I can work indefinitely

Chapter 165 Overwhelming people with power, extremely powerful

Chapter 165 Overwhelming people with power, extremely powerful

Chen Tianzhen didn't care about Ji Xingchen's expression, and continued to speak!
"In the national management module, there are officials management module, military affairs management module, national points module, policy information release module, complaints and suggestions module, and you are the only administrator besides my god dreamland master! Even I, Only viewing authority, no operating authority!" Chen Tianzhen's voice was loud and correct.

"Grandpa Ji, you are the person with the highest authority in the country management module."

"In the official management module, you can appoint officials at any level. You can see the loyalty of all officials to the country, their ability evaluation, good direction, and whether they are performing their duties."

"When appointing an official, the information of the appointment will be sent to all relevant personnel at the same time, so that the relevant personnel will be familiar with it immediately. The official you appoint, he can appoint qualified subordinates within his authority!"

"If you find it troublesome and lazy to manage, the official management module can automatically appoint and remove officials according to their performance, ability, direction, and effort in the previous year!" Chen Tianzhen took a look at Ji Xingchen, whose face was getting uglier, and raised his voice slightly. made a little noise.

These words made Ji Xingchen's eyes freeze suddenly!His expression was unprecedentedly serious, and his expression was extremely ugly, "How dare he do this! How dare he intervene, the highest authority!"

The right to appoint and remove officials!
This is the most core power of a country!It is also the highest power!Whoever holds this power in his hands is the real ruler of a country!

If you control people, you can control everything!
This is a threat, a threat directed at the core!

"Everyone will become a rebel! This is an irreversible trend!" A thought flashed through Ji Xingchen's mind.

"Everyone, after the power fails and the communication is cut off, will habitually use the Destiny Panel! As long as there is a country module on the panel, everyone will use this module to view information!"

"If Chen Tianzhen is more vicious, he will directly ban all the officials' friend functions! Officials cannot communicate with each other, and cannot issue government orders to the outside world!"

"Chen Tianzhen directly appoints officials through the country management module! Let the officials he appoints issue government orders directly through the country management module! Manage the country!" Thinking of this, Ji Xingchen gasped, feeling extremely horrified.

As long as the power fails and the communication is cut off, Chen Tianzhen is absolutely capable, easily, and quickly takes over the power of the state without causing chaos!
"The only way is to kill him now! If we wait until the moment when the electricity fails, there will be no one to check and balance Chen Tianzhen!" The murderous intent in Ji Xingchen's heart flashed.

But ordinary means are absolutely unable to kill Chen Tianzhen!It's unrealistic to use people to kill Chen Tianzhen!
Unless nuclear weapons are used!
But that is impossible!
Ji Xingchen was full of bitterness, because nuclear weapons were used against Chen Tianzhen, not to mention whether nuclear weapons could fall on Chen Tianzhen, even if they could fall on Chen Tianzhen, how many people would be buried with Chen Tianzhen?
Using nuclear weapons to bomb Chen Tianzhen in the Demon City, even if Chen Tianzhen is killed, the entire Demon City, with a population of tens of millions, who can survive, even Ji Xingchen, will follow him to die!

The most important thing is that only Chen Tianzhen has the ability to change the bloody and dark future three years later!

After killing Chen Tianzhen, three years later, the cultivator of Tianshengmen came. As expected, Ji Xingchen was the one with the highest power, and the other party would never keep him, so he must be the first person to be killed.

Life is gone, how can we talk about the highest power!
Thinking of this, Ji Xingchen directly cast the mouse, and his face became even uglier!
"The general trend is like this, use power to overwhelm people! Chen Tianzhen is such a vicious thief! Whether you can accept it or not, you have to accept it!" He sighed in his heart, feeling that the energy he had just drunk from the tea was sucked instantly average.

Chen Tianzhen felt the change in Ji Xingchen's mind, and the smile on his face became extremely bright.

"Grandpa Ji, you are the only country module administrator in this world!"

