I can work indefinitely

Chapter 163 The most important thing is Priest Chen

Chapter 163 The most important thing is Priest Chen

At six o'clock in the morning, the Longguo State Council Hall was brightly lit.

In the huge conference hall, there were not many people. On the round table in the front row, there were only eight people including Ji Xingchen, Zhongshu Sheng Zhongshuling, and the six ministers!At this moment, their faces were extremely serious, and no one said a word, and the atmosphere was very dignified.

On the horizontal row of seats at the back were the representatives of the soldiers and the officials of the Criminal Department who had just witnessed the arrival of the Lord of Dreams.

In the huge venue, you can hear the drop of a needle, and there is no sound!

One minute passed, and Ji Xingchen still didn't say a word, his expression extremely serious.

Others are even more afraid to speak!

More than ten minutes had passed in this extremely depressing atmosphere, and the foreheads of the others were already dripping with sweat. At this moment, Ji Xingchen suddenly opened his mouth to arrange, "Mu Shangshu, play the video at that time for everyone to see." Bar!"

"Okay!" Mu Yuantu personally operated and inserted the USB flash drive into the computer on the table, but instead of playing it directly, he began to explain the cause of the incident.

"Just three hours ago... the vast majority of people were killed by evil wolves! The corpses were torn apart by evil wolves, chewed and chewed!"

"After they were killed, their senses did not disappear, and even became more acute. They could feel the pain of the hungry wolf's claws tearing their skin and muscles, and they could feel the pain of the wolf's teeth biting their muscles."

"This pain is so painful!"

Even the Minister of the Ministry of Justice, who already knew what was going on, felt a chill come to his forehead after hearing Mu Yuantu's description, and the expressions of the others began to change when Mu Yuantu's description was substituted into the scene.

"They didn't die after being devoured by wolves, but returned to reality, and then they found a bloody countdown floating in front of them. After 24 hours, they will undergo another trial of courage and repeat the previous experience. Torn, chewed, and feeling the extreme pain again!" Mu Yuantu's voice trembled slightly, and just the description made him feel that no kind gods could do such a cruel thing.

Even Ji Xingchen's face changed slightly after hearing this!Surprised by this cruel method!

The shock and fear in other people's hearts is even more, "It's a way to lose conscience!"

"After being tortured once, I feel like I have gone to purgatory, and I find that I have to experience this kind of painful torture every day. Many people can't accept it. They want to commit suicide to escape, in exchange for a crazier punishment! It's worse than being killed and chewed by a wolf. The pain that will be a hundred times more painful falls on them! According to women who have experienced that pain, compared with the pain of giving birth and the pain of punishment, it is like a breeze blowing on the face." Mu Yuantu's face turned pale at this moment , the voice trembled.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Yuantu said with fear in his voice, "Later, I met a man who told me that all living people, including everyone here, must undergo a test of courage!"

Hearing Mu Yuantu's description to others, the others just felt chills in their hearts and felt very cruel, but after Mu Yuantu uttered the last sentence, it directly blasted into their hearts like a thunderstorm, and a lot of cold sweat burst out of their foreheads instantly, and their bodies Like falling into an ice cellar, intense fear instantly occupied their hearts!
"Mu Shangshu, didn't you find a very powerful person who can purify weirdness? I remember it was Chen Tianzhen! You should immediately arrange for him to find the source, find out the source of this abnormality, and kill it!" Official Minister Si Qianqiu spoke suddenly, with anxiety and fear in his voice.

"Yes, Mu Shangshu, please immediately arrange for Chen Tianzhen to take action, and completely kill the source of all this!" Others echoed eagerly.

Ji Xingchen glanced around, and there was a look of disappointment in his eyes, which was hard to hide!

Mu Yuantu had a miserable smile on his lips, "The person who told me this news is Chen Tianzhen!"

"The source of the test of courage is the God Chen Tianzhen believes in, the Lord of Dreams!"

"Chen Tian is really the priest of the god Lord of Dreams, do you think he will help us kill the Lord of Dreams?" Mu Yuantu's voice was tinged with desolation.

