Chapter 200
"Chen Tianzhen, don't be complacent, studying well is nothing!" Liu Hai's face was extremely ugly.

"Study well now, it doesn't have much effect!"

"The outside world is full of weird things. According to official reports, animals and plants will soon mutate and become extremely aggressive! It's very dangerous!"

"Now, the ones who are really popular are the rebels!"

"Do you know the rebels? After passing the test of courage, you can become a rebel in the Kingdom of Dreamland!" Liu Hai had a superior attitude in his eyes.

"And you, Chen Tianzhen, are just a poor bastard who didn't even pass the courage test. You will never be able to become a life-defying person!"

"The rest of us are destined to become powerful transcendents and rebels, but you are destined to be an ordinary person for the rest of your life, and you are doomed to struggle to survive at the bottom of society." Liu Hai's eyes were filled with a sense of relief after venting.

Liu Hai has always felt that Chen Tianzhen has no money, no power, and no brains. He didn't even get the qualification for the courage test of the Kingdom of Dreams. No matter from that aspect, he is not as strong as Liu Hai.

Just now, Xu Min read out Chen Tianzhen's grades. He couldn't accept that Chen Tianzhen's grades were better than his, and he couldn't accept that Chen Tianzhen became the number one student in the college entrance examination.

At this moment, the others looked at him like fools!
Chen Tian is really a dream priest!He is the representative of the gods in the world!Still a god reserve!
These days, after cultivating and practicing in the Kingdom of God in Dreamland, others have gained some understanding of Chen Tianzhen's past through hearsay!

With the power of one person, overwhelm 30 skeletons in the ancient battlefield, and with the power of one person, purify a mass grave of a million ghosts!

This kind of power is like a miracle!

But Liu Hai kept saying that Chen Tian is really a poor guy who has not qualified for the courage test, and he will never be able to become a transcendent in his life!
This is simply a big joke!

"Why are you looking at me like this? Am I wrong?" At this moment, Liu Hai finally felt that there was something wrong with everyone's eyes on him. With doubts in his eyes, he turned to Wen Penghai who was not far away. Open your mouth and ask.

With the warning on the panel of the rebels, Wen Penghai naturally didn't dare to say a word, he just shook his head with a wry smile.

"Liu Hai, you don't need to ask, no one can answer your question except me." Chen Tianzhen walked in front of Liu Hai, his eyes were extremely sharp.

"Liu Hai, I have another identity that I forgot to tell you. I am Chen Tianzhen, the only priest of the Lord of Dreams!" In Chen Tianzhen's eyes, there was piety and faith. His voice was not loud, but it was in everyone's soul. sounded.

"I didn't get the chance to take the courage test because of the Dream Kingdom, I can enter if I want to! I don't need to take the courage test at all."

For Liu Hai, what Chen Tianzhen said was unbelievable!
He backed up abruptly, overturning the chair under his buttocks, and he also fell to the ground, extremely embarrassed.

"Do you know why I want to tell you this?" Chen Tianzhen narrowed his eyes, with coldness in them.

"Why?" Liu Hai's face was full of misery, his face was pale, and there was fear in his eyes. It was only at this moment that he realized that Chen Tianzhen was not comparable to him in terms of status or achievements.

The other students in the classroom were also very curious, seeing that it was Chen Tianzhen, they also wondered if Chen Tianzhen would suddenly say this to let Liu Hai know?
"Because, you are going to die soon!" Chen Tianzhen's eyes flashed a trace of coldness, and he looked at Liu Hai calmly.

"What?" After hearing Chen Tianzhen's words, the students thought they had heard it wrong, and everyone's expressions changed wildly, and they couldn't believe it.

Even if Chen Tian is really a dream priest, he can't kill people at will without a good reason.

Even Xu Min looked at Chen Tianzhen in disbelief at this moment.

Chen Tianzhen told her that he would kill Liu Hai to prevent future troubles!

But Chen Tianzhen never said that he wanted to kill Liu Hai in front of everyone.

"Chen Tianzhen, why do you kill me? What right do you have to kill me?" Liu Hai's heart was full of fear, his eyes were full of horror, and his hands on the desk trembled uncontrollably.

"I forgot to tell you that I still have the ability to deduce the future! In the future, you will seek refuge with Weird and use the human race as your enemy! At least one hundred thousand of the same kind will die in your hands!"

"You are a sinner of the human race! You deserve to die! If you don't die, countless people will be killed by you!"

"Are you satisfied with this reason?" Chen Tianzhen's voice was extremely cold and stern, with a dead breath.

"Chen Tianzhen, no one is a fool! Do you think people will believe you if you just make up an excuse?" Liu Hai only felt a chill rising from his tailbone, and instantly spread all over his body.

He trembled all over, like falling into an ice cave, terrified to the extreme.

After hearing Chen Tianzhen's words, the other students broke out in cold sweat on their foreheads!

Chen Tianzhen's nonsense words seemed to be joking, it was really unbelievable.

"Whether others believe it or not? It's none of my business!" Chen Tianzhen's eyes narrowed, and he pointed at Liu Hai with his hand, "Divine Art - Curse!"

Quick reply, ten times perception!
"Chen Tianzhen, stop!" Liu Hai's face changed completely, although he hadn't yet.Passed the test of courage to become officially anonymous, but the reputation of the magic-curse, he knew it all through the gossip of others.

In the wilderness of the dream space, there is a person who has been cursed by a magic spell.

Suffering endless pain every day, the sound of howling, everyone who heard it was terrified.

"Shenju-Shishimiishingyan!" The fiery red karma flew out from Chen Tianzhen's fingertips and landed on Liu Hai's body.

Originally there was only a little spark, but when it landed on Liu Hai, it was as if gasoline had been poured on it.

With a bang, it turned into a blazing flame, enveloping Liu Hai in it.

The moment the karma fire appeared, the terrifying aura that destroyed everything made everyone in the classroom feel a chill from the bottom of their hearts and tremble all over.

The extreme fear that emerged from their souls made their bodies stiff and unable to move.

"What is this? It feels so scary!" Everyone's eyes were filled with extreme panic.

"Aw..." The extremely shrill scream came out from the flames, and Liu Hai's voice was like a dying beast, with endless pain, endless fear, and extreme regret.

He regretted it, and wanted to admit his mistake to Chen Tianzhen, but at this moment, he couldn't do anything except scream!
The pain caused by the karmic fire caused his soul to be torn apart. That kind of pain is simply not something that humans can bear.

At this moment, under the extreme pain, Liu Hai could not make any sound other than screaming.

Everyone had a look of horror in their eyes, Chen Tian was really ruthless, beyond anyone's imagination!
Do it right away, without any hesitation!
The shot is fierce, and there will be no mercy!
"Fortunately, I haven't offended Chen Tianzhen before!" This is what most people think at the moment.

"The bangs are too miserable!" Hearing the screams from the flames, everyone felt terrified.

The karmic fire was burning crazily, and Liu Hai's mortal body couldn't bear it under the karmic fire. He didn't persist for half a minute before being burned to ashes by the karmic fire.

"Divine Art - Gate of Hell!" At this time, Chen Tianzhen made another move with a blank expression on his face, and Liu Hai's soul was collected into Lingshan by the Gate of Hell.

After doing all this, Chen Tianzhen turned and looked at Wang Muxue.

(End of this chapter)

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