Chapter 199
"Students, congratulations! Your grades have surpassed my imagination! They have also surpassed everyone's imagination! You are all the pride of heaven! You are the pride of Changkong City!" Xu Min's voice was full of uncontrollable excitement .

In this college entrance examination, Liu Hai, the worst student in the class, scored 698 points.

In Changkong City No. 16 Middle School, the highest scores of the other classes except the third ([-]) class were not as high as the lowest scores of their class.

Class three (16) will take all the top [-] in Changkong City's college entrance examination.

This made Xu Min show his face in front of everyone.

Whether it was her colleagues, school leaders, or her family members, they were all amazed at Xu Min's achievements, and they all gave a thumbs up.

Some people even promised a big price to poach Xu Min away after learning about the original situation of Class 16 in Senior Three.

"The number one student in the national college entrance examination is in our class! The top ten in Changkong City's college entrance examination are all in our class!"

"Students, you have created a miracle! An unprecedented miracle!" Xu Min raised the report card in his hand with a smile on his face!

"Now, I will report everyone's results first! I will also report everyone's ranking." Xu Min spread out the report card.

The eyes of the students sitting on the desks lit up when they heard Xu Min say that they would announce their rankings. They knew their grades, but they didn't know their rankings in the class.

Hearing Xu Min's words, Liu Hai's ugly face suddenly showed a smile!

"At least, there is Chen Tianzhen, a bastard whose grades are worse than mine!"

Wang Muxue, who was beside Chen Tianzhen, looked at the report card in Xu Min's hand, with a stern look in his eyes, "Chen Tianzhen, the results will be announced soon."

"If your grades don't allow you to go to Shanghai Metropolitan University! Not only will Xu Xiaobing apologize to me in front of the whole class, but I will also teach you a lesson that you will never forget!" Wang Muxue gave Chen Tianzhen a blank look, There was a very dangerous aura in his eyes.

"It's a pity, you're going to be disappointed! My grades, I'm sure I'll be admitted to Shanghai Magic City University!" Chen Tianzhen snorted, his expression unchanged, and his voice was filled with absolute confidence.

"Let's wait and see! Don't let the wind hit your tongue!" Wang Muxue replied coldly. She didn't believe Chen Tianzhen's words at all.

Wang Muxue and Chen Tianzhen had been classmates for three years, and she knew exactly who Chen Tianzhen was.

If Chen Tianzhen didn't miss the recording lesson, he still has some hope.

It's a pity that Chen Tianzhen took a long vacation because of his anger with Xu Min, and happened to miss the recording class!

In this way, Chen Tianzhen missed the only chance to change his fate.

"Don't think too much about other things. The only thing you need to consider is the inconvenience of your body!" Chen Tianzhen glanced at Wang Muxue. To be honest, he didn't have much interest in Wang Muxue's body. He was only interested in Wang Muxue. I'm a little curious about his furnace physique.

"You..." In Wang Muxue's eyes, a blood-red evil spirit flashed!
Chen Tianzhen smiled slightly, without expressing anything.

"The physique of the cauldron can absorb all kinds of spiritual energy and transform it into pure Yin Yuan, which can be fed back!"

"Yin yuan nourishes all things. I wonder if it will have any effect on the Hunyuan Tiantu that I practice?"

"Chen Tianzhen, take back your obscene gaze, otherwise..." Sensing Chen Tianzhen's unscrupulous gaze, Wang Muxue looked at Chen Tianzhen with extreme coldness in his eyes, and murderous intent in his eyes.

At this moment, Xu Min's crisp voice came from the podium!
"No.1, Chen Tianzhen, with a score of 750, the top scorer in the national college entrance examination..."

Xu Min had pride in her eyes and a powerful voice. After looking around at the students in the class, she finally landed on Chen Tianzhen.

"It really is him!" The other students were not surprised by Chen Tianzhen's results.

