I can work indefinitely

Chapter 168 Gods, Priests, Liars

Chapter 168 Gods, Priests, Liars
"What? You didn't pass the test of courage? Don't look at me with murderous eyes! The test of courage was not done by me. It is a gift given to people by my god, the dream master." Chen Tianzhen shrugged his shoulders helplessly.

After listening to Chen Tianzhen's words, the three of them were still unmoved, and there was even a mocking sneer on the corners of their mouths.

Ji Xingchen, in particular, scoffed at Chen Tianzhen's words. Ji Xingchen saw many things clearly through the matter of the state management module. He can be sure that Chen Tianzhen, a bastard, definitely has the courage to test the management authority, and he can definitely exempt them. The test of courage makes them directly become rebels.

But this bastard just won't let go!
"Forget it, who made our relationship so good? I'll find a way for you to pass the test of courage!" Seeing the appearance of the three, Chen Tianzhen frowned and pondered. Under the surprised eyes of the three, He suddenly smiled and spoke with surprise in his tone.

"Yes! The reason why you can't pass the test of courage is because you still feel that you are not the opponent of the hungry wolf. Appear timid!"

"Actually, there is a very good way to solve this problem! That is practice!"

"As long as the few of you have mastered the ten forms of fierce soldiers, your subconscious concepts will change. When facing hungry wolves, you will not feel fear in your heart, and you will naturally be able to muster up courage."

"Soon, we will reach the ancient battlefield!"

"After I have finished teaching the ten moves of the fierce soldier, I will assist you as soon as possible to get started with the ten moves of the fierce soldier!"

"The soldiers saw that the highest officer, Minister of the Ministry of War, like them, came to the ancient battlefield to practice the ten styles of fierce soldiers. In the future, no one can replace your prestige in the hearts of the soldiers." Chen Tianzhen suggested, It kills two birds with one stone. It not only allows them to practice the ten forms of fierce soldiers, but also allows them to show their prestige in front of soldiers.

There was surprise in Mu Yuantu's eyes. Just now, Ji Xingchen gave him an order to complete the courage test in three days!He was not sure at first, but with Chen Tianzhen's help, he was absolutely sure now, and he was overjoyed.

When Xu Xiaojin saw Chen Tianzhen's bright smile, he felt a chill coming out of his tailbone, and his whole body was icy cold. Every time, as long as Chen Tianzhen showed such a smile, nothing good would happen.

He was about to warn the other two, but Chen Tianzhen stared at him coldly, his body shook, and he swallowed the words he was about to say.

A strong sense of unease emerged in Ji Xingchen's heart. He carefully recalled all Chen Tianzhen's words, but found nothing inappropriate. At the beginning, "Could it be that I was thinking too much?"

"The plane is starting to land, please fasten your seat belt and sit back in your seat..." On the plane, the mellow voice of the announcer sounded.


"Mu Shangshu, why are the ancient battlefield strongholds all temporary buildings?" After getting off the plane, Chen Tianzhen looked around and frowned.

Around the ancient battlefield, soldiers were in full swing, cutting down trees, and then building simple temporary barracks on the uneven ground.

There is evil spirit here in the ancient battlefield, and most of the warriors and ordinary people in the Dragon Kingdom can practice the ten styles of fierce soldiers.

The practice of the Ten Forms of Fierce Soldiers requires evil energy, so the ancient battlefield will definitely become prosperous in the future, and it is obviously not suitable to just build a temporary barracks.

Moreover, in the ancient battlefield, there is a space crack, so a team must be stationed here, and always pay attention to the situation of the space crack!In case the living creatures on the opposite side of the space crack came running over, I didn't know it yet.

"Priest Chen, we don't have enough manpower to build a formal camp in a short period of time! Now, a large number of soldiers are scattered across the land of the Dragon Kingdom to appease the people and fight against the weirdness." Mu Yuantu's face was extremely solemn. Now, on the land of the Dragon Kingdom, There have been more than 10 strange places discovered, and more than 3 strange places located in gathering places, each of which has soldiers stationed for defense.

When I came to the ancient battlefield to learn the ten styles of fierce soldiers, I divided them into three shifts to ensure that every moment and every strange activity point was watched by someone.

"Is that so?" Chen Tianzhen frowned. He scrutinized his eyes and found that there was fatigue in the eyes of the soldiers, and there was still a trace of fear hidden in their eyes!
"En!" Mu Yuantu nodded affirmatively.

"Priest Chen, scientists from the Academy of Sciences, and officers from the Ministry of War are already waiting in the meeting room. Let's go there quickly." Ji Xingchen pointed to a temporary house built with colored steel tiles not far away.

