I can work indefinitely

Chapter 177 Target, Changkong City

Chapter 177 Target, Changkong City
What is Chen Tianzhen's strongest attack method?
Is it the Dao Jie form of Hunyuan Tiantu?


The essence of Dao Jie transcends everything, but Chen Tianzhen's cultivation base is too low to bring out the power of Dao Jie's move.

Now, the strongest attack and killing method Chen Tianzhen has mastered has become the power of the seven emotions and six desires that Chen Tianzhen specially let the dream master leave behind in the Dreamland God Kingdom.

Since coming to the ancient battlefield, the number of ordinary people who have participated in the test of courage has reached 9000 million!

The 9000 million people, the ultimate emotional power generated in the courage test, was collected by the dream kingdom, and only a small part was refined to become soul power, and the rest was stored by the dream master in different categories.

At this moment, under the guidance of Chen Tianzhen, one percent of the emotional power suddenly mixed together to form a strange and chaotic group of emotions that made people crazy. This group of extremely chaotic emotions, through Chen Tianzhen's eyes, violently, Brutality, without the slightest skill, fell on Taoist Buku.

"Zhuzi, how dare you do this..." Taoist Buku didn't care at all at first, he felt that with Chen Tianzhen's strength, even if he tied his hands, Chen Tianzhen couldn't hurt him even a single hair.

At this moment, when the mess became a pot of porridge, and when the emotions that could make people crazy fell on him, a chill suddenly burst out, and his hair stood upside down all over his body. began to change.

In the last moment, I laughed wildly, and in the next moment, I was sad and weeping!In the blink of an eye, it turned into compassion again, and in the next blink, it roared again and again...

The emotions of the seven emotions and six desires are not rotated in the slightest law on his face, and the eyes of the Taoist are sometimes sober, sometimes crazy, and sometimes confused.

It looks like a lunatic, no difference!

Taoist Buku exhausted all his mental energy, and just allowed his mind to escape for a moment from the chaotic to the extreme power of seven emotions and six desires.

He didn't even care about cleaning up Chen Tianzhen, and directly sealed off the entire Blood Sea Realm with the power of law, and any existence whose cultivation level did not exceed his would not be able to enter the Blood Sea Realm.

After doing these things, he quickly sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes, focused his mind and thoughts, and tried his best to suppress and refine the emotional power. If the chaos was beyond comprehension and the huge amount of emotional power continued to make trouble in the soul, he estimated that it would take three Yue can break free from the entanglement of emotional forces.

"Zhuzi, you have mastered spiritual power! Use spiritual power to slander me! After I refine this chaotic spiritual power, I will clean up you bastard!" He muttered a sentence viciously in his heart. Go all out to refine the power of the seven emotions and six desires.

He believes that it is the limit for a single thought to control such a huge spiritual force!

The spiritual power brought by Chen Tianzhen's thought must have been exhausted, and he cannot attack him again.

However, Chen Tianzhen's thought, apart from spiritual power, has no power to attack him!
Therefore, he is very relieved to refine the spiritual power rushing into the soul with all his strength!There is no Chen Tianzhen in the unexpected world at all!
It was the first time for Chen Tianzhen to use the power of the seven emotions and six desires, and he was stunned by the terrifying effect!
What kind of existence is Buku Taoist?With one strike of the sword, the immortals would have to drink their hatred on the spot, and the giant beast instantly turned into a blood mist. This kind of power surpassed Chen Tianzhen's cognition in two lifetimes.

The strongest person Chen Tianzhen knew in his previous life was the deacon of Tianshengmen. Compared with Taoist Buku, he was like an ant.

As strong as the Buku Taoist, under the attack of the emotional power of seven emotions and six desires, he directly lost his mind and turned into a lunatic, unable to control his emotions and strength!
"I didn't expect that the power of the seven emotions and six desires would be so strong!" Chen Tianzhen was shocked, and then quickly sent a thought to the dream master, "From now on, all the power of the seven emotions and six desires collected by the kingdom of dreams will be Store it well for me, you can't use any of it!"

Because Taoist Buku had already closed his five senses and went all out to refine the power to fight against emotions, Chen Tianzhen's thoughts, without any hindrance, turned into an invisible breeze and floated away from the ball that Taoist Buku held him in. come out.

At this moment, the bloody sword energy that Taoist Buku shot into the space crack just now, because Taoist Buku didn't maintain it, the destructive power contained in the sword energy broke out irrepressibly.

In an instant, the piercing sword energy directly pierced through the space channel, shattering the stable structure of the space channel, while the silver light flashed, from the space channel, a space storm that destroyed everything broke out!

A powerful explosion that shook the heavens and earth, carrying destructive energy, erupted from the crack in space.

The space crack, under this destructive power, was directly destroyed!
Disappearing together with the space crack, there is also the sword energy shot out by Taoist Buku.

