I can work indefinitely

Chapter 169 Don't You Want To Prove?

Chapter 169 Don't You Want To Prove?
If what Li Zhongcheng said was about other aspects, Chen Tianzhen might not care about him!

Because Li Zhongcheng has white hair and a face full of dimples, and he is a scientist who dares to speak and act, defies power and only follows the truth, which deserves Chen Tianzhen's respect.

But it should never be, never should be, Li Zhongcheng said immediately, "The so-called gods and priests, in my opinion, are liars!"

Calling him a liar, Chen Tianzhen can ignore it, but Li Zhongcheng said that the god is a liar, especially if he said this in front of Chen Tianzhen, as Chen Tianzhen's priest of the god, he couldn't forgive him at all.

Chen Tianzhen glanced at Ji Xingchen from the corner of his eye, and seeing the unconcealable smile on his face, Chen Tianzhen instantly understood that Ji Xingchen was obviously trying to sow discord, sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight, and borrowing Chen Tianzhen's hands to clean up Li Zhongcheng paused.

"This old fox! It's really powerful!" Chen Tian sighed sincerely.

On the surface, Chen Tianzhen looked at Li Zhongcheng's face, but it was extremely serious, no different from a fanatic, "Mr. Li, the Lord of Dreams is the God of Perfection. He not only exists, but also came to our world."

"Don't talk to me about these useless things! You say that there is existence? Okay, you prove it to me! Didn't you say that the Lord of Dreams came to our world? Okay, let him come to me, and I will immediately Believe me!" Li Zhongcheng sneered, he had seen this kind of liar a lot, he kept talking about the gods he believed in, and when he was asked to prove the existence of the gods he believed in, he would tell some stories that did not exist.

You can't prove yourself at all!
"Mr. Li, can a great existence like a deity descend just as you say? If so..." Chen Tianzhen's face suddenly turned serious.

"If you offend the gods and disrespect the gods, you will suffer retribution and disaster? Priest Chen, is this what you want to say?" Li Zhongcheng opened his mouth directly, interrupted Chen Tianzhen's words, and took the words, Finished with a sneer.

Generally speaking, if you ask him to prove the existence of gods, 90.00% of the time that a deceiving god stick will say this sentence, and the remaining [-]% will say that the meaning is similar to this sentence.

"That's right! That's probably what it means, but it's not accurate enough!" Chen Tianzhen nodded sternly, and continued, "My God, the Lord of Dreamland, is the God of Perfection, even if you offend Him, He won't hold grudges! He is very merciful, and his punishment will at most make you feel some pain, but while He is giving you pain, he will also give you a chance to change your fate."

Upon hearing this, Ji Xingchen and Mu Yuantu understood that Chen Tianzhen was definitely going to attack Li Zhongcheng, and asked Li Zhongcheng to go to the test of courage to experience the greatness and power of goodness of the gods!
At most it will make you feel some pain?
That is the pain of purgatory on earth, okay!
Ji Xingchen and Mu Yuantu couldn't help but twitch their faces at the same time. Sure enough, when it comes to nonsense, the difference between them and Chen Tianzhen is not even a tiny bit!
"Priest Chen, next, do you want to say, in order to show sincerity, let me take out half of my property first and dedicate it to the gods? Let the gods give me a chance to reform and forgive my disrespect!" Li In the loyal voice, there was an extreme sense of sarcasm. So far, the routines used by Chen Tianzhen are no different from the tricksters on the street.

A stern smile appeared on Chen Tianzhen's face, and as soon as he raised his hand, a dream guide merged into Li Zhongcheng's soul. At this moment, he said leisurely, "Mr. Li, you made a mistake this time! I really don't want to I need your property! Instead, your opportunity is coming! The test of courage bestowed on you by the gods is about to begin!"

"Don't you want to prove it? The test of courage is the best proof!"

As soon as Chen Tianzhen's words fell, Li Zhongcheng's eyes went dark, and his body fell limply on the seat. His soul was snatched away by the dream master and sent to the Colosseum where courage was tested.

Information about the test of courage was directly sent to Li Zhongcheng's mind. Opposite him, the hungry wolf's eyes flashed green, with a barbed tongue constantly licking its paws, and its dagger-like teeth shining coldly.

