Chapter 170

The outside world, seeing Li Zhongzhong slumped down on the chair after Chen Tianzhen finished speaking, and then closed his eyes and fell unconscious, Xie Xiaofeng became anxious immediately!

Xie Xiaofeng pushed Li Zhongcheng hard, wanting to wake him up, but found that no matter how hard he tried, Li Zhongcheng showed no sign of waking up, Xie Xiaofeng panicked even more.

"Could it be that there really are gods? Otherwise, why did Li Zhongcheng faint immediately after Chen Tianzhen said to prove this passage, no matter what method he used, he couldn't wake him up?"

After this thought rose from the bottom of my heart, it lingered in Xie Xiaofeng's mind like a demonic thought.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! The gods are the spiritual sustenance that human beings have come up with. It is absolutely impossible to be true! All the gods are false!"

But if there is no god, Li Zhongcheng's current state cannot be explained at all!
Xie Xiaofeng's voice was trembling, his eyes were full of fear of the unknown, and his voice was extremely disturbed. He asked Chen Tianzhen, "Priest Chen, what's wrong with Li Zhongcheng now?"

"Mr. Xie, don't worry, I didn't do anything to Mr. Li!" Chen Tianzhen said with a serious expression on his face.

"Ms. Li's current situation is that the master of the gods and dreams is testing Mr. Li's courage!"

"Based on the usual time, Teacher Li will wake up in only 2 minutes!" Chen Tianzhen said with a straight face.

"Mr. Xie, Priest Chen didn't lie to you. Teacher Li will wake up within 2 minutes at most! Don't worry! Teacher Li will have no problems." Mu Yuantu quickly took the conversation and affirmed Chen Tianzhen's words authenticity.

"Mr. Xie, Mr. Li is now conducting a courage test, and we don't waste any time. Please report to Priest Chen what you found in the cracks in the space of the ancient battlefield!" Immediately afterwards, Mu Yuantu spoke eagerly. Yes, he is really in a hurry.

There are hundreds of thousands of soldiers around, waiting for Chen Tianzhen to teach the exercises and lead them to practice.

In addition, Chen Tianzhen said on the plane that he and Ji Xingchen should help him and Ji Xingchen get started with the ten styles of fierce soldiers, so that they can gain the power of the ten styles of fierce soldiers, so as to increase their self-confidence. After passing the test of courage, Mu Yuantu was very excited and also very urgent.

"The problem of space cracks is actually very simple. Look at this sketch." Although Xie Xiaofeng was still worried about his friend, Mu Yuantu had already spoken, so he couldn't refuse. He wasn't Li Zhongcheng who had a negative EQ and had a high self-esteem. The fool picked up a piece of A3 size paper in front of Li Zhongcheng, which was a sketch of the space crack drawn by Li Zhongcheng.

"After measurement, the height of the space crack is 5 meters. It is long from top to bottom, narrow from left to right, and has a rhombus shape as a whole. The center is the widest and the width is 20 cm!" Xie Xiaofeng showed the sketch on the paper.

"Using the intersection of the diagonal lines of the rhombus as the round point, draw a circle with a diameter of 3 cm. The area contained in this circle is the safe area."

"After our experiments, this safe area can allow creatures with a diameter of less than 3 centimeters to pass through! After repeated experiments and tests, the length of this passage is 10 meters! Passing through 10 meters can resist the world behind the space crack!"

Xie Xiaofeng pointed to the center of the upright rhombus on the drawing, where a small circle was drawn, and the edges of this small circle were specially traced, which looked like an unfathomable hole.

Chen Tianzhen listened carefully to Xie Xiaofeng's explanation, and memorized the calculation method and judgment method of the safe passage. After all the soldiers have learned the ten ways of fierce soldiers, he must go to explore the space cracks in the ancient battlefield. Check it out!
So, what Xie Xiaofeng said, to him, every word is very important!

"This picture?" Mu Yuantu was also listening carefully, but he didn't have a high degree of education, so he didn't understand much, so he followed Xie Xiaofeng's instructions, and his eyes fell on the sketch, but the more he looked, the more he felt something was wrong.

Except for the part introduced by Xie Xiaofeng, on the top of the rhombus that represents the crack in space, who knows, very spiritually smeared a messy, inverted triangle-shaped smudge. Immediately, the sketch looked very magical.