Chen Tianzhen's mind fell on the mantis. Through the compound eyes of the mantis, he could clearly see that the space crack that had been destroyed just now had recovered again. This is why the scale of the space channel is much smaller than before. one tenth!

"Sure enough, the space crack here is exactly the same as the mass grave, no matter how powerful it is, it can't be destroyed." Chen Tianzhen sighed secretly, once again verifying the fact that the space crack cannot be destroyed.

"No, after Taoist Buku recovers, he will definitely pay attention to this space channel!" A trace of ruthlessness flashed in Chen Tian's heart.

Since emotional power is useful to Buku Taoist!

Then prescribe the right medicine!

The thought in his heart was transmitted to the dream master through dream guide, waiting for the dream master to give feedback, Chen Tianzhen started to act according to the predetermined plan with this thought.

"Door of hell!"

The gate of hell, the size of a needle eye, spit out from the mouth of the mantis, and then floated into the sea of ​​blood, sinking into the unfathomable bottom of the sea of ​​blood.

On the bottom of the sea of ​​blood, the more you go down, the stronger the evil spirit becomes.

The gate of hell slightly opened a gap, and the viscous baleful air that had condensed into a liquid in the sea of ​​blood flowed down, entering the spirit mountain in the dream kingdom of God.

The karmic fire on the Lingshan Mountain fell, and the liquid evil spirit burned wildly, burning up the karma and cause and effect contained in this evil spirit!

"The gate of hell is slightly opened, and in one minute, the evil spirit flowing from the sea of ​​blood is enough for tens of thousands of people to condense the entry runes of the ten styles of fierce soldiers." Sensing the message from the dream kingdom of God, Chen Tianzhen said Thought, his face was full of surprise.

Now the Kingdom of Dreamland has entered a stage of rapid development. According to Chen Tianzhen's estimation, all the people of the Dragon Kingdom will be included in the system of the Kingdom of Dreamland within a month at most, and their souls will be integrated into Dreamland.

Before the power fails, the vast majority of people in the real world will be included in the dream kingdom system because of the plague-like way of spreading through dreams.

In Chen Tianzhen's planning system, the first step to solve the problem of Dream Kingdom is the problem of people. Now this problem can be said to have been solved.

The problem that needs to be solved in the second step is the problem of planting (strength) seeds for all races. The ten forms of fierce soldiers are simple and rude. As long as you are not a fool, you can practice and improve!
For human beings, although the ten moves of fierce soldiers are not particularly powerful exercises, they are the most suitable entry-level exercises for human beings.

The ten forms of fierce soldiers only need to condense three runes to get started instantly!

In the Kingdom of Dreamland, there are blood-colored evil stars condensed by the runes of the seven evil spirits.

The bloody evil star can condense evil spirits into entry runes of the ten styles of fierce soldiers!

As long as enough evil spirits are supplied, the blood-colored evil star can not only condense the three entry-level runes, but can even purify evil spirits, which can be directly used by people for cultivation.

Chen Tianzhen's eyes, with extreme greed, glanced at the boundless, sticky and terrifying sea of ​​blood. He finally made up his mind. The power on his body was directly deducted by [-] points. Used it, "The gate of hell, solidify!"

When the super skill reaches the MAX level, the gate of hell can be solidified by consuming stamina!

The moment the skill was activated, in the sea of ​​blood, the gate of hell, which was the size of a pinhole, swelled instantly, turning into a four-meter-high black iron-colored door frame.

There is no door on the door frame, only a layer of gray light. When this layer of light flickers, there is a large amount of viscous evil spirit, which is absorbed by the gate of hell.

The speed at which the gate of hell absorbs the evil spirit is hundreds of times faster than when it was not solidified!
This is also because the karmic fire on the Lingshan mountain is not burning karma and karma fast enough!
If the speed at which Karmic Fire can purify evil spirits can keep up, the speed at which the Gate of Hell can absorb evil spirits can be increased hundreds of times on the current basis!
"Next, it's the question of Taoist Buku!" The gate of hell has the power of an infinite inauguration panel. As long as Chen Tianzhen doesn't allow it, any existence, no matter what level of practice it is, can't even try to pass through the gate of hell and enter the dream world. country!
Therefore, at the Gate of Hell, at most, it will be destroyed by people!It doesn't take much effort to destroy it and solidify it again!
Now, the real problem is Daoist Buku!

Just now, the arrangement of the main body has been transmitted from Mengyin!

"Taoist Buku, I can only wrong you and let you take a good rest for a while!" Chen Tianzhen controlled the mantis and jumped to the side of Taoist Buku, a huge amount of emotional power flowed out from the dream and fell on Taoist Buku .

Taoist Buku's already calm face turned ferocious again, changing crazily, like a juggling troupe playing face-changing.

At this moment, Taoist Buku's cross-legged body twitched rapidly, but without any regularity, like a goat's epilepsy.

