I can work indefinitely

Chapter 188 Ignorance

Chapter 188 Ignorance
When Xu Xiaobing saw Wang Muxue, Wang Muxue naturally also saw Xu Xiaobing.

When Wang Muxue saw that Chen Tianzhen was also there, she frowned, and then walked towards them under Xu Xiaobing's surprised eyes.

"Muxue, you came really early, have you had breakfast?" At this moment, Liu Hai ran down from a car, and after seeing Wang Muxue, he quickly chased after him, and said with a smile in his eyes.

"It's early too!" Wang Muxue looked back and found that it was Liu Hai. She replied blankly, and then continued to walk towards Xu Xiaobing and the others.

In the past two days, she entered the dream kingdom of God and took many courage tests, but unfortunately she failed.

Especially this time recently, the hungry wolf died in her hands only by the last point. Unfortunately, because of a very small mistake, the success fell short.

Although she didn't pass the courage test, in the past few days, through her many inquiries, she learned a piece of news, which made her restless.

The news is: as long as you pass the test of courage and become a rebel in the Dream Kingdom, you can instantly obtain a lot of knowledge at a very small price in the Dream Kingdom Scripture Library!Even the most basic knowledge can turn a poor student who can't understand shit into a super student!
With a full score in the college entrance examination, there is no problem at all.

"Could it be that Chen Tianzhen has passed the test of courage? He has exchanged the knowledge of the college entrance examination in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion?" It was this terrible thought that made her feel like she was on pins and needles. Naive, she gritted her teeth and decided to ask directly.

"Chen Tianzhen, have you received an invitation from God to test your courage, and have you passed the courage test?" Wang Muxue's face was cold, and she forced herself to speak calmly. She sounded as indifferent as before, but her heart was actually beating wildly. , extremely nervous, ears pricked up, eyes fixed on Chen Tianzhen.

"Wang Muxue, I didn't accept the God's invitation to try the courage, let alone pass the courage test!" Chen Tianzhen shrugged, and said with a serious expression on his face.

The test of courage was a method he specially developed to inspire the courage and ferocity of ordinary people. Naturally, it was impossible for him to receive the invitation.

After building the Colosseum, he knew how to find someone to test the test of courage, but he himself had never been there, and naturally he had not completed the test of courage.

After hearing Chen Tianzhen's words, Wang Muxue's tense face suddenly relaxed, as if she had unloaded hundreds of catties of burden, she felt relaxed all over in this instant.

Chen Tian really lied to her?Won't!Absolutely not!
Because in the past few days, all the TV, radio, and bulletin boards on the side of the road are full of introductions to the test of courage. Test your courage, and you can directly enter the official job!
Wang Muxue believed that with Chen Tianzhen's family conditions, if she was invited by the gods to test her courage, she would never lie to her!

Through Chen Tianzhen's answer, she once again confirmed one thing, "As expected, I did not misread Chen Tianzhen, he is a complete piece of trash, fate destined that she will not be able to stand up in this life, and can only live at the bottom of society."

In terms of academic performance, she felt that Chen Tianzhen couldn't even pass the college entrance examination!In the future, there will be no other way out except physical labor.

By chance, all the students in the class were qualified for the courage test, only Chen Tianzhen didn't even have the qualification for the courage test!
Qualifications for the courage test are so important to ordinary people, countless times more important than the college entrance examination!Because the qualifications of the courage test represent the path of the extraordinary!
Only by obtaining the qualifications of the courage test can one embark on the path of the extraordinary, and it is possible to master the power of mythology, immortality, and reclamation of mountains and seas!
Chen Tianzhen doesn't even have the qualifications for the test of courage, he can only be an ordinary person for the rest of his life, after a hundred years, he will turn into a handful of loess, how pitiful and pathetic!

This alone will completely knock Chen Tianzhen into the abyss, and he is not qualified to be on a par with others!

On the other side, seeing Wang Muxue go to talk to Chen Tianzhen, Liu Hai's face became extremely gloomy, "When I pass the courage test, I will make Chen Tianzhen, a bastard, completely disappear from this world!"

Just when he was about to turn around and walk to the other side, he heard Wang Muxue's question and Chen Tianzhen's answer. Suddenly, his eyes flashed with excitement.

Immediately afterwards, a very relieved smile appeared on his face.

Liu Hai's striding footsteps were taken back directly, and with a look of incomparable satisfaction in his eyes, he walked towards Chen Tianzhen and the others.

"This kind of bastard is not even qualified for the test of courage! Even if I don't kill him, he can only be an ordinary person in this life, living at the bottom of this world!"

"It's a pity, Chen Tianzhen, this bastard, shamelessly shames me over and over again, and embarrasses me in public, doesn't give me face! When I finish the courage test and start practicing, I'd better kill Chen Tianzhen, that bastard! "Thinking of this, Liu Hai felt extremely happy, and even the extreme pain after being killed by a hungry wolf in the test of courage these few days seemed to disappear at this moment.

"Inferior people are inferior people. No matter how you struggle, you are a piece of trash." Liu Hai sneered in his heart, and then came to Wang Muxue's side.

"It's a pity, Mr. Chen, you didn't get the qualification for the courage test! If you get the qualification for the courage test, you can start to practice extraordinary power after passing the courage test like the rest of us." Liu Hai sneered at Tottenham and said , with extreme pleasure, his voice carried an extreme sense of superiority.

It seems that people who have obtained the courage test are infinitely higher than those who have not obtained it.

"I've been studying the attacking methods of hungry wolves for the past few days. If there are no accidents, after the college entrance examination, I will definitely pass the test of courage and become a life-defying person! Open the road to the extraordinary!" In Liu Hai's eyes, the naked pride , there was no demonstration at all, and he didn't intend to hide it.

He came over and said a few words to Chen Tianzhen, just to tell Chen Tianzhen!
He is about to become a superhuman!From now on, Chen Tianzhen can only plan food in the mud fields, and he is no longer an existence at the same level.

"Xu Xiaobing, how long will it take for you to pass the test of courage?" After mocking Chen Tianzhen a few words, Liu Hai looked at the gloomy Xu Xiaobing with an unconcealable pride on his face.

"Never mind your business!" Naturally, Xu Xiaobing wouldn't give Liu Hai a good look, if Chen Tianzhen hadn't kept gesturing to him with his eyes, he could hardly resist revealing Chen Tianzhen's identity as a dream priest.

Chen Tianzhen is the priest of the Dreamland, the master of the Dreamland Kingdom. He doesn't need to pass the test of courage like ordinary people before he can enter the Dreamland Kingdom and embark on the extraordinary road.

From the very beginning, people are countless levels higher than ordinary people.

However, Liu Hai, a bastard who just obtained a qualification for the courage test, immediately got [-] to [-] yuan, thinking that he is so great, that he is superior to others, and even started to look down on Chen Tianzhen.

Simply, ignorance!

(End of this chapter)

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