The more he looked at it, the more he felt that this sketch...was very unscrupulous, and the more he looked at it, the more it looked like that line of sky...sketch!
"This picture..." Ji Xingchen frowned, glanced at the sketch, and then turned his eyes away, "Li Zhongzhong usually looks honest, but I didn't expect him to be so dirty in his heart!"

The two of them found out, and the others naturally also saw the difference. They all winked, with smirks on their faces, and stared at the sketch left and right.

"Vivid, so fucking vivid! Li Zhongzhong must be thinking about it day and night, thinking about it all the time, otherwise he would never be able to draw such a vivid sketch!" Although it is only a few strokes, the vivid artistic conception is still Let Ji Xingchen feel like being there.

"Sketch, as expected of a sketch! The name, meaning, and information are all included."

Seeing the appearance of everyone, Xie Xiaofeng didn't know what was going on. He quickly rolled up the blueprint, his old face blushed, and continued to introduce, "After we discovered that there is a safe passage in the space crack, we did a lot of experiments. Plant seeds and insects, send them to the opposite side of the space crack!"

"After the plant seeds were taken back, they have not been planted, let alone germinated! There is no experimental data! I don't know if there will be a mutation."

"But the insects sent over have all changed!" Xie Xiaofeng said about the experiment, his face became very serious.

"Our experimental process is like this. The insects are tied to thin wires, sent through the machine, and pulled back half an hour later."

"We repeated the experiment 154 times, and 150 times failed! The insects sent over disappeared even with the wire! We guessed that there should be creatures on the opposite side destroying our experiment!" Xie Xiaofeng said about this matter, his face was very dignified.

"However, there were 4 experiments that were lucky to succeed!"

"Through these 4 successful experiments, we judge that the world behind the space crack should have the air, pressure, oxygen and other conditions necessary for the survival of living things, because the insects that were pulled back half an hour later were still alive when they were pulled out. There is regret in Xie Xiaofeng's eyes. The passage through which the space rift allows creatures to pass is too small. It is not easy to study the world behind the space rift. Most of the content is deduced by him and Li Zhongcheng.

"After 4 successful experiments, the living creatures we recovered include two praying mantises, an earthworm, and a small bee!"

"However, these recovered small insects did not live long. Half an hour later, the bodies of these four insects suddenly swelled and exploded in front of us, turning into blood mist!" Speaking of the scene at that time, Xie Xiaofeng had some fear in his eyes.

The little insect was still moving, and seemed to be in good spirits, but suddenly it swelled like a balloon, from the size of a thumb to the size of a fist, and then a red light flashed, just as he and Li Zhongcheng In front of him, amidst a muffled sound, the explosion turned into a bloody mist.

The carapace, muscles, internal organs, all disappeared!Fantastic!

The only thing left is the insect's original attack organ!The boring tool of the praying mantis, the tail needle of the bee, and the earthworm left nothing behind.

"Later, we carefully cleaned up the remains of the corpse after the explosion of the small insect!"

"Then, we found this!" Xie Xiaofeng's face was full of fanaticism. He opened a box on the table, and then used tweezers to grab a sharp black spike clip about eight centimeters long. out.

This one is the tail needle left by the exploded bee!

"The tail needle of the little bee was originally only about eight millimeters. After the explosion, the bee tail needle we found was eight centimeters long, which is a hundred times larger than the normal tail needle!" In this regard, Xie Xiaofeng and Li Zhongcheng just observed the phenomenon and never tried to explain the principle.

Because it can't be explained at all!I can't even understand this kind of imagination!
Little bees are big things!Even if the little bee does not die, put it on the balance and compare it with the stinger, the stinger is definitely heavier than the bee, which is obviously a change that violates scientific principles. Invest in your own research.

Because even if they study in depth, they are doomed to find nothing!
This phenomenon is not scientific at all!
"Actually, the real change of the little bee's tail needle is not getting bigger!" Xie Xiaofeng carefully pinched the tail needle with tweezers, then pointed the tip of the tail needle at the stainless steel tabletop of the conference table, and stabbed it lightly.

The stainless steel tabletop of the conference table is like a layer of toilet paper, without any blocking ability at all. Under the sharp needle tip of the little bee tail needle, it is pierced instantly without any effort!
"The mutated tail needle is very sharp! Nothing that can be found in the ancient battlefield can stop it!"

