I can work indefinitely

Chapter 176 The Undead Taoist, The Blood Sea Realm

Chapter 176 The Undead Taoist, The Blood Sea Realm
At noon the next day, all the fighters in the Dragon Kingdom entered the Ten Forms of Fierce Soldiers and succeeded in condensing three runes!
Under the deployment of Mu Yuantu, these fighters went to various places to guard the people, killing strange things, and improving their cultivation!

With these millions of soldiers here, all the weirdnesses that have been discovered on the land of the Dragon Kingdom will be wiped out in no more than half a month at most!
At this time, the center of the ancient battlefield.

Ji Xingchen and Chen Tianzhen looked at Li Zhongcheng and Xie Xiaofeng with solemn faces, and tied a beetle to a thin wire. After passing through a machine that looked like a water pipe, they carefully tied the beetle to the thin wire. , sent into the space crack bit by bit.

"Priest Chen, the compound eyes of the mantis are composed of more than 2 small eyes. The strength of the mantis is very good! It can fully meet your requirements!" Li Zhongcheng said in awe. In this way, he and Xie Xiaofeng also hitched a ride and introduced the ten styles of fierce soldiers.

In the ancient battlefield, although there is no weirdness to kill, but in the ancient battlefield, the evil spirit is strong, and the cultivation base is provided through practice. Although the speed is not fast, you can also feel your own progress.

So, when they heard that Chen Tianzhen had arranged for an experiment, they immediately came over.

"Hmm!" Chen Tianzhen nodded, through the Mengying that merged into the body of the mantis, Chen Tianzhen carefully explored his perception, and felt the environment in the space crack through the compound eyes of the mantis.

It was pitch black!Can't see anything, the only brilliance is the blood-red light that seeps through from the world in front of the space crack.

Chen Tianzhen suppressed the instinct of the mantis to cry, and made the mantis lie quietly on the wire, motionless, as if dead.

The wire moved forward inch by inch, and it didn't take long before it rushed through the gap in the space.

At this moment, Chen Tianzhen became extremely nervous.

No matter in his previous life or in this life, this was his first time entering the world after the space crack.

After entering the crack, before he had time to look at the surrounding situation, the extremely violent aura in the air poured into the mantis' body from all directions.

"What a rich aura!" It took Chen Tianzhen a while to get used to the concentration of aura in this world. Even compared to the real world three years later, the aura here is hundreds of times thicker.

Here is a beach, and the exit of the space crack is about one meter above the beach.

The white sand and gravel instantly turned blood red when the tide surged up in the blood-red sea. Immediately afterwards, the blood-colored tide receded, revealing the true face of the white sand and gravel.


These are not gravel at all, but endless white bones!

Incomparably nervous emotions appeared in Chen Tianzhen's heart. He controlled the head of the mantis and looked towards the sea. The endless sea was like sticky blood, endless, with no end in sight.

In the viscous blood, it seemed that there were fierce beasts swimming in it, and from time to time, thousands of feet of blood shot up into the sky.

Above the sea, the blood-red evil spirit looks very similar to the evil spirit in the ancient battlefield, but compared with the evil spirit in the ancient battlefield, the concentration of fog here is more than a thousand times that of the ancient battlefield!
The body of the mantis couldn't turn its head. Chen Tianzhen controlled the mantis and carefully broke the tied rope. With two claws, he firmly grasped the thin wire, turned his body carefully, and shifted his vision to the shore of the sea.

Before Chen Tianzhen could turn his head away, the body of the mantis fell directly from the thin wire amidst a terrifying sound like the creation of heaven and earth.

"Damn, bad luck!" Chen Tianzhen cursed secretly, controlling the body of the mantis to hide behind the big bone!

"Dare to break into my Blood Sea Realm, you are really brave!" The voice with endless murderous intent rang directly in Chen Tianzhen's consciousness, just like he was talking to other people in the real world with the help of dream attraction.

Endless fear suddenly emerged from the depths of Chen Tianzhen's soul. However, Chen Tianzhen also had his confidence, and soon he got rid of the fear in his heart, controlled the body of the mantis, and quietly looked towards the sea in front of him.

At this time, he finally saw clearly the appearance of the speaker.

The other party looked about 40 years old, wearing a blood-colored embroidered sword robe, with his hands behind his back, a thin body, a gloomy face, fierce eyes, and black hair scattered back casually.

His thin face looked like a blade, sharp and deadly.

Just standing there made Chen Tianzhen feel that he was facing not just one person, but the whole world. He had an extremely strong premonition that this person could shatter him with just one look.

Feel the middle-aged man holding a three-foot long sword upside down in his hand, and above his head, a dark crack in space divides the world into two parts!

