I can work indefinitely

Chapter 198 Filling in the Volunteer

Chapter 198 Filling in the Volunteer
Time passed quickly like running water. After receiving the rune sent by Ji Xingchen, Chen Tianzhen went all out to refine the monks of Tianshengmen, and soon it was time to fill in the volunteers.

On this day, the Changkong City No. [-] Middle School, which was originally quiet because the students were on vacation, was full of voices again.

In the classroom of class 16 of senior high school, most of the students have already arrived.

The students gathered in groups of three or four to discuss the situation in the Dreamland Divine Kingdom.

"How? How many weirdos have you killed in the past few days? There is no regional leaderboard?" During this time, most people are trying their best to kill enemies in the Kingdom of Dreams.

Killing enemies in the Dreamland Divine Kingdom not only increases the experience of fighting against weirdness, but also earns kill points.

Points are the only common currency in Dream Kingdom. They can be exchanged for cultivation, learn new knowledge and skills, and open the magical series to master the supernatural power of the dream master.

"Want to be on the regional leaderboard? Don't dream! The one with the highest monthly ranking has already got a kill value of 1000. This month they have killed more than 87 strange people. They are so strong that they are not human! I only killed a few One weirdo, [-]!" Wen Penghai's voice was full of envy and jealousy, the fighters on the leaderboard were simply inhumanly strong, ordinary weirdos who chopped melons and vegetables were killed, and when he encountered the weakest weirdo, he would Be careful, if you are not careful, you will die in the hands of the opponent.

"What is your cultivation level now?" Another student asked again.

"The Realm of Meat Refining!" In the Kingdom of Dreams, you can also get evil spirits by killing Weird, but you don't get much evil spirits, as long as you get about one-tenth of the evil spirits you get from killing Weird in reality.

Now, most people have only practiced to the state of refining meat, and only a very small number of geniuses have reached the state of refining tendons.

"The strongest in our class should be Wang Muxue. I heard that her cultivation has broken through to the realm of tendon refinement, and she is not far from the realm of bone refinement!" Speaking of Wang Muxue, Wen Penghai's eyes flashed with envy, Wang Muxue's kills in the dream kingdom of God are very strange.

In reality, by chance, she encountered a few monsters that were not too strong. After killing them, her cultivation instantly surpassed all her classmates, and she became the No. 16.

While everyone was talking, Wang Muxue walked in from the classroom door. She carried a strong evil spirit, which made people feel fear in their hearts when they looked at her.

With the blessing of cultivation, Wang Muxue looks like she has a noble aura, coupled with the improvement of cultivation, Wang Muxue's figure is like a secondary growth, noble and plump, and looks extremely attractive.

"Wang Muxue is so beautiful, if only she could be my girlfriend!" Many people had expressions of admiration in their eyes.

"So strong, her cultivation has improved again!" Wen Penghai's eyes showed shock.

Everyone's eyes followed Wang Muxue's movement, "Not only is she beautiful, but she is also strong! She is simply the pride of heaven!"

After Wang Muxue sat down, Liu Hai's face was extremely ugly, and he came from outside the classroom door.

"Liu Hai's body is still not cultivated!" Sensing Liu Hai's aura, Wen Penghai's eyes flashed with a strange brilliance.

At the beginning, under Xu Xiaobing's guidance, everyone in Class 16 ([-]) except Liu Hai passed the courage test.

But Liu Hai, after so many days, has yet to pass the test of courage.

Even if Wen Penghai is a fool, he can still think that something is abnormal here.

It's definitely Chen Tianzhen's fault!
"It seems that one of our fellow priests is also a vengeful master!" He knew with his ass that Liu Hai had never passed the courage test, and it was definitely the ghost of Chen Tianzhen's manuscript.

However, because of the reminder on the Fate Rebel panel, no one could tell Liu Hai about Chen Tianzhen's dream priest.

What's more, I can't tell Liu Hai that it's because of Chen Tianzhen that he has been unable to pass the test of courage!

The current situation is that everyone knows that Liu Hai offended Chen Tianzhen, so Liu Hai could not pass the test of courage.

Only Liu Hai thought it was an accident. He felt that next time, he would definitely pass the test of courage!

"Poor." Many people looked at Liu Hai with pity in their eyes.

At this moment, Chen Tianzhen and Xu Min walked in from outside the classroom, talking and laughing.