"Your power is supreme, you can even use the national management module to deprive anyone of their lives after obtaining the consent of the dream master!"

"The brilliance of my god will surely shine on the whole world!"

"All human beings will surely become life-defying ones!"

"Do you understand the meaning contained in this?" When a big stick is hit, it is naturally for a sweet date to eat. This is an eternal truth.

Chen Tianzhen has no interest in power. Opening up the country management module is not only for the purpose of avoiding the power conflict between humans and gods, but also for the purpose of giving Ji Xingchen the ability to control the overall situation.

With the country management module, no matter what happens, the country will not be chaotic, and it dare not be chaotic!

Ji Xingchen will kill anyone who dares to mess up!

"You said it, is it true?" Ji Xingchen's eyes suddenly showed a fiery light, and his breathing became short of breath. How could he not understand the meaning of Chen Tianzhen's words!
This obviously tells him that as long as he cooperates well, he will accomplish the great cause of all ages!Unify the world!Dominate the world!The name will go down in history!

Not only that, Chen Tianzhen also said that he has absolute power and can directly deprive anyone of his life!With this kind of power, no one can fight against him at any time!

If you dare to stand up, you will die immediately!

"This is an oracle personally issued by my God, so it is naturally true!" Chen Tianzhen nodded with a smile.

"Okay!" Even Ji Xingchen couldn't keep calm at this moment. The haze on his face was swept away, and his face was full of excitement. The king of the world, just thinking about it makes people's blood boil!

At this moment, in Ji Xingchen's heart, he no longer has the slightest resistance to the national management module, and even regards it as a treasure.

Even if Chen Tianzhen says now that he wants to cancel the national management module, he will never let it go!

"Grandpa Ji, I will introduce you to the relevant functions of the country management module..."

"The military affairs management module allows your orders to reach every soldier directly!"

"The National Points module records the wealth of the entire country. Nationals who have achieved breakthroughs can get points rewards. People who kill strange beasts can get points rewards. People who fight against monk invaders can get points rewards."

"Points are the only currency in the Kingdom of Dreamland. They can be used to purchase cultivation techniques and cultivation realms! You can purchase magical arts of the Lord of Dreamland, and even lifespan can be purchased through points!"

Just now, he drew a big cake for Ji Xingchen!Eliminate Ji Xingchen's confrontational mood!

The point function is a powerful bait, a conspiracy put forward by Chen Tianzhen. He wants to tell Ji Xingchen through the national point module that there are many good things that can be exchanged for points, and it depends on whether you have the ability to get points.

If you want to get points, you must find a way to make more people stronger and kill more weirdos!
Sure enough, following his words, a gleam of light flashed in Ji Xingchen's eyes, and his heart was even more surging!

Exchange life, immortality!
Although Ji Xingchen is talented and general, immortality has always been the most instinctive pursuit in the heart of the heart. Naturally, Ji Xingchen cannot escape the desire for longevity.

"The policy information release module can accurately release the formulated policies to everyone! If you use points, you can even directly implant the policy into everyone's memory!" Chen Tianzhen's smile became brighter.

"The complaint and suggestion module, everyone can speak freely on it, if they are oppressed, exploited, or find something weird, they can post it, and then the information will be directly transferred to the relevant department!"

"Grandpa Ji, the relevant functions of the country management module are just a framework now."

"You can modify it freely within the framework. It's very simple. The module will automatically change according to your thoughts. After the modification is completed, a reminder will sound in your mind. You just need to confirm it in your mind, and you're done!" With a smile on his face, Chen Tianzhen finished briefly introducing the functions of the country management module.

Ji Xingchen listened very carefully, recalling the relevant memories in his mind, and at the same time opened the panel of the rebels to correspond one by one, thinking while watching.