"This is not the most powerful part of Tail Needle!"

"The most powerful thing about tail needles is poison! Very strong poison!"

"Li Zhongzhong and I have already tried it. As long as a chimpanzee is pierced a little by this needle, it will be poisoned to death within a minute!" Xie Xiaofeng's face was extremely serious. Turning around on one side, the changes are so great that it makes people...frightened!
"Where is the place on the opposite side of the space crack, and what is there!" Ji Xingchen and others were shocked when they saw the power of the mutated tail needle. It must be able to pierce, and after being sent into the space crack and returned, it will directly become a deadly weapon.

Hearing Xie Xiaofeng's words, Chen Tianzhen was very excited, squinted his eyes and stood up from the chair, looking at the box Xie Xiaofeng opened with a strange light in his eyes.

"In addition to the tail needle, we also found two boring knives after the insect exploded! These two boring knives were left after the explosion of two praying mantises!" Xie Xiaofeng carefully put the tail needle back into the box, from Under his feet, he took out a long object wrapped in white cloth.

This is the boring knife left after the explosion of the two praying mantises!The length of the two knives is about the same, about forty centimeters!

"Do you think that the little bee tail needle is very powerful, it is simply a killer! But compared with the boring knife, the tail needle is a toy, and the boring knife is the real magic weapon!" The knife was wrapped in a white cloth, and the tail of the boring knife was pinched very carefully.

"Please get out of the way a little bit, I will show you the power of the boring knife!" The power of the boring knife is very miraculous, Xie Xiaofeng said quickly to let others stand a little farther away.

Seeing that everyone around them retreated, Xie Xiaofeng lifted the boring knife.

The emerald green boring knife is like a work of art carved out of green jade. It is crystal clear. The serrated blade is specially made for killing.

"I'll show you the power of the boring knife!" Xie Xiaofeng stood by the edge of the conference table, carefully gesticulating to Ji Xingchen's side.

After finding a suitable location, he let out a loud roar, and the boring knife in his hand hung in the air, facing Ji Xingchen's direction, and slashed twice.


"What is Xie Xiaofeng doing? Could it be that he wants to avenge Li Zhongcheng?"

"I am now separated by seven or eight meters from him. What's the point of making gestures to me like this other than making me feel uncomfortable? Xie Xiaofeng deserves to be friends with Li Zhongcheng. lord!"

With a smug smile in Ji Xingchen's eyes, he despised Xie Xiaofeng's immature approach very much in his heart. He was already thinking about finding an opportunity later, and he would take Xie Xiaofeng well, let Xie Xiaofeng learn a lesson, and act prudently in the future some.

Different from others, Chen Tianzhen sees things at a deeper level. From others' point of view, Xie Xiaofeng is playing tricks, but in Chen Tianzhen's eyes, when Xie Xiaofeng slashed falsely with two sabers, the extremely sharp saber energy came out from the boring knife. Fly out!
Every time Xie Xiaofeng swung his knife, a terrifying knife aura of extreme sharpness flew out from the boring knife, instantly cutting off the conference table made of stainless steel!Cut off the armrests on both sides of Ji Xingchen's chair, and cut off the steel structure supporting the temporary house behind Ji Xingchen.

However, because the speed of the saber energy was too fast and the gap opened was too small, on the surface, there was no change at all.

"Sword Qi?" Chen Tianzhen has seen this kind of method in his previous life. It belongs to the third level of cultivation methods, such as sword Qi, sword Qi, fist light, etc. After successful cultivation, it can almost reach the level of invincibility.

If Xie Xiaofeng hadn't made careful gestures before swinging the boring knife and deliberately avoided Ji Xingchen, Ji Xingchen would have been split into three by the saber energy and killed on the spot!

"Professor Xie, what are you dawdling for? If you want to show the boring tool, show it quickly, and if you don't show it, introduce it to Priest Chen with your mouth. What are you dawdling about?" Ji Xingchen's heart moved, and he stretched his hand forward. , with an extremely stern voice.

Then, he habitually wants to stand up, but he has a habit, he likes to hold down the table and use the power of the table to stand up!

The table has long been cut off by Xie Xiaofeng wielding a boring knife, and now maintains a fragile balance. As long as a little bit of force falls on it, the fragile peace will be destroyed immediately.

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(End of this chapter)

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