I can work indefinitely

Chapter 178 Lord of Dreamland, Spread

Chapter 178 Lord of Dreamland, Spread

Changkong City, Chen Tianzhen's home!
"Finally back!" Chen Tianzhen sat down on the sofa with a satisfied face, "It's still comfortable at home!"

Compared to facing cunning old foxes like Ji Xingchen, and terrifying monks like Taoist Buku, what Chen Tianzhen likes the most is being alone at home and living a leisurely and stress-free life.

"Master, you rest first. I still have tasks to do, so I won't accompany you. I'll go to Lizishu Village to see what's going on." Standing in the living room, Lie Long saw Chen Tianzhen's expression of enjoyment. On the sofa, he bid farewell to Chen Tianzhen with a stern expression.

During the ancient battlefield, the Ministry of War received a report from Changkong City that over 1000 villagers in Lizishu Village in Changkong City had their hearts ripped out overnight.

After Changkong City discovered the situation, it immediately reported to the Ministry of War!
Mu Yuantu considered that thousands of people would be killed or injured overnight, so it would definitely not work to let a small soldier who had just started the ten-style fierce soldier come, and Mu Yuantu was not at ease. Lielong followed. If Lielong couldn't solve the problem, with Chen Tianzhen around, he would have to kneel for any weirdness.

"Go, be careful! If you're not sure, don't do it yourself." Chen Tianzhen waved his hand and warned.

"Okay!" Lieutenant nodded solemnly and backed out.

Not long after Lielong left, Chen Tianzhen stood up from the sofa with a smile on his face, and walked leisurely to No. [-] Middle School, "I haven't seen Xu Min for a long time, I miss her."


Changkong City, No. 16 Middle School, Class [-] ([-]).

Behind Xu Min, the countdown hung up, and now it has become 3 days!
There are only three days before the college entrance examination!
Sitting on the podium, Xu Min looked at the energetic students below, and felt very happy and satisfied in her heart. At this moment, she couldn't help but think of Chen Tianzhen.

"If it weren't for Chen Tianzhen to record all the recordings of the course teaching, in class three (16) of high school, except for Liu Hai, no one's score would be on the key line!"

"Also, the college entrance examination is coming soon, why hasn't he come back yet?" Xu Min glanced at the admission ticket on the desk, Chen Tianzhen's admission ticket was put aside by herself, and the other people's ones had already been handed out just now .

After Chen Tianzhen went to the ancient battlefield, Liu Hai didn't know who leaked the recording. Liu Hai was so stubborn that he went back to class 16 of the third year of high school, staying here and not leaving!
Moreover, Liu Hai seemed to know that the recording was transmitted from Xu Xiaobing's hands. After returning, Liu Hai would follow Xu Xiaobing from morning till night, even going to the bathroom!
Xu Xiaobing was so annoyed by Liu Hai that he couldn't bear it directly, and other students were also urging him to play the recording, so he had no choice but to let Liu Hai take advantage of it, and played the recorded teaching content of the third year in the class. .

Chen Tianzhen's preparation of the recording teaching content for the third year of high school is not limited to the courses of the third year of high school, but expanded to cover the whole high school courses again systematically.

Although it is not as detailed and thorough as the courses in the first and second grades of high school, this recording is simply the right medicine for Liu Hai, and the help to him is like a finishing touch, immeasurable.

Originally, his academic performance was not bad, and he was able to pass the exams for key universities!

After listening to Chen Tianzhen's high school teaching recordings, his knowledge system has been improved qualitatively, and the next two class tests have also proved this point.

For the 750-point topic, Liu Hai's score has stabilized at around 680 points!With this score, it is a sure thing to be admitted to the top ten prestigious schools!

But, even with this result, it is also the bottom one in the third (16) class of senior high school!

"Students, tonight's class is over, and we are going to have a holiday! Three days later, it will be the day when you step into the examination room and thousands of troops will fight to cross the single-plank bridge! For others, it is a single-plank bridge, but for you, it is Broad road!" With a gentle smile on Xu Min's face, her eyes swept across the faces of all the students, except for Liu Hai, she liked the other students very much.

"I believe in your abilities, and I have tested many times before! I have confidence in everyone, so let's not talk about studying today!" In Xu Min's gentle smile, most of the students had hair on their faces. Smiling from the bottom of his heart, he raised his hand and applauded Xu Min vigorously.