After hearing Mu Yuantu's words, the rest of the people, who were originally excited and had eager voices, slumped on their chairs as if all their strength had been taken away.

"Mu Shangshu, there is no basis, so don't talk nonsense! Gods are just human fantasy, there is no such thing at all!" Official Secretary Qianqiu said excitedly as if thinking of something.

"Watch the video!" At this moment, Ji Xingchen said.

Mu Yuantu nodded and clicked to play the video!

"This section is a scene where people, after the test of courage, found that they could not escape, despaired in their hearts, and were instigated by someone with a heart, gathered a crowd to attack the official scene." Roaring and hitting the wall of soldiers!
"This part is the scene where you asked me to arrange to kill the person at the source, the dream priest Chen Tianzhen!" Mu Yuantu's voice was mocking, arranging for Chen Tianzhen, whoever proposed it, went by himself, anyway, Mu Yuantu Tu, no such ability.

On the screen, a huge three-meter-thick beam of light descended from the sky, and Chen Tianzhen landed on the roof of the car with the radiance of the Holy Spirit!

At the moment when Chen Tianzhen appeared, the crowd that was hit by a huge wave seemed to be paused by pressing the pause button, and the time on the video kept jumping, but the whole video was like a photo, completely still at that moment.

"This video, is it stuck?" Si Qianqiu raised everyone's doubts.

"No, it's Chen Tianzhen, the priest of the dream. He used the power of magic to suppress tens of thousands of people. It's like being hit by a body-holding spell, and his body can't move a bit!" This kind of power, in Mu Yuantu's view, already belongs to the gods!
"What?" Qianqiu, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, had extreme shock in his eyes, thinking that he had heard it wrong, but after seeing Mu Yuantu's firm nod, he gasped. Is this really a human being?
There was extreme shock in the eyes of others!

Suddenly, everyone fell silent, looking at the big screen with awe in their eyes.

They are all smart people. Ji Xingchen called them together at night and let them watch the video, which naturally has a deep meaning.

At this moment, even if Ji Xingchen didn't mean anything, after seeing Chen Tianzhen's power to suppress everything, they all felt that they must watch the video carefully!

It doesn't matter if you can learn magic arts or not, the most important thing is to analyze Chen Tianzhen's character through the video, find ways to connect with him, and become friends!
With such a strong friend, when speaking, the waist should be straighter.

"This paragraph is the scene where the priest of the dream, Chen Tianzhen, replaces the soul of the leader, Zhao Lezhi, from the corpse and whips the corpse!"

"In front of the dream priest Chen Tianzhen, death is not the end, but the beginning of the real hell!" Chen Tianzhen's method that scares Mu Yuantu the most is this!Originally, when a person dies, the rule has changed since Chen Tianzhen appeared.

Death is only the beginning of suffering. Chen Tianzhen's method can make the soul of the dead experience the most intense pain in the world!
Immediately afterwards, the screen changed to Zhao Lezhi's soul being summoned, turning into a terrifying and ferocious ghost with a height of five meters, the gate of hell, and the karmic fire appeared immediately. The desperate roar came from the video, making everyone pale, cold all over, and infinite fear welling up in their hearts.

Especially the sentence that Chen Tianzhen said, after suffering the pain of karma burning for [-] days, after [-] days, his soul flew away!
Looking at Zhao Lezhi's appearance, he knew that the extreme pain, let alone [-] days, even a second, is not something a human can bear!
"Who asked me to arrange for Chen Tianzhen to kill the source just now, come on, I'll give you Chen Tianzhen's phone number, and you arrange it!" Mu Yuantu glanced at the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Secretary Qianqiu, with extreme mockery in his voice.

"Mu Shangshu, I was joking, I was joking, just now I was joking, don't worry about it! Priest Chen is such an existence, I am not qualified to arrange him." Qianqiu, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, gave a dry laugh, wiped his forehead and suddenly appeared There was a lot of cold sweat, and from the corner of the eye, he observed Ji Xingchen's expression, and found that Ji Xingchen's face had not changed, and at the same time he was relieved, and at the same time he cursed Mu Yuantu for being vicious.