"I don't know whether to do this, right or wrong?" Seeing the appearance of Taoist Buku, Chen Tianzhen had extremely solemn eyes, and then his mind merged into the body of the mantis, and began to practice.

Just now, another piece of information came from the main body, that is to practice exercises! ,

Cultivation techniques suitable for praying mantis practice.

After overthrowing Taoist Buku, Chen Tianzhen controlled the praying mantis with his mind, absorbing the extremely strong aura and evil energy in the blood sea world, and looked at Taoist Buku while resting!


On the ancient battlefield, Chen Tianzhen himself wiped the sweat that was densely covered on his forehead, feeling extremely horrified in his heart.

This time, if he hadn't been cautious, and the idea of ​​possessing a praying mantis had been specially treated, he would have been in great trouble when Taoist Buku used Karma.

If the master of the dream hadn't been allowed to store the collected power of the seven emotions and six desires in the dream kingdom in advance, a sword qi of Taoist Buku could completely open the passage between the blood sea world and the real world.

"Now, it's just to temporarily control Taoist Buku, we must think of a perfect solution." Now, with the power of seven emotions and six desires, attacking Taoist Buku, who is unprepared, is only temporarily restraining Taoist Buku's mind.

To think that with the power of seven emotions and six desires, Taoist Buku can be completely trapped, that is a dream!
"Taoist Buku, he's too powerful!" The power shown by Taoist Buku made Chen Tianzhen extremely terrified. In the entire real world, there was no power that could threaten him, and Chen Tianzhen was just a worthless existence in front of him.

"I can only take one step at a time. Taoist Buku just said that he sent a favor from the human race? Or is what he said true! With his power, there is no need to lie to me." Countless thoughts turned in my mind, Buku The Taoist's invincible power made Chen Tianzhen more and more discouraged, and then he suddenly remembered the words of Taoist Buku.

Ji Xingchen, who was standing beside Chen Tianzhen, saw Chen Tianzhen's brows furrowed deeply, and asked a little uneasy, "Little Tianzhen, what's wrong?"

"It's okay! I just found something." Chen Tianzhen waved his hand, "Grandpa Ji, the world behind the space crack in the ancient battlefield is called Blood Sea Realm!"

"In the sea of ​​blood, there is a Taoist Buku who is very powerful. I am fighting with him." Chen Tianzhen didn't want to lie to Ji Xingchen, but Taoist Buku is too powerful. If Taoist Buku can destroy the world with a single sword When he said it, Chen Tian was really afraid, and instantly extinguished the spark of hope burning in Ji Xingchen's heart.

"Then concentrate on fighting, and I won't bother you anymore." After hearing this, Ji Xingchen's expression became very dignified. After nodding to Chen Tianzhen, he walked not far away and began to practice the ten fierce soldiers!
During Ji Xingchen's practice, the evil spirit around him melted into his body bit by bit.

The ten forms of fierce soldiers rely on active practice, and can also improve their cultivation base, but the speed of improvement is not as fast as the strange killing.

"This time, it's not without gains!" In the past, I met Taoist Buku who was so strong that there was no limit, but the risks always equaled the opportunities. The evil spirit can be used!"

"With these evil spirits, those who practice the ten forms of fierce soldiers can use the exchange panel to exchange for the cultivation base of the ten forms of fierce soldiers!" Impurities are removed, and at the same time, all aspects of the body are strengthened with evil spirits.

Even if there is enough evil spirit, it is impossible for ordinary people to instantly cultivate into the Dzogchen Realm of Ten Forms of Fierce Soldiers!
However, as long as there is enough evil energy, the time for ordinary people to cultivate the ten forms of fierce soldiers will be shortened a lot. It takes 69 days to get started with the Ten Forms of Fierce Soldiers and reach the realm of Dzogchen!"

"The practice of Zhan Bing Jue also relies on evil spirits! With the gate of hell in the Blood Sea Realm, there is no need to worry about the evil aura needed for the practice of second-tier Zhan Bing Jue! Enough!"

"The fighters have a second-level cultivation base, and the strange and fierce beasts produced by the recovery of spiritual energy are just ants that can be killed at will to the fighters."

"In this way, the stability problem in the real world will be completely solved!" Chen Tianzhen finally showed a smile on his face when he thought of this.

"Blood Sea Realm is too dangerous. Give up exploring for the time being, and leave that divine sense in it to keep track of Taoist Buku's situation." Now for Taoist Buku, Chen Tianzhen is just doing his best, depending on the fate!

He mixed one percent of the power of seven emotions and six desires collected and purified by the Kingdom of Dreams into endless memory fragments, and poured them into the soul of Taoist Buku.

As for whether Taoist Buku can be restrained, that's not something Chen Tian can really consider.

"Now, the main focus should be on Changkong City, where the Heavenly Saint Gate descends!" Chen Tianzhen turned around, facing the direction of Changkong City, with an extremely cold and stern light in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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