I can work indefinitely

Chapter 179 Chen Tian really can't do it

Chapter 179 Chen Tian really can't do it

Hearing Wen Penghai talk about gods, many students had doubts in their eyes. Years of education told them that gods are totems and do not really exist.

"Wen Penghai, you won't lie to us, will you? We are now talking about science, culture, and gods? Isn't this nonsense?"

Otherwise, when Xu Min mentioned the word "courage test" just now, what Wen Penghai said, they would definitely take it as a bragging joke.

"My cousin wouldn't lie to me! The teacher wouldn't lie to me either! Believe it or not, it's up to you!" Wen Penghai didn't explain or justify his classmates' questioning voice.

"Teacher, that's all I know! Teacher, I'm very interested in all the information about the Lord of Dreams. Can you tell me what you know?" Wen Penghai's eyes were full of longing. .

Wen Penghai felt that since Xu Min proposed the courage test, she should know more information.

Lord of Dreamland, Kingdom of Dreamland, Test of Courage, Rebel, Path of the Extraordinary!Since he knew this information, he has been frantically collecting relevant information on the Internet.

But in the recent period, the Internet has been intermittent, and I often can't get on the Internet. Even if I can, the speed of the Internet is terribly slow, and I can't query anything at all.

It is difficult to obtain information.

"Student Wen shared very precious information with us just now. Through the information he shared, we learned about the relationship between the test of courage, the master of the gods' dreams, the kingdom of dreams, and the road to the extraordinary." Looking at Wen Peng With Hai's thirsty look, Xu Min smiled and continued the topic.

"In addition to what classmate Wen just said, I will give you a general introduction to the information I know!"

"The test of courage is the means used by the Lord of Dreams to inspire the courage of ordinary people. As long as everyone can overcome the timidity in their hearts and muster up the courage, we can fight hungry wolves with bare hands!"

"After killing the wolf, you will be able to pass the test of courage! Then you will become a rebel in the Kingdom of Dreamland, open the path of the extraordinary, and practice martial arts!" Xu Min's eyes were full of yearning that could not be suppressed. It was Xu Xiaojin who told her that she also wanted to go to the Kingdom of Dreams and have a good experience.

"Students, I have heard many rumors recently that some people encountered ghosts at night, and some people saw people who had died for a long time appear. It was very scary! And I heard rumors that there are noses and eyes. It doesn't feel like a fake. In the future, everyone, the night can be Don't go out."

As soon as Xu Min's words fell, the classroom suddenly exploded.

Because, during this period of time, the legend of ghosts has spread wildly!
They heard rumors of ghosts from their classmates and family members, and even when they took the bus home, they could hear people chatting about ghosts on the bus.

Now even Xu Min is talking about this topic.

"Yesterday, an intersection on my way home was blocked by soldiers! It seems to say that as long as someone passes through the intersection, they will die for no reason the next day." A student's face was pale, and he met The strange incident was told.

"Speaking of which, there is a small vacant building next to my house. Soldiers have been standing guard there for the past few days! Yesterday my father told me that a fire broke out in that small building eight years ago, and all 17 members of the family died. It has not been abandoned. Recently, as soon as twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, red oil lamps will be lit, and there will be a lot of people inside, just like a small supermarket. I thought it was my dad who scared me..." A classmate, covered in She trembled, her face turned pale, and she felt chills all over her body.

Classmates, you say a word to me, and many timid classmates turn pale.

Quite a few female students couldn't help but huddled into a ball, trembling slightly, feeling extremely nervous and frightened.

"Students, if one or two people spread rumors, it's just rumors!"

"If everyone is talking about it, I'm afraid it's not as simple as rumors!" Although Xu Min didn't say it clearly, the students are not fools. After thinking for a while, they understood Xu Min's meaning. Terrified look.

"Teacher, what do you mean?" Wen Penghai said a little frightened, his voice trembling.

