I can work indefinitely

Chapter 187 Cultivate feelings in advance

Chapter 187 Cultivate feelings in advance
On the day of the college entrance examination, before dawn, Chen Tianzhen looked relaxed, and Xu Min also walked out of the house with a face full of spring breeze and eyes like water.

After Chen Tianzhen came to Xu Min's home, they never came out. In the end, Xu Min was put on the base by Chen Tianzhen. After eating and learning, the two were obsessed with exploring the mysteries of life and the origin of life.

Chen Tianzhen didn't even bother to take the college entrance examination!How can it be fun to explore the mysteries of life in the college entrance examination?
This morning, Xu Min refused Chen Tianzhen's proposal to take the exam with great difficulty, and then got up.

"Chen Tianzhen, take the exam well! You passed the exam, I have a bright face!" Seeing other students taking the college entrance examination appeared on the road, Xu Min looked at Chen Tianzhen with a charming look in his eyes. .

"Don't worry! Little Kesi!" In the past, Chen Tianzhen was sure of getting a perfect score in the exam, let alone now.

As more and more people passed the test of courage, a large amount of knowledge entered the scripture pavilion of the Kingdom of God in the Dreamland.

With the Sutra Pavilion as the support, there must be people in the world who have more advanced knowledge than Chen Tianzhen in certain fields, but that is only a very small number.

In terms of the breadth of knowledge, no one can compare with Chen Tianzhen in the real world for 1 years.

It's just a college entrance examination, if it's not to make up for the regrets of the previous life, if it's not to make Xu Min look good, he would be too lazy to come.

"By the way, when will your invigilation end? Is it twelve o'clock at noon? I'll wait for you when I finish the exam." Chen Tianzhen had a lecherous expression in his eyes, and he didn't want to let it go during the lunch break!
In order for Xu Min to have the ability to fight for a long time, Chen Tianzhen also spent a lot of money.

Through the teaching skills, he taught her the practice of the ten moves of the fierce soldier to her, and then integrated her with the introductory runes of the ten moves of the fierce soldier. A strand of it was introduced into Xu Min's body, slowly but firmly transforming Xu Min's body.

After three days of practice and entertainment, Xu Min's cultivation has reached the level of internal organs!

"I don't rest at noon! I'm at school! I have to sort out the test papers in the afternoon! Don't think about these all day long! Take the exam well, and I'll be leaving first!" Xu Min's voice was a little hoarse, and there was a hint of shyness in his eyes

There is an old saying that there are only exhausted cows, but no plowed fields, but this sentence is not used at all by Chen Tianzhen, he is simply a tireless machine, a mad cow who only knows how to plow.

Now Xu Min's body is a hundred times stronger than it was at the beginning, but she is also afraid to meet Chen Tianzhen like this!
After saying this, she walked in through the passageway of the examination staff as if fleeing.

"Chen Tianzhen, you are amazing!" Not far away, Xu Xiaobing saw Chen Tianzhen and Xu Min walking together, his admiration and envy were directly written on his face.

After passing the courage test, Xu Xiaobing knew the identity of Chen Tianzhen's dream priest. He was so excited that he ran to Chen Tianzhen's house in the middle of the night, wanting to confirm with Chen Tianzhen!

It's a pity that I didn't meet anyone!

Call, phone off!

It was only later in the Dream Kingdom that Xu Xiaobing ran into the dragon hunting instructor, and only then did he know that Chen Tianzhen had already lived in Xu Min's house.

A lonely man and a lonely girl live in the same room, and they are still young, what will happen, even a fool will understand!
Dry firewood burns instantly!
Can take down a beautiful female teacher, the impact on a high school boy can be imagined!

"You can even win the teacher, Chen Tianzhen, you are my idol!" Xu Xiaobing strode over, his face full of admiration, and his voice was filled with uncontrollable envy.

"What do you mean by taking it down? It's so ugly, Xu Min and I, that's true love! What kind of nasty idea are you, take it down!" Chen Tianzhen disagreed with Xu Xiaobing's statement very much, and took down these two. The word is inappropriate to use here.