"It's impossible..." What's happening now completely deviates from the world Li Zhongcheng has learned, thought, and known. Li Zhongzhong's three views have collapsed. He doesn't want to believe it, and he can't believe it.

"Wow..." At this moment, the hungry wolf howled, its oil-green eyes staring at Li Zhongcheng with greed and bloodthirsty.

"Oh, my god! Help..." Li Zhongcheng finally realized, his face was pale, and he fell to the ground, with infinite fear in his eyes, he called for help loudly.

As the time passed minute by minute, the fear in Li Zhongcheng's heart became more and more profound, because he knew that when the time became zero, the hungry wolf would rush over.

"The master of the gods and dreams exists! I believe it, Priest Chen, let me out quickly! I believe the gods exist!" Li Zhongcheng shouted with fear on his face. At this moment, he really believed it , with fear on his face and cold sweat on his body.

Unfortunately, the test of courage, once started, cannot be interrupted!Even if it can be interrupted, will Chen Tian really fish him out?Won't!
"Aw..." With a howl, the hungry wolf came like a gust of wind, and claws as sharp as a sickle grabbed Li Zhongcheng's chest!
"Ah..." An extremely shrill scream came from Li Zhongcheng's mouth. The pain that was so intense that it almost tore his soul apart made him curl up on the ground like a shrimp.

"I was wrong, I was wrong! Spare me, Priest Chen, spare me! I won't dare again!"

"I don't dare to offend the gods anymore, I don't dare to be disrespectful to the gods anymore, I don't dare to question your words anymore! Priest Chen, please forgive me." Li Zhongcheng was terrified, with a tinge of fear in his voice. In fear, he shouted and begged for mercy, hoping that Chen Tianzhen could save him from this hell.

Unfortunately, what greeted him were the sharp claws and sharp teeth of a hungry wolf.

Under the blessing of ten times perception, Li Zhongcheng personally experienced the extreme pain of skin, muscles, and bones being bitten. It was an experience more terrifying than death. Life is worse than death. Every minute and every second, In his feeling, it was as long as a century.

"It's Ji Xingchen, an ignorant trash, who deliberately led me to spray Chen Priest!" The intense pain was unbearable, and under the influence of this world, Li Zhongzhong fainted No, I can only bear it abruptly!
"Ji Xingchen, a small-bodied bastard, is simply not a son of man. He still hates what I said to him three years ago! He knows that I have a jealous personality and doesn't care about power. He deliberately provoked me with words and asked me to go Anger Priest Chen, let me say something disrespectful to the gods!"

"Fucking Ji Xingchen, when I get out of here, I will definitely make you, a despicable villain, look good!" Under the extreme pain, Li Zhongcheng's mind became clearer, and in the blink of an eye, he immediately understood Ji Xingchen's sinister Carefully, he cursed loudly.

When he entered here, the knowledge in his mind had already told him that this was the test of courage in the kingdom of dreams. Even if he failed the test, he would only suffer extreme pain and would not cause any harm to his real body.

"No, not only do I want to embarrass Ji Xingchen, I also want to tell Priest Chen all of Ji Xingchen's sinister intentions! Let Priest Chen see the true face of this despicable villain!" Li Zhongcheng gritted his teeth because Ji Xingchen deliberately ran on him with words, so he fell into Ji Xingchen's trap in a rage!Only now will I bear this inhuman torture and pain!
According to his and Xie Xiaofeng's plan, he should wait quietly to find evidence that Chen Tian is really a liar!Thinking of this, Li Zhongcheng shuddered all over!

"Priest Chen is not a liar, he is a priest of the gods in the world! He is a noble priest, what the hell was I thinking just now, how could I have such a dangerous idea that he is a liar." Li Zhongcheng brow A lot of cold sweat broke out, and it turned out that his and Xie Xiaofeng's assumption was wrong from the beginning.

At this time, he finally understood why Ji Xingchen was equal to Chen Tianzhen!He also finally understood why Ji Xingchen had to seek Chen Tianzhen's opinion before speaking.

"Ji Xingchen, you shameless villain, hypocrite, small-bellied bastard, I must make you look good!"


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(End of this chapter)

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