From this huge gap in the space, there is an invisible, ferocious giant beast. On the giant beast, one Buddha and one Buddha, with extremely bright divine light, as if the law manifested between the heaven and the earth. Their mouths The slight movement, the harmonious sound is like the sound of heaven and earth, with the meaning of endless coercion, the whole world is shaking with their words!

"Don't be dry, the emperor of heaven has a decree. There is a space passage leading to the original world in the blood sea realm. You must let go of the realm, let the blood sea realm return to the earth fairy world, and let the space passage leading to the original world be opened in the earth fairy world. !"

"The two hair gods who pass orders dare to talk to me like this! The emperor of heaven is here, and he doesn't dare to make such a high profile!"

"These years, I have been cultivating hard in the blood sea world, and I have a chance to make a move. It seems that many people think that the killing sword of my own way is no longer good!" A trace of contempt flashed in Taoist Buku's eyes, and he held his hand slightly , a bloody long sword appeared in his hand.

"Slaying sword! The sword comes out to kill!" The middle-aged man simply handed out his sword. In the sea of ​​blood in front of him, there were streaks of blood-colored sword energy, like rain, with the terrifying power of breaking space, bringing With extreme dead air, he flew towards the two who had just spoken.

"Taoist Buku, I'm here at the order of the Emperor of Heaven. If you dare to attack me, don't you die?" Together with the Buddha, the two of them yelled fiercely at the same time, and a trace of fear flashed in their eyes.

"If this Dao is in a bad mood, the Heavenly Emperor will come, and I will kill him with a sword!" Taoist Buku sneered, with extreme killing intent in his voice.

The life-killing sword energy did not stop at all, tearing apart the space and falling to the sky.

The giant beast under the two of them instantly gathered all their cultivation bases into an indestructible light shield, which blocked the bloody sword energy. After it completed the defense, its tail still wagged, asking for credit for the two of them.

There was a sound of "Chi!", and amidst the sound of the balloon leaking, the light shield defense under the giant beast, in front of the bloody sword aura, was no different from paper paste, and instantly shattered.

The huge body of the giant beast, which was as huge as a star, trembled in terror!
Feeling the power of slaughtering the common people in the bloody sword energy, the soul of the giant beast escaped directly from the body without hesitation.

"Mie!" Taoist Buku sneered, with a surly voice.

In the next instant, the blood-colored sword energy pierced into the giant beast's body, and the giant beast that covered the sky and the sun turned into a cloud of blood mist in an instant, falling into the blood-colored sea.

"Run away!" The two standing on the giant beast were dripping with cold sweat, with terrified expressions in their eyes, without hesitation, they turned into two golden lights and charged into the crack in the sky!
"Take a word to the Emperor of Heaven, if you want me in the Blood Sea Realm, let him come to see me in person! Next time someone comes, don't blame me for killing and filling the Blood Sea!" Taoist Buku didn't stop him, his voice was filled with deadly murderous intent. , as cold and severe as ice for thousands of years.

At this time, Taoist Buku grabbed it forward, and the giant beast primordial spirit appeared directly in his hand, and was instantly sealed by the bloody sword energy.

After all this last night, Taoist Deadwood's eyes suddenly turned, and fell on the mantis possessed by Chen Tianzhen!

"How dare you use such a small trick in front of me! Childish!" The skinny middle-aged man snorted coldly, but he didn't see any movement. Stripped off.

"There are no living creatures in the Blood Sea Realm!"

"Don't say it's a praying mantis, even if you are possessed by an ant, as long as you appear in the blood-red world, you don't want to escape the eyes of this dao!" Taoist Deadwood sneered.

As soon as he raised his hand, the blood-red aura turned into a round ball as tall as a person in front of him. Chen Tianzhen's thoughts were thrown into it with a flick of his hand.

Originally, the idea of ​​invisible matter, under the miraculous effect of this sphere, unexpectedly revealed Chen Tianzhen's true appearance.

"Huh? It turned out to be a human race..." After seeing Chen Tianzhen's eyes, Taoist Buku frowned, and the surprise in his voice could not be suppressed, as if he had seen something incredible, "Weird, strange, back then..., How can there be human races?"

"Boy, could it be that you came from the original world?" Taoist Deadwood seemed to have thought of something, with a burning light in his eyes, and his voice sounded directly in Chen Tianzhen's soul.

Chen Tian was heartbroken that Taoist Buku had just killed a giant beast, and he had the means to strip his divine sense into form, which made Chen Tian really nervous to the extreme.

Although he has considered that after coming here through the space channel, he will encounter danger.

But he really didn't expect that he would encounter such a terrifying existence just after passing through the space channel.

A behemoth like a star, cut into a blood mist with a single sword!
Immortals and Buddhas with an aura of destroying heaven and earth were frightened by the sword and ran away!Moreover, Taoist Buku deliberately let them go. If Taoist Buku wanted to kill someone, it seemed like it would be a matter of a sword!
Chen Tianzhen was still curious before, why the sea is red, but now he understands, this is not the sea at all, but a pool of blood!
"Boy, can I ask you a question?" Taoist Buku frowned, and the wrinkles on his forehead were like peerless swords with ultimate murderous intent.

