I can work indefinitely

Chapter 162 Humans Live, Gods Die

Chapter 162 Humans Live, Gods Die

"Good!" A word was spit out from the mouth of the dream master, and the whole world seemed to be unable to bear the power of the word "lord of dreams", shaking the sky and the earth!

The extremely violent thunder exploded in the clouds, shaking the sky and the earth!
The purple thunder is like a dragon, rolling in the clouds!
Following this word of kindness, the mountain-like finger of the Lord of Dreams pierced down from the midair, and the colorful and dreamlike light rain accompanied the finger, fell from the midair, landed on people's bodies, and then melted into it.

The finger of the Lord of Dreams finally landed on Chen Tianzhen's forehead, and His extremely sacred and majestic voice sounded, "Priest Chen Tianzhen, you must remember that my path is the path of perfection, the path of detachment !"

"Practice my way, and you will gain great detachment and great supernatural powers!"

"Humans rule life, gods rule death! There is a clear line between humans and gods that cannot be crossed!"

"Three years later, there will be a catastrophe coming to this world. If there is no external force to change, all living beings in this world will perish, and there will never be a day of success. I can't bear the withering of all living beings. I came to this world to open up the kingdom of dreams and start the test of courage. Give ordinary people the opportunity to reverse their destiny and open the road to transcendence, I hope all sentient beings will cherish it!"

"This catastrophe, I can't take action. Everything depends on the efforts of the sentient beings in your world. Only you can save yourselves! If you make it through, the race will have a chance to survive. If you can't pass it, the genocide will be exterminated! Life or death is all in the hands of sentient beings!"

"Priest Chen Tianzhen, you are not bad. If you can lead all sentient beings to change the fate of this world, on the day you succeed, I will open up a divine path for you. I wish you to become a god, and you will be immortal by my side!"

The voice of the Lord of Dreams is vast, sacred, and majestic with great compassion, like thunder, resounding in everyone's soul, and then deeply written into everyone's memory, becoming an indelible thought.

After listening, everyone became nervous!
Such a great existence will not lie!I don't even bother to lie!There is no need to deceive ordinary people like them.

He said just now that three years from now, the world will experience a huge catastrophe. Human beings can get through it and get a chance to survive. If they can't, the human genocide will be extinct!

What a frightening future this is!Just thinking about it makes people feel cold all over!
Moreover, He also said just now that the test of courage is to open the path of the extraordinary, and many people's hearts became hot, "Does it mean that as long as I complete the test of courage, I can be like the vicious priest Chen Tianzhen, who can display the extraordinary?" Power?"

"Only the sentient beings in this world can save themselves. Life or death is entirely in your own hands!" These words made many people feel a heavy sense of responsibility.

Mu Yuantu listened more carefully. He smashed up every word of "Lord of the Dreamland" and swallowed it, trying to make all the meanings clear.

"Humans live, gods die! Between humans and gods, the boundary is clear and cannot be crossed!" This sentence made him feel relieved, and the master of the dream had a very stern tone when he said these words. With the meaning of warning, according to Mu Yuantu's understanding, this sentence is specifically to warn Chen Tianzhen!
Tell Chen Tianzhen not to interfere with the power in the world!

With these words, Mu Yuantu was completely at ease.

Since ancient times, humans and gods have been unable to coexist harmoniously. Why?
It is because of power!

Immediately afterwards, Mu Yuantu's heart arose again, and he found that the situation was more serious than what Chen Tianzhen said!
"If you can pass, the race will have a chance to survive, if you can't pass, the genocide!" The meaning of this sentence is so terrible!According to the meaning of the words, human beings are not just kept in captivity, and captivity will not cause genocide!Compared with being extinct, at least the race still exists in captivity, and bloodlines are still circulating in the world.

"The previous plan was still too slow, we must speed up the progress!"

"The scene of the coming of the gods this time must be shown to the tallest person!" An extreme sense of urgency appeared in Mu Yuantu's heart.

"Wait, you will be punished for violating my way!" The finger of the dream lord has retracted into the sky, and the extremely bright brilliance has begun to dim. And anger, so that everyone can't help but tremble!

As soon as the sacred and majestic voice of the Lord of Dreamland fell, everyone in the square, except for the soldiers from the Ministry of War, instantly lost consciousness and fell limply to the ground.

Their souls were all pulled into the dream kingdom of God!
What awaits them is an experience that is a hundred times more painful than the first trial of courage. After this experience, the divine power of the Lord of Dreams will spread throughout the world, and the name of Chen Tianzhen, the Priest of Dreams, will also be remembered by the world. live.

