I can work indefinitely

Chapter 175 Performing Martial Arts, The Road to the Extraordinary

Chapter 175 Performing Martial Arts, The Road to the Extraordinary

"Little naive!" Ji Xingchen stepped onto the general platform, looked around, but didn't find anything, so he asked with a frown.

"Grandpa Ji, don't worry!" Chen Tianzhen smiled.

"Shenju-real projection!" Chen Tianzhen looked up at the sky, and then he pointed at the sky with his hand. The zenith, which was originally confused by the red mist but covered the outside sun's brilliance, suddenly became clear.

The entire zenith is covered by a huge picture!

Ji Xingchen looked carefully, and found that the mirror image displayed on the zenith was the picture on the spotlight stage, and it was detailed and clear.

"Grandpa Ji, with this divine technique, the soldiers can clearly see every movement you make, and all your expressions will be known to the soldiers."

"At the same time, your voice will also be directly transmitted to the minds of the soldiers by the power of magic." Chen Tianzhen said with a smile on his face, explaining to Ji Xingchen. It seems that the explanation is actually to prevent Ji Xingchen Needle.

It is very painful to practice the ten postures of fierce soldiers, and the evil spirit entering the body is like a thousand cuts!Hold back no matter how painful it is, because there are 30 soldiers watching below.

"The soldiers are all in place! I think it's time to start!" Chen Tianzhen took a look at the situation in the audience, and found that most of the soldiers were already in place, so he reminded Ji Xingchen.

"Well, that's true!" Ji Xingchen thought to open the function of the country module, and saw that the deployment of troops had been marked as completed.

"Soldiers! I'm Ji Xingchen!" Ji Xingchen now has a lot of experience in how to operate the country management module, and he sends his voice directly into everyone's mind through the country management module.

"During this period of time, in our country, there have been some things that cannot be understood or observed. We call them strange things. After the strange things appeared, a large number of civilians were killed and injured, and countless soldiers died!"

"The weird number is still increasing! Our casualties are also increasing!"

"Our weapons, there is no way to take these ghost things. Even so, the soldiers have never retreated. Even if they sacrificed, they still have to keep the common people behind..." Ji Xingchen said in a low voice, making everyone feel, There is a strong sense of mission and responsibility.

Immediately afterwards, the number of civilian deaths and the number of soldiers died during this period was notified by Ji Xingchen without any reservation.

As these bloody numbers resounded in the minds of the soldiers one by one, the eyes of many people became blood red, and an extremely intense murderous intent emerged from the bottom of their hearts.

Although most of the people who appeared in Ji Xingchen's report did not know each other, the mission of the soldiers has been basically the same during this period of time, which is to form a line of defense around Weird. If Weird wants to rush out, the first to die is the soldier!

"I must practice the exercises well, wipe out all the weirdness, and avenge my brothers!" At this moment, in Ji Xingchen's words, the hearts of many soldiers resonated, and they clenched their fists tightly, swearing secretly in their hearts.

"...This is a blood feud! It's a blood feud between us!"

"Everything that is weird deserves to die! All deserve to be killed!" Ji Xingchen's voice was extremely cold and severe, and he could feel the breath held in the hearts of the soldiers.

"Before, we had nothing to do with weirdness! We couldn't see them, and our weapons couldn't hurt them!"

"This situation will soon become history!"

"Now, the priests sent by the Lord of Dreamland will bestow upon all warriors the power to kill strange things, ten ways of fierce soldiers!"

"As long as everyone cultivates well, Weird will be wiped out by all of you!" Ji Xingchen's voice was filled with absolute confidence and murderous intent.

"Now, ask Priest Chen to teach you the exercises!"

"After everyone learns the theoretical knowledge of the ten moves of the fierce soldier, I will practice the ten moves of the fierce soldier with you!" Ji Xingchen's voice was sonorous and powerful, and his eyes looked straight ahead.

"Priest Chen, please!" Ji Xingchen looked at Chen Tianzhen on the opposite side, with a serious tone in his voice. Sometimes, Chen Tianzhen is really hateful, but in front of big right and wrong, Chen Tianzhen never made a mistake!

Chen Tianzhen nodded solemnly, "Don't worry!"

"Divine Art-Knowledge Inheritance!" Chen Tianzhen took a step forward, and his voice sounded like a thunder dragon's roar, resounding in everyone's minds.

At this moment, new knowledge and memories popped up in everyone's minds!
Cultivation methods and matters needing attention!
"The practice of the Ten Forms of Fierce Soldiers is very simple. You only need to put on an entry-level practice posture in the ancient battlefield and keep still. Then you can absorb the evil spirit of soldiers and condense three runes in your body."

