I can work indefinitely

Chapter 192 The Weakness of the Hungry Wolf

Chapter 192 The Weakness of the Hungry Wolf

In the third grade (16) classroom, Wen Penghai entered all the estimated scores of all the students into the computer form.

"Students, according to the statistics, the highest score estimated by everyone in the college entrance examination is 739 points of Wang Muxue! The lowest score is 698 points of Liu Hai!" Wen Penghai's eyes are filled with infinite pride and pride. Today, All the students except Chen Tianzhen came.

Changkong City No. 16 Middle School was not a particularly good school. Class [-] ([-]) was the worst senior class in Changkong City No. [-] Middle School. The students in the class were just dawdling, and they would go their separate ways after graduation.

Except for a very few students, most of the students could not even pass the second exam.

After Xu Xiaobing brought the teaching recording, the whole class has undergone tremendous changes!

Everyone has changed from a useless poor student to a super academic master!

Even with the worst bangs, with his 698 points in the college entrance examination, he can go to any of the top ten prestigious schools in China, where he wants to go.

This change is earth-shaking!
The current situation is something that Wen Penghai never dared to think about before!

"The average estimated score of our class is 721 points!" Wen Penghai's eyes scanned the excited faces of the students.

"Awesome!!!" Most of the students looked extremely excited. They were the creators of the results and the beneficiaries of the results.

Except for bangs, everyone else's faces were filled with joy from the bottom of their hearts.


"It's the bastard Xu Min and the bastard Xu Xiaobing. It's because they played the teaching recordings behind my back, so I didn't listen to all the teaching recordings, and I became the second last in the class! The grades are only better than Chen Tianzhen's trash!" A glint of haze flashed in Hai's eyes. He felt that if he had listened to the teaching recordings from the beginning, his current score would definitely not be the second-to-last, but the first!

"The results of our class have created the history of Changkong City No. [-] Middle School, as well as the history of Changkong City!" Wen Penghai's eyes were bright with excitement, and his voice was inspiring.

"I dare not say that there will be no successors, but I dare say that what we have achieved now is absolutely unprecedented in No. 721 Middle School and in Changkong City!" The average score of the college entrance examination was [-] points, which was higher than the highest scores in many provinces. to be tall.

"Here, we must thank two people!"

"One is our teacher Xu Min! It was her who never abandoned or gave up on us when we were poor students and garbage that no one looked down upon. It was her who gave us no regard for rewards and let us listen to the magical recording courses. This is what we are today! Only our current achievements!" Wen Penghai spoke with sincere emotion in his eyes, showing endless gratitude.

Except for Liu Hai, everyone nodded gratefully. Indeed, as Wen Penghai said, without Xu Min, they would not have achieved what they have today.

"In addition to Teacher Xu Min, there is another person, we must also thank him!"

"He is Xu Xiaobing!"

"Because Xu Xiaobing found the teaching recording that made us reborn! Without him finding the teaching recording, no matter how rich Mr. Xu Min is, he would not be able to buy the magical teaching recording!" He glanced at Xu Xiaobing gratefully.

"Squad leader, the person who should be most grateful is not me, but the person who recorded the teaching recording!" Xu Xiaobing quickly stood up and said, the recording was recorded by Chen Tianzhen, so even if you want to be grateful, you should be thanking Chen Tianzhen.

"Xu Xiaobing, are you finally ready to tell us the teacher who made the teaching recording?" Wen Penghai's eyes lit up, and he stared at Xu Xiaobing. The attention of other students also shifted to Xu Xiaobing in an instant.

"I can't tell you who he is without the consent of a teacher! But, as long as you pass the test of courage and become the rebels of the Kingdom of Dreams, you will naturally know the information about this teacher." Xu Xiaobing shook his head, Chen Tianzhen didn't let go, he didn't dare to make a decision and announce it.

However, after these students passed the test of courage, when they went to the Buddhist scriptures pavilion to sell their knowledge, the Buddhist scriptures pavilion would naturally show everyone the source of the knowledge.

At that time, they will naturally know that the recording was made by Chen Tianzhen!Chen Tianzhen is the super teacher they have always wanted to know.

A look of disappointment flashed in everyone's eyes, but Xu Xiaobing's answer was also within Wen Penghai's expectation. Xu Xiaobing had always answered this way when he asked many times before, but this time, after more courage tests, can know this.

"The teacher who recorded the course, we must be grateful, but without you, we would not be able to hear the teaching recording, and we would not be able to achieve today's results. Therefore, you are very kind to the students! This, I remember, I I think the students will remember it too!"

Immediately afterwards, without waiting for Xu Xiaobing to speak, Wen Penghai continued, "Moreover, you are going to share your experience of passing the courage test with everyone!"

"Just for sharing the courage test experience, everyone owes you a favor!" Wen Penghai's voice was very solemn.

If you fail the courage test, you will be torn apart and devoured by hungry wolves.

With Xu Xiaobing sharing his experience, the probability of students passing the courage test will be greatly increased.

More importantly, Wen Penghai discovered in the past few days that the courage test is not unique to the students in the third (16) class of senior high school. In the car, people around could be heard discussing the test of courage.

This situation gave Wen Penghai a very strong sense of urgency.

One step faster, one step faster, if under the experience taught by Xu Xiaobing, the students in the class can be one step faster, pass the test of courage, and on the road of extraordinary, the students in the class will be one step ahead of others.

Sometimes, one step ahead is a lifetime ahead!

The first person to eat crabs will often finish the crabs directly, so that the later people will have no crabs to eat.

"Everyone came back to class tonight, and the assessment is only incidental. The main purpose is to listen to your experience in the courage test!" Wen Penghai said jokingly.

"Xu Xiaobing, look at everyone's eager eyes, why don't you talk about it first?" Wen Penghai pointed to other students with hot eyes, and discussed with Xu Xiaobing very politely.

"Okay!" Xu Xiaobing went straight to the podium without hesitation.

"Actually, it's not difficult to pass the test of courage. As long as you have the courage, don't be afraid, and identify the weakness of the hungry wolf, even a weak girl can kill the hungry wolf with one punch! Courage test." With a confident smile on the corner of Xu Xiaobing's mouth, he spoke directly.

"Xu Xiaobing, where is the weakness of the hungry wolf? Where is the weakness of the hungry wolf?" Wen Penghai asked quickly, with eager eyes, and asked the question that everyone wanted to ask. They knew other information, but It was the first time they had heard that hungry wolves had weaknesses.

"The jaw and throat of the hungry wolf is its weak point. Just one punch can knock the hungry wolf to the ground!" Xu Xiaobing said with great certainty.

"How about this! How about you try it now and start the courage test directly!" Seeing the fiery eyes of the students, Xu Xiaobing suggested.

"I'm also going to the Kingdom of Dreamland. After you pass the test, you will be teleported to the square in front of the Buddhist scriptures pavilion. I'll wait for you there! Maybe I can give you some guidance." Xu Xiaobing thought for a while, Walked down from the lecture and sat in his seat.

"Okay!" Immediately, everyone's eyes lit up.

(End of this chapter)

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