I can work indefinitely

Chapter 161 The Name of the Priest 2

Chapter 161 The Name of the Priest 2
"Mu Shangshu, why are you lying here? What are you doing here?" Chen Tianzhen lowered his head, as if he had just seen Mu Yuantu, his face full of surprise.

"Master Chen, you have really good eyes, but you finally found me." Mu Yuantu had a dumbfounding smile on his face. Even if he was a fool, he could understand that Chen Tianzhen definitely did it on purpose, not to mention that he was not stupid. .

"Mu Shangshu, I'm sorry, there are too many people, so I couldn't find you at the first time." Chen Tianzhen shrugged his shoulders with an apologetic expression.

"Mu Shangshu, I will deal with these people with excess energy and cowardice first, and then I will talk to you about the old days." Chen Tianzhen said with a smile in his eyes, Mu Yuantu had already implanted Mengyin, so he Chen Tianzhen already knew all the previous mental activities and the swear words that came out of his mouth. For example, he knew all the words that called him a jerk, a bitch, and so on.

Of course, he, Chen Tian, ​​is really a big-bellied person, so he naturally wouldn't make things difficult for Mu Yuantu because of this matter, nor did he intentionally not pull Mu Yuantu up for revenge.

The reason why Mu Yuantu was not released was that Chen Tianzhen had no choice!

Now the power that suppresses everyone and makes them unable to move is the power of Hunyuan Tiantu Meteorite. To precisely control the power that is pressing on everyone, Chen Tian can really do it, but it will be very difficult.

There are still bigger things to do next, there is no need to waste energy, are others pressed to the ground in the same way?Others can lie down, but he, Mu Yuantu, can't lie down?No such reason!

"This is definitely not retaliation for him scolding me, it's really unnecessary!" Chen Tianzhen added in his heart, and his mood suddenly improved a lot.

After Mu Yuantu heard these words, his eyes widened!
Just pretended not to notice him just now!
Now that he has been found, he turned around after saying a word, saying that he will talk about the past after getting rid of the others?
Is this something people can do?

Is this still a person?

Mu Yuantu was trembling with anger at what Chen Tianzhen did, and was about to say something... soft words, yes, soft words!
Didn't you see that Chen Tianzhen pulled up the dead Zhao Lezhi and whipped his corpse?Based on Mu Yuantu's understanding of Chen Tianzhen, this person keeps saying that he is generous, but in fact... Ha ha!
Chen Tianzhen possessed such a terrifying power, so no one Mu Yuantu provoked would be able to provoke Chen Tianzhen!
Just when Mu Yuantu scolded Chen Tianzhen for being stingy in his heart, Chen Tianzhen made a move.

The words Mu Yuantu was about to spit out were swallowed by him forcefully, and then he lay obediently on his stomach with an uncomfortable expression as if he was constipated.

Dealing with the gathered people is far more important than pulling him up.

"You cowards!" Chen Tianzhen's voice exploded like thunder on a rainy day.

Many people were trembling with fright from this majestic and sacred voice. If there was no force in their bodies to hold them, they would definitely jump up in fright. Everyone's faces turned pale at this moment, and endless emotions surged in their hearts. Frightened, "Sure enough, after Zhao Lezhi is dealt with, it's time to deal with us!"

"My god, the lord of dreams, gives ordinary people the opportunity to change their destiny and let you take a test of courage. If you fail, you don't reflect on why you failed, and you don't think of ways to kill hungry wolves. Instead, you are encouraged by others to come Attack the official!"

"Fortunately, it didn't make a big mistake! Otherwise, I will take the place of my Lord of Dreams and burn your souls, so that you can experience what hell really looks like." Chen Tianzhen's voice was full of extreme rage.

At this moment, he is the priest of the Lord of Dreams!

After feeling Chen Tianzhen's anger, the people in the square were sweating profusely, with endless panic in their hearts!

"However, capital crimes can be avoided, but living crimes cannot be escaped!"

"Since you have so much energy and are still alive and kicking to attack the officials, then I will give you a blessing and let you vent your frustrations!" Chen Tianzhen's expression was extremely cold.

After hearing this sentence, everyone felt a chill in their hearts, and a strong sense of uneasiness reappeared in their hearts!
"Divine Art - Curse!" With a loud roar, Chen Tianzhen pointed out with a finger, and countless black evil energy fell from the clouds like rain and melted into everyone's bodies.

"Ah..." In the square, the people who had been absorbed into their bodies by the evil spirit suddenly yelled in extreme panic. They could see very clearly just now that Zhao Lezhi was hit by Chen Tianzhen's magic spell-curse, and then he was in pain. He had to lie on the ground, convulsed like an electric shock, wriggled like maggots, and let out a shrill and hoarse wailing sound.

"Huh?" Immediately afterwards, people found that they were fine, and they didn't feel any pain on their bodies. They couldn't believe it at first, and then they became ecstatic in their hearts.

"This bullshit priest, he looks so scary when he shoots. I thought he was very powerful. Facing so many of us, his spells have failed, and he has nothing to do with us." Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then a lot People began to be happy, Chen Tianzhen made them extremely fearful, frightened them, naturally they didn't have any good impression of Chen Tianzhen, seeing that the spell had no effect at this moment, most of them cursed in their hearts.