"This aura, Mr. Xu has already practiced the ten moves of the fierce soldier?" Xu Min's body gave off a breathless and powerful aura, and that aura fell on other people, making people feel breathless. a feeling of.

Wen Penghai remembered very clearly that the last time he saw Xu Min, Xu Min was just an ordinary person without any cultivation!

How long has it been?More than ten days!
Xu Min has actually mastered the ten forms of fierce soldiers!
"It's Chen Tianzhen! It's definitely because of Chen Tianzhen that Teacher Xu Min's cultivation has improved so fast!" Wen Penghai looked at Chen Tianzhen with absolute shock.

Although Chen Tianzhen didn't have the aura of a strong person at all, he felt no different from an ordinary person.

However, Chen Tian is really a dream priest, is he an ordinary person?

is it possible?impossible!
The current situation can only prove one thing, Chen Tianzhen is stronger than everyone else, when others can't control his own breath, Chen Tianzhen can already control his own breath freely.

"Chen Tianzhen!" After Wang Muxue saw Chen Tianzhen, her eyes were indifferent, with extreme contempt in her eyes.

Her cultivation has officially broken through to the bone refining realm today, and she uses the magical power of the armor to condense the evil spirit into a substance. Even if she encounters ordinary strange things, she will be injured by the strong evil spirit.

Chen Tianzhen was an ordinary person with no cultivation, Wang Muxue had absolute confidence, even if she stood naked in front of Chen Tianzhen, Chen Tianzhen would not even think about touching her in the slightest.

What's more, he felt that Chen Tianzhen's grades were very rubbish, and he couldn't even pass the college entrance examination.

It is a dream to be admitted to the Shanghai University, it is impossible, "From now on, Chen Tianzhen and I will really be people from two worlds!"

Seeing Chen Tianzhen appear, Liu Hai finally showed a slight smile on his face.

When evaluating grades, Liu Hai's grades were at the bottom of the class.

Liu Hai thought that it was because Chen Tianzhen didn't come at that time, if Chen Tianzhen had come, Chen Tianzhen would be the last one!

Now, everyone has passed the test of courage and entered the ten styles of fierce soldiers.

And he, who has yet to pass the courage test, is the bottom one in the class!

"At least, I'm stronger than Cheng Chentian!"

"Although I have never passed the courage test due to an accident, this is only temporary. Tomorrow I will definitely pass the courage test and become a life-defying person!"

"As for Chen Tianzhen, he doesn't even have the qualifications for the test of courage. He is destined to be an ordinary person for the rest of his life!" Thinking of this, Liu Hai's mood immediately improved.

Chen Tianzhen scanned the class with his eyes, and then he saw Wang Muxue, who had a second development, and his eyes lit up.

A smile suddenly appeared on Chen Tianzhen's face, and he walked straight towards Wang Muxue.

"Wang Muxue, the scores will be announced soon. I wonder if you are ready? It's not convenient these days?" Chen Tianzhen was not polite, and sat directly beside Wang Muxue, looking up and down Wang Muxue.

"Chen Tianzhen, after the scores are announced, I'll make you look good!" Wang Muxue's eyes were unparalleled, and her voice was full of extreme anger.

She is waiting for the results to be announced.

As long as Chen Tianzhen's grades are good, he won't be able to get into Shanghai University.

Wang Muxue will use evil energy to melt away the pain of being hacked into pieces, and teach Chen Tianzhen what it means to accumulate morality!

During this time, Chen Tianzhen unscrupulously molested her, causing her anger to accumulate to the limit, "This time, I will let you learn a lesson that you will never forget!"

"Wang Muxue, are you so sure that my grades won't make it to Shanghai Metropolitan University?" Chen Tianzhen had a bright smile on his face and joy in his voice.

Beside the two, the other students looked at Wang Muxue's eyes and became very strange.

Wang Muxue didn't know that the teaching recording was recorded by Chen Tianzhen, and he didn't know that Chen Tianzhen was the dream priest.

These, they all know!

The teaching recording recorded by Chen Tianzhen allowed other students in the class to be admitted to Shanghai University.

Will Chen Tianzhen himself fail the entrance exam to Shanghai University?
In addition, Chen Tian is really a dream priest, his strength surpasses everyone who is doing it!

Although Wang Muxue's cultivation is the highest in the class, compared to Chen Tianzhen, her cultivation is really nothing!
"Poor!" Everyone looked at Wang Muxue with pity.

(End of this chapter)

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