Chapter 195
DC area, Lilai community!

Room 3, Unit 3, Building 404.

"Li Qingquan, sit down as you please, and I'll make you a cup of tea." Chen Siting gave Li Qingquan a charming look, with a hint of spring in her eyes.

On the way to work today, she took a look at Li Qingquan, and then, it was love at first sight!

Her eyes could no longer leave Li Qingquan, she felt that there was a strong and fatal temptation in Li Qingquan, which made her whole heart, her whole being, fall on Li Qingquan.

"Si Ting, go!" Li Qingquan's smile was bright and sunny, his eyes were deep, and the blood in his eyes was as red as a volcano before it erupted.

"I didn't expect that I, Li Qingquan, would have such a chance to be the first to reach the original world." Li Qingquan was originally an introductory disciple of the Blood God Son lineage in the Heavenly Saint Sect.

Not long ago, in the Tianshengmen, he was attacked by a fellow brother who wanted to kill him and suck his blood to break through the realm.

Li Qingquan found out ahead of time and escaped by hiding in a cave on the mountain behind Tiansheng Gate.

But his senior brother didn't intend to let him go, through Li Qingquan's usual clothes, a vicious spell fell on him.

According to Li Qingquan's state at the time, at most one stick of incense, his senior brother would be able to find him through the connection of the spell, and extract his soul and refine his soul!
Senior brother was 10 years earlier than him, and his cultivation had already reached the stage of foundation building. His spells, magic weapons, and experience were beyond his reach. As long as his senior brother finds him, Li Qingquan is definitely no match.

As for why the senior brother would kill him suddenly, Li Qingquan was not surprised at all, because he just entered the foundation establishment realm. For the senior brother, it is the best medicine for improving cultivation and breaking through the realm. In the foundation building period, he became a monk in the golden core realm.

Just when Li Qingquan thought he was going to die, he found a space crack!

Without thinking, he rushed over.

Although he successfully passed through the space crack and survived, he also paid a heavy price!

After passing through the space crack, Li Qingquan lost all his cultivation, was seriously injured, and almost died.

Immediately afterwards, he discovered the villagers of Lizishu Village... Without the slightest hesitation, he directly shot and took the lives of these people in order to survive and practice.

After two days of cultivation, he found that his injuries had not fully recovered, and his cultivation had only recovered to the level of the second-level Qi refining stage.

The reason why he came to Lilai Community was because Li Qingquan had a feeling of trepidation, feeling that a catastrophe was coming.

This feeling made him panic, and the feeling of doom was stronger than when his senior brother wanted to kill him.

Therefore, he charmed a young woman with spells, one is to vent, and the other is to use this woman to integrate into the original world.

In addition, something went wrong after his body passed through the gap in the space, and his injury could occur at any time. With this woman by his side, when the injury occurred, this woman was his life-saving medicine. If he ate her heart, he would be able to recover quickly ease.

"But, what is there in the original world? Why are the seniors of Shimen so eager to return to the original world." After passing through the space crack and coming to this world, Li Qingquan was very puzzled, because the world's aura was poor, and he encountered The vast majority of people who came here were ordinary people, even worse than the Tianxin Realm where the Tianshengmen was located.

The only thing better than Tianxin Realm is that there are countless ordinary people here who can be used as resources for practice.

"Cough..." At this moment, Li Qingquan felt a tightness in his chest and couldn't help coughing.

Blood came out of his mouth and wet his palms, he frowned in pain, looking at the beautiful woman walking towards him, a bloody gleam flashed in his eyes.

"The injury happened so quickly!" Li Qingquan's eyes showed a hint of hostility, and he felt the blood river zhenqi accumulated in his body began to dissipate little by little, "It's a pity, this woman looks very good, and I haven't had time yet." To enjoy it is to eat her..."

"Li Qingquan, what's wrong with you?" The girl was holding the teacup in her hand, and when she saw blood dripping from the corner of Li Qingquan's mouth, she panicked, put the teacup away, and quickly ran to Li Qingquan's side, her eyes full of worry.

