I can work indefinitely

Chapter 197 Trading Runes

Chapter 197 Trading Runes
Chen Tianzhen and Ji Xingchen sat down facing each other again, and at some point, a pot of gray soul tea appeared on the table!

"Chen Tianzhen, there is one more thing. If I tell you, you can help me as a staff officer!" Ji Xingchen was not polite. He lifted the teapot and filled two cups. He handed out a cup to Chen Tianzhen. He sniffed it, then drank it in one gulp, then poured tea, and opened his mouth to Chen Tianzhen with a smile.

"Say it!" Chen Tianzhen looked deeply, raised his teacup and glanced at Ji Xingchen.

"Foreigners, some people have become rebels now!" Ji Xingchen pointed, and the statistics of the national management module were revealed in front of the two of them.

"The number is not large, there are more than 3 foreign rebels now!"

"There are 1000 people in the Eagle Head Country, and [-] people in the Violent Bear Country. There are [-] people left, and the branches are in other small countries!"

"After they passed the test of courage, because of the grace of the Goddess Dreamland Lord, they directly became the probationary citizens of the Dragon Kingdom. As long as I agree in the country management module, they can become the citizens of the Dragon Kingdom."

"However, there is a person who passed the test in the Eagle Head Country. His name is Difu, and he posted the situation on the Internet. Now the whole world knows about the test of courage. Everyone knows that as long as you pass the test of courage, in the Kingdom of Dreams, It will automatically join the Dragon Kingdom!"

"The leaders of most countries have already called me to express their dissatisfaction! They asked to talk to you and said that the country management module must be activated for all countries!" Ji Xingchen spoke with a twitch The smile couldn't help showing, Chen Tianzhen promised him that there is only one administrator in the country management module, and that is Ji Xingchen!
People from the Dragon Kingdom passed the test of courage and directly joined the Dragon Kingdom without any conditions.

For people from other countries to pass the test of courage, foreigners can only join Dragon Kingdom after Ji Xingchen, or a person authorized by Ji Xingchen, agrees in the country management module.

Before joining the Dragon Kingdom, foreigners can move about in the Dream Kingdom and sell knowledge to the Buddhist scripture pavilion.

But you can't exchange knowledge and skills in the Sutra Pavilion, and you can't exchange cultivation through the rebel panel!
This is Chen Tianzhen's promise to Ji Xingchen. Ji Xingchen will go all out to help him promote the Kingdom of Dreamland. Chen Tianzhen has set conditions in the Kingdom of Dreamland to make Ji Xingchen the only master on this planet.

In fact, it is not Ji Xingchen who asks foreigners to join Dragon Kingdom, but foreigners who are crying and begging, wanting Ji Xingchen to allow them to join Dragon Kingdom.

Only after joining the Dragon Kingdom, can they embark on the path of transcendence, and they can start to practice!
In addition, the birthplace of the extraordinary people of the Dragon Kingdom, if they do not join the Dragon Kingdom, they will not be protected by the laws of the Dragon Kingdom. If the practitioners of the Dragon Kingdom go to other countries to kill them randomly, they will be very dangerous without the protection of the Dragon Kingdom laws .

Citizens of the Dragon Kingdom can’t kill each other at will. If you have a grudge, you can apply for it in the national management module, and the relevant official personnel will handle it. , Directly kill those who violate the law!

Chen Tianzhen didn't understand what Ji Xingchen meant when he said this at first, when he saw that Ji Xingchen was smiling so much that his crow's feet were showing.

Chen Tianzhen immediately understood.

Ji Xingchen told him about this because he came to show off to him!

"How about this, I will apply to the gods to open the country management module for all countries, and their current rulers will all have the status of administrators?" Chen Tianzhen pretended to be contemplative, and after thinking for a while, He opened his mouth solemnly and looked directly at Ji Xingchen.

Ji Xingchen's face turned green immediately!
"Chen Tianzhen, you told me that there is only one national management module, and only one administrator! You are a reserve of the gods, so you must not take your word for it!" Ji Xingchen became anxious and spoke hastily.

"Well, I'll immediately let foreigners who pass the test of courage join Longguo!" Ji Xingchen hurriedly opened the module as if he was afraid that Chen Tianzhen would regret it, and immediately chose to confirm, and all the applications from more than 3 people agree.

While agreeing, the usage of the national management module and the laws of the Dragon Kingdom were directly written into the memory of these people by using the national points.

The laws of the Dragon Kingdom have all been entered into the national module, and anyone who violates the law will be detected and recorded by the national management module.

Foreigners are used to being free and unrestrained, and Ji Xingchen felt that it was very necessary to remind them, otherwise, they might not even know how they died!
"Grandpa Ji, I was joking with you just now!" Chen Tianzhen couldn't help but smile, "Since I promised you that the country management module is only you as an administrator, as long as I am still a dream priest, it will always be valid!"

