Chapter 203
After Wang Muxue uttered these words, she felt that all the strength in her body was taken away, and what was taken away was also her pride, her dignity, and her arrogance!
Before, she felt that she was nothing in front of Chen Tianzhen.

At this moment, she finally felt clearly what it was like to be nothing!
"Wen Penghai, send out the volunteer letter to everyone!"

"I suggest that everyone fill in the Shanghai University of Magic City!"

"Of course, if you have other ideas, I won't object." Compared with the excitement when she first came to class, Xu Min's interest at this moment is obviously not high, and her mood is very low.

The moment she knew that Chen Tianzhen was a divine reserve, she knew that this man could not belong to her alone!
From ancient times to the present, which hero is surrounded by wives and concubines!

Even in modern times, how many rich and powerful people are restricted by their wives at home?
She was actually mentally prepared.

In addition, after she became a rebel, she met her father and younger brother many times, and they also talked about it intentionally or unintentionally.

Xu Min thought she could face it calmly, but at this moment, she still felt extremely sour in her heart.

"Wang Muxue, don't dawdle, fill it in quickly! After filling it out, let's get down to business!" Chen Tianzhen took the application letter from Wen Penghai and placed it in front of Wang Muxue, who was out of his mind.

After hearing Chen Tianzhen's words, the surrounding students felt their hearts beating wildly!He secretly scolded Chen Tian in his heart for being so shameless!
But the domineering Chen Tianzhen displayed made them yearn for it.

They admired Chen Tianzhen's directness and shamelessness.

Saying this sentence made Wang Muxue feel even more humiliated, and the tears that had been held back fell down in big ones.

But under Chen Tianzhen's cold and stern gaze, she had to fill it up with trembling hands.

It didn't take long for everyone to fill out!

Xu Min took back the students' application forms, checked them carefully, and returned to the table, "Everyone, you have completed your application form, and your high school career is over!!"

"I think, with everyone's grades, they will definitely be able to get the admission letter from Shanghai University!" Everyone's wish is Shanghai University!Without any exceptions!
"Let's see you, Magic City! Let's leave!" Xu Min picked up the volunteer book and walked out of the classroom expressionlessly. She really didn't have the mood to stay here any longer.

"Mr. Xu, please wait a moment. We can achieve today's results because of your cultivation, because you never give up, and because of your dedication regardless of rewards, we are what we are today!"

"I discussed it with other students. We would like to invite Mr. Xu to have dinner with you! Thank you!" Wen Penghai saw that Xu Min was about to leave, and suddenly became anxious. He quickly stood up and trot to Xu Min. With anticipation.

The other students also looked at Xu Min with expectation and respect in their eyes.

According to the tradition of the No. [-] Middle School, after filling out the application form, the teacher will go out to have dinner with the students.

"Thank you for your kindness!" Xu Min felt warm in her heart. She glanced at the earnest eyes of the students and said apologetically, "Students, I really can't do it today! I'm sorry everyone!"

"How about this, I'll be the host when everyone reports at Shanghai Metropolis University. Please have a good meal, and then I can take you around the Metropolis!" Xu Min strode forward with an apologetic smile on his face. Get out of the classroom door.

Wen Penghai peeped at each other with other classmates!This was completely different from what they had imagined. Xu Min's refusal was completely beyond their expectations, making them wonder what to do next.

At this time, Chen Tianzhen pulled Wang Muxue up from the seat, and he pulled the ashen-faced Wang Muxue by himself, and followed Xu Min out.

"Well, classmate Chen, please do me a favor, let's have dinner together tonight, the whole class is here, this kind of opportunity will never come across!" Wen Penghai saw that Chen Tianzhen and Wang Muxue were also leaving, Hastily opened his mouth.

"There is something urgent, let's talk about it another day, when we get to the Devil's City!" Chen Tianzhen glanced at Wang Muxue, with eagerness in his voice, then pulled Wang Muxue, who was ashen-faced, with stubborn eyes, out of the classroom.

"Damn it, why are you in such a hurry!" Many students cursed in a sour voice.

"Damn it, all the cabbages have been gobbled up by pigs." There were also many students, with envy, jealousy and hatred in their voices.

"All of you boys are dazzled by beauty! Dazzled!" At this time, a girl said with contempt in her eyes, "Do you think that Chen Tianzhen forced Wang Muxue?"

"Isn't it?" None of the boys present were blind, and they knew exactly whether Chen Tianzhen forced Wang Muxue.

"Think about it carefully, what is Chen Tianzhen's identity!"

"The only priest of the Lord of the Dreamland, the master of the Kingdom of Dreamland, and the reserve of the Godhead!"

"Any identity is more noble than everyone in this world!"

"With any identity, Chen Tianzhen is destined to stand at the pinnacle of this world!"

"Any identity is in line with any woman's imagination of the lover of her dreams!" The girl who spoke had a mocking smile on her face.

"Who is she, Wang Muxue? A powerful woman! Have you forgotten what she said before, what conditions must be met for the other half she wants?"

"Wang Muxue has publicly stated that she is tall, handsome, rich, strong, and talented! All five are hers."

"Or do you think that Wang Muxue has lowered the standard of mate selection, and you have a chance?" The girl's eyes swept over the faces of all the boys, and the contempt in her eyes was undisguised, making each of the boys blush.

Wang Muxue is beautiful, her body has been developed twice, and her figure is very explosive. In addition to her ten fierce soldiers, her practice progress far surpasses everyone else. Many people in the class have already regarded her as the lover of their dreams.

"You think Wang Muxue was forced to submit by Chen Tianzhen! On the contrary, I think that Wang Muxue was so happy that she was forced to do so."

"If Chen Tian really forces me, I will do the same. On the surface, I have an attitude of refusing to obey, but in my heart I am very affectionate! After all, you guys won't like things for a long time if you get something so simple. A docile and obedient woman, It will soon lose the novelty for you.”

"You boys like the sense of conquest, and Wang Muxue's performance can mobilize your boys' desire to conquer [-]%."

"Even if Chen Tianzhen didn't have the slightest interest in Wang Muxue in the first place, after being made such a fuss by Wang Muxue, he must have the desire to conquer." Endless envy and admiration flashed in the girl's eyes.

She has only seen this kind of playing hard to get method in novels and TV. She really didn't expect that in reality, there are also people who can play this method so smoothly!

Most importantly, the other party was still her classmate, a girl who just graduated from high school!

"Just like you, Chen Tian is really afraid that he is sick, so he will force you!" Wen Penghai held back the girl who spoke, and even if she had mastered the ten styles of fierce soldiers, her fat body still looked better than everyone in the class. Boys need to be big.

However, although the girl's words sound ridiculous, but if you think about it carefully, it is not unreasonable!

It's really possible, that's what the girl guessed.

On the other side, Chen Tianzhen took Wang Muxue and walked straight to Xu Min's office.

"Chen Tianzhen, what are you taking me for?" Wang Muxue's heart was beating violently, fear, nervousness, shyness, and incomprehensible emotions kept flashing in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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