In Li Qingquan's eyes, a trace of ferocity flashed across the palm of his hand, and his hand moved forward to grab the girl's left chest.

A trace of shyness flashed in the girl's eyes, there was a trace of expectation, and there was also a trace of complaint, "Why is Li Qingquan like this, he is sick, and he still has the heart to think about it."

A muffled sound came from the girl's chest. She felt a sudden pain in the chest. She lowered her head with disbelief in her eyes.

At this moment, a hole the size of a head appeared on her chest, through which the internal organs were clearly visible.

In the woman's chest, where the heart should have been, there was nothing at this moment, and it disappeared without a trace. The blood vessels connected to the heart seemed to be scorched, and the exposed part was pitch black.

The woman's face was extremely terrified, feeling the endless pain coming from her chest, she looked at the handsome young man with a smile on her face in disbelief, and shouted in an unbelievable voice, " You are not human, you are weird!"

Her breath suddenly disappeared, and then she fell back with an extremely unwilling expression on her face, and fell heavily on the ground.

"Comfortable!" Li Qingquan squinted his eyes and took a deep breath, the blood river's true energy melted and absorbed the woman's heart.

Immediately, he stabilized the blood-red qi that was beginning to collapse, and after absorbing this heart, the extremely uncomfortable feeling in his body also disappeared.

"As long as I kill 1 people and absorb [-] hearts, my injuries will heal!"

"With 5000 people, I can raise my cultivation level to the Dzogchen realm of the foundation building period!" A smile flashed in Li Qingquan's eyes. People in this world are so weak, as weak as ants. To Li Qingquan , there is no threat at all, this is his pasture.

"Next, if I can designate a place for people without cultivation qualifications to stock up like in the sect, even if I take over everyone in the sect, the practice resources here will be enough for everyone to practice."

In the Tianxin Realm, people are a kind of cultivation resource. A test is conducted at the age of 16, and those who have the qualifications for cultivation are included in the cultivation sect.

Those who do not have the qualifications for cultivation are animals raised by monks in captivity, which are resources for cultivation!
Because in the Tianxin Realm, the monks use people as their cultivation resources, so in the Tianxin Realm, people are very precious!Those with qualifications join the sect, and those without qualifications survive and multiply in the territory designated by the sect. When the sect needs resources for cultivation, they will send capable disciples to harvest them.

Inner sect disciples like Li Qingquan can't freely use the human internal organs used for cultivation, so how can they come to the original world to enjoy themselves.

"The beast of Tianshengmen! You are looking for death!" Chen Tianzhen finally arrived, and smashed the door of the room with his foot. When he saw the woman lying on her back on the ground, her eyes were about to burst, and her voice was full of murderous intent.

Li Qingquan's eyes were fixed, and he turned his head to look at Chen Tianzhen in an instant, his voice was filled with brutal murderous intent, "Who are you? How did you know about Tianshengmen?"

"Who am I, a dead person doesn't need to know!" Chen Tianzhen's voice was unparalleled, as he clenched his fists, there was a burst of shouting, "Meteor style!"

That powerful and unparalleled force fell on Li Qingquan, and Li Qingquan was crushed to the ground on the spot, unable to move.

Li Qingquan's eyes shrank sharply, and fear appeared in his heart!

powerful!too strong!
He has no ability to resist at all!

"Meng Yin!" Chen Tianzhen pointed, and a Meng Yin forcibly merged into Li Qingquan's soul.

"Blood River True Qi!" Li Qingquan's voice was filled with bloody breath. The evil aura made one's scalp tingle, and the Blood River True Qi spread all over his body in an instant. Abnormal power, all eliminated!

"How is this possible?" Then, Li Qingquan felt that the strong pressure on his body hadn't weakened at all, and his face instantly became very ugly.

"Dream attracts soul!" Chen Tianzhen's voice sounded again, and it was the first time he actively used this skill.

At this moment, Li Qingquan's soul was stripped from his body by the power of his skills, and then sent to the spiritual mountain of the Dream Kingdom!
(End of this chapter)

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