Chapter 182
With endless resentment in Liu Hai's eyes, after glancing at Chen Tianzhen, he ran out of the classroom on his own.

Chen Tianzhen sneered, now that Liu Hai has been integrated into Meng Yin by him, everything about Liu Hai is under Chen Tianzhen's control, if he wants his life, Chen Tianzhen only needs to move his mind, and he will die!

"Wang Muxue, please step aside, this is my position!" Chen Tianzhen watched Liu Hai run out, and said to Wang Muxue, who had an ugly face, with a cold voice.

Wang Muxue gave Chen Tianzhen a cold look, as if she saw a stranger, she sat sideways on her seat, she didn't even bother to look at Chen Tianzhen, she felt that Chen Tianzhen was completely worthless!

Chen Tianzhen didn't take it seriously, and sat down in his own seat.

"This?" At this time, approaching Wang Muxue, Chen Tianzhen's keen spiritual sense noticed the difference. He felt that the sparse spiritual energy in the air was continuously absorbed into the body by Wang Muxue.

"Wang Muxue's cultivation aptitude is so good? She has not practiced yet, but she can absorb spiritual energy spontaneously." Chen Tianzhen was surprised, "Let me see, her spiritual root attribute!"

"Insight!" The insight skill was activated instantly, and Wang Muxue's basic information, as well as the approximate value of the spiritual root, appeared in Chen Tianzhen's mind.

"Still a place?" Chen Tianzhen raised his eyebrows, this was not what he wanted to see, after sighing, he pretended he didn't see it, and checked other contents.

"The value of the spiritual root is about thirteen points! The highest is no more than twenty points!" After reading Wang Muxue's spiritual root attributes, Chen Tianzhen had doubts in his eyes. Let alone 20 spiritual root points, even 40 spiritual root points It's not worth it, and it won't let the aura actively penetrate into the body, which is very wrong.

Suddenly, Chen Tianzhen became interested!

In order to find out why, he merged his thoughts into Wang Muxue's body through dream induction!
"Huh? All the spiritual energy has gone to the palm below the dantian!" Sensing the whereabouts of the spiritual energy, Chen Tianzhen was even more surprised. His mind followed the spiritual energy, flowing and moving in Wang Muxue's body.

"This..." Soon, Chen Tianzhen came to the extremely dark part of Wang Muxue's body. According to his perception, the spiritual energy hovered in this place, forming a bottomless vortex, like the eyes of the sea. A powerful attraction emerges from it.

Under the action of this force, the aura from the outside world fell into the depths of the vortex and turned into pure extreme yin vitality.

"Fire physique!" Now, Chen Tianzhen was shocked, he had never eaten pork, but he had seen pigs running, and he also got a lot of news based on hearsay in his previous life.

Among them is the description of the furnace physique!
The abnormality of Wang Muxue's body was completely consistent with the information Chen Tianzhen knew.

"According to the monks of Tianshengmen, every furnace is a gift from heaven and earth, and it is a great creation. The double cultivation not only feels mysterious, but also close to the Tao, and in the double cultivation, it can also capture the extreme Yin vitality in the opponent's body. !"

"Extreme Yin vitality has a purifying effect on any true essence!"

"The furnace cauldron is a treasure of cultivation. As long as you don't use it crazily, it is equivalent to bringing a true essence purification machine! With the furnace cauldron, there will be no unstable state or madness." Chen Tian was heartbroken Amazing.

Although according to the description of the furnace, Wang Muxue basically had no effect on Chen Tianzhen himself, but the power of the furnace shocked Chen Tianzhen.

"The physique of the cauldron is not something that ordinary people can bear. Without a strong cultivation base, no one can resist the suction of the sea eye vortex."

"As long as there is an intimate relationship with her, under the strong suction, Yuan Yang can't hold it in an instant, and will pour out. As time goes on, his figure will become thinner and his vitality will be dried up day by day." Thinking of this, Chen Tian really seemed to understand why Liu Hai will dedicate Wang Muxue to the boss.

