Chapter 194
Not long after, all the students from Class 16, Senior Three, were present at the Sutra Pavilion Square. Except for Chen Tianzhen, only Liu Hai did not appear.

Chen Tianzhen is a priest of the dreamland, who can enter and leave the dreamland kingdom freely, and the authority is naturally beyond what others can imagine. In addition, this time, Chen Tianzhen did not enter the dreamland kingdom with them.

Therefore, Chen Tianzhen can be excluded.

But Liu Hai has not appeared in the square for such a long time, which is a bit strange.

"It shouldn't be. According to Liu Hai, when he didn't know the weakness of the hungry wolf, he was only a little bit close to killing the hungry wolf. He is much better than the rest of us!"

"It stands to reason that he now knows the weakness of the hungry wolf and should kill him with one blow. Why hasn't he succeeded for so long? It's impossible!" Wen Penghai had a trace of doubt in his eyes. Under the guidance, they all achieved the effect of one-hit kill, but Liu Hai, a strong man, couldn't pass?It doesn't make sense!

Could it be that Liu Hai is a king with a strong mouth?
"It's been so long, I guess Liu Hai's courage test must have failed!" A thought flashed in Xu Xiaobing's mind, and he glanced at the time displayed on the panel. One minute had passed since he entered the dream kingdom of God.

Every day, he only has 10 minutes to spend at the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, and the rest of the time, he must go to the wild to fight with weird and ferocious beasts!Time is very tight!

"Everyone accept my invitation first, and join my team! Let's add friends first, and in the future, no matter in the dream kingdom of God or in reality, we can contact through the panel, which is very convenient." Xu Xiaobing said, At the same time, he led everyone to the scripture storage pavilion.

"Hurry up, everyone, everyone, you only have 10 minutes to stay in the Sutra Pavilion every day!" When he came to the huge Sutra Pavilion, Xu Xiaobing simply told everyone how to sell knowledge .

"Aren't you very curious, who is the teacher who gave us the recording teaching? His name will appear when we sell knowledge later." Xu Xiaobing added.

Under Xu Xiaobing's guidance, everyone started to scan their own knowledge smoothly!
"Chen Tianzhen! It turned out to be Chen Tianzhen! The recording teaching was recorded by Chen Tianzhen!" Except for Wang Muxue, all the students had endless shock in their eyes.

After scanning the knowledge they possessed in the Sutra Pavilion, and sorting it out, their knowledge names all have a prefix, xx knowledge sorted out by Chen Tianzhen.

"Fuck, I remember Wang Muxue betting with Chen Tianzhen. Wang Muxue said that as long as Chen Tianzhen can be admitted to the Shanghai University, she will accept any conditions Chen Tianzhen puts forward." At this time, someone finally remembered Chen Tianzhen and Wang Muxue. The bet came.

"He has the best grades, but he has been pretending for three years. If we hadn't passed the courage test, we would have never known that he was the real hero in this life, and we would have been kept in the dark for the rest of our lives! He was even like bangs. Complacent, thinking how good I am." After seeing the name of Knowledge, many people felt uncontrollable shame in their hearts, and many of them, more or less, made fun of Chen Tianzhen's poor grades in the past three years.

Now that they know the truth, they just feel ashamed and hot.

"When we showed off in front of Chen Tianzhen, in Chen Tianzhen's eyes, it must have been a joke."

"It's sinister! It's too dark!" For three whole years, Chen Tianzhen was in the worst class, and every time he took the last exam, but in fact, Chen Tianzhen had already learned all the subjects. Thinking about it now, it was really too sinister.

Others looked ashamed, but Wang Muxue didn't notice it. The knowledge she had scanned had been specially processed by the Dream Lord, and there was nothing unusual about it. The only thing that made her a little uneasy was that many strange knowledge she had seen before , and now all have been turned over.


On the other side, in the Colosseum, Liu Hai's eyes were bloodshot, his body was covered with scars, and he was drenched in sweat from the intense pain.

He looked at the giant wolf in front of him with disbelief in his eyes!

"Xu Xiaobing definitely couldn't have lied to me! He couldn't have fooled all the students in the class just to deceive me. Although he is stupid, he is not so stupid!"

"But why did I punch the hungry wolf in the throat? Not only did it not die, but it also mutated and became even more powerful!" Liu Hai's face was extremely ferocious. After entering the courage test, he followed Xu Xiaobing's instructions. The pointer, like a thunderous punch, hit the hungry wolf's throat.

The hungry wolf was indeed sent flying horizontally by his punch, howling in pain!
But in the next instant, Hungry Wolf got up with bloodshot eyes, and his aura soared, becoming stronger than before.

In the hands of the mutated hungry wolf, Liu Haigeng was powerless to fight back!The hungry wolf dodges, leaving several wounds on his body.

"Woooo..." Hungry Wolf's eyes were bloodshot, and with an extremely ferocious howl, he rushed towards Liu Hai suddenly.

"You damn animal, die to me!" Liu Hai yelled like an explosion, swung his iron fist, and punched the hungry wolf on the neck.

The power of this punch was extremely strong, and the throat of the mutated hungry wolf was directly shattered by this punch.

"This...! Good! That's great!" Liu Hai couldn't believe it at first, but then ecstasy appeared in his eyes, it was so unexpected!He didn't expect to hit the hungry wolf with this punch, but he didn't expect to smash the hungry wolf's throat directly!
If the wolf's throat was broken, the wolf would die naturally, and if the wolf died, he would naturally pass the test of courage.

"Woooo..." At this moment, the hungry wolf's claws swung over like a gust of wind.

The strength of the hungry wolf's death was extremely swift and violent, and Liu Hai thought that the hungry wolf was already dead, so he didn't have any precautions.

Like the claws of a sickle, he slammed across his neck, Liu Hai only felt a sharp pain, his eyes went dark, and he died like that...!
An instant before passing the test of courage, he died!

"What the hell are you..." When he regained consciousness, Liu Hai's face was extremely ugly, and then he couldn't help but yelled.

He was so angry that he vomited blood at the result!

This kind of fucking feeling is like playing a game. I have killed all the heroes of the opponent, and when there is only a trace of blood left in the opponent's base, everyone on my side will collectively disconnect from the Internet and log back in after 1 minute. Looking at the base of one's own side, it was pushed away by the other side.

"It's okay, this was an accident, and it will never happen in the future!" Liu Hai could only comfort himself in this way.

"Tomorrow, I will definitely pass the test of courage tomorrow and become a rebel in the Kingdom of Dreamland!" Liu Hai comforted himself while opening his eyes, only to find that the entire classroom was quiet, and all the students closed their eyes.

"This is? Shame! They all passed the test of courage? They all exchanged their cultivation!" Although the students all closed their eyes, a faint red mist lingered around them. The psychology of fear is born.

"Damn it, I was the second to last in the class in the college entrance examination, and I was also the second to last in passing the courage test!" Liu Hai's eyes swept over everyone, and he found that everyone was carrying evil spirits. His complexion suddenly became extremely difficult to see.

(End of this chapter)

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