Let him arrange for Chen Tianzhen, he is afraid that his life will be too long, and he is too comfortable, so he will take the initiative to seek death and feel uncomfortable!
Moreover, Mu Yuantu's question was too harsh, if one of the answers was wrong, just say a few words that Chen Tianzhen is qualified to arrange for him, fearing that Ji Xingchen would be enraged by thunder in an instant, and let him go back to his hometown to farm!

"Hehe..." Mu Yuantu sneered, but didn't continue to sneer, he changed the subject and continued, "Do you think this is Chen Tianzhen's strongest method?"

The others all nodded with fear in their eyes!
"You are wrong! Compared with the methods he used in the end, the methods he is using now are simply not on the table!" Mu Yuantu's voice was low, and compared with the coming of the gods, this summoned the soul and tortured with karmic fire What are the means?
"This is the scene where the god, the lord of dreams descends on the world!" Mu Yuantu's voice was filled with uncontrollable shock, and just thinking about the scene at that time made his soul tremble.

On the screen, bright brilliance appeared above the clouds, and the silhouette of the supreme, great, and holy god appeared. The sacred, great, and immortal breath directly penetrated the screen, causing everyone to receive a strong spiritual impact. Let everyone feel the soul tremble.

Everyone held their breath involuntarily, with extreme shock in their eyes, carefully watching what happened on the big screen.

They are even reluctant to blink their eyes for fear of missing important pictures.

"God! Lord of dreams! Kingdom of dreams, trial of courage, extraordinary road! Priest of the dream, Chen Tianzhen!" At this moment, everyone was extremely shocked in their hearts, and then said these words spoken by the master of dreams. , deeply engraved in memory.

Through the video, they already understood the relationship between the Lord of the Dreamland, the Kingdom of the Dreamland, and the Trial of Courage, and also understood how the name of the Priest of the Dreamland, Chen Tianzhen, came about.

"Why is the priest chosen by the gods not me!" A feeling of jealousy welled up in everyone's hearts.

"Chen Tianzhen is the priest of the Lord of Dreams, a reserve member of the gods. We must establish a good relationship with him in the future! If we can become friends with him, the benefits will be immeasurable!" Immediately afterwards, various thoughts began to flash in the minds of these big shots.

The video was frozen at the moment when Chen Tianzhen disappeared, but everyone's eyes didn't move, they all stared at the black screen, like a beautiful flower on the big black screen.

At this moment, they finally understood why Ji Xingchen would notify them to come to the meeting in the middle of the night, and they also finally understood why Ji Xingchen's face was tense and there was no smile at all.

Because, the gods that surpass the supreme power of human beings have appeared!

"I've watched the video too, let's all talk about it!" Ji Xingchen glanced at the crowd, seeing that everyone was staring at the screen, without saying a word, and spoke with suppressed anger in his voice!

In Ji Xingchen's words, everyone turned their eyes to the table in front of them, lowered their heads, held their breath, and said nothing.

"What? After the gods appeared, do you think I'm useless? I can't hold you down anymore, right?" A furious voice came from Ji Xingchen's mouth.

"Mu Yuantu, tell me first!" Then, Ji Xingchen's voice was extremely severe, and he began to name names.

"I think it's a good thing for us that the Lord of the Gods and Dreams appears!" Mu Yuantu carefully observed Ji Xingchen's face while speaking.

"Because the Lord of Dreams specifically warned Chen Tianzhen, saying that humans live and gods die! There is a clear line between humans and gods that cannot be crossed!"

"This obviously requires Chen Tianzhen not to interfere with secular power! Chen Tianzhen's magical powers all come from the gift of the Lord of Dreams. If he dares to violate the will of the gods, the Lord of Dreams will take away his magical powers and strength!"

"On one side is the opportunity to become a god, which can be immortal and live forever! The other side is the abyss, if you fall, you will be crushed! No one would choose to jump from the edge of the abyss!"

"I understand Chen Tianzhen's character. He basically has no desire for power. He only wants to change the future destiny of mankind!"

"I think Chen Tianzhen will never make such a low-level mistake!"

