I can work indefinitely

Chapter 181 Excessive

Chapter 181 Excessive
"Too much?" In Chen Tianzhen's eyes, a cold and stern light flashed away.

"Then I'll let you see what is really too much!" Chen Tianzhen took a step forward, his face extremely cold and stern, and walked towards Liu Hai with a terrifying murderous intent.

In her previous life, Wang Muxue chose to be with Liu Hai, and was finally offered by Liu Hai to an old monster in Tianshengmen in exchange for a chance to enter Tianshengmen. Wang Muxue was raped to death!

In his previous life, Liu Hai led [-] warriors from Changkong City into the formation arranged in advance by the monks of Tianshengmen.
In his previous life, Liu Hai took refuge in Tianshengmen and committed adultery. Countless compatriots died in his hands.

What is too much!

This is really too much!
In this life, if he had no skills, Chen Tianzhen would have died in Liu Hai's hands long ago. Liu Hai first arranged bodyguards to deal with him, then hired gangsters from outside to deal with him, and then tried to use Li Tianci's power to deal with him!
For Chen Tianzhen, in this world, no one is as exaggerated as bangs!
"Chen Tianzhen, don't be impulsive!" Xu Xiaojin quickly stood up from his seat and blocked the road nervously.

"I know you are very angry! But this is a classroom, and there are students watching. If you really beat this bastard, Liu Hai, to good or bad, you can't get rid of it!"

"Based on your grades, as long as there are no accidents, the college entrance examination is definitely the best in the country!"

"Don't ruin your future because of bastard Liu Hai!" Xu Xiaobing stretched out both hands, firmly pressed Chen Tianzhen's shoulders, and persuaded him earnestly and sincerely.

Chen Tianzhen is his best friend, he is afraid that Chen Tianzhen will make a big mistake on impulse!
"Even if we want to beat him, why don't we do it quietly!" Xu Xiaobing approached Chen Tianzhen and whispered in his ear.

"Xiao Bing, don't worry, I have my sense of proportion!" Chen Tianzhen looked at Xu Xiaobing in surprise, as if he was meeting Xu Xiaobing for the first time, he had never realized before that Xu Xiaobing would be so...insidious!
"Chen Tianzhen, don't be impulsive!" Xu Min ran down from the podium in a hurry at this time, and grabbed Chen Tianzhen, "I know you are capable! But this is a classroom, and the classroom is full of you. classmate!"

"I also hate Liu Hai. If you want to clean him up, I will support him with both hands! But not in the classroom, not before the college entrance examination! After the college entrance examination, let alone clean him up, even if you kill him, I don't care." Xu Min Approaching Chen Tianzhen, exhaling like blue, the voice was so low that only Chen Tianzhen could hear it.

Chen Tianzhen was messed up by Xu Min, not only his ears were itchy, but even his heart was itchy!

"Teacher Xu, don't worry, I'm just improving his memory today!" Anyway, the college entrance examination is only three days away, and it doesn't matter if you wait for such a long time.

Didn't Liu Hai keep saying that his academic performance was poor and he couldn't even pass the college entrance examination?

Isn't Liu Hai full of superiority because his grades are better than Chen Tianzhen's?
Then after the results come down, let Liu Hai understand what he is!
Then, send him to the west!
In this way, it is enough to relieve the anger!
"Meng Yin!" With a casual lift, Meng Yin flew out of Chen Tianzhen's hand and merged into everyone's souls.

"Master of the Dreamland, monitor Liu Hai's situation carefully." Chen Tianzhen ordered in his heart, pushed Xu Xiaobing and Xu Min to the sides, and he strode directly to Liu Hai.

"Chen Tianzhen, this is a classroom, what do you want to do?" Liu Hai looked at Chen Tianzhen striding over with a stern look, with a look of fear deep in his eyes.

"What are you doing? Naturally, I want you to have a better memory!" Chen Tianzhen stretched out his hand, like twisting a chicken, and raised Liu Hai with one hand.