Most people looked at Xu Min with gratitude and respect!
It was Teacher Xu who found the teaching recordings that allowed them to achieve today's grades. If it weren't for Teacher Xu Min, their current grades would probably not even pass the second exam!
Everything they are doing now is achieved with Xu Min's help!
Only bangs, with a trace of resentment and hatred in his eyes!
"If I could listen to the teaching recordings from the very beginning, I would be able to score at least 750 on the 730-point college entrance examination paper! In the class, I would definitely rank among the top five. It would definitely not be the same as it is now. Bottom of the class!" After many tests, his score was 680 points. In any school, any class, his scores are top-notch, but in Xu Min's senior three (16) class, his score is the bottom one. !

The classmates who were regarded as trash by him are all better than him, how can Liu Hai bear it.

"I will get poor grades, and I will embarrass myself in front of this group of garbage students in the class. It's all because of Xu Min, a bitch. She played the recording quietly, and she didn't tell me on purpose!" The more Liu Hai thought about it, the more Liu Hai felt The breath in my heart couldn't be swallowed, the anger that came out of my heart was burning wildly, and the hatred in my heart couldn't be suppressed no matter what.

He felt that everything that happened now was caused by Xu Min.

"I don't know if you have heard of a word, the test of courage?" Xu Min said with excitement on his face at this time. In the past few days, his younger brother Xu Xiaojin called her many times and said a lot about the test of courage. The lord of the dreamland, information related to the kingdom of the dreamland, to urge her to return to the magic capital quickly!
However, Xu Xiaojin seemed to have deliberately forgotten about Chen Tianzhen's matters, and did not explain to Xu Min.

Xu Min was tickled by Xu Xiaojin's dream kingdom of God, and wanted to go back in her dreams, but the students were about to take the college entrance examination, and she was the student in the class that she had supervised for a year, and the most critical time was coming soon, how could she I can't bear to leave.

So she decided that after the college entrance examination, she knew where her classmates were going, and then let go of her identities as teachers and students, and everyone gathered together like good friends, and it was not too late to separate.

"I've heard of it!" Squad leader Wen Penghai had a smug smile on his face. Seeing everyone's eyes focused on him, he felt even more proud, "My cousin lives in Shanghai!"

"Yesterday, when I called my cousin to inquire about the situation of Shanghai University, my cousin told me about the test of courage in detail. He said that the test of courage is an opportunity given to human beings by the Lord of Gods and Dreams!" Wen Penghai With his grades, he will definitely be able to go to Shanghai University. With his current grades, it is not the school that is choosing him, but he is choosing the school.

"What the hell is the Lord of the Dreamland?" At this time, most of the students, with blank expressions on their faces, felt that they knew all the words when they were spoken by class monitor Wen Penghai, but when put together, they seemed to be listening. It's like a bible, I don't understand what it means at all.

"Don't worry!" Squad leader Wen Penghai's smile became brighter, "Speaking of the Lord of the Dreamland, you must mention a few names! Understand the meaning of these names, and you will understand them naturally."

"God, Lord of Dreamland, Kingdom of Dreamland, Fate-Defying Panel, Path of the Extraordinary!"

Even Xu Min was attracted by the description of the squad leader Wen Penghai.

"The Lord of Dreams is the supreme god! He is great, holy, and kind, and he has mastered endless great power that can open up the world!"

"The Kingdom of Dreamland is a kingdom of God created in the void by the Lord of Dreamland with infinite divine power. That place is between reality and dreams, and it is everywhere!"

"The test of courage is an opportunity given to ordinary people by the lord of the dream. The lord of the dream pulls the souls of ordinary people into the Colosseum of the Kingdom of Dreams, and lets ordinary people and hungry wolves fight in the Colosseum! Obtain the qualification to transcend, become a rebel, and open the rebel panel! If you lose, you will be eaten by hungry wolves and suffer extreme pain!"

"Once you become a rebel and open the rebel panel, you can immediately embark on the path of the extraordinary. I heard that you can live forever, ride the clouds, move mountains and fill the sea. With these mythological abilities, as long as you embark on the path of the extraordinary, as long as you work hard Practice, and you can get it." Wen Penghai's eyes were full of extreme desire.

After hearing Wen Penghai's narration, other people's eyes widened one by one, with disbelief but also endless expectation in their eyes.


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(End of this chapter)

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