After he really accepted the country management module, he realized that this thing is incredibly powerful!
Relying on the country management module, the administrative efficiency has been improved a hundred times, and his control over the country has reached the limit!
"Xiao Tianzhen, the country management module is very powerful, incredibly powerful! Compared with the previous administrative efficiency, it is at least a hundred times higher. It is indeed the best way to manage the country before the catastrophe comes!"

"The things that can be exchanged for points also make me very excited. Even if you don't practice, you can get endless life, eternal youth, and immortality! I can't wait to deal with hundreds of years of life now, and I can't wait to restore a healthy and young body immediately! "

"However, I am a little afraid to use it!"

"Because, once everyone gets used to the country management module, all information comes from the country management module, even if you replace me from the highest position, it will not have any impact on the country's operation!" Ji Xingchen seemed to be joking, But his eyes were extremely serious, definitely not what a joke should look like.

Now, the only thing he worries about is this!
"Grandpa Ji, the Lord of my God Dreamland is the God of Perfection. As long as you practice his way, how can He interfere with your management of the country! You think too much!" Chen Tianzhen said with a smile on his face.

What Ji Xingchen said was that Chen Tianzhen replaced him from the highest position, but what Chen Tianzhen said was the master of dreams, Chen Tianzhen never mentioned whether he was capable of replacing Ji Xingchen.

Ji Xingchen's heart shrank suddenly, Chen Tianzhen really had the authority to replace him!
Suddenly, he became very nervous in his heart!

"Grandpa Ji, the lord of the dreamland specifically warned me not to interfere in politics! Personally, I don't have any desire for power!"

"The Lord of Dreams promised me that if I can change the fate of mankind, He will open up a divine path for me and help me ascend to immortality!"

"Whoever hinders me from changing the destiny of mankind and from embarking on the path of immortal gods is my mortal enemy, and I will never die!" Chen Tianzhen's voice was full of violent and terrifying murderous intent. For the first time, he Ji Xingchen showed his extremely fierce fangs in front of him.

Sensing the extreme killing intent emanating from Chen Tianzhen, Ji Xingchen was immediately terrified, he could feel Chen Tianzhen's determination!
Even if he stood in the way of Chen Tianzhen becoming a god, Chen Tianzhen would not hesitate to kill him!

This is Chen Tianzhen's warning!

"Grandpa Ji, my goal is to change the fate of mankind and become an immortal god!"

"Although our goals are different, there is absolutely no conflict!"

"I control the Kingdom of Dreamland and train warriors!"

"You manage the country, protect the people's livelihood, dispatch troops, kill strange people, and fight against the monks of Tianshengmen! I will never participate in anything that the country manages, except for special circumstances!" Chen Tianzhen promised in an extremely serious voice. What he should do is to suppress all enemies and deal with future crises only with absolute power.

Chen Tianzhen promised not to intervene, which made Ji Xingchen's nervous heart suddenly relax!

Then, Ji Xingchen asked the most relevant question, "The national module requires all soldiers and officials to become life-defying people before it can be officially launched! But they haven't passed the test of courage yet? Can they be exempted from the test of courage?" , directly give the identity of the rebel!"

He wants to take the opportunity of promoting the national management module to directly incorporate all official forces into the rebel system!
Since Chen Tianzhen wants to implement the national management module, it is impossible without paying some price and giving some convenience.

"I can open the Destiny panel for them first, but they have to accept a courage test every day until they pass! Before completing the courage test, they cannot enter other areas of the Dream Kingdom, cannot learn exercises, and exchange for repairs. Why!" Cursing the old fox inwardly, Chen Tianzhen teleported his thoughts and gave a solution in an instant.

The meaning of the test of courage is to inspire ferocity and courage in people, and everyone must pass it. There is no room for negotiation on this point!

Can't even pass the test of courage, and don't even have the courage to fight hungry wolves. One can imagine how such a person will behave in the face of weirdness!

It is a waste of resources to put such a person into the Kingdom of Dreams!

"That's fine!" Ji Xingchen's eyes flashed with disappointment!
 Return to normal state, twice a day!
(End of this chapter)

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