At this moment, Taoist Buku made Chen Tianzhen feel even more terrifying. Just the change in momentum made him like a lonely boat in the waves, precarious, feeling like he would fall over and be destroyed at any time.

"No!" Chen Tianzhen telegraphed his thoughts and spoke directly, categorically denying that he didn't want to leak a single word of information about the real world.

"Boy, it's not a good habit to lie! Besides, lying in front of a Taoist cultivator is courting death!"

"If it wasn't for the fact that I owed a favor to the human race back then, I would have trained you now!" Daoist Buku was extremely cold and stern, with a surly air in his voice.

Chen Tianzhen closed his mouth and didn't continue talking, but just silently looked at Taoist Buku!

Facing the strong, the more you talk, the more mistakes you make!
In this situation, if you can not speak, try not to speak.

"You must be thinking, you are just a thought, even if I refine you, I will get nothing, and I will not find your true soul, right?" Taoist Buku's eyes kept flickering coldly.

Chen Tian was a little surprised, because what Taoist Buku said was exactly what he thought, and the reason why he didn't panic was because he was just a thought now, even if it was refined, it didn't matter.

Moreover, Chen Tianzhen's present thought was not separated from his body.

This idea is Chen Tianzhen's body, through the master of the dream, let the master of the dream actively use the method of concentration, and use the pure soul energy after burning all the causes and effects in the kingdom of the dream kingdom to refine a soul, and then by This way of splitting the soul, through the skill of Lingshan, separates a trace of soul ability and refines it into a thought.

"Boy, if you don't see the coffin, you won't shed tears. Let me show you what a means is!" Jian Chen Tianzhen still refused a word, and Daoist Buku was annoyed. It fell on Chen Tianzhen's thoughts.

"The fire of karma, burning karma, will search for the power of cause and effect, and find where your soul is..." Taoist Buku's face was extremely stern, and he looked at Chen Tianzhen as if he wanted to see a dead person.

That cloud of karma fell on Chen Tianzhen, and then... nothing changed!Just like this thought, it seems that there is no body at all!
"Huh?" Seeing this scene, Taoist Buku had a look of disbelief in his eyes.

There are only two possibilities for this situation to happen, the first one, Chen Tianzhen has no karma, no cause and effect!For any ordinary creature, this is impossible!Even he himself has not made it this far!
There is a second possibility, there is something wrong with his karma!
"Go!" In the hands of Taoist Buku, a ball of karmic fire the size of a fist flew out and landed on the sea of ​​blood.

It was like sparks falling on gasoline, and the monstrous flames burned wildly in an instant, and the flames went straight to the zenith, covering everything around them.

"Come!" Taoist Buku sank his face into the water, raised his hand, and the world-destroying flame just now seemed to not exist. Once the karmic fire was absorbed, it turned into a fist-sized flame again, turning into a flame Liu Guang entered his wide cuff.

Through this test, he found that Karma is useful!
Immediately, he looked at Chen Tianzhen with serious eyes.

Although I don't know why, Taoist Buku is sure that Chen Tianzhen is in a state of not being involved in karma and karma at this moment, and karma fire doesn't work, and other means of deriving cause and effect fall on Chen Tianzhen, and it doesn't have any effect.

"Boy, that's right, you have some tricks! For a while, I really can't do anything to you." Taoist Buku's eyes froze.

"Senior, thank you." Chen Tianzhen had a comfortable smile on his face. Just now Taoist Buku arrested him and turned his spiritual thoughts into reality, which shocked him extremely.

"Boy, although I can't deduce your origin, I can see clearly where you came from. You definitely came from the original world." Taoist Buku took a step forward, pointed to the thin wire and hadn't retracted it yet. There is a crack in the space, and there is a trace of distant memory in his eyes.

"Original world!" Taoist Buku let out an exclamation full of complicated emotions, and turned to Chen Tianzhen.

Chen Tianzhen's pupils suddenly shrank!
In fact, from the very beginning, Chen Tianzhen had already thought that the location of the spatial rift could not be hidden!

But he didn't expect that he would be known by the strong in this world so quickly.

Right now!
Taoist Buku raised his hand casually, and a terrifying blood-red sword energy that split the space flew out of his hand, and flew towards the space channel that Chen Tianzhen passed on.

This sword energy, after reaching the crack in the space, suddenly shrank and became as big as a needle tip!Stabbed in violently!

If Daoist Buku's power reaches the real world, with a single thought, he can wipe out all living beings in the entire world.

A trace of madness flashed in Chen Tianzhen's eyes, facing Taoist Buku, desperately, with the strongest means, he made a bold move!

(End of this chapter)

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