It was only Chen Tianzhen's recording teaching that made the students in his class go from failing to pass the undergraduate exams to the level of being able to pass the entrance exams at Shanghai University now, not to mention Chen Tianzhen himself!

In addition, they have already verified this point in the dream kingdom of God!So, they are not surprised.

And Liu Hai, who didn't know anything, after hearing this sentence, seemed to be struck by lightning, and instantly became sluggish!
Liu Hai's eyes are round!
"This is impossible!" Liu Hai yelled as if he had heard the most incredible words in his life.

"It must be a mistake! Everyone knows Chen Tianzhen's grades. He didn't even pass the college entrance examination. How could he be No.1? How could he be the number one in the college entrance examination!" Liu Hai looked at Xu Min, and said in a trembling voice .

This feeling is like a person with a small fortune who looks down on beggars on the side of the road. After he despises beggars, he realizes that beggars are the richest man.

The other students turned their heads and looked over at the moment Liu Hai uttered his voice. There was pity and pity in their eyes!

"What a poor guy! The whole world knows that Chen Tianzhen is amazing, but Liu Hai is kept in the dark, and he is the only one who thinks that Chen Tianzhen's grades are poor!"

"Now I find that Chen Tianzhen's grades are better than everyone else's. This is completely different from what he expected. He can't accept it!"

Another person who felt extremely shocked was Wang Muxue!

She and Chen Tianzhen sat at the same table for three years!
What kind of guy Chen Tianzhen is, and how many points he gets in each exam, she knows best!

Hearing the scores and grades read out by Xu Min at this moment, it was as if a bolt from the blue had fallen on her, making her stunned for a moment, unable to believe the result.

She turned her head with difficulty and looked at the calm Chen Tianzhen. Countless thoughts flashed through her mind, and finally the thought turned into a sentence, "This is impossible! This is absolutely not true!"

At this moment, Chen Tianzhen stood up from his seat, and walked towards Liu Hai under the surprised eyes of everyone.

"Liu Hai, do you think that I can't even pass the college entrance examination?"

"Do you think that my grades are at the bottom of the class?" Chen Tianzhen approached Liu Hai as he spoke.

"Isn't it?" Liu Hai's face was very ugly, he always felt that Chen Tianzhen's grades were worse than his.

"Really?" Chen Tianzhen sneered, then pointed to Xu Xiaobing, "Xiaobing, tell him how the teaching recordings played in class came from."

Liu Hai's breathing was short, as if thinking of something, with disbelief in his eyes, he suddenly turned to Xu Xiaobing.

Xu Xiaobing stood up with a smile on his face, "Liu Hai, haven't you been asking me who the recording teacher is? Now I can tell you!"

Xu Xiaobing looked around everyone in the class, and finally gave Chen Tianzhen a very admiring look, and said loudly, "The teaching recording I got to play in class was recorded by Chen Tianzhen!"

Liu Hai's eyes almost fell out of their sockets!The body seemed to be drained of all strength, and fell limply on the chair.

"Just the teaching recordings recorded by Chen Tianzhen can turn us rubbish from failing the undergraduate exams to becoming top academics! In 20 days, we will be turned from poor students who are looked down upon by everyone to heaven's favored ones!"

"Liu Hai, do you think Chen Tian can't rely on the national number one? Do you think he can take the first place in our class?" Xu Xiaobing sneered.

"Chen Tianzhen scored 750 points in the test because the highest score in the college entrance examination is only 750 points. You scored 698 points in the test. It is because you only have the ability to take the test."

"Liu Hai, have you recognized your position? Compared with Chen Tianzhen, there is a world of difference between you and Chen Tianzhen!"

"In front of Chen Tianzhen, you are nothing!"

Liu Hai's face was extremely ugly, "Chen Tianzhen is a bastard, so what if his grades are good, he's just a piece of garbage that doesn't even have the qualifications for the courage test!"

"Even if he has good grades, so what! In his life, he has no hope of setting foot on the extraordinary!"

(End of this chapter)

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