"Let me tell you, this is a classroom with monitoring, don't go too far..." Liu Hai struggled frantically, trying to fall from Chen Tianzhen's hands, but found that all this was in vain. He was frightened, his face turned pale, and he kept struggling .

Chen Tianzhen raised his hand, and slapped Liu Hai's face, making a crisp sound.

On Liu Hai's face, a red slap mark appeared immediately.

"You..." There was a look of fury in Liu Hai's eyes, his voice was extremely cold and stern, and his face was extremely ferocious, like a wild beast that chooses and devours people.

With no expression on his face, Chen Tianzhen slapped Liu Hai again, and slapped back what Liu Hai wanted to say.

In the whole classroom, at the moment when Chen Tianzhen made a move, it seemed as if the mute button had been pressed. Everyone's eyes widened. Seeing Chen Tianzhen who made a decisive and merciless move, they were shocked.

"Chen Tian is so brave, he dared to hit someone directly in the classroom!"

"I didn't expect Chen Tianzhen to be so ruthless! He did what he said!" Some people shrank their necks, and Chen Tianzhen hit as soon as he said it. They really didn't expect such a decisive style.

"Liu Hai lost all his face this time!" Many people pointed to Liu Hai, who had an ugly face and tears in his eyes after being slapped several times by Chen Tianzhen.

"Actually, what Liu Hai said is true. Chen Tianzhen's personality is impulsive and irritable! With Chen Tianzhen's grades, he can't get into a good school. With this kind of personality, his life will never be easy in the future, and even If you’re not careful, you’ll be on the road to crime.”

Many students shook their heads when they saw this scene. Now Chen Tian is so brave and ruthless, using force to show off his fierceness, but his grades were not good, and he became angry from embarrassment, so he used his fists to teach Liu Hai a lesson.

However, this kind of personality will only make Chen Tianzhen offend people everywhere in his future life, making it difficult for him to move forward!This kind of character, if you don't pay attention, you will commit crimes!
"I remember that in the past, Chen Tianzhen was a boring gourd! He wasn't that irritable, and he wasn't that annoying." Many students shook their heads, not optimistic about Chen Tianzhen's personality change.

Liu Hai was slapped twice, staring at his eyes, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes!Because of the fear and embarrassment, as well as the grievance in his heart, the tears in his eyes flowed down uncontrollably. A big man, in front of everyone in the class, actually started to sob directly.

Liu Hai was slapped by Chen Tianzhen's two slaps, and he burst into tears!

"Chen Tianzhen, that's enough for you. Being a classmate, you're going too far!" Wang Muxue frowned and said in a very indifferent tone, "Just now, Liu Hai said a few words to you, and I think it's enough to be taught like this by you!"

She felt that Chen Tianzhen was going too far, Liu Hai just verbally said a few words to him, but Chen Tianzhen took advantage of his strength and picked him up to beat him, directly making Liu Hai cry!
Chen Tianzhen twisted Liu Hai's hand, and suddenly let go!

Liu Hai was unprepared for a moment and fell directly to the ground.

"Wang Muxue, I don't need you to talk nonsense when I do things! I do things for a reason!" Chen Tianzhen didn't even look at Liu Hai who fell to the ground. looked at Wang Muxue.

In her previous life, Wang Muxue's fate was extremely miserable because of her bangs helped by animals now!
"Chen Tianzhen, stay on the front line in life, we will meet again in the future! You and us are classmates, this is a bond of affection, I hope this bond can be kept forever, it will be good for your future!" Wang Muxue said, her voice said Chen Tian really intended to warn.

She felt that Chen Tianzhen's ability to be in Class Three (16) was a result of Chen Tianzhen's dozens of lifetimes of cultivation, because everyone in the class except Chen Tianzhen could go to Shanghai University. become the backbone of society.

Chen Tianzhen has a good relationship with them now, and he won't be able to get along in the future, so if he asks, maybe someone will help him.

If he is arrogant and domineering and annoying, then no one will even remember his friendship with his classmates, and at that time, no one will really help him.

(End of this chapter)

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