Understanding the situation, Chen Tianzhen's thoughts returned to his body in an instant, and there was a strange light in his eyes looking at Wang Muxue.

This aggressive gaze made Wang Muxue feel uncomfortable all over, as if she was standing in front of Chen Tianzhen with her clothes off, feeling that she had no secrets to speak of.

"Chen Tianzhen, this is a note from Xu Xiaobing!" At this moment, the students in the front row handed the rolled up paper to the table in front of Chen Tianzhen, and spoke in a low voice.

"Thank you." Chen Tianzhen raised his eyebrows, spread out the paper, and put it in front of him, the rough words appeared in front of Chen Tianzhen's eyes.

Chen Tianzhen:
During your leave, I made a bet with Wang Muxue on your behalf!

She said that as long as you can be admitted to Modu University, you can ask her anything! !

Note that there is no limit to any request!You know, you can mention anything!Anything that is too much can be mentioned!

She also said that if she doesn't fulfill your request, let her whole family die!

How to do it, I don't need to teach you!
"Shameless!" Wang Muxue's eyes scanned the words on the paper, her face turned red instantly, she didn't know if it was from anger or shame!
"Hehe!" Chen Tianzhen showed a smile on his face, and gave a thumbs up to Xu Xiaobing who was winking back.

"What are you laughing at?" Wang Muxue's face was cold and her voice was extremely indifferent.

"You made the bet willingly, and you said the curse yourself. Excuse me, why am I shameless?" Chen Tianzhen looked Wang Muxue up and down with a strange smile in his eyes.

"What are you laughing at? There is a beautiful woman delivered to your door for free, even a man can laugh." Chen Tianzhen's smile became even brighter.

Wang Muxue usually has a cold expression on her face. I don't know if she was so cold when... Chen Tianzhen was just curious, he was really just curious.

"Chen Tianzhen, stop dreaming, you won't even be able to pass the college entrance examination, if you want to be admitted to Shanghai Magic City University, you won't be able to do so in your next life!" Everyone could see the mockery and contempt in Wang Muxue's eyes.

"Let's wait and see!" Chen Tianzhen was not angry, and looked at Wang Muxue with a smile.

"You're dreaming!" Wang Muxue gritted her teeth and spit out each word. According to her understanding of Chen Tianzhen's strength, Chen Tianzhen would definitely not be admitted to a junior college, let alone the Shanghai University.

But seeing Chen Tianzhen's confident appearance now, she felt a little bit in her heart, and had a very bad feeling, "He must be pretending, he must be pretending to scare me."

"The college entrance examination will be in three days! The score will be estimated after two days! Is it a dream? You will understand soon!" The smile on Chen Tianzhen's face became brighter and brighter.

"By the way, are you ready in five days?" The light in Chen Tianzhen's eyes became more and more strange, he lowered his voice, narrowed his eyes, and asked Wang Muxue.

convenient?These words sounded like a muffled thunder in Wang Muxue's soul.

Her eyes widened in an instant, and a young girl's shyness instinctively appeared on her face, and she blushed.

Immediately afterwards, her heart beat violently, and she looked at Chen Tianzhen with extremely terrified eyes, imagining seeing an evil demon.

Although she is an innocent little girl, these days, the little girl does not necessarily know less than other people, and even some strange knowledge has more than ordinary people.

She understands the meaning of Chen Tian's truth!

Is it convenient after five days?This sentence is obviously playing hooligans!He was telling her that in five days, Chen Tian really wanted to *her!
"Chen Tianzhen, you're dreaming!" Wang Muxue's face was extremely indifferent. For a low-level person like Chen Tianzhen, if she wanted to kiss Fangze, and it was her first time, it would be impossible for her to die.

For the first time in her fantasy, the person she fantasized about was infinitely more noble than a lower class like Chen Tianzhen!
Even bangs barely meet her requirements!

"You can't be admitted to Shanghai University! You don't have this life! You don't deserve this life either!" Wang Muxue's face was cold and her voice was extremely cold.

"Stove cauldron!" Chen Tianzhen smiled, the brighter the smile on his face, the calmer his eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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