The radiant divine light above the clouds was hidden and completely disappeared without any miraculous signs. If he hadn't experienced all this just now, Mu Yuantu would never have believed that there was a god descending into the world just now.

"Mu Shangshu, please get up!" At this moment, with a bright smile on his face, Chen Tianzhen pulled Mu Yuantu up from the ground, and handed out a tissue.

In order to set up this scene, Chen Tianzhen tried his best to use up all the energy, and the energy just collected in the Kingdom of Dreamland was directly exhausted!

The coming of the Lord of the Dreamland was arranged by him with his dreamlike characteristics. The divine voice that everyone heard was his indifferent avatar that used up the savings of the Dreamland God Kingdom. Through Dream Induction and the use of karma-teaching skills, it was directly written into the voice of the people present. in memory.

In order to strive for truth, the thunder and lightning in the sky was created by him using the Hunyuan Tiantu Divine Dragon Wind Thunder Roaring Style combined with the dream feature.

The aura that destroys everything is the result of his all-out Dao Jie move, releasing all of Dao Jie's destructive power with his breath.

Chen Tianzhen seemed to be standing on the roof of the car, next to Mu Yuantu, but in fact, except for the moment when he was talking to Mu Yuantu, where he was really, the rest of the time, he was busy.

"Priest Chen, thank you!" At this moment, Mu Yuantu looked at Chen Tianzhen with complicated eyes. According to the words of the Lord of Dreams, as long as Chen Tianzhen can lead all living beings through the catastrophe, he will become an immortal and immortal god. You!

God reserve!
From now on, Chen Tianzhen will become an existence transcending everything!

Above all living beings!
Although, the lord of the dream had specifically warned Chen Tianzhen to pay attention to the boundary between humans and gods and not to cross it, but Chen Tianzhen will be above all living beings from now on. Although he is not the best of the world, he has surpassed the power of the world!

Chen Tianzhen felt Mu Yuantu's incomparably complicated thoughts, and the smile on his face became brighter. Although he was bleeding heavily this time, the effect was even better than he had imagined.

"Priest Chen, they should be fine, right?" Mu Yuantu wiped the blood off his face casually, and pointed to the people lying on the ground in the square with some concern.

"My God is merciful, I won't kill them! Now, their souls are just being dragged into the Kingdom of God in the Dreamland to undergo a trial of courage! When their trials are completed, their souls will return to their bodies, just like I used to send you It's like bringing it into the dream space!" Consciously or unconsciously, Chen Tianzhen took the initiative to bring up the dream space.

"I think, after this time, no one would dare to blaspheme the majesty of the gods!" A cold light flashed in Chen Tianzhen's eyes. The pain was a hundredfold. Without the protection of the rules of the Kingdom of Dreams, the pain would be enough to knock people out of their wits.

"Priest Chen, what is the connection between the dream space and the dream kingdom?" Mu Yuantu's eyes flashed, and he asked inadvertently with a puzzled look on his face.

"I am the priest chosen by the lord of the dream, and the lord of the dream has given me some of his power, allowing me to imitate the dream kingdom to open up the dream space!"

"My supernatural powers, spells, and cultivation techniques are all given by the Lord of Dreamland! Even the ten moves of fierce soldiers I provide to the soldiers are bestowed by the great Lord of Dreamland!" Chen Tianzhen said with fanaticism and piousness on his face, "Dreamland Lord, yesterday, the immortal divine mind traveled across endless time and space, brought divine power to our world, opened up the kingdom of dreams, and opened the road to transcendence."

"With the Kingdom of Dreams and the Dream Space, there is no need for it to exist!"

"But you used supernatural powers before, called Buddha's Light and Transcendence. I feel that you are not in the same way as the dream master..." Immediately afterwards, Mu Yuantu spoke again, reaching the core.

"That's because my God was observing this world before, judging whether this world was worth saving. Before he made up his mind, when I used divine magic, I could only change my appearance and make up a random name." Mu Yuantu could think of it, how could Chen Tianzhen not think of it, he had already thought of the rhetoric to deal with it.

"Buddha's light, its real name is divine art-purification!"

"Transcendence, my destiny is a divine art - the gate of hell!"

"The supernatural powers I passed on to Hunting Dragon and Yuan Shouming are also divine arts. Now that the Lord of Dreams has made up his mind to sow the seeds of hope in our world and the road to transcendence, I will also give them the true name of the divine arts." Reveal!"

