I can work indefinitely

Chapter 180 Don't Go Too Much

Chapter 180 Don't Go Too Much

"What? I said that Chen Tianzhen is rubbish, you are very upset, aren't you?" Liu Hai's eyes flashed a sternness, pointing at Xu Xiaobing, his tone was particularly aggressive.

"Xu Xiaobing, then I'll just say it straight!"

"Chen Tian is really a piece of trash!"

"He is an orphan, no one to take care of him, poor! No money, low social status! No brains, never even try to get up! Moreover, he is also impulsive and irritable, he doesn't know the severity, and he doesn't know how long he can live." Liu Hai opened his mouth and came , without the slightest affection for a classmate, Chen Tianzhen became more than a beggar in his mouth, and garbage.

There was unconcealable anger in Xu Xiaobing's eyes, he clenched his fists tightly, and stared at Liu Hai, "Liu Hai, I'll give you a chance to apologize immediately!"

"If you don't apologize, I won't be Xu Xiaobing if I don't beat you until your mother can't recognize you today." Xu Xiaobing's voice was full of extreme anger.

"Liu Hai, no matter what, Chen Tianzhen is your classmate. It's too much for you to say that about Chen Tianzhen." Xu Min's voice also contained uncontrollable anger.

"Come on, come and hit me!" Liu Hai spread his hands and looked at Xu Xiaobing unscrupulously, "As long as you dare to move a finger on me, I will call the police immediately. When the time comes, will you be able to come out before the college entrance examination? Will you be able to participate?" I don't know about the college entrance examination!"

After Liu Hai finished speaking, he looked at Xu Xiaobing indifferently, his face full of extreme sarcasm.

What he said made Xu Xiaobing suddenly fall into a dilemma. If he really went to hit Liu Hai, he would really go inside and when he would come out, he was really not sure.

If you don't give Liu Hai, an ungrateful bastard, a few fists, Xu Xiaobing feels extremely uncomfortable in his heart.

Beating Liu Hai is one thing to vent his anger on Chen Tianzhen. Another thing is that he just uttered cruel words, as if the whole class said that if Liu Hai didn't apologize, he would beat him until his mother didn't know him. Now If he doesn't do it, he's afraid that he will become a joke in the third (16) class of high school in the future.

Xu Xiaobing clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, he couldn't beat him, he couldn't beat him, he was caught in a dilemma.

At this moment, outside the classroom, the sound of clear, powerful and regular footsteps, from far to near, came to the ears of the students, making everyone feel a heavy feeling of being out of breath.

"Could this sound come from the ghost that the teacher just said?" After some students whispered, the faces of many students suddenly turned pale, because the footsteps coming in from outside had a kind of The palpitating momentum was completely different from what they usually heard.

Immediately, the entire classroom fell silent, except for the sound of regular footsteps approaching.

Outside the door, Chen Tianzhen's eyes flashed with extreme coldness, and what Liu Hai said in class entered his ears verbatim.

He thought for a while, the coldness in the corner of his mouth was put away by him, he raised his hand and pushed, the classroom door opened slowly, and then he walked straight in.

Among the teachers, when they heard the unique sharp scratching sound of the classroom door opening, the girls were instantly covered with goosebumps and felt their hearts constrict and stop beating. Heroism, most of them held on to the fear in their hearts, clenched their fists tightly, and stared out the door.

"Damn, it's Chen Tianzhen! I thought it was a ghost! I was scared to death!" Seeing that the person who came in was Chen Tianzhen, most of the students were relieved and cursed secretly.

Unlike the others, when Liu Hai saw that Chen Tianzhen appeared, a lot of sweat suddenly broke out on his forehead. Because he was too nervous, he leaned back suddenly, and pushed the chair down, and he fell to the ground too!

The chair fell to the ground and squeezed to the surrounding desks, and the sound was suddenly scratchy. After a loud noise, Liu Hai was in a mess, lying on the ground like a tortoise with four ya and eight forked shells on the ground.

"This bastard, hasn't he already given up the college entrance examination? Why is he back?" Liu Hai cursed secretly in his heart.

Liu Hai always thought that Chen Tianzhen had given up the college entrance examination because of Chen Tianzhen's poor performance, and the so-called leave of absence was just a nice excuse.

He really didn't expect that Chen Tianzhen would come back, if he knew that Chen Tianzhen was going to come back and gave him some courage, he wouldn't dare to say that about Chen Tianzhen.

At this moment, Liu Hai was extremely nervous, struggling to get up from the ground with embarrassment.

