I can work indefinitely

Chapter 185 Blood River True Qi

Chapter 185 Blood River True Qi

Chen Tianzhen's face was dark, and after he opened the door a gap, his unhappiness was directly written on his face.

"Master, I'm sorry to bother you, there is..." Lie Long saw Chen Tianzhen's expression, and his heart skipped a beat, feeling bad!But thinking of the terrifying scene in Lizishu Village, he could only bite the bullet and speak.

"Since you know I'm bothering you, are you still here?" Chen Tianzhen stared straight at the hunting dragon, with extreme anger in his voice.

"Master, I don't want to come either, but the situation is very urgent. The murderer killed more than 1000 villagers in Lizishu Village, and the ghost thing that took out the hearts of more than 1000 villagers has disappeared!" Looking at Chen Tianzhen's expression, he wanted to eat Looking like a person, Lieutenant's heart was beating with fright, and he quickly expressed the urgency of the matter to Chen Tianzhen.

"Chen Tianzhen, please come in the dragon hunting instructor. What are you doing at the door?" Seeing that Chen Tianzhen just opened the door a crack to block the hunting dragon, Xu Min secretly scolded Chen Tianzhen for being a hooligan, and hurried to Chen Tianzhen. On the innocent side, open the door.

"Dragon hunting instructor, please come in!" Xu Min gave way with a decent smile.

"Well, Mr. Xu, you're busy, so I won't go in. Just a few words, it won't take much time, so there's no need to go in." Seeing Chen Tianzhen's cannibalism, Zunlong even ate the bear. Heart leopard dare not go in.

"Master, it's like this..." Lie Long had a solemn face, and told Chen Tianzhen in detail about the sobriety he saw in Lizishu Village.

"You said that the hearts of all the corpses have disappeared! But the blood of the corpses has not disappeared, but remains in the blood vessels of the corpses?" After listening to the report of the hunting dragon, Chen Tianzhen's face became very serious. He asked with a cold light.

"Yes!" After thinking for a while, Zunlong nodded affirmatively!
Then he handed the evidence bag with the minced meat in front of Chen Tianzhen, with a very heavy voice, "Master, we found this at the scene, if we guessed correctly, it should be the heart minced meat of the villagers! "

Chen Tianzhen took the evidence bag over, and the moment his gaze fell on the minced meat, his pupils suddenly shrank, and an uncontrollable chill emerged from his heart.

His powerful body gave him an unparalleled sense of smell. Even through the evidence bag, Chen Tianzhen could smell that the minced meat was human flesh, and it was also the flesh of the human heart.

The jagged edges of the minced meat, with the marks left by the unique human teeth after biting together!
At this moment, Chen Tianzhen was absolutely certain that the minced meat found in Lizishu Village was the minced meat that fell from his mouth when he was chewing his heart!

Suddenly, a thought flashed through Chen Tianzhen's mind!
"Hunting Long, you just said that all the corpses have a big hole in their chest, and the clothes, muscles, and bones around the hole all look black, as if they were burnt?" Chen Tianzhen's face was grim. To the extreme, his eyes were fixed on the hunting dragon.

He specially took out the human heart and directly corroded the human body. The more he listened to this situation, the more he felt familiar.

He has seen this method in his previous life!

In the Heavenly Sacred Gate, the Blood River True Qi cultivated by the Blood God Son lineage!
That's it!

In the early stage of cultivation, Blood River True Qi only needs to devour the blood in the human heart to complete it.

This stream of blood river true energy is fierce and extremely corrosive. As long as you attach the true energy to the palm of your hand and lightly press it on someone else, a circular wound will be blasted out on the other person's body. The edge of the wound seemed to be scorched.

"Master, you're right! That's how it is! The area around the wound looks black, exactly the same as it was after it was burnt!" The hunting dragon's eyes were full of admiration. He obviously didn't say anything, but Chen Tian really listened. After a few words, it was like being there.

In Chen Tian's heart, the extremely intense murderous intent could no longer be suppressed, it was extremely violent!
"The bastard of Tianshengmen!"

