Chapter 167

On the plane heading to the ancient battlefield, Chen Tianzhen seemed to be resting with his eyes closed, but in fact, he had already entered the kingdom of dreams!

Beside him, Thorn, Xiao Yao and Chen Tianzhen looked somewhat similar, they were leaning on the sofa, their souls were fighting in the wilderness in the kingdom of God in a dream.

Ji Xingchen, Mu Yuantu, and Xu Xiaojin sat across from Chen Tianzhen with livid faces and fear in their eyes. If eyes could kill, Chen Tianzhen would have been cut to pieces by their eyes right now!

None of the three of them passed the courage test!Not everyone can see death as home when they are unarmed, muster up the courage, and fight hungry wolves!
In fact, under Chen Tianzhen's guidance, they already understood that as long as there is no fear in their hearts, it is not difficult to kill hungry wolves.

But knowing and thinking about it is one thing, but being able to do it is another!
Then, they personally experienced the extreme pain of being killed by hungry wolves, shredded and chewed!

"The test of courage is too barbaric and primitive. It is a complete trampling on civilization and humanity. It is turning the wheel of history backwards." This is what Ji Xingchen said to Chen Tianzhen after failing the test of courage.

It's a pity, Chen Tianzhen didn't seem to hear what he said!No response at all!

As for why Ji Xingchen came with Chen Tianzhen, it was because Chen Tianzhen felt that Ji Xingchen, as the future king, must have a cultivation base, otherwise the price of Tai Chi would drop!

Therefore, bring Chen Tianzhen and Ji Xingchen together.

"This bastard must be afraid that I will be tortured insanely, and use a nuclear bomb to blow him up! So call me me!" Ji Xingchen thought of things that were much more complicated. The correctness of this judgment is at least [-]% or more.

At this moment, seeing Chen Tianzhen and the others happily entering the Dreamland Divine Kingdom, and Ji Xingchen and the other three, the uncomfortable energy in their hearts was simply too much!

Although Chen Tianzhen has given them the right to use the Destiny Panel, they do not have the right to actively enter the Kingdom of Dreamland, unless they can complete the test of courage!

"Mu Yuantu, you are the Secretary of the Ministry of War. You have to complete the test of courage within three days!" Ji Xingchen was filled with anger, which naturally vented on Mu Yuantu.

"But...!" A trace of fear flashed in Mu Yuantu's eyes. He was not sure about completing the courage test in three days.

It is not difficult to pass the courage test!As long as you muster up your courage and be fearless in your heart, you can fight hungry wolves!

However, when human beings face hungry wolves, they will instinctively fear!This is human instinct, and it is not as easy as imagined to restrain it.

It is easy to defeat others, but it is very difficult to defeat yourself!

"No, but if Minister of the Ministry of War doesn't have the courage to defeat hungry wolves, what use would I need you!" Ji Xingchen almost cursed.

"Yes, I will do my best to complete the test of courage within three days!" Mu Yuantu had a bitter face, and could only bite the bullet and agree.

"Chen Tianzhen, the imbecile who gave birth to a son without an asshole, is too vicious and vicious!" Ji Xingchen glanced at Chen Tianzhen, cursing inwardly. After failing the courage test, he realized that Chen Tianzhen had played him again. a set.

That is the point exchange in the country management module. If you want to use it, there is also a prerequisite, that is to pass the courage test!

In the national point module, with the emergence of nationals who have passed the courage test, there are already considerable point rewards, 580 points.

You can already use [-] points to exchange for ten years of life!

According to the introduction of life exchange, exchanging ten years of life is to restore his body functions to the state of ten years ago, that is, when he was 50 years old.

Just when Ji Xingchen was full of excitement and joy, he clicked the exchange button, but a prompt popped up, "You have not completed the courage test, so you cannot exchange!"

At that time, Ji Xingchen was so angry that he almost vomited blood!

"This kid, it's obvious that he wants to force me to work hard!" Ji Xingchen was so angry, but there was nothing he could do.

"After the little girl on the other side comes out of the dream kingdom of God, I have to find her to make love to, and learn from her how to kill a hungry wolf." Chen Tianzhen doesn't like water, and hopes that Chen Tianzhen will show mercy and let her go. , that is absolutely impossible, the only way is to honestly conduct a test of courage.

If he doesn't pass the test, national points, life expectancy, and supernatural powers, he can't even think about it!
Therefore, it is imperative to pass the test of courage!Must pass!