"Also, my God, the Lord of the Dreamland is great and selfless. Anyone who satisfies him in the Kingdom of Dreamland will be bestowed with powerful magical arts by him!" Chen Tianzhen said with reverence on his face. If he acquires skills in the Kingdom of God, his big lie will be completely consummated.

From then on, no one would doubt Chen Tianzhen's identity as the High Priest of Dreamland.

No one would suspect that Chen Tianzhen is the master of dreams!

"So that's how it is!" After listening to Chen Tianzhen's words, Mu Yuantu's face suddenly realized. Chen Tianzhen's words can be verified. As long as someone obtains a magic spell in the dream kingdom of God, it can prove what Chen Tianzhen said. , is the truth!
Mu Yuantu believed that Chen Tianzhen would never lie to such verifiable words.

"Priest Chen, I don't know how we need to serve the Lord of Dreams to please him and satisfy him?" Immediately afterwards, Mu Yuantu asked again. His voice this time was extremely solemn, because this point is very important!

"The Lord of Dreams is a great and benevolent deity. He doesn't need to be served! He doesn't need to be worshiped, he doesn't need to be worshiped! He doesn't need to be sacrificed! He doesn't even need people to proclaim his name!"

"As long as there are creatures who become stronger under his guidance, it is the greatest pleasure to him! It is the best feedback to him!"

"Of course, the Kingdom of Dreams is a world opened up by him. If enough souls can enter the kingdom of God, I think He will be absolutely satisfied!" In the end, Chen Tianzhen revealed his ultimate goal with a bright light in his eyes. .

"What should we do?" Mu Yuantu asked eagerly.

"Do a good job in publicizing and guiding ordinary people, don't stop them, don't panic, that's enough! The Lord of Dreams will gradually give everyone opportunities and test their courage. The symptoms are exactly the same as those who came here today!" Chen Tianzhen smiled. Open your mouth.

"I understand!" Even if Chen Tianzhen didn't say anything, he was going to ask the highest one for instructions, and broadcast the situation live on TV, so as not to cause today's situation to recur.

At the stall where the two were chatting, in the square, someone has already woken up!
"Ah, forgive me...I don't dare anymore!" In an instant, their clothes were drenched with sweat, as if they were fished out of the water, their faces were extremely pale, and there was lingering horror in their eyes.

After entering the Kingdom of Dreamland, their first stop was to enter the Lingshan Mountain, where they saw Zhao Lezhi being burned by the karmic fire, and personally felt the extreme pain of being burned by the karmic fire for 1 minute.

Immediately afterwards, they were queued up and sent to the Colosseum, where they were easily killed by hungry wolves whose strength had been increased. Under a hundredfold perception, they were torn apart and devoured. What kind of pain is hell on earth!
With endless hatred in their eyes, they stared at Chen Tianzhen for a few times with cannibalistic eyes, cursed Chen Tianzhen in their hearts for being so vicious and vicious, and then left quickly!

All of you!
"Priest Chen, although the problem has been solved, the people who came here this time, I can see from their appearance, they already hate you to the bone!" Looking at this scene, Mu Yuantu felt a little happy in his heart.

"I'm a magnanimous person, I don't care if others hate me or not!" Chen Tianzhen had a free and easy face, and then said seriously, "Mu Shangshu, can all the soldiers from the Ministry of War be deployed tomorrow?"

"Well, no problem!" Mu Yuantu looked up and answered in the affirmative.

"In that case, as a priest of the Dreamland, please help me make an appointment with the owner at eight o'clock tomorrow morning, and we will meet in the Kingdom of Dreamland!" The Kingdom of Dreamland, which involves government affairs, must be clearly explained to Ji Xingchen , Moreover, he is going to give Ji Xingchen a big gift, and at the same time, he also wants to show Ji Xingchen his attitude!

If Ji Xingchen was directly pulled into the kingdom of dreams by using the authority of the dream master, that would obviously not work, and it might cause conflicts.

He has done so many things in order to unite all the forces that can be united, jointly fight against the catastrophe three years later, and change the fate of human beings in captivity. Naturally, it is impossible to make mistakes in such small things.

"Okay! I will definitely bring the words of Priest Chen to the highest one!" Mu Yuantu solemnly agreed.

Just now the Lord of the Dreamland came to the world, now Chen Tianzhen said that he would meet Ji Xingchen as the Priest of the Dreamland.

This is not an ordinary dialogue, nor is it a chat between two people, but a dialogue between humans and gods. This kind of dialogue is more solemn and important than the dialogue between national leaders.


I've been a little bit stuck these days... It's so painful, I wrote it last night and went to bed after four o'clock, and deleted more than 1 words...

(End of this chapter)

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