What you have done is completely against the path of the Lord of Dreams!"

"You will all be punished!"

"The lord of dreams, he is kind, kind, and great. He opened up the kingdom of dreams, gave you the opportunity to change your destiny, and sent you a test of courage. You are cowardly and incompetent. Even hungry wolves, which are much weaker than you, cannot fight , but died in the hands of hungry wolves!"

"The lord of dreams, he is the god of perfection. Let you feel the pain of being torn apart and gnawed by hungry wolves. It is to stimulate your fighting spirit, exercise your will, and let you take the courage test next time. To be able to kill hungry wolves in one fell swoop, to become a rebel in the Kingdom of Dreamland."

"How cowardly you guys, what did you do after you returned to the real world? You tried to escape by suicide. The master of the dream is supremely good and does not allow anyone to die because of him, so punish the suicide!"

"You cowardly people don't know how to appreciate God's grace, don't think about strengthening yourself, don't think about killing hungry wolves, but instead, under the instigation of caring people, gather crowds to attack the official department."

"Do you want to let the authorities rescue you from this state?"

"Do you think that once the official has no choice, then attack the official, anger the official, let the official take action, and shoot you to death? Let you escape the trial of my god, the dream master!" Chen Tianzhen's voice became more and more severe, There was extreme killing intent in the voice.

"Fortunately, under the guidance of my God, I discovered the situation in time and did not make a big mistake!"

"But you violated the path of perfection of my god, the Dream Lord. Except for Zhao Lezhi, everyone else is exempt from capital punishment, and living crime is hard to forgive!" Chen Tianzhen's eyes flashed with astonishment, and his eyes swept over everyone. Everyone who saw it couldn't help but tremble.

It is a kind of crushing and surpassing of life levels, just like ants facing elephants.

Can't fight, can't even look directly!

"Zhao Lezhi, in order to escape the benevolent courage test of the Dream Lord, instigate and provoke everyone's emotions, although he is dead, it is not enough! He has blasphemed the road of the Dream Lord, his soul, his spirit, should be karma The fire burns out! In the extreme pain, the soul flies away!"

"As the priest of the Lord of Dreams, I will replace the gods and punish those who blaspheme the way of the gods!" Chen Tianzhen's face was extremely stern, and he pointed at Zhao Lezhi's corpse with his hand!
Under the light of the Buddha, Zhao Lezhi's soul flew out of his body, his face was full of bewilderment, and when he saw his corpse lying in a pool of blood, endless fear appeared on his face, and his body retreated involuntarily, but because of Too panicked, he fell to the ground.

On the way he retreated, everyone seemed to be non-existent, like phantoms, which did not hinder his actions at all.

"I'm dead? I'm really dead? How dare the officials! How dare the dog official kill me! I want him to die, I want him to be buried with me!" Zhao Lezhi's face suddenly became extremely ferocious, with endless resentment .

Attracted by this breath of extreme resentment, the resentment, anger, hostility, and madness in the air poured into Zhao Lezhi's soul like a swallow returning to his nest, as if he had found his belonging.

"Kill! Kill!" Zhao Lezhi's eyes turned blood-red in an instant, and there was only killing intent and madness in it. His body was like inflating air, which was visible to the naked eye. From a height of 1.7 meters, it skyrocketed. In the blink of an eye, It rose to a height of five meters.

As his body swelled, his fingers turned into sharp claws like sickles, and his mouth was split from the base of the ears, full of broken and criss-crossed teeth, which looked horrifying and inexplicable.

The skin on his body turned blue-black, and countless strange runes appeared on it, which made people feel dizzy and dizzy, and his soul came out of his body.

Because of the extreme resentment, he absorbed aura, resentment, anger, hostility, and crazy emotions, and in an instant, he became a demon.

"Why am I the only one who dies! Why don't you all die!" At this moment, he was the size of an ordinary person's fist, and his face had already bulged out from his face, with only eyes connected to his face at the end, sweeping across everyone with madness and hatred , the voice is cruel, tyrannical, and bloodthirsty.