Just when Ji Xingchen was yelling at Chen Tianzhen for being vicious, Chen Tianzhen was sitting on the zenith of the Kingdom of God in the Dreamland, sitting opposite to the Lord of the Dreamland.

At this moment, Chen Tianzhen had an excited expression on his face!
In just one night, 12 hours in reality and 60 hours in the Dream Kingdom, the benefits brought to him by the Dream Kingdom simply exceeded his imagination.

This night, the test of courage was carried out 400 times!Every time 1 people, every 1 people, the soul energy brought to him is enough to add one kilometer to the Dream Kingdom, which is equivalent to 1000 million experience points.

Four hundred times, that's 40 billion experience points!
It took a while to set up the scene where the dream lord descended into reality, about 5000 million experience points!
The soul energy he retained is equivalent to 39.5 billion experience points, and every minute and every second, the soul energy is increasing at a considerable speed!

Moreover, the use of soul energy is more extensive than that of experience points. Experience points can increase the professional level, improve the practice skills, and expand the area of ​​the dream kingdom.

And soul energy, in addition to the use of experience points, can also restore Chen Tianzhen's spirit, can be integrated into the soul, directly improve the soul, repair soul trauma, and restore soul consumption.

You can even use the huge soul energy to refine soul fragments!
In addition to soul energy, the improvement of the third-level skill of Buddhists, Lingshan, is also incredible. Lingshan has grown from a size of one inch to a size of four inches. Collecting the spiritual brilliance of 10 people on average can make Lingshan grow an inch!
Even Yehuo has grown tremendously, from the size of a fist to the size of a head, and the dim light is also slightly brighter.

The harvest of evil spirit is also very gratifying. The blood-colored evil star and the purified evil spirit are enough to condense four thousand sets of entry runes of the ten styles of fierce soldiers.

"Master of the dream, from now on, the power of the emotions of the seven emotions and six desires does not need to be refined into soul energy. Separate them into different categories, keep one tenth of them, and keep them in the kingdom of dreams. I will be of great use!" Chen Tianzhen's eyes flashed coldly. Strength, in addition to being refined into soul energy, is also an extremely powerful means of attack.

The power of the seven emotions and six desires is invisible and qualityless, and it is difficult to guard against. Before fighting the enemy, get a ball into the enemy's soul first. If you are a little less firm, if you are shocked by the extremely strong emotional power of the seven emotions and six desires, your soul may be washed directly. Bai, become an idiot!Even if the enemy cannot be turned into an idiot, as long as the power of emotion slows down his reaction a little, it is a huge advantage for Chen Tianzhen.

Chen Tianzhen specifically brought up this matter now, just to prepare, after passing through the space crack in the ancient battlefield and passing through the space channel, he will first send a wave of emotional power to the opposite side.

"Right now, there are still more than 1000 million ordinary people. Because of the capacity of the Kingdom of Dreams and the throughput of the Colosseum, the first test of courage has not yet been conducted! This will not work!"

"Master of the Dreamland, expand the area of ​​the Kingdom of Dreamland to one hundred square kilometers!" Chen Tianzhen thought for a while, and then directly issued an order. One hundred square kilometers, plus a hundred times the space, can make the area of ​​the Kingdom of Dreamland God The area has been expanded to [-] square kilometers, so that the capacity of Dreamland Divine Kingdom will increase!
"Increase the number of dueling platforms in the Colosseum to 20!" Mengyin spread like a plague, and now 700 million people have merged with Mengyin, but because of the throughput problem of the Colosseum, only 400 million people are allowed to participate. After the test of courage, Chen Tianzhen directly expanded the size of the Colosseum by twenty times after thinking about it!
"Expand the size of the Sutra Pavilion to a hundred times the current size!" Everyone who has become a life-defying person has 10 minutes to enter the Sutra Pavilion to study every day. Trials, there will be more and more people in the scripture pavilion.

"Expand the area of ​​the wilderness, according to the map of the Dragon Kingdom in the real world, and refer to the real terrain, the strange and fierce beasts will be scaled down in equal proportions to present in the dream kingdom of God!" The effect will be better.

"Completed!" The dream master raised his hand, and the entire dream space was transformed in an instant without the rebels noticing.

"At present, there are only 875 people who have passed the courage test. These people can pass the courage test the first time. They are all talents from the sky. They will be the main force against the monks of the heavens, and they must be cultivated!" Chen Chen Naive eyes glanced at the ground, these people who can pass the test of courage for the first time are not easy!
"Master of the Dreamland, mark all the rebels who pass the test of courage at one time, and at the same time, you should carefully consider how to cultivate these talents." Chen Tianzhen actually has a very rough idea. But an extremely bold idea, that is to transfer the souls of these rebels and send them to the world behind the space crack.

