I can work indefinitely

Chapter 191 He Gives Up

Chapter 191 He Gives Up
"I've been working in the examination room, so boring! Why don't I go home and recharge my batteries to prepare for the evening." The invigilator looked at me with the same eyes as a thief, and only sat in the examination room for 5 minutes. Chen Tianzhen felt extremely bored, his heart moved, and he had an idea.

"Just leave an illusion here!"

Just do what you want, Chen Tian made a thought, and a phantom remained in the examination room to replace him. Under the cover of the phantom, he swaggered back to Xu Min's home.

The college entrance examination takes a total of two days, not long!Chen Tianzhen worked on the questions during the day and spent time with Xu Min at night, feeling that time flies by.

Not long after the exam of the last subject started, a piece of information related to the monks of Tianshengmen came to Chen Tianxin from the bottom of his heart.

Hunting Dragon has worked hard for the past few days, and finally he has reaped the rewards. Through the plague-like characteristics of Mengyin, at least 60.00% of the people in Changkong City have been planted with Dreamyin.

The information passed into Chen Tianzhen's mind was obtained through Meng Yin who worked hard to spread it through the Dragon Hunting!

"DC District, Lilai Community! Brother Tianshengmen!" After Chen Tianzhen skillfully left a phantom on his seat, he went directly to DC District without hesitation.

"Cultivator of Tianshengmen, I have been waiting for you for two days. Since you dare to show up, then obediently wait for death!" In the picture sent by the dream master, the monk of Tianshengmen looks like a man in his 20s. A young man with clean eyes, a tall and straight figure, handsome appearance, well-dressed, and a gentle smile on his face.

Chen Tianzhen's phantom, as usual, walked out directly after an hour of the exam.


One hour after the college entrance examination, all the students of Class 16, Senior Three, gathered in the square in front of No. [-] Middle School.

Different from the sad-faced students in other classes, the students in Class 16, Senior Three, after the exam, all of them were in high spirits, and everyone had a flushed expression.

This time, because of listening to Chen Tianzhen's recorded lectures, the college entrance examination is really not difficult for the students in Class 16 of senior high school, and it can even be said to be extremely easy.

They estimated in their hearts that even the worst bangs would be able to get a score of 690 or above in the test, and the scores of the others would be at least 700 points or above.

Then, at Wen Penghai's suggestion, the students agreed to go back to the classroom of Class 7 of Senior Three (16) at [-] o'clock in the evening to evaluate the score!
Originally, according to the tradition of everyone after the exam, after the scores are estimated, the students in a class will meet together, go out to eat, sing, and drink!
But this time, because the recent legends of various ghosts are very scary, the activities after the score evaluation are directly cancelled.

After the scores are evaluated, everyone goes back to their homes, finds their mothers, and tries to pass the courage test!

As long as one can pass the test of courage, one can become an extraordinary person. After becoming an extraordinary person, one will naturally master extraordinary powers that ordinary people do not possess, and ghosts can be easily killed.

When the time comes, you can play however you want!
"The college entrance examination is just an insignificant hurdle for everyone! I think, with everyone's level, this hurdle has already been passed!" Wen Penghai stood in the crowd with high spirits and strong confidence in his voice.

"Wen Penghai, you have to exclude Chen Tianzhen like us!" With a sneer on his face, Liu Hai said in a voice that everyone could hear, "I, Wang Muxue, Xu Xiaobing, and Chen Tianzhen are in the same examination room!"

"Every exam, Chen Tianzhen is the first to leave the exam room!"

"I found that every time Chen Tianzhen took an exam, he handed out the test paper, flicked through it for a minute, and then threw the test paper aside."

"Then, he started to scribble on the answer sheet, and he would put down the pen in about 5 minutes. After that, Chen Tianzhen started to be in a daze. After an hour to hand in the paper, he immediately handed in the paper and left!" Four exams in two days , it was exactly the same every time, Liu Hai had already remembered Chen Tianzhen's exam routines clearly.

"In 5 minutes, you can fill in the information of the test number at most! If you want to scribble on the answers to other questions, unless it is scribbling, there is absolutely not enough time!"

"If my guess is correct, Chen Tianzhen must have discovered that he can't do a single question, so he smashed the jar and scribbled on it!" The corner of Liu Hai's mouth was full of extreme contempt.

"I can prove this point! Liu Hai is right! I guess, Chen Tianzhen should not be able to solve the problem, so he gave up, so he scribbled." Wang Muxue's cold voice sounded.

"Okay! Then, all the students at the scene, gather in the class at 7 o'clock in the evening, and let's estimate a score first!" Wen Penghai thought for a while, and opened his mouth. Since Liu Hai and Wang Muxue both said that Chen Tianzhen has already If he gave up and scribbled on the answer sheet, there was no need to call Chen Tianzhen over.

"Everyone must come, because tonight, in addition to the score evaluation, there is another very important thing, that is, our classmate Xu Xiaobing has completed the courage test bestowed by the gods!"

"Tonight, he will share with you the experience of passing the test of courage! And, he will also tell us about the situation he encountered after passing the test of courage!"

"The most important thing is that he will personally show us that after embarking on the path of transcendence, he can practice the power of the ten ways of fierce soldiers!" Wen Penghai glanced at Xu Xiaobing, with extreme envy in his voice.

Everyone in the class, except Chen Tianzhen, got the qualification for the test of courage on the same day, and now it has been five days, only Xu Xiaobing passed the test of courage, and none of the others succeeded.

"What?" The noisy crowd suddenly quieted down, and everyone's eyes turned to Xu Xiaobing, with extreme shock in their eyes.

Everyone present has personally experienced the horror of hungry wolves!

Everyone knows that as long as you have the courage and no fear in your heart, you can fight hungry wolves and pass the test!

But knowing and doing it are two different things!
Before each test, everyone comforted themselves in their hearts, and even hypnotized themselves, but when they really faced hungry wolves and fought with hungry wolves, they would involuntarily feel fear in their hearts, and they couldn't do it at all. Fearless, and because of that, none of them passed the test of courage.

Xu Xiaobing was able to overcome the fear in his heart, fight hungry wolves, and pass the test of courage!

This made everyone feel extremely surprised, and at the same time, they also felt admiration for Xu Xiaobing.

"Xu Xiaobing, a bastard, has passed the courage test?" Liu Hai's pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked at Xu Xiaobing in disbelief.

"Although Xu Xiaobing, a bastard, passed the test of courage, he is just like Chen Tianzhen, his brain is not bright! He will tell others about passing the test, and now he has to share his experience of passing the test of courage! If I pass the test , I must quietly, first raise the cultivation level and then talk about it.”

"The experience of passing the test of courage, what a precious asset, only a fool will share it directly."

"However, Xu Xiaobing's brain is not bright, but he took advantage of me. I will listen carefully later. When I get home tonight, I must pass the test of courage!" Liu Hai squinted his eyes, and countless thoughts emerged in his mind.

Wang Muxue was very surprised to hear that Xu Xiaobing had passed the courage test. She was going to go home directly, but when she heard Xu Xiaobing wanted to share his experience of passing the courage test, she immediately decided to stay and listen!
(End of this chapter)

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