"Master Chen, your spell seems to have failed." Mu Yuantu had been paying attention to the changes in people's expressions. He heard a scream from the crowd, and then fell silent. People looked at me and I looked at you, and their eyes were full of Surprised, many people even showed smug smiles, and they all looked at Chen Tianzhen with a look of ridicule hidden in their eyes.

"How can you mortals know the greatness of the Lord of Dreams?" Chen Tianzhen had a sneer in his eyes, and his voice sounded like Hong Zhong Dalu.

Then, under everyone's eyes, he knelt down on one knee, his face full of fanaticism and piousness, and his voice was so loud that everyone could hear him clearly, "The great, holy and good dream master, your priest Chen Tianzhen expresses his sincere gratitude to you. Please, let all sinners get the punishment they deserve!"

"Let them take the courage test again under ten times the perception!" Courage test, the pain after death is simply torture. Under ten times the perception, this pain will be magnified a hundred times!
"Let the sharp claws of the hungry wolf cut through their skin and muscles, and let the sharp teeth of the hungry wolf pierce their blood vessels and hearts!"

"Let them feel the extreme pain of being torn and chewed, let this pain dispel their cowardice, inspire their fighting spirit and courage, and guide them in a strong direction!" This time, it is not a test of courage, but a madness. abuse!Under the control of the dream master, everyone will be brutally killed by the hungry wolf!
"This goddamn priest, so vicious! So vicious!" Hearing this, all the people who had passed the test of courage felt a chill in their hearts, and their faces changed wildly.

They gathered here to get rid of the test of courage, but Chen Tianzhen actually begged them to take the test of courage again under ten times the perception!
In a normal state, being torn apart and smashed to pieces by hungry wolves, they felt the pain so much that they couldn't bear to live!

Under ten times the perception, being torn apart and smashed to pieces by hungry wolves, just thinking about that feeling, everyone was in cold sweat and scared out of their wits.

What frightened them even more was that as Chen Tianzhen opened his mouth to pray, a color that could only appear in dreams appeared on the clouds one by one.

Then, more and more colors appeared above the clouds, and finally formed a silhouette that could only be seen clearly, with a figure that pierced into the sky, with immeasurable divine light on his body, and a figure of great majesty and majesty to the extreme.

"This is the God, the Lord of Dreams! He is the pioneer of the Kingdom of Dreams." This thought involuntarily popped up in everyone's minds, and then this thought was integrated into their memories, and it will never fade away and be forgotten.

Everyone's heads were lowered deeply at this moment. Facing this majestic and majestic god, they felt that they were as small as an ant, even worse than an ant. Their bodies trembled uncontrollably, and the pain in their hearts Panic spread uncontrollably.

This is a kind of pressure caused by the level of life, just like a mouse encountering a cat. Under extreme fear, the body is stiff and unable to move. Even the soul can't help trembling. Dare to resist.

"As a priest of the dream, I request the Lord of the Dream to give all sinners a trial of courage and let them bear the punishment they deserve! Let them inspire their potential courage in the extreme pain and recognize themselves! In this way, I can show my God. The sacred path of perfection! Reveal the invincible majesty of my god!" At this moment, Chen Tianzhen's voice, like thunder, suddenly resounded through the night sky.

After hearing this sentence, everyone deeply remembered Chen Tianzhen's name and his identity as a dream priest!

hatred!Extreme hate!

Chen Tianzhen was regarded as a god, and the words he said were too vicious, which simply killed them!

Simply not personal!

"This turtle grandson who gave birth to a son without an ass hole!"

"This bastard!"

"This vicious dog thief!" People panicked and couldn't help cursing wildly.

"Is there really a god? And can it come to reality?" At this moment, Mu Yuantu's pupils shrank sharply, his whole body was stiff, and he was extremely shocked. He couldn't believe it.

When Chen Tianzhen talked about the Lord of Dreams just now, he just felt that Chen Tianzhen was talking nonsense, but at this moment, after personally experiencing the divine majesty of the gods, he couldn't believe it, but he had to believe it!

A terrible thought suddenly popped up in Mu Yuantu's heart, and he couldn't suppress it anymore.

In the past, although Chen Tianzhen showed the strength of a fairy, but Chen Tianzhen is a person, a person who was born and bred in the Dragon Country, they are familiar with Chen Tianzhen and understand Chen Tianzhen's way of doing things.

But now, the real gods have appeared, what do the gods want?What is his purpose?What is his code of conduct?Why a test of courage on humans?

The so-called path of perfection?Mu Yuantu was not a fool, after seeing Chen Tianzhen's behavior, he didn't believe a word.

Especially after Chen Tianzhen used the 'divine spell-curse', the incomparably evil aura looked even more evil than the skeletons and evil spirits in ancient battlefields and mass graves!

This made Mu Yuantu feel that the Lord of Dreamland is an evil god!Which righteous god would do such a tormenting thing?
At this time, the tall, sacred, majestic figure with a dreamy color, piercing the sky, moved!
As the huge mountain-like arm waved, thunder and lightning followed, accompanied by the holy golden light, the extreme coercion was like an asteroid falling from outer space, a terrifying aura that destroyed everything suddenly descended.

At this moment, everyone was trembling, their bodies were stiff, and their minds were blank!

Three in the middle of the night, quietly update a chapter, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a starting point to read the genuine version!The author is very poor, very hard, and needs the support of readers.

(End of this chapter)

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