However, there are still a few issues that need to be resolved before it can be implemented!
First, is it absolutely safe to send the soul of the rebellious person there? Is it possible for the strong in the other world to use the soul of the rebellious person to dream and kill them in the dream kingdom of God.

Second, the soul needs a body, and the soul strength of the rebels simply cannot support their souls being exposed to the outside world for too long. That is to say, Chen Tianzhen must prepare usable bodies for all the rebels in the opponent's world.

Now the conditions are not mature at all. For the time being, this idea can only be an idea. If you want to turn your idea into action, unless Chen Tianzhen can gain a firm foothold on the opposite side of the space crack.

"Yu Tianhong!" Putting his thoughts to the bottom of his heart, Chen Tianzhen shifted his gaze to the wilderness, and saw Yu Tianhong, who was cursed by him before, was now protected by blood-red evil spirit armor, fighting crazily in the wilderness.

"I didn't expect that he would have such perseverance." Replaying Yu Tianhong's experience, after Chen Tianzhen and the others left, Yu Tianhong endured the pain and returned to the Buddhist scriptures pavilion. The other party learned the ten forms of fierce soldiers' cultivation skills immediately method, entry rune, basic knife method.

Then, the astonishing toughness displayed by Yu Tianhong surprised Chen Tianzhen!
Covered by a thin layer of armor, Yu Tianhong acted like a madman. The free saber he obtained after exchanging for basic saber techniques opened and closed in his hands. Relying on the quick recovery ability of the curse, he could not deal with the injuries on his body at all. Regardless, the more injured he is, the crazier he will be.

From last night to now, thousands of beasts have died in his hands!
Yu Tianhong's practice realm is based on the characteristics of quick recovery. After 12 hours in reality and 60 hours of crazy fighting in the dream kingdom of God, she has cultivated to the fourth form of the ten fierce soldiers, the state of muscle training!

According to Chen Tianzhen's setting, Yu Tianhong only needs to stay in the Dream Kingdom for 30 hours a day, which is 6 hours in reality, before she can voluntarily exit the Dream Kingdom and return to the real world without being subjected to ten times the perception. pain caused.

"Now, it's been 12 hours since Yu Tianhong entered the dream kingdom of God!" Chen Tianzhen's eyes were full of shock, and under ten times the perception and rapid recovery, that feeling was that life would be worse than death!
Yu Tianhong didn't take the initiative to withdraw from the Kingdom of Dreamland after the end of the mandatory fighting time, which is a bit inconceivable!
It's a tough character!
"What the hell is it? Support him..." Chen Tianzhen looked at Yu Tianhong's crazily yelling, the more he looked at it, the more he felt that this mouth shape was very familiar, so he directly used the authority very curiously to connect Yu Tianhong's voice.

"Chen Tianzhen, you bastard, I'm going to kill you..." Yu Tianhong roared with extreme hatred, and suddenly reached Chen Tianzhen's ears.

Chen Tianzhen's complexion suddenly turned livid, and a tyrannical light flashed in his eyes. After taking a deep breath, he slowly said, "I, Chen Tianzhen, have a big heart. I will never be angry because of this kind of thing! I'm not angry at all!"

"Aw..." A fire of karma fell from the sky, and after a wailing scream that reached the limit, Yu Tianhong disappeared from the Dreamland Divine Kingdom.

"A combination of work and rest is the only way to practice quickly, and it is difficult to become a master if you practice hard only! Too much hostility, easy to go crazy!" Chen Tianzhen's face finally improved a lot.

"I'm still too kind and generous. Yu Tianhong scolded me. Not only did I not do anything to him, but I also used karmic fire to help him remove the hostile karma in his soul and purify his soul that had already bred demons." !"

"Yu Tianhong's appearance shows that he has too much hostility in his heart. If he wants to completely eliminate the hostility in his heart, he will use karmic fire to purify his soul every day! After 30 days, he will be able to achieve great success!" Chen Tianzhen was full of enthusiasm. At this moment, a bright smile appeared on his face again.

His mood suddenly brightened!Feeling the unique evil spirit of the ancient battlefield, he didn't stop, and his consciousness returned to the real world.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Ji Xingchen and the three of them, with eyes that could cut people into pieces.


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(End of this chapter)

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