"Damn you all! All of you are my food! I will eat you all one by one." It sounded like a roar from hell, from Zhao Lezhi's mouth.

He became an evil ghost, and he instinctively knew that ordinary people couldn't see him, and couldn't hear his voice. Ordinary people were like ants in front of him, just eating his blood!

It's a pity that Zhao Lezhi was wrong this time. Under the illumination of Chen Tianzhen's Buddha light, everyone saw the whole process from Zhao Lezhi's soul body being pulled out by him to transforming into an evil spirit!
This extremely weird change made everyone hold their breath and dare not make a sound.

A person who is clearly dead, in Chen Tianzhen's stern voice, under Chen Tianzhen's pointing, unexpectedly revealed a soul, this method, this supernatural power, made everyone horrified, terrified, and unbelievable!

"Blood food, blood food that can make me stronger! Let me eat one first!" Zhao Lezhi's mouth, which was cracked to the side of the ear, was open, with fine and sharp teeth densely packed. In order to prevent cannibalism from scaring his former companions, he With a head and a wide open mouth, the man whose face was pale under his feet as soon as he took a bite, with extreme fear in his eyes, and the man with cold sweat on his forehead bit it down, like a hungry wolf gnawed on his corpse.

"I'm dead, you came with me, you have to die too!" He roared, his mouth opened like a snake, it was bigger than his head, and the muscles in the mouth were constantly wriggling like They are like maggots, and the densely intertwined canine teeth are like tire breakers that want to be laid on the road. They are dense, sharp, and gleaming coldly. When people see them, they feel cold and fearless.

"Swallowing [-] blood food can turn me from a calendar ghost into a ghost soldier. Swallowing [-] can turn me into a commander of evil ghosts. Swallowing a million can turn me into a ghost general. If people devour it, I can become an immortal ghost king!"

"You are all my food! My blood is my food!" At this moment, Zhao Lezhi, who was controlled by his emotions, laughed crazily, arrogant and domineering to the extreme, with greed and bloodthirsty in his eyes.

At the moment he became a demon, his humanity had completely disappeared, leaving only resentment towards humans!He felt that he had evolved and became a higher-dimensional existence. He looked at human beings just like he once looked at pigs and dogs in slaughterhouses, but they were just food!
He even felt that it was an extreme enjoyment to swallow and crush a living person in his mouth, and to hear the shrill, fearful, and desperate howls.

Because he was too self-confident, his mind was completely controlled by the desire to devour the living. The evil ghost Zhao Lezhi never looked back from the beginning to the end.

He felt that after becoming a demon, he was already invincible, and human beings were only his food, the resource for his growth!No one, no weapon, can hurt him.

The scene of Zhao Lezhi being brutal and terrifying, opening his mouth to devour a living person, and the cruel, bloodthirsty and venomous words that he uttered made everyone terrified beyond measure.

"He's going to eat us, he's going to eat us all!" This sentence sounded like a curse in everyone's mind.

The leader just now, everyone's spiritual leader, instantly turned into a monster devouring human beings. This transformation was too fast and too sudden. This strong impact made everyone feel chills, and at the same time, they couldn't suppress their feelings of regret. Everyone's heart came out.

Premonitioning their fate of being devoured, they regretted it!I regret it so much!
If you are swallowed by a hungry wolf in the courage test, you can still live, but if you are swallowed by a monster in reality, can you still live?
No, you can only die!

At the moment when they are really facing death, they feel that as long as they can live and suffer a little, it is really nothing!
Despair, endless despair!
"My God!" At this moment, beside Zhao Lezhi's body, I kept watching Zhao Lezhi transform into a ghost, seeing Zhao Lezhi's strange, ferocious mouth stretching out to eat him, and then I couldn't help but feel the pain in my heart. Fear, yellow water flowed from the crotch, and screamed out of fear.

(End of this chapter)

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