Chapter 186
"Longhunting, finding this Heavenly Sacred Sect cultivator is the most urgent task now! If he is allowed to wander outside, with the evil power of the Blood River True Qi, countless people will be killed by him refining their hearts with the Blood River True Qi! He You can also use this to cultivate even more terrifying Blood River True Qi!" Chen Tianzhen's expression was very serious.

"Master, just tell us what we should do!" Lieutenant looked solemn in his eyes and solemn in his voice.

After the incident in Lizishu Village, Lielong has a clear understanding of the cruelty of the Tianshengmen cultivators. He took away thousands of lives just for the sake of cultivation. Treat people not as humans, but as animals.

"In the huge sky city, if you want to find a monk who is deliberately hidden and still has a strong cultivation base, it is almost impossible by conventional methods!" Chen Tianzhen continued.

"But this cultivator of Tianshengmen is too much of a threat to the people of Changkong City!"

"The only way to find this cultivator is to use the power of the Lord of Dreams." Chen Tianzhen's expression was extremely serious.

"I have received an oracle, the great dream master is willing to help us!"

Hunting Dragon's eyes became brighter and brighter. When he heard that the god was willing to help, his eyes flashed with uncontrollable joy. With the greatness of the god's dream master, as long as he makes a move, he can kill the monks of the Tianshengmen with a single look !

"The lord of the dreamland is indeed a great and kind deity! With his action, any existence will be killed instantly!" Hunting Dragon said with awe and fanaticism in his eyes.

"Hunting dragon, you are overthinking! The lord of the dream world said that he will not take action directly. Only human beings can save mankind!" At this moment, Chen Tianzhen said coldly, destroying the dream of hunting dragon.

"The help of the master of the dream is only to help us identify who is the monk of the Tianshengmen! It is not to directly kill the monks of the Tianshengmen!"

A trace of disappointment flashed in Hunter Dragon's eyes, but in an instant, the disappointment was suppressed by him, "Master, could it be that the master of the dreamland of the gods will tell us the location of the monks of the Tianshengmen?"

"No!" The corners of Chen Tianzhen's mouth twitched. The so-called master of the dream was actually himself. If he knew where the cultivators of the Tianshengmen were, he would have rushed out to kill people before he could get a hunting dragon to ask him a question.

The reason why he told Hunter Dragon that the Lord of Dreamland would help him was because he needed Hunter Dragon to do something for him!

Spread Dreams!

As long as the dream is planted, no one will have any secrets in front of Chen Tianzhen!

The same is true for the monks of Tianshengmen. As long as there is a dream guide falling on him, there is no need for the dream guide to merge into his soul, and the dream master can immediately find out.

If you rush out now, you will be like a headless chicken. Trying to find the monks of Tianshengmen is no different from finding a needle in a haystack.

On the contrary, it is the most reliable method to actively spread Mengyin with peace of mind.

"Master, could it be that the master of the gods and dreams will tell us the appearance of the monks of the Tianshengmen?" A trace of disappointment flashed in the eyes of Hunter Long, but he still did not give up and continued to speak.

"No!" Chen Tianzhen replied firmly, before Lielong could ask another question, he said directly, "Liulong, you have passed the test of courage, you are a rebel who dreamed of the Kingdom of God!"

"When you go out from Xu Min's house, every person you meet, go up and touch the center of the other person's forehead! The God of Dreams will give you feedback on whether the other person is a cultivator of the Heavenly Sacred Sect!"

"Whether you can find the cultivator of Tianshengmen in a short time depends on whether you can touch everyone in Changkong City in a short time." Chen Tianzhen took a meaningful look at Lielong. In fact, spreading Mengyin only needs to contact the other party , There is no need to touch other people's hands at all.

However, Hunting Dragon came at an inopportune time today, which interrupted his good deeds. He was in a bad mood, so he made such a fuss on purpose.

"Master, it's okay for me to touch it! You let me touch the woman's eyebrows, I'm afraid it's not good? I will be regarded as a hooligan!" Hunting Dragon squirmed, and in the rough voice, he even brought Already... shy? !

Only then did Chen Tianzhen remember that the guy in front of him is now over 40 years old, and besides himself, he has not found a second girlfriend so far!
When he was about to tell the truth to Lielong and teach him to squeeze in crowded places, Lielong spoke up.

"However, this is a task arranged by the gods. I am not afraid even if it is going up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire. In order to find the monks of the Tianshengmen, let alone touch the center of other people's eyebrows, even if it is to touch..., Master , Don’t worry, I’ll take over this task! I’ll definitely do it for you!” Suddenly, Hunting Dragon seemed to have thought of something, and his voice carried the firm determination that I would not go to hell, who would go to hell, with a generous and righteous expression on his face .

But the more Chen Tianzhen listened, the more something was wrong, because there was a hint of joy and excitement in the voice of Hunting Dragon!
"Master, it's not too late. In order to find out the monks of Tianshengmen as soon as possible, and for the safety of the people in Changkong City, I will follow your instructions and find someone to touch!" After finishing this sentence, Lielong was extremely eager, and did not wait. Chen Tianzhen replied, turned around instantly, and strode out with extreme excitement in his eyes.

Wait, according to my instructions, find someone to touch?The more I hear this, the more I feel something is wrong!

What Chen Tianzhen said clearly was to touch others, but why did it turn into looking for someone to touch when it was in the mouth of the hunting dragon?
? !
Chen Tianzhen looked at the hunting dragon who was striding forward in surprise, "Liulong, there is something wrong with you! I didn't expect that you are such a hunting dragon!"

Suddenly, a terrible idea popped up in Chen Tianzhen's mind, and he hurriedly shouted at Lielong, "Liulong, everyone is only allowed to touch once, the people marked on the Fate Rebel panel don't need you to touch them." Also, don’t go to other people’s baths or toilets to touch them! You can’t even go to other people’s rooms to touch them!”

Chen Tianzhen felt that it was necessary to warn, otherwise Zhelong would rush into other people's boudoirs and fumble around, saying that he came here according to Chen Tianzhen's order, and that the blame was too dark and too big for him to recite!

The cheerful footsteps of the hunting dragon suddenly stopped, and then rushed forward at an even faster speed.

Is this what people can say? !

If someone else hears it, they will definitely misunderstand him as a pervert!
The hunting dragon's face was extremely frightened, if he could beat Chen Tianzhen, he would definitely press Chen Tianzhen on the ground and rub hard!Let him be a good person in the future!

"Small belly! The master is too stingy! Didn't he knock on the door just now and interrupt his good business, as for saying that about me!" Lie Long cursed secretly in his heart.

"Xijin International Shopping Mall is the most prosperous shopping mall in Changkong City with the most young people. Many celebrities, ladies, models, and female stars like to shop there. Let me start here." Walking on the street, Chasing the Dragon Without hesitation, Xijin International Shopping Mall was chosen as the first stop.

In fact, what Lieutenant Dragon cares about is not celebrities, ladies, models, or actresses. The most important factor for him to choose this place is that there are many people here at night, which allows him to start working immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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