"After we've confirmed this first, the rest of the matter will be much easier!" Seeing Ji Xingchen's expression soften slightly, Mu Yuantu breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to speak.

"Everyone knows the future situation! If there is no external force to change, we humans will become captive pigs and dogs! The end will be miserable!"

"Now there is a dream master who opened up the kingdom of dreams and started the test of courage. As long as you pass it, you can embark on the path of extraordinaryness!"

"The so-called path of transcendence, I specifically asked Chen Tianzhen, he said, transcendence, being able to fly to the sky and escape from the earth, break the sea and divide borders, split the stars with swords, live forever, live as long as the sky, that is the path of transcendence!"

"The path of transcendence is the path of practice, which allows us to master powerful power and give us a long life span!"

After listening to Mu Yuantu's words, everyone's breathing stopped suddenly. What did they hear?Immortal!

Since ancient times, immortality has been the ultimate dream of dignitaries, and even emperors, in order to live forever, ruin the fate of the country, and exterminate blood descendants!
Even if there is a lesson from the past, the emperors of all dynasties still pursue immortality tirelessly!

Now, the real road to immortality opened by the gods is before them!This got everyone excited!
"As long as I pass the test of courage, I may practice to the realm of immortality." Thinking of this, their breathing became rapid.

"It is definitely a rare case for a god to appear holy. Now the one who really controls the dream kingdom is the dream priest Chen Tianzhen!"

"Dreamland Divine Kingdom is the place to train extraordinary people! Where is the key point of everything!"

"And Chen Tianzhen, who has mastered the kingdom of dreams, is the key among the keys!"

"As long as we have a good relationship with him, cooperate with his actions, and cultivate a large number of extraordinary people with the help of the dream kingdom, the future in three years will not be unchangeable." Mu Yuantu said all he thought in one breath come out.

"Mu Shangshu is right. The dream priest, Chen Tianzhen, is the key! You must have a good relationship with him!" The others nodded approvingly.

Chen Tianzhen is the actual controller of the Kingdom of Dreamland. All the good things in the Kingdom of Dreamland are in his hands. Although everyone can enter the Kingdom of Dreamland, the real good things must be in Chen Tianzhen's hands. Here, Chen Tianzhen has the final say.

"What about you? What's your opinion?" Ji Xingchen's gaze shifted to other people, and he couldn't hear any emotion in his voice, but he couldn't feel the strong anger at this moment.

"I think, based on the relationship between Mu Shangshu and Priest Chen, we should ask Mu Shangshu to talk to Priest Chen on our behalf, and ask him to allow soldiers and officials to enter the Dreamland Kingdom of God and directly embark on the extraordinary road, without the courage test! This way Come, the officials can grasp the powerful power faster and suppress all chaos." The Minister of the Ministry of Officials Qianqiu opened his mouth and put forward his own opinions, and the sinister brilliance flashed in the triangular eyes.

Immediately, Mu Yuantu glared at him, Si Qianqiu, a thief, was just like Chen Tianzhen, with a small belly, Mu Yuantu just satirized him just now, and now he immediately retaliated, with extremely venomous words.

Although Mu Yuantu was furious in his heart, he had to say that what Si Qianqiu said was indeed reasonable!

If Chen Tianzhen agrees, the authorities will be able to grasp the power to suppress everything in the first place, and prevent the chaos caused by ordinary people gaining power.

"I've made a note of this!" Ji Xingchen nodded, and turned his gaze to Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment.

"After ordinary people gain power, will they still abide by the current laws? Since the master of the dream is following the path of perfection, can Priest Chen be allowed to formulate rules to restrain all supernatural beings in accordance with the current laws, so as to prevent problems before they happen?" Shang Shu opened his mouth, and the direction he was considering was whether ordinary people would use martial arts to break the ban after mastering power!Will it cause chaos in the whole society.

"Well, what's the opinion of the Ministry of Rites?" Ji Xingchen looked at the Minister of Rites.

"Although Priest Chen said that the Lord of Dreams doesn't need faith or sacrifices, but the gods don't need it. That doesn't mean we don't do anything. I suggest..." Minister of Rites, he had already thought out the words in his mind, and spoke directly.