"I haven't sought revenge on you yet!"

"You guys ran over here first to seek death!"

"Okay, great!"

"In the previous life, you Tianshengmen treated us human beings as domestic animals and slaughtered them in captivity!"

"In this life, I will let you bear the pain of my previous life ten times, a hundred times." After confirming that the other party is someone who possesses the blood river true energy, the killing intent in Chen Tian's heart cannot be suppressed, but under this extreme killing intent Next, he became more sober.

"The person who can grasp the True Qi of the Blood River is definitely a monk of the Heavenly Sacred Sect!"

"At this stage, the degree of spiritual energy recovery is not high, and those who can pass through space cracks are definitely not powerful monks!"

"Xielong said that in the west of Lizishu Village, there are more than a dozen corpses, and their chests were cut open by weapons. That means that when he first appeared, he didn't have any cultivation base, and he was rebuilding the Blood River True Qi!" Countless thoughts flashed through Chen Tian's heart.

"Blood River True Qi depends on devouring people's heart and blood to practice. It is absolutely impossible for him to hide forever. As long as he cultivates, he will definitely come out to harm people." Chen Tianzhen's eyes flickered with extreme tyranny.

"As long as he dares to come out... I will kill his body first, and then refine his soul." In Chen Tianzhen's eyes, an extremely cold light flashed, and that icy breath made the hunting dragon standing beside him And Xu Min, instantly covered in goose bumps.

"By refining the other party's soul and extracting memory information, I can just know the specific situation of the Tianshengmen after the space crack! Prepare for me to enter the world where the Tianshengmen is located!" In Chen Tianzhen's eyes, a blood-red light flickered , Passive defense is not his style. In the ancient battlefield, he dared to send an idea into the unknown Blood Sea Realm. How could Chen Tianzhen let go of the Tianshengmen, who knew everything about it.

"Master, look, what should we do next?" Hunting Dragon asked cautiously.

"Longhunting, this matter is very urgent. If my guess is correct, the tragedy in Lizishu Village was not caused by weirdness, but man-made!" Chen Tianzhen's voice was deep and powerful, and his expression was extremely solemn!
"Sure enough!" When he saw the minced meat, Lieutenant guessed it in his heart, but he was not sure.

"Do you remember the future I told you about? Changkong City, Tiansheng Gate!"

"This person should have come from the Tiansheng Gate behind the space crack!"

"The method he used to kill the villagers, if I'm not wrong in my judgment, should be the signature skill of the Blood God Son lineage in the Tiansheng Sect, Blood River True Qi!" Chen Tianzhen's face was stern, and his voice was extremely stern.

"What? Didn't you say that it will take three years for the monks of Tianshengmen to come to our world?" The hunting dragon's eyes were full of shock, and he was directly shocked by the news Chen Tianzhen said.

"No matter how he came here, he has come now! Since he is here, we must treat him well as a landlord!"

"When he is in our hands, he should be happy to tell us how he got here. Now we don't need to worry about these details! The most important thing is to find this person in a short time!"

As for how to find this person, Chen Tianzhen has already thought of a way!
The other party is a monk from the Heavenly Sacred Sect, who is still practicing Blood River True Qi. Blood River True Qi is an evil skill. It is very powerful and the speed of cultivation is also very fast. As long as you swallow enough blood from your heart, you can quickly improve.

But all evil skills have flaws, and Blood River True Qi naturally also has flaws.

Chen Tianzhen just happened to know what would happen after cultivating Blood River True Qi!Where is its flaw!
As long as you practice the Blood River True Qi, [-] days is a reincarnation, starting from swallowing the first heart, you must swallow the heart of a living person again within [-] days.

If the heart of a living person is not devoured on time, the Blood River True Qi will form a blood catastrophe in the body!
Blood Tribulation attack, extremely painful!

That kind of pain is simply not something a living being can bear. When the blood catastrophe occurs, even if the beloved, parents, wife and children are around, they will not be able to resist killing, tearing open the chest, and devouring the heart!
(End of this chapter)

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