I can work indefinitely

Chapter 164 Country Management Module

Chapter 164 Country Management Module
On an unnamed hill in the wilderness of the Kingdom of Dreams.

There is a platform on the mountainside, and an exquisite house made of green bamboo is located on it.

In front of the house, a clear stream flows by, and there are groups of golden-red carps swimming happily in the stream.

In front of and behind the house, there are green trees, a few bouquets of bright flowers, and the crisp chirping of birds, bringing you infinite vitality.

Between the house and the creek, the ground is paved with bluestone, a table made of dolomite, and two chairs made of tree rattan.

Chen Tianzhen was sitting in the reclining chair at the moment, with a smile on his face. In front of him, there was a projection in the void, and what was displayed on it was the picture of Ji Xingchen and the others having a meeting.

"Jin Chan's plan to escape has been a complete success! My status as a priest, whether it's official or private, has been completely confirmed!" He told a big lie in order to push all his occupations, skills, and exercises into a dream Let the illusory dream master attract the eyes of the powerful, thus ignoring his existence.

Now, except for himself, no one will know that the master of the dream is actually Chen Tianzhen!

"Next, it's between me and Ji Xingchen." With a wave of Chen Tianzhen's hand, his face became very solemn and stern, and the projected image in front of him turned into smoke and disappeared.

"The general trend is mine! I use power to overwhelm people, and I can't allow him to refuse! He must agree to my proposal!" What he was going to say to Ji Xingchen today involved Guoben!
Chen Tianzhen has no interest in state power!
However, now theocracy and human rights are side by side.

Between gods and men, since ancient times, there has been one ebb and another!It is difficult to coexist peacefully!Once they appear at the same time, the fiercest struggle will take place!

Three years later, the powerful from the heavens began to descend, leaving only three years for human development!
During the past three years, there was no room for a moment's delay, so he made an appointment with Ji Xingchen to resolve the struggle between humans and gods, to suspend the fight between humans and gods, and concentrate on development!
For this reason, he specially created a module on the panel of the rebels, called the country management module.

This module is specially prepared for Ji Xingchen!

In the context of communication being cut off, as long as people get used to using this new module, if someone dares to provoke a battle between humans and gods, he can change the world effortlessly and without causing the slightest confusion!
At this moment, Ji Xingchen's figure, out of nothing, appeared on the wicker chair opposite the table.

"Grandpa Ji, good morning!" With a bright smile on Chen Tianzhen's face, looking at Ji Xingchen's somewhat haggard face, he lifted the teapot on the table and poured out a cup of tea like gray mist. Handed over.

"Xiao Tianzhen, I feel very bad right now!" One moment he was still lying on the bed, and the next moment he appeared in this beautiful place. Ji Xingchen was shocked. When he saw Chen Tianzhen, especially when he heard Chen Tianzhen After Chen Tianzhen called him, his tense heartstrings relaxed a bit, and he solemnly took the teacup Chen Tianzhen handed over.

"Grandpa Ji, this cup of tea is a good thing. After drinking this cup of tea, your spirit will immediately improve." The tea Chen Tianzhen handed out was naturally not real tea.

It is the lord of dreams, refining the seven emotions and six desires, and soul fragments to obtain pure soul power. After drinking, it can replenish the consumed spirit. If it is drunk for a long time, it can even increase the soul energy.

"Xiao Tianzhen, you have a heart!" Ji Xingchen's thoughts turned, without hesitation, with a smile on his face, he raised his teacup and drank it in one gulp.

If Chen Tianzhen wanted to be unfavorable to him, he didn't need to be so troublesome at all. Wouldn't it be better to let him lose his life silently by using the method he used to deal with Li Tianci and his son?So Ji Xingchen was very relieved.

Suddenly, he felt a warm force emanating from his body. He felt his body was warm and blissful. The fatigue caused by the strangeness and the future during this period was swept away. There is endless energy.

"Good stuff! Have another cup!" Ji Xingchen's eyes lit up, and he handed over the teacup unceremoniously.

"Grandpa Ji, this soul liquid is extremely precious, and I don't have much." Chen Tianzhen filled Ji Xingchen's teacup with a heartbroken face and a smile in his eyes.

"Grandpa Ji, I invite you to come. I have something to ask, and I need to talk to you!" Chen Tianzhen started talking about the business.

"Tell me." Ji Xingchen's eyes were fixed, and his expression was unprecedentedly solemn. Chen Tianzhen asked him to come here, and naturally it was not for small talk.

"The first thing is the long-distance communication problem, which has been completely resolved!" Chen Tianzhen said with a smile!
"As long as you pass the test of courage and become a rebel, you can use the functions of the rebel panel in reality!" With a wave of Chen Tianzhen's hand, the rebel panel appeared in the void, Ji Xingchen couldn't hide the excitement , to demonstrate how to use the friend function for him.

"Grandpa Ji, let me activate the permission to use your Fate-Defying Panel first!" With a smile on the corner of Chen Tianzhen's mouth, he not only directly gave Ji Xingchen the right to use the Fate-Defying Panel, but also gave the related The function was directly transmitted to Ji Xingchen's mind through the skills taught.

Sensing the knowledge that suddenly appeared in his memory, Ji Xingchen habitually recalled it. In an instant, his face remained unchanged, but his eyes were filled with a cold light of astonishment.

Ji Xingchen knew the information about the country management module and how to use it in an instant!
"What a vicious method! What a vicious heart! The national management module seems to allow me to gain supreme power! It seems to let me control the country to the extreme! It seems to increase administrative efficiency a hundred times!"

"Actually, on top of me, an overlord who can replace me at any time was added out of thin air!" Ji Xingchen was no fool, and instantly saw through the essence of the national management module.

In the next moment, his face was full of excitement, as if he didn't find anything abnormal, "Okay, great! With this friend function, even if the communication is broken, our country can maintain stability and not be chaotic!"

"Xiao Tianzhen, the function of being a friend is equivalent to my tens of millions of troops! You are simply my lucky star!" Ji Xingchen looked at Chen Tianzhen with an extremely kind look on his face full of excitement!
As for the issue of the country management module, he didn't mention a word like he didn't see it!

"Grandpa Ji, don't flatter me!" Chen Tianzhen had a bright smile on his face, and seeing Ji Xingchen's undisturbed expression, he sighed inwardly, old fox!He never mentioned the national management module, and even got a big hat to put on him first.

Ji Xingchen deliberately avoided not mentioning it, but Chen Tianzhen had to mention it. His eyes were fixed, and he suddenly said, "Grandpa Ji, in fact, the friend function is for ordinary people."

"My god, the master of dreams, created a new module specially!"

"Named, Country Management Module!"

"Assist you, manage the Dragon Kingdom!"

The smile on Ji Xingchen's face disappeared suddenly, and his face became extremely ugly, "Sure enough, the national management module is the reason why Chen Tianzhen asked me to meet!"

(End of this chapter)

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