I can work indefinitely

Chapter 166 The latest research results on space cracks

Chapter 166 The latest research results on space cracks

The two sat down again, Ji Xingchen picked up Chen Tianzhen's small teapot, and poured himself a big cup without any hesitation.

After thinking about it, as long as he doesn't consider the fact that there is an extra emperor on his head, it's actually quite good.

After using the country management module, the benefits are immeasurable!

Work efficiency has improved, leadership has improved, communication issues have been resolved, and possible confusion is nipped in the bud after communication is broken.

In addition, Chen Tianzhen said that he is the only administrator of the country management module!

The light of the Lord of Dreams shines on the whole world. If all human beings want to become rebels, it is equivalent to telling Ji Xingchen that the whole world will be under the control of Ji Xingchen alone. Ji Xingchen never dared to think about such a great achievement before!Don't even dare to dream of doing this!
"This time he really got on his boat!" Ji Xingchen glanced at Zhongshou in the National Points Mall, and the desire in his eyes couldn't be concealed at all.

Once people get old, they will be afraid of death, and Ji Xingchen is also human!If he could live, he naturally didn't want to die!
"For longevity, magical powers! For points, I, an old bone, have to do my best to work for him!"

"This method is clever! I don't know if it was the dream master who thought it up, or some wicked bastard." Ji Xingchen cursed inwardly.

"Grandpa Ji, are you ready for the ancient battlefield?" In fact, with the current method of the Dream Kingdom, Chen Tianzhen actually does not need to go to the ancient battlefield in person. In the Kingdom of Dreamland, the use of preaching and teaching skills allows soldiers to directly learn the ten styles of fierce soldiers!

However, the evil spirit in his hands is not enough!The baleful aura that people obtained in the Dream Kingdom of God cannot meet the needs of condensing the entry runes of the Ten Forms of Fierce Soldiers.

So he was going to take this opportunity to go to the ancient battlefield to replenish enough evil spirit for the bloody evil star of the Dream Kingdom.

Moreover, to condense the entry-level runes of the Ten Forms of Fierce Soldiers for millions of soldiers in a short period of time would require too much evil energy. If the entry-level runes were directly condensed in the blood-colored evil star of the Dreamland Divine Kingdom, even if Chen Tianzhen was completely drained, He can't even do it.

In addition, more and more people are merging with Mengyin now. Over the past night, more than 1000 million people have merged with Mengyin. Next, the speed of increase will be faster and faster.

Although few have passed the test of courage now, they must prepare for the rainy day.

Because the rebels who have passed the test of courage, according to the rules formulated by Chen Tianzhen, automatically learn the ten moves of fierce soldiers, automatically exchange the entry runes of the ten moves of fierce soldiers, and directly learn the skills to gain combat power.

In this way, the consumption of baleful energy will be very huge. According to the statistics of the dream master, the baleful energy obtained from people by Dreamland God Kingdom is simply not enough to meet the consumption.

"The ancient battlefield has been fully prepared. In three days, all the soldiers will arrive in batches. After learning the ten styles of entry-level fierce soldiers, they will leave immediately!" Ji Xingchen nodded, savoring the tea.

"Well, I'm planning to go to the ancient battlefield this morning!" Chen Tianzhen nodded, "After finishing the matter of the ancient battlefield, I will go back to Changkong City directly! I won't come here for the time being, the capital city."

The weirdness of the demon capital has already been shot by the hunting dragon at this time, killing them all!His stay in Modu had no meaning other than making Ji Xingchen unhappy.

"Speaking of the ancient battlefield, it just so happens that I have some news to tell you!" Ji Xingchen's eyes flashed with joy. Chen Tianzhen was in Shanghai, which brought him a lot of pressure. When he heard Chen Tianzhen say that he was leaving, his face He looked calm, but he was very happy in his heart.

"After the ancient battlefield was purified by you, scientists from the Academy of Sciences went to study the cracks in space!"

"Scientists discovered that in the middle of the crack in space, there is a channel through which creatures can travel back and forth!"

"What?" Chen Tianzhen's face, which had never changed, completely changed!He stood up abruptly from his seat, his eyes gleaming with horror.

Creatures can shuttle back and forth through the tunnel?That is to say, if a creature in the opposite world discovers the existence of the space crack, it can invade the real world through the space crack, just like what the monks of the Tianshengmen did in the previous life.

"Don't worry, listen to me!"

"Ants, praying mantises, earthworms, and small snakes, scientists have experimented with various creatures, and the final discovery is!"