"Slip of the tongue, you guys are true love!" Xu Xiaobing gave a thumbs up. It doesn't matter to him whether true love is true or not. As long as he hits Xu Min with a home run, Chen Tianzhen will be unmatched by him!

"Well, that's right!" Chen Tianzhen showed a smile on his face, his eyes swept over Xu Xiaobing, "Xiao Bing, that's right, others have not even passed the test of courage, and you have already started to practice the ten moves of fierce soldiers! "

"Chen Tianzhen, speaking of this, you are really too low-key!" Xu Xiaobing's eyes were full of envy and jealousy. If he had the identity of Chen Tianzhen, everyone in the world would not know it, but at least his relatives and friends would definitely Know.

However, no one knew the identity of Chen Tianzhen's dream priest. He only learned of Chen Tianzhen's true identity after he passed the test of courage and was introduced by the Kingdom of Dreamland.

"You are the sole controller of the Kingdom of Dreams, the priest of the Lord of Dreams, the reserve of the Gods, your power surpasses the entire world, in this world, except for the Gods, no one is as noble as you, As long as any one of these identities is revealed, people like Liu Hai and Wang Muxue will be scared to death, but you didn't reveal it." Xu Xiaobing's eyes were filled with extreme shock, and his voice could not help but be filled with awe. meaning.

According to the inheritance of Dreamland Divine Kingdom, Chen Tianzhen's status is so high that even the lord of a country cannot match him.

He even felt that if Chen Tianzhen had any ideas, the ruler of a country, Chen Tianzhen could easily sit on it!
"The former Fa Xiao, my partner, turned into a dragon soaring nine days in a blink of an eye!" Xu Xiaobing sighed in his heart.

"The identity of the dream priest is also obtained by chance! Also, Xu Xiaobing, you have to remember that we are friends, we are Fa Xiao! No matter what our status is now or in the future, this will never change." Chen The naive voice was extremely serious, and when Xu Xiaobing spoke to him, his tone was involuntarily filled with awe, which must be corrected, no matter in the previous life or in this life, Xu Xiaobing was regarded as his only friend.

"I knew that even if you are prosperous, you will never forget your roots! I have always recognized your character!" Xu Xiaobing's tense face suddenly loosened, and the smile on his face was extremely bright.

"Who do you think I am!" Chen Tianzhen shook his head, "By the way, why would you think of betting with Wang Muxue when I'm not around?"

"Hey!" Mentioning this matter, Xu Xiaobing was a tall man who should be serious, showing a wretched smile on his face.

"At that time, Wang Muxue saw that I took the teaching recordings and paid for it to be played for everyone to listen to, but she didn't stop you, so she satirized me and said that I said one thing and another behind my back!" At that time, only Xu Xiaobing and Xu Min Knowing that the recording was made by Chen Tianzhen, it would be a waste of time for Chen Tianzhen to listen to the lessons he recorded.

"She also said, you don't have recording teaching, you can't even pass the college entrance examination, and you can only become the existence at the bottom of society in the future! You have been struggling at the bottom all your life! You were not at the scene, you don't know, Wang Muxue's high-ranking posture at that time was like Like a high-ranking child, domineering, looking down on anyone at all, how can I bear this attitude, I am immediately angry!"

"Then, I made a bet with her, betting that if you don't listen to the recorded teaching, you will be able to get into the Shanghai University with your college entrance examination results this year. As long as you win, she will agree to any condition!"

"Besides, I was afraid that he would go back on his word, so I deliberately provoked her with words and made her swear that if she couldn't do this, the whole family would die!" Xu Xiaobing said here, with a brighter smile on his face.

"Chen Tianzhen, you can do whatever you want, but you must be careful, don't be discovered by Teacher Xu Min!" Xu Xiaobing seemed to be pointing, then winked at Chen Tianzhen, and pointed behind Chen Tianzhen, "Look, Wang Muxue is here! Do you want to say hello and cultivate some relationship in advance?"

(End of this chapter)

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