I can work indefinitely

Chapter 193 Something is wrong

Chapter 193 Something is wrong

In the Colosseum, Wen Penghai squinted his eyes, stared at the hungry wolf, and clenched his hands into fists.

"3, 2, 1, 0!" The moment the number on the wall turned into 0, he rushed over like a ferocious cheetah with a ferocious aura.

"Die to me!" According to Xu Xiaobing, Wen Penghai gave up all defenses, concentrated all his strength on his right fist, swung from right to left, and just landed on Hungry Wolf's jaw and throat.

"Woooo..." Hungry Wolf let out a wail, and then fell down in front of Wen Penghai, twitching.

"I passed the courage test just like that, it's too simple!" Wen Penghai was dumbfounded. Compared with the previous courage test, this time it was like a play, simple, fast, and without any difficulty at all .

"Xu Xiaobing's news is amazing!"

At this moment, a cold reminder sounded in his soul.

"Wen Penghai, congratulations on passing the test of courage. Your courage has been affirmed by the gods. Your rebel panel has been opened!"

"You have obtained the operation manual of the Destiny Rebel panel and the basic information of the Dream Kingdom!"

"In 3 seconds, you will be teleported to the Sutra Pavilion Square of the Dreamland Divine Kingdom, 3, 2, 1..." Wen Penghai's figure suddenly disappeared from the courage test room.

At the same time as the voice of promotion sounded, a torrent of knowledge rushed into Wen Penghai's mind, and he felt as if his head was being hacked continuously by an axe, which was extremely painful.

But the pain came and went quickly, and disappeared in an instant. At this time, he found that there was an extra memory in his mind.

"Dream Priest, Chen Tianzhen!" Wen Penghai's eyes widened, with extreme shock in his eyes.

"The agent of the gods in the world, the master of the kingdom of dreams, the gods of the future!" These pieces of information written into the memory shocked Wen Penghai to the extreme, as if he wanted to see a ghost.

At first, he thought it was the same name!This Chen Tianzhen is not that Chen Tianzhen!

When he recalled carefully and found that the priest of the dream world, Chen Tianzhen, looked exactly like their classmate Chen Tianzhen, Wen Penghai's heart almost stopped beating.

"How is it? Isn't it shocking! Shocking, I can't believe it?" Xu Xiaobing counted the time and stood waiting in the square. When Wen Penghai appeared, his face was full of shock. He walked over with a smile on his face.

When Xu Xiaobing passed the courage test and obtained the basic information of the Dream Kingdom, his performance was not much different from that of Wen Penghai!Extremely shocking, I can't believe it!
"Didn't you think that Chen Tianzhen, who is usually low-key, doesn't look good in grades, has a bad family background, and has no money, would have such a noble status."

"Have you never thought that Chen Tianzhen, who is despised by Liu Hai, and not Wang Muxue, is the most noble and greatest existence, and he will be the god of the future!"

After hearing Xu Xiaobing's words, Wen Penghai nodded in disbelief!
With extreme shock in his eyes!
Compared with Chen Tianzhen's status as a dream priest, Liu Hai's so-called money, so-called aristocratic family, and so-called achievements are nothing!
In this world, there is no one whose status is as noble as Chen Tianzhen.

Even the leaders of a country, when they saw Chen Tianzhen, Wen Penghai reckoned that they would have to be inferior and salute obediently.

"Not only you didn't expect it, even I didn't expect it before I failed the courage test!" Xu Xiaobing's voice was full of extreme envy.

"I think, Chen Tianzhen may feel that there is no need to say it! Or maybe he thinks that we won't believe it if he says it, or maybe he thinks that it will scare us?" Wen Penghai thought for a while, and opened his mouth with complicated eyes. .

After obtaining Chen Tianzhen's true identity, Wen Penghai knew that Chen Tianzhen was definitely an existence that all of them could never reach and could only look up to.

"Xu Xiaobing, Liu Hai from our class has been talking satirically and belittling Chen Tianzhen, how do you think Chen Tianzhen will deal with him?" At this time, Wen Penghai thought of Liu Hai, with a trace of unbearable look in his eyes.

Where is Chen Tianzhen's identity? This time, Liu Hai really provoked the most difficult person in the world!Instead of kicking on the iron plate, he kicked on the titanium steel plate.

"How would I know!" Xu Xiaobing said with a sneer with a hint of fierceness in his eyes.

"Also, I heard from other students that Chen Tianzhen made a bet with Wang Muxue, saying that as long as Chen Tianzhen can be admitted to the Shanghai University, Wang Muxue will fulfill any conditions Chen Tianzhen puts forward?" Wen Penghai rolled his eyes. Turning to Chen Tianzhen, he remembered another thing.

"Well, there is such a thing, because Wang Muxue thinks that it is impossible for Chen Tian to be admitted to Shanghai University! Therefore, she speaks boldly and confidently."

"Besides, she feels that even if Chen Tianzhen is admitted to the Shanghai University, Chen Tianzhen won't be able to touch her!" Xu Xiaobing had a strange smile on his face.

"Ah? Why?" Wen Penghai had an incomprehensible expression on his face.

"Because Chen Tianzhen told Wang Muxue that he didn't get the courage test bestowed by the gods, so Wang Muxue felt that Chen Tianzhen was a piece of trash who didn't even have the qualifications for the courage test, so he didn't take Chen Tianzhen seriously."

"Wang Muxue never thought about it. The test of courage is for ordinary people. As a dream priest, Chen Tianzhen doesn't need to take the test of courage at all!"

"Wang Muxue feels that after she passes the test of courage, she will immediately exchange for the entry-level cultivation base of the Ten Forms of Fierce Soldiers. She will possess evil spirits. Chen Tianzhen is an ordinary person. Even if she doesn't resist, Chen Tianzhen won't even try to touch her." , Xu Xiaobing couldn't help laughing.

While the two were chatting, students from class 16, senior three, appeared on the square one after another. After gaining knowledge infusion, everyone's performance was no different from Wen Penghai's.

Chen Tian is really a dream priest!God reserve!Master of the Kingdom of Dreams!
Everyone was shocked by this news, and they were extremely horrified!
"Why do you all look like hell?" At this time, Wang Muxue appeared in the square. Seeing the extremely shocked expressions of all the students, she suddenly asked curiously.

"It's nothing!" The moment they saw Wang Muxue, everyone's minds received a warning from the Destiny Panel. Immediately, the person who was about to say something immediately shut his mouth tightly.

However, everyone looked at Wang Muxue differently.

"I heard that Wang Muxue and Chen Tianzhen made a bet..."

"I remember that Wang Muxue looked down on Chen Tianzhen at all. She said that it was impossible for Chen Tianzhen to be admitted to Shanghai University, and that even if Chen Tianzhen was admitted to Shanghai University, he would be a piece of trash who didn't even have the qualifications for the courage test..."

"It's fun now." Everyone looked at Wang Muxue with strange eyes. They really wanted to explain everything to Wang Muxue, but no one dared to say so.

"Wang Muxue never imagined that Chen Tianzhen, whom she looked down upon, was a hundred thousand times nobler than her! In front of Chen Tianzhen, her status was as humble as an ant."

"Why are you acting weird today?" Wang Muxue frowned. She always felt that something was wrong. Everyone looked at her very strangely, which made her feel uncomfortable, but she didn't know what was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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