I can work indefinitely

Chapter 184 Extremely dangerous

Chapter 184 Extremely dangerous
Lielong stood in the square of Lizishu Village, holding the saber tightly in his hand, his face was extremely serious, his eyes looked around, and he was very vigilant.

"How, did you find anything?"

Two young warriors who had just started the Ten Styles of Fierce Soldiers came out to practice with Lielong. Just now, Lielong took them from the village to the end of the village. Along the way, there were houses in the style of small villas, and the corpses of villagers were everywhere in the square. .

After Changkong City discovered the situation in Lizishu Village, it immediately reported to the Ministry of War. For the safety of others and to check the specific situation, Changkong City kept Lizishu Village as it was and did not move anyone's corpse.

"I didn't find anything special!" The soldier Xiaodai's face was pale, with extreme murderous intent in his eyes. After walking around Lizishu Village, he found that no matter whether it was a newborn baby or a gray-haired old man, they were all dead!

Everyone had extremely painful expressions on their faces, as if they had been tortured like hell before they died.

"Instructor Dragon Hunter, I found that the corpses on the west side are a little different from those in other places." Warrior Xiaowang said with certainty.

"Xiao Wang, tell me!" Hunter Long's eyes lit up, and asked the warrior Xiao Wang to talk about the specific situation.

"I found that in the west, there are more than ten corpses. The wounds on their chests should have been cut open by a sharp weapon first, and then pulled away by someone's hand, and finally the heart was taken out." Warrior Xiaowang meeting There was fear in the eyes of those corpses.

"Dragon hunting instructor, except for the corpse in the west, the other corpses are the same as this corpse. There is a head-sized hole in the chest, clothes, muscles, and bones, which seems to be extremely corrosive. The clothes, muscles, and bones inside were corroded together." Beside Xiao Wang, there happened to be the corpse of a middle-aged man.

"What about the others?" Lielong looked at Xiao Wang and continued to ask.

"Others, I didn't find out either!" Xiao Wang shook his head.

"Xiao Dai, please inform the relevant personnel in Changkong City to deal with the corpse in Lizishu Village first! If the corpse is left untreated for a long time, it will easily cause other problems." Lieutenant thought for a while, and ordered, and after only one day, There was a smell coming from the corpse; the disgusting stench, if left undisturbed, might even cause a plague.

Immediately afterwards, the hunting dragon stomped down, like a rocket, and easily jumped onto the edge of the square, on top of a small three-story building.

"Let me see what is causing the trouble!" A fierce light flashed in Zunlong's eyes, and the swastika glyph flashed in his eyes.

"Huh?" Lielong first looked around the village as a whole. After finding nothing, he jumped on the roof like a streamer, and looked all over Lizishu Village, but still found nothing.

"Death, ghost, evil, none? It's impossible!" Lieutenant frowned tightly, and his strange appearance was definitely accompanied by one of them, but he looked all over Lizishu Village, but there was nothing Find!

This situation has gone beyond his cognition.

"Isn't it weird? Or is it a new and unknown weirdness?" Lieutenant was worried, and carefully looked through every corner of the entire Lizishu Village again, but he still didn't find any evil spirits. His brows were deeply frowned. Sichuan character.

"Such a cruel method and such a fast speed, ordinary people will never be able to do it, it must be weird!"

The hearts of more than 1000 people were hollowed out, and none of them showed signs of resistance and fighting before they died.

Except for some pieces of meat and blood on the side of the corpse on the west side of the village, no blood was found around the corpse in other places.

This is obviously very abnormal.

How hard is the heart beating?If the heart is punctured, the huge pressure brought by the contraction of the heart will instantly press the blood in the heart like a high-pressure water gun, spraying it everywhere.

The Ten Forms of Dragon Hunting and Fierce Soldiers have now been cultivated to the level of Dzogchen. His observation ability is a hundred times that of ordinary people, but he did not find a trace of blood around the corpse.

"Instructor, look at these minced meat, does it look like we accidentally ate and spilled it when we were eating..." In the evidence bag twisted in Xiao Wang's hand, there is the minced meat they found next to the corpse on the west side , the more he looks, the more he resembles it!Suddenly, a chill came out of his heart

Lielong's eyes were fixed, and he looked carefully, and found that the edge of the collected minced meat really looked like it had been eaten by people. Seeing this, his pupils shrank suddenly, like falling into an ice cellar.

"No, this matter must be reported to the master immediately!"

"No matter what this murderous thing is! It is an extremely dangerous existence!"

"I can't find any trace of this thing yet. If I run into the urban area, the consequences..." Thinking of this, Hunting Dragon dared not delay. He called two warriors, took the collected minced meat, and started to walk. go back.


Chen Tianzhen had already arrived at the door of Xu Min's room, with blazing flames in his eyes, his body was hot, and he was about to open the door and enter.

At this moment, a hasty knock came from the door.

Chen Tianzhen frowned, as if he didn't hear it, and after pausing for a moment, he pushed towards Xu Min's room door again. Compared to what happened outside the door, he wanted to go inside Xu Min's room...

An even stronger knock on the door sounded like a drumbeat from outside the door, followed by the anxious voice of Hunting Dragon, "Master, please open the door. The situation in Lizishu Village is very serious, and you need to take action, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous." !"

After returning from Lizishu Village, Lielong first went to Chen Tianzhen's home, but he didn't see anyone. Through the special means of the Ministry of War, he found that Chen Tianzhen didn't go home at all, but came directly to Xu Min's home.

Thinking of the miserable situation in Lizishu Village, Lielong bite the bullet and came to look for it.

At this moment, the door of Xu Min's room was opened from the inside. Xu Min blushed slightly, and said with some reproach, "Chen Tianzhen, what are you doing standing here? Go and open the door!"

In fact, Xu Min had already passed the courage test for quite some time. After passing the courage test, she didn't stay in the dream kingdom for a second, and came out of the dream kingdom directly.

Lie quietly on the bed, prick up your ears, and listen to the movement outside with extreme nervousness.

When she heard that Chen Tianzhen was getting closer and closer to her room, her palms were covered with sweat, and because she was shy, she covered her head under the quilt, feeling hot all over and her heart beating wildly.

Both scared and nervous!There is still hope!
But at this moment, someone knocked on the door?The first time she knocked on the door, Xu Min heard that Chen Tianzhen didn't even move her footsteps, but quietly stood at her door, pretending that there was no one in the room, which made Xu Min feel very funny.

Immediately afterwards, there was an even louder knock on the door, and at the same time came the anxious voice of Hunter Dragon. When Xu Min heard that Chen Tianzhen was still motionless, did not make a sound, pretended that he was not there, and at the same time laughed in his heart, he couldn't help it. Dare to ignore it like Chen Tianzhen, she quickly got up from the bed.

"Don't come early, don't come late! Come at this time, the bastard Zunlong is here to destroy me!" Chen Tianzhen gritted his teeth, "Although I have only learned something from Master Gu for a day, but fortune-telling, I am a A little too."

"If there is no very special event today, I'm sure, there will be a bloody disaster in the dragon hunting!"

Chen Tianzhen's face was extremely ugly, and he reluctantly walked towards the door.

(End of this chapter)

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