"That's what you guys think! I got the news about the preparation, and the rumors are true! There really are...!" Xu Min answered affirmatively.

All the students were frightened by Xu Min's words. They shrank their necks and tightened their necklines with their hands. Then they looked around in panic, as if something would suddenly appear around them.

"I heard from people in my family that the devil's capital is safe now, and after arriving in the devil's capital, you can take a courage test. As long as you pass the test, you can embark on the path of extraordinaryness! Master the power to kill ghosts and gods!"

"I suggest that, for the sake of future safety and for everyone to take care of each other in the future, everyone should apply for the University of Shanghai! I believe that as long as there are no accidents, all students in our class will have the ability to be admitted to University of Shanghai." Xu Min With pride in his eyes, he said that every student in the class has the ability to be admitted to Shanghai University. This is definitely the first time in history.

Although it was caused by Chen Tianzhen's recording teaching, Xu Min, as the head teacher of class 16 in the third year of high school, naturally felt that he had a bright face.

Most of the students have confident smiles on their faces!
"Mr. Xu, what you said is ambiguous! It's not right!" Liu Hai said with a sarcasm in his eyes, with resentment hidden in his eyes.

"You should say that all the students sitting in our class are capable of being admitted to Shanghai University!"

"Because there is another person in our class, and he is not here today! He is Chen Tianzhen!"

"Everyone knows that Chen Tianzhen's grades are very poor, and he can't even pass the college entrance examination. He took a long vacation a while ago and missed the opportunity to listen to the recording course! I guess, his current grades are still not enough to pass the college exam! " Liu Hai said with a sneer, with a hint of complacency in his eyes.

He wanted to take this opportunity to tell everyone that in Class 16 ([-]) of high school, there was a person at the bottom, Chen Tianzhen!

He wants to tell everyone that the worst thing is not his bangs, there is an even worse Chen Tianzhen!Hitting others and elevating oneself are Liu Hai's usual methods.

"It's a pity, Chen Tian is really useless! He missed the recording course, and he will never be able to get up for the rest of his life. He can only struggle at the bottom of society, and will never have the chance to enter the upper class." Wang Muxue shook his head, At this moment, she thought of Chen Tianzhen deliberately flipping through the book to attract her attention, and a trace of contempt flashed in her eyes.

Wang Muxue has never had a good impression of Chen Tianzhen, and now because of the teaching recording, the level of the two is like the gap between heaven and earth. Although they are at the same table, they are no longer on the same road.

"That's right, the one with the worst grades in our class is not Liu Hai, but Chen Tianzhen! We also have a classmate named Chen Tianzhen, and if Liu Hai didn't mention it, I almost forgot!" After being reminded by Liu Hai, everyone suddenly realized, Then a trace of disapproval flashed in their eyes, their current grades are all the pride of heaven, they can go to the best university, but what about Chen Tianzhen?
From their point of view, Chen Tianzhen, who missed the recording teaching, was a poor student who couldn't even pass the college entrance examination, and he was no longer at the same level as them.

Xu Min frowned immediately after hearing this, and looked at Liu Hai with disgust in his eyes.

If there were no teaching recordings recorded by Chen Tianzhen, there would be very few students in the class who would be able to enter the undergraduate course!They can achieve their current results all because of Chen Tianzhen's help!

The same is true for Liu Hai, without the teaching recordings recorded by Chen Tianzhen, Liu Hai can at most be admitted to a key university, not the best magic city university in Longguo now!

It can be said that Chen Tian is really everyone's benefactor!
It was Chen Tianzhen who changed everyone's fate.

But now, Liu Hai actually used the method of suppressing his benefactor to set off his strength and reflect his sense of superiority.

"Liu Hai, please be more polite to me. Compared with Chen Tianzhen, you are not even worthy to carry his shoes." Xu Xiaobing couldn't help it immediately, and stood up with an extremely ugly face. Everyone in the class except Xu Min , only he knew what was going on with Chen Tianzhen.

(End of this chapter)

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