Can you be nervous?
At the gate of Liu's villa, Chen Tianzhen used force to punish Sun Juncai, and the scene where Sun Juncai was so frightened that he fell to the ground with his buttocks is still vivid in my memory!

According to Liu Hai's "understanding" of Chen Tianzhen!
Chen Tianzhen is definitely a reckless man who can do anything on the spur of the moment. The most frightening thing is that Chen Tianzhen still has this ability to be reckless.

Amidst the loud noise, Chen Tianzhen turned his gaze to Liu Hai, and saw that Liu Hai's face was ugly, with shame, anger and horror in his eyes, and the smile on his face became very bright.

"Liu Hai, don't be so polite. When you saw me coming back, you were so excited that you fell off your chair. When did we have such a good relationship?"

"Oh, I see, you took my seat for yourself! Seeing me come back now, you are afraid that I will teach you a lesson, and you got up too fast, so you fell down?" Liu Hai's current position is Chen Tianzhen's previous seat !

"Or, you know, I heard what you said clearly outside, and when you saw me coming in, you were scared, so you fell off the chair in fright?" The more Chen Tianzhen said, the louder his voice became. Cold and severe, the ultimate murderous intent was all concentrated on Liu Hai alone.

Following Chen Tianzhen's words, the eyes of the students all shifted to Liu Hai, and many of them had gloating expressions in their eyes.

Liu Hai's face turned green and pale for a while, and when he saw Chen Tianzhen appearing, he immediately became timid, and didn't dare to say a word of cruelty to Chen Tianzhen, to compete with Chen Tianzhen in force?That's courting death!

At the gate of Liu's villa, he could see clearly that Sun Juncai's bodyguards, who were not easy to mess with at first glance, were blown out in an instant by Chen Tianzhen's hands.

He went up to make a gesture with Chen Tianzhen, and his tendons and bones were immediately injured!How dare he!
At this moment, seeing all the classmates looking at him, Liu Hai felt that all his face was lost at this moment.

Especially when Wang Muxue looked at him at the same table, Liu Hai's face turned red, and he didn't know where the courage came from, which made him speak angrily to Chen Tianzhen, "Chen Tianzhen, don't bully me too much!"

"I said you are an orphan, you are poor, am I wrong?"

"I said that you have no money and are an orphan, so your social status is low. Am I wrong?"

"I said that your grades are not good, and you can't pass the college entrance examination. Am I wrong?" Liu Hai said smoothly, and almost said the original words that were extremely insulting.

"I said that you are impulsive and irritable, and easily offend many people who shouldn't be offended. Am I wrong?" Liu Hai stiffened his neck and stared at Chen Tianzhen. He was indeed afraid of Chen Tianzhen's force, but this is a classroom. Naive should not dare to do it here.

Once Chen Tianzhen starts here, Chen Tianzhen will forget about the college entrance examination!
Now there are only 3 days before the college entrance examination, Chen Tianzhen came back at this time, no need to think about it, it must be to get the admission ticket to go to the college entrance examination, inferring from this, Chen Tianzhen probably won't do anything.

After thinking of this, Liu Hai's courage suddenly grew.

Chen Tianzhen looked at Liu Hai, as if he wanted to see a joke!
It's true that Chen Tian is really an orphan, but now he doesn't lack money at all, he can have as much money as he wants!As for status and power, it was above all else, even Ji Xingchen had to look him in the eye when making a decision.

The only priest of the gods, the reserve of the gods, the only existence beyond the world, these titles are not a joke.

As for the fact that his brain is not working well and he can't get into college, that's even more a joke!
The students in class 16 of the third year of high school, just listened to his teaching recordings, turned from poor students who could not pass the undergraduate exams to super academic masters who can rely on everything in the devil!
Also what Liu Hai said, Chen Tianzhen is impulsive and irritable, offending people who shouldn't be offended, after thinking about it, Chen Tianzhen found that he has indeed offended a Taoist, the blood sea world is not dry recently!

But does this have anything to do with the real world?In the real world, is there anyone whom Chen Tian really dare not offend?
In other words, does anyone dare to offend Chen Tianzhen without being afraid of death?

Chen Tianzhen thought about it, and suddenly laughed, and walked towards Liu Hai while laughing loudly, "Liu Hai, you have to correct your low-mindedness, otherwise, if you die that day, you may not even understand it. what happened!"

"Chen Tianzhen, what do you want to do? After all, it's a classmate, don't go too far!" At this time, Wang Muxue, who was sitting next to Liu Hai, had an expression of indifference and reluctance on her face, and spoke to Chen Tianzhen for her new love. The deskmate spoke.

 Push the book. . .

(End of this chapter)

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