"Okay!" Chen Tianzhen agreed and walked over.

Under the guidance of the soldiers, Chen Tianzhen and Ji Xingchen walked into the meeting room side by side, and sat down side by side under everyone's surprised eyes.

"Priest Chen, do you think we should start with that?" Ji Xingchen gave Chen Tianzhen enough face and asked for Chen Tianzhen's opinion first.

"Who the hell is this person? He dares to sit on an equal footing with Ji Xingchen!" Except for Mu Yuantu, the others present didn't know Chen Tianzhen at all. Seeing that Chen Tianzhen and Ji Xingchen were on an equal footing, they couldn't believe it.

"What are you talking about, you want to ask this young man's opinion?" Seeing that Ji Xingchen actually asked for Chen Tianzhen's opinion, the shock in their hearts was beyond words, as if seeing some incredible situation, their eyes immediately widened.

"Let the scientists talk about the discovery of space cracks first." Chen Tianzhen smiled slightly, his voice was natural, but it carried a firm meaning that his mother could not doubt.

Ji Xingchen and Mu Yuantu had gotten used to Chen Tianzhen's dominance during this period of time, and they didn't respond to Chen Tianzhen's doubtful tone. They thought it was normal. After all, Chen Tianzhen had mastered such a powerful power, and he was still the priest of the gods.

He does have the qualifications to speak to anyone like this.

But when other people saw this scene, they all widened their eyes and took a breath. According to their knowledge, Ji Xingchen's status is supreme. Even the leaders of other countries are at most equal to Ji Xingchen, and they absolutely dare not Talk to Ji Xingchen in this domineering tone.

"Who is this person? What is his identity? Why is Ji Xingchen so polite to him?" Everyone present was shocked and curious, and countless questions came out of their hearts.

"Okay, let's start with the discovery of space cracks!" Ji Xingchen nodded, his eyes swept over the people in the conference room, and he could naturally see the shock and doubts on their faces.

"This is Chen Tianzhen! He was the one who purified the ancient battlefield! He was the one who brought the soldiers here to learn the ten styles of fierce soldiers! He was the one who taught the soldiers how to practice!" Ji Xingchen introduced to everyone. Get up with a serious face.

"Oh!" There was a sudden realization in everyone's eyes.

"Also, Chen Tianzhen has a more noble identity. He is the only priest of the True God Dream Lord in reality! The actual controller of the dream kingdom opened by the God Dream Lord! Therefore, I generally call him, Chen Tianzhen. Priest!" Ji Xingchen continued to explain in a deep and powerful voice.

"What?" The soldiers and the scientists peeped at each other, they almost thought they heard it wrong, true God?priest?What other dream kingdom?
The more they listened, the more they felt that these words were probably used to describe liars, right? !
"From ancient times to the present, the most indispensable thing around emperors are liars and alchemists! Especially when the emperor is old, he wholeheartedly pursues immortality, and believes that the so-called elixir can live forever!"

"This so-called Priest Chen looks about seventeen or eighteen years old!"

"No matter how you look at it, you don't look like a capable person, you must be a liar!" Li Zhongcheng from the Academy of Sciences carefully looked at Chen Tianzhen for a few times, and determined that Chen Tianzhen was definitely a liar.

He is a leader in space science research in the Dragon Kingdom, but because of his bad temper and lack of flexibility, he retired early at a young age.

This time, it was his friend Xie Xiaofeng who told him immediately after receiving the information about the space crack in the ancient battlefield. Li Zhongcheng was very excited when he heard the news.

After coming here, after seeing the situation of the ancient battlefield and the space crack, he almost went crazy with joy, so excited that he couldn't get any more excited. In the past, the research space was all based on imagination, but now, there is a real space crack, which is very important to him. It's too wonderful.

Immediately, he devoted himself to the study of space cracks. He felt that as long as he could study the space cracks thoroughly, he would get the highest prize in physics in the world at his fingertips!
How glorified this is!

Today, the soldiers informed him that Ji Xingchen and Mu Yuantu were coming to inspect and asked him to come to a meeting, but he was reluctant to come.

Hearing what Ji Xingchen said now, if his friend Xie Xiaofeng hadn't pulled him hard, he would have stood up and yelled.

It is not the first time for Li Zhongcheng to scold Ji Xingchen, he has no psychological burden at all, and it is precisely because Li Zhongzhong once scolded Ji Xingchen for not understanding science, that's why he retired early and stayed at home!