"With these three runes, your eyes will be able to see the strangeness, your swords will be able to kill the strangeness, and your armor will be able to defend against the strangeness."

"Ten ways of fierce soldiers, practice to the state of Dzogchen, the strength of your full swing with one hand will reach about [-] catties, and the speed of your full running will be close to the speed of sound. Your body, ordinary people holding cold weapons, can't do it at all. Let you break through."

"That is to say, after you practice the Ten Forms of Fierce Soldiers to Dzogchen, you will be living superhumans!"

Chen Tianzhen's words were full of extreme temptation. Following Chen Tianzhen's explanation, the eyes of most of the soldiers became extremely hot.

Chen Tianzhen described to him the scene after he had completed the ten forms of fierce soldiers, it was so tempting!
Immediately afterwards, Chen Tianzhen continued to speak, "The improvement of the Ten Forms of Fierce Soldiers is even simpler than that of beginners. The method of cultivation is just one word! Kill!"

"As long as you kill Wei Yi, Wei Wei will become a soldier and be absorbed by you! Your ten-style cultivation base of fierce soldiers will naturally improve!"

"I have calculated that if one person kills three thousand strange monsters alone, his cultivation base will immediately reach the realm of the Ten Forms of Fierce Soldiers! Become a veritable little superman!"

"After killing Weird, not only can you gain cultivation, but you can also gain points."

"The points can be exchanged for the advanced skills of the ten fierce soldiers, Zhan Bingjue!"

"Continue to practice Zhan Bing Jue, you can live forever, you can ride the clouds and ride the fog, you can overwhelm the river!" The current Zhan Bing Jue can't reach this level after it is completed, but the soldiers' practice also needs encouragement. Although Chen Tianzhen is for the soldiers They are drawing big cakes, but there is nothing wrong with what he said. If you practice to a high level, you will live forever, ride the clouds and ride the fog, and overwhelm the rivers and seas. The supernatural powers are within your reach!

Following Chen Tianzhen's words, the eyes of all the soldiers became even hotter.

They originally thought that the cultivation method should be like in the novel, with five hearts facing the sky, sitting cross-legged and refining Qi. They really didn't expect that the cultivation is so simple, and the improvement of cultivation base depends on one word: kill!

The more you kill, the faster your cultivation will increase. Killing three thousand weirdos, the ten moves of the murderous soldiers will be perfect, and you will become a little superman!
Moreover, Chen Tianzhen also said that as long as they practice hard enough, they can live forever, fly through the clouds, and overturn the rivers and seas. These immortals can also achieve supernatural powers!

Sensing the extreme desire in the hearts of the soldiers, Chen Tianzhen had a smile in his eyes, and his voice sounded like thunder in the hearts of all the soldiers, "The ten moves of fierce soldiers, the first move is: the soldiers enter the body, and the evil spirit becomes a talisman!"

At this moment, a pattern appeared in everyone's mind. This pattern is the posture of the cultivator's evil spirit entering the body, and the evil spirit forming a talisman!
"Your chief has asked me many times to take the lead, lead the soldiers, and practice the ten styles of fierce soldiers!" At this moment, Chen Tianzhen turned his head and pointed at Ji Xingchen, with a voice like Hong Zhong Dalu, and everyone was shocked. sounded in the soul.

At this moment, Ji Xingchen's figure was moved to the center again on the big screen on the zenith.

"Chief, I have to remind you again that the evil spirit of soldiers is very fierce. The ten postures of fierce soldiers absorb the evil spirit of soldiers into the body. When practicing, it is like a thousand knives cut into pieces. It is very painful. It is not much worse than the trial of courage! You Are you sure you don't need to bless you with magic spells to relieve pain?"

It's like a thousand cuts, very painful!Not much worse than the test of courage? !
Ji Xingchen's heart suddenly twitched!
And this sentence reminds me again?What the hell?

If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, Ji Xingchen would have wanted to ask Chen Tianzhen, when was the first reminder!
Ji Xingchen's face remained unchanged, but his eyes were full of extreme anger!

This bastard Chen Tianzhen is not a person at all, he is simply cheating!

The most exaggerated thing is that Chen Tianzhen also deliberately proposed a magic spell that can relieve pain!
Ji Xingchen couldn't accept this occasion anyway, otherwise, what would the soldiers think of him!

"Soldiers can bear it, and I, Ji Xingchen, can bear it too! This is called sharing weal and woe, and taking the lead! You should keep the magic to relieve pain to yourself!" Ji Xingchen's voice was extremely cold, and at this moment, he wished he could Chop up Chen Tianzhen and feed it to the dog!