"There's no need to discuss this matter!" Ji Xingchen waved his hand and directly interrupted Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites. Although he didn't say much, the meaning was very obvious.

"Where's Tobu?"

"I completely agree with what Mu Shangshu said! Let me mention one point. Soon the electricity will fail, and the Internet will become history. The money deposited in the bank, because the data is too large and complicated, cannot be sorted out in a short time. According to the opinion of the chief, we have already Informing the masses to exchange banknotes!"

"But the number is too large, too many people are involved, and the time is too tight. I estimate that one-thousandth of it will not be completed until the day the power fails!"

"I suggest to mention this to Priest Chen to see if he has a solution!" Hubu Shangshu said with a wry smile on his face. In order to sort out this huge account, he was devastated during this time.

"Well, try your best to do it!" Ji Xingchen remained calm, turning his eyes to Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry.

"I have no objection. No matter who is going to communicate with Priest Chen, please help me to ask him, can you learn the magical art of making buildings out of thin air and casting mechanical equipment in the Dream Kingdom? If you can learn it, I will go to him right away and ask him to bring everyone in the Ministry of Industry into the test of courage!"

"As long as we have enough people with this kind of magical means, even if the electricity fails and I use steam engines, I can still sustain the country's industrial system!" Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry's eyes were extremely fanatical, with extreme desire in his eyes.

He had seen the chariot that Mu Yuantu drove back, and heard Mu Yuantu mention how the chariot was made. He was fascinated by this method.

"Well, I see!" Ji Xingchen responded, and set his gaze on Zhongshu Sheng Zhongshu Ling.

"The communication problem is the most important thing! Priest Chen mentioned before that the long-distance communication problem has been solved. This is the top priority and the most urgent thing to do." Zhongshu ordered Sun Lingsheng to be straightforward and brought up the biggest problem at present.


"Then why do you think Priest Chen asked me to meet with him?" Ji Xingchen changed the subject after listening to all the opinions, and asked.

The bigwigs on the round table, you look at me, I look at you, none of them spoke.

To be honest, they didn't understand why Chen Tianzhen would ask Ji Xingchen to meet him!

Because in their view, it is completely unnecessary!

Chen Tianzhen is in control of the Kingdom of Dreamland, all he needs is to train super fighters full-time. Anyway, the Lord of Dreamland has already warned him that he cannot interfere in politics!

"Perhaps, he wants to communicate with you, how to deal with the dark future?" Mu Yuantu said very uncertainly.

"Perhaps, he wants to express his attitude to you? To prevent conflicts and misunderstandings?" The Minister of the Ministry of Officials expressed his guess.

"Could it be that he wants to discuss with you about cultivating superhumans?" Minister of Rites also spoke.

Ji Xingchen nodded, his expression unchanged. He pointed to the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, "The Ministry of Officials issued a decree to make all departments prepare for chaos!"

"Ministry of Rituals, do a good job of publicity and guidance to ensure that ordinary people who are given courage to try will not be provoked by those who want to gather and cause chaos!"

"Ministry of Punishments, arrange your forces and strengthen patrols. In troubled times, heavy punishments should be used to strengthen the crackdown on crimes. They will be beaten as soon as they are exposed. There will be no mercy!"

After thinking about it for a while, Ji Xingchen looked at Mu Yuantu, "Military Department, I discussed with Priest Chen earlier, and within three days, let all the soldiers go to the ancient battlefield to accept Priest Chen's inheritance. Is the arrangement proper?"

"The arrangement is in place today, and you can invite Priest Chen over early tomorrow morning!" Mu Yuantu replied affirmatively.

"Very good, let's go!" Ji Xingchen raised his hand and glanced at the time. There were still 10 minutes before the eight o'clock agreed with Chen Tianzhen. He also stood up and walked to the lounge.

"Chen Tianzhen invited me so solemnly, what exactly is he talking about? He and I, one represents man and the other represents God, so there should be nothing to talk about!" Ji Xingchen was also full of doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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