"Don't worry! Mu Shangshu is not a fool, he didn't say a word, why are you in a hurry!" Xie Xiaofeng said in a low voice, "Don't scold, if you make Ji Xingchen angry, he will definitely not let you study space cracks , when the time comes, the physics award will have nothing to do with you!"

Li Zhongzhong opened his mouth, his face was extremely ugly, he was not afraid of other things, but the physics prize, that was the honor he dreamed of, and he couldn't bear to give it up.

"now it's right!"

"The one surnamed Chen, let's assume he is a liar!" Bold assumptions and careful verification are scientific research methods.

"If he is a liar, how can he deceive Ji Xingchen?" Xie Xiaofeng asked in a low voice.

"The way liars and alchemists deceive the emperor hasn't changed for thousands of years. I don't need to think about it. I know that immortality is definitely the bait! The IQ of liars can't play any new tricks!" Li There was extreme sarcasm in Zhong Zhong's eyes, all dynasties and generations, the emperors were like crazy, they all followed this trick.

As long as the emperor believes in this set of rules, he will end badly in the end. After taking the elixir, he will be poisoned to death by the elixir, and he will be promoted to bliss!
He could have lived for 80 years, but he swallowed an elixir and became a god in an instant!

Some emperors even went there when they were over 30 years old, and gave the three thousand beauties of the harem to the next emperor!
"Yes, I also think it must be this way! However, we have no evidence now! So, now we must wait patiently and observe carefully!"

"If this surname is Chen, as long as he starts to practice exercises, he will be able to conclude that he must be a liar!" At the beginning of the vitality, when the vitality of the heavens and the earth is not effective after practicing the exercises, these scammers will come up with a plan to refine the elixir of immortality.

"When he starts talking about practicing exercises and fooling people, it's time for us to expose his true colors!"

"When we confirm Chen's identity as a liar, even if you point at Ji Xingchen's nose and call him incompetent, Ji Xingchen will never dare to say anything!"

After hearing this, Li Zhongcheng's eyes suddenly lit up. What Xie Xiaofeng said makes sense, it makes sense!
At this moment, Ji Xingchen's eyes had shifted.

"Ms. Li, please report the research results of the space cracks to our honorable Priest Chen." Ji Xingchen deliberately emphasized the word "report" with a gentle smile on his face.

He knew that Li Zhongcheng was never bound by rules, and he was very disgusted when others spoke to him in a commanding tone.

Why did Ji Xingchen know so clearly?It was because at a meeting, because the host didn't understand Li Zhongcheng's temper, he used this tone, which caused Li Zhongcheng to get angry on the spot, and directly scolded Ji Xingchen for not understanding science in front of everyone.

This incident directly made him unable to step down, and there is still a shadow in his heart.

Even though it has been three years, Ji Xingchen still remembers it fresh!
After Ji Xingchen finished speaking, Li Zhongcheng's face turned livid. What Li Zhongcheng did was to promote the great cause of human beings to understand and use nature.

Now, Ji Xingchen actually used a commanding tone to ask him, a highly respected figure in space science, to report to a seventeen or eighteen-year-old liar?
"Old Li, calm down! You must calm down, if you can't bear it, you will make trouble! You don't want to point and scold him?" Xie Xiaofeng knew his good friend's character like the back of his hand, and quickly began to persuade him.

"Hoohoo!" Li Zhongcheng took a few deep breaths before suppressing the anger in his heart, "Ji Xingchen, an ignorant bastard, I am a great scientist, actually asked me to report to a liar! It's too hateful, it's too much! "

"Wait until I get the evidence that this kid is a liar, Ji Xingchen, bastard, wait until I scold him bloody and shameless!" Li Zhongcheng cursed in his heart.

"Priest Chen, right?" Li Zhongcheng's tone was not good, his voice was cold, and there was a sarcasm that anyone could hear, "Let me introduce myself too!"

"My name is Li Zhongcheng, and I am a space physicist!"

"My belief is science!"

"The so-called gods and priests, in my opinion, are liars!" Li Zhongcheng couldn't help it in the end, sneered, and taunted directly.

Ji Xingchen's face was serious, but he couldn't help but curl his mouth. Yes, that's the effect!
He suffered from Chen Tianzhen's hands, and also suffered from Li Zhongcheng's.

Now, under his special guidance, Li Zhongcheng began to criticize Chen Tianzhen, no matter who suffers in the end, Ji Xingchen will not lose, it's all blood!

Book friends who have the qualifications are invited to read the original version on the Qidian Chinese website. The amount of updates for a week is less than 2 yuan!

(End of this chapter)

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