"Brother-in-law, please bless me with divine techniques to relieve pain!" Xu Xiaojin stood beside him, and when he heard Chen Tianzhen say that the pain of practicing practice was like a thousand cuts, his face turned pale, and infinite fear appeared in his heart. Then, when he heard Chen Tianzhen say that there was a magical technique to relieve pain, he begged with hope in his eyes.

"The soldiers can bear it, the chief can bear it, but you can't bear it? Let me bear it!" Chen Tianzhen turned his head, his eyes were icy cold, and he gave Xu Xiaojin a stern look.

Xu Xiaojin was stared at by Chen Tianzhen, as if encountering a beast from hell, a strong sense of fear surged in his heart.

Mu Yuantu, who was about to say something, tightly shut his mouth!

"I knew it, I knew it!" Seeing this scene, Ji Xingchen clenched his fists violently. Even if he had asked Chen Tianzhen to bless him with magic spells to relieve pain, he would definitely be like Xu Xiaojin now.

"Chief, I'm here to wish you a helping hand! Help you put on the most correct posture, so that all soldiers can learn from you!" Chen Tianzhen walked up to Ji Xingchen, and shook his hands on Ji Xingchen.

Ji Xingchen's body instantly changed into the most standard entry-level posture of the ten fierce soldiers.

Soldier's evil spirit enters the body, evil spirit becomes a talisman!
At this moment, the evil spirit from the soldiers in the ancient battlefield rushed towards Ji Xingchen like a swallow returning to its nest, passed through his skin, muscles, and bones, and fell into his dantian. Under the action, the outline of the fierce soldier rune began to form.

"Ah...it's weird, you deserve to die! You deserve to be killed!" Although Ji Xingchen was already prepared, when the evil energy really entered his body, the pain of cutting his body like countless knives made his expression extremely ferocious in an instant. , The screams in the mouth, couldn't hold back at all, screamed out.

In order to cover up the pain and not keep screaming, Ji Xingchen roared with endless murderous aura and resentment!

"Grandpa Ji, in order for the soldiers to learn the ten postures of the fierce soldier early, I suggest that you issue a task of practicing the ten postures of the fierce soldier in the national management module. From this moment on, everyone present, as long as they practice the wrong posture, they will be punished. how do you feel?"

"Execute immediately!" At this moment, Ji Xingchen was so painful that he almost lost consciousness, and without thinking about it, he directly agreed to Chen Tianzhen's proposal.

"You all follow the chief's posture and start practicing! Otherwise, the pain of punishment is not just for fun!" Chen Tianzhen stared at the audience, and his voice rang in everyone's ears.

In everyone's minds, the effect of the punishment after it took effect appeared at this moment. Suddenly, amidst a terrified "Oh my god!" posture, and began to practice.

Suddenly, the entire ancient battlefield was filled with wailing!The lingering pain made everyone feel so miserable!
"Since you have put your practice posture in the right position, don't move any more! So as not to affect the effect of your practice!" Chen Tianzhen communicated with the Dream Lord that as long as someone poses in the correct practice posture, he can directly control their body so that he cannot move until the entrance until all three runes condense.

Under the effect of the punishment, all fighters who did not pose in the correct training postures will correct their training postures after 3 minutes!
"Ah..." The pitiful wailing sounded earth-shattering. The extreme pain caused everyone's strength to be emptied in an instant. They wanted to sit down paralyzed, but because of the dream master, they were immobilized and they couldn't move. every bit.

Half an hour later, all three runes in Ji Xingchen's body were successfully condensed, and the screams and hums in his mouth suddenly disappeared!
At this moment, the evil spirit enters his body, and there will be no more pain in the slightest, and even the evil spirit enters his body, giving him a very intoxicating and refreshing feeling.

In Ji Xingchen's eyes, the swastika glyphs were spinning, and a layer of armor appeared on his body, and a bloody blade rune was spinning in his hand.

The power to freeze his body also disappeared at this moment, and Ji Xingchen gained the ability to move!
"I have mastered the Ten Forms of Fierce Soldiers! I have stepped onto the path of the extraordinary!" Ji Xingchen's voice was full of joy, and his eyes were full of ecstasy. Following Ji Xingchen's successful practice, Mu Yuantu, Xu Xiaobing They all practiced successfully.

At this moment, most of the fighters in the general audience also entered the Ten Forms of Fierce Soldiers, and condensed the entry runes!

"Congratulations!" Chen Tianzhen walked up to them with a smile on his face. His eyes swept over the audience, and the soldiers wrapped in bloody evil spirit showed the most reassuring smiles on their faces since they were reborn.


Pushing the book "Beautiful Tigers", animal novels, exotic beasts, non-novice, very well written!

(End of this chapter)

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