"You don't need to pay attention to the demands of foreign countries, and I don't have time to meet them. During this time, you can stabilize them and ensure that there will be no nuclear war in the world in the next two months!" A month later, even if they wanted to launch a nuclear war, there was no way, because the power failed, and the nuclear bomb would not detonate at all.

"Don't worry, they are moaning now, they are not satisfied with this, and they are not satisfied with it anywhere. In fact, they just want me to agree to let them enter the Dragon Kingdom, because only by joining the Dragon Kingdom can they exchange their cultivation!" According to the intelligence personnel As far as I know, weirdness is not just raging on the land of Dragon Kingdom, but a lot of weirdness appears all over the world.

Moreover, with the passage of time, the strange ferocity and severity increased day by day, resulting in a large number of deaths and injuries.

All countries, after knowing that being a rebel can have the ability to kill strange things, they don't care what the nominal country is in the kingdom of dreams. The source, the weirdness, kill them all.

"In this way, I can rest assured!" Chen Tianzhen nodded.

He is going to visit the Tianxin Realm where the Tianshengmen is located, so he needs a stable rear. He doesn't want to go out and come back, and the Dragon Kingdom will be gone!
"There is one more thing, let me tell you!" Ji Xingchen gave Chen Tianzhen a complicated look, and after thinking about it, he spoke again.

With a wave of his hand, the picture suspended in front of the two of them suddenly changed, turning into blurred runes.

Chen Tianzhen, who was originally looking lazy, suddenly lit up when he saw the constantly changing runes on the screen.

"These runes are all left after Weird was killed by the soldiers!"

"The Ministry of War has counted, and the runes obtained this time are eighteen in total!"

"When we started, we couldn't figure out what it was, and spent a huge amount of money searching for relevant classics in the Buddhist scriptures pavilion, just to let us know that these runes are weird talent runes, supernatural power runes !"

"But how to use these runes, there is no mention of the classics in the Sutra Pavilion!" Ji Xingchen looked closely at Chen Tianzhen, and then asked, "I don't know if you can tell us, this gifted talisman How to use text and magical runes?"

"It's very simple, when the blood drips up, the rune will be integrated into the body of the blood dripper, and it can be used naturally!" Chen Tianzhen didn't hide anything, and directly said how to use the rune.

Ji Xingchen frowned and was about to speak.

At this time, Chen Tianzhen said slowly, "However, these runes are condensed from Weird's body, and contain Yin Qi, Ghost Qi, and Death Qi. If a normal person fuses this Yin Qi rune, because Yin Qi and the body In a short period of time, the face will be pale, the whole body will be weak, and there will be no strength, if the time is a little longer, you will definitely die!"

A trace of horror flashed in Ji Xingchen's eyes, "Chen Tianzhen really knows the situation!"

In fact, when the rune was discovered, a soldier accidentally dripped blood on the rune, and the rune merged into his body.

Immediately afterwards, he awakened a supernatural power called ghost fire!

This supernatural power condensed a will-o'-the-wisp rune on his body, continuously absorbing Yin and ghost energy, making the warrior look gloomy in an instant.

Yin and ghost qi represent death, and the vitality of a living person represents life. These two completely contradictory forces are like fire and water, and cannot coexist at all.

The soldier quickly became pale, without the slightest trace of blood, as if the bones in his body had been pulled out, and then his face began to turn blue and purple, and his whole body was extremely cold.

This warrior has already mastered the ten styles of fierce soldiers, and if he finds that something is wrong, he will act decisively and use the evil spirit to force the rune out immediately.

If he reacted slower, or if he was an ordinary person, he would probably have died on the spot.

"The yin rune is what I need! Moreover, I plan to replace it with the learning qualification of the magic sequence!"

"First-order runes, I can bid for 10 divine spell sequence learning qualifications!"

"Second-level runes, I offer 100 qualifications to learn the magic sequence!" The so-called magic series are actually the occupations on Chen Tianzhen's infinite employment panel, and each occupation corresponds to a magic series!
After Chen Tianzhen finished speaking, he looked at Ji Xingchen with a smile in his eyes.

The runes obtained from the strange body, whether they are talent runes or supernatural power runes, are basically useless to ordinary people.

But when it comes to Chen Tianzhen, according to the function of the runes, it can be integrated into the dream kingdom to perfect the rules, and it can also make the warrior's second-level skills solidify and swallow, and improve Chen Tianzhen's potential.

"First-level runes, 100 learning qualifications! Second-level runes, 1000 learning qualifications! If you agree to my price, I will immediately agree to trade with you!" Ji Xingchen thought for a while, and directly based on Chen Tianzhen's price , increasing the number by a factor of 10.

"Okay, I agree, send the rune to Changkong City and give it to me! I'll give you a spot!" Chen Tian really agreed without even thinking about it.

He doesn't need to pay anything for the so-called learning qualifications, and even the more people who are qualified to use divine magic, the more benefits he will get.

"I should increase Chen Tianzhen's bid by at least 100 times! I must have lost a lot!" Seeing Chen Tianzhen's posture, Ji Xingchen opened his mouth, wanting to cry, feeling that he had lost a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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