"Only creatures with a diameter of less than 3 centimeters can travel through the center of the space rift! If they exceed this size, they will be wiped out under the power of the space rift." Seeing Chen Tianzhen's shocked expression, Ji Xingchen felt as if he was eating. It's like honey, and it's extremely comfortable.

"Creatures with a diameter of 3 centimeters can shuttle back and forth?" In Chen Tianzhen's eyes, a frightening murderous intent flashed, and a very wonderful idea popped up in his heart.

Passive defense is not a good strategy. If you defend for a long time, you will lose. There are always mistakes!
If you can enter the opponent's world, secretly investigate the opponent's details, grasp the opponent's weaknesses, and even lurk in the opponent's high-level...

Even if the other party finds out, it's okay. Through the dream-inducing soul transfer skill, the soul can return to the dream kingdom in an instant, but the other party, because of the limitation of the space crack, cannot enter the real world. Even if they find the space crack, they can only stare blankly. can't do it.

As long as the size of the space crack does not expand, Chen Tianzhen will remain invincible!
"Now, the most important thing is to send the living creatures fused with Mengyin to the world leader behind the space crack!" Chen Tianzhen has already thought of a plan, the ability of Mengying Soul can be used on any creature, Not limited to humans.

"Yes, a creature with a diameter of less than 3 centimeters can shuttle back and forth!" Ji Xingchen nodded affirmatively, and then said with regret, "But because of the special environment of the ancient battlefield, the electronic equipment could not work, and the scientists implanted The ultra-small video surveillance equipment has failed, and we don’t know what’s going on on the other side.”

"However, there is one thing worth noting. Creatures that come back from space cracks will become very violent and will die soon!" Ji Xingchen has seen the video of the death scene. It is very terrifying. The corpse swells like inflated air. The whole body turned blood red, and then exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

"Judging from this, the opposite of the space crack should not be a good place!" Ji Xingchen's face became serious.

"Well, Grandpa Ji, let the scientists also go to the magic pit and the space cracks in the mass graves to confirm, and see if every space crack has this characteristic, allowing small creatures to pass through. This is important to us. Say, it's very important!" Chen Tianzhen narrowed his eyes, with a terrifying murderous intent in his eyes, and his voice was extremely cold.

"After discovering the situation on the ancient battlefield, the Academy of Sciences has sent other working groups, and they will report back soon. When there is a result, I will communicate with you as soon as possible." Ji Xingchen naturally understands the importance of this matter , with a serious face.

"Okay! I'll wait for your news!" Chen Tianzhen nodded!

"Grandpa Ji, for this meeting, everything that needs to be said has already been said, and what needs to be done has been clearly explained. Let's end here!" As if being scratched by a cat, he wished he could fly to the ancient battlefield immediately.

"Haven't I finished my tea yet? I'm leaving now? No matter how anxious I am, it won't be too late until I finish this pot of tea!" Ji Xingchen was stunned. This chat was going well, why is it coming to an end all of a sudden!

"What tea to drink, Grandpa Ji, it's time to test your courage!" Chen Tianzhen said suddenly with a bright smile on his lips.

"What?" Ji Xingchen was stunned as if he had been struck by lightning after hearing these words, and then his face suddenly turned pale and bloodless, with extreme horror in his eyes, telling him to go Fighting with hungry wolves, wouldn't that kill him?
"Xiao Tianzhen, can I be exempted from the courage test?"

"No! Impossible!" Chen Tianzhen flatly refused!

"Grandpa Ji, take courage, hungry wolves are not scary, I wish you a successful trial!" With a wave of Chen Tianzhen's hand, Ji Xingchen was directly transported into the Colosseum.

After hearing the news that the space cracks in the ancient battlefield could allow creatures to enter and exit, he was anxious to take a look for himself. In addition, the tea Ji Xingchen drank had reached the limit that his soul could bear. Can't drink any more.

If he drank any more, Ji Xingchen's old body in reality couldn't bear such a powerful soul at all, just like replacing a car that was about to fall apart with a rocket engine, as long as the engine was working, the car would immediately fall apart!

"It's so interesting, the space cracks can now allow small creatures to pass through!"

"I don't know, is this a unique situation of space cracks in the ancient battlefield, or is it the case of all space cracks!"

"If this is the case, then it will be fun!" Space cracks can allow small creatures to travel, which actually makes Chen Tianzhen feel very nervous, because this is where the space cracks become the point of descent, allowing powerful creatures to enter reality through them. signs of the world.

However, while being nervous, Chen Tianzhen couldn't help but get excited!
Different from the previous life, human beings in this life are no longer domestic animals that are easy to catch, but ferocious beasts with sharp claws and teeth!
Take the initiative to attack, it is